is a cunt.
Sorry but this whey-faced closet case is deserving yet another nomination. Not only is he hugger mugger with a load of buggers in his cabinet. With his vacuous grin and grandad dark framed glasses, he looks like he DOES piss and shit himself if he sneezes or laughs – gaga in a Bidenesque way but much earlier.
Now the old fucker has jumped on the Scottish bandwagon by celebrating Burns night. Bad enough, in the same way he sort of implies he is Kosher because he married a Jewish woman, to gain brownie points and votes, now he is a token Jock, afet the tartan vote, he decided that it would be so right on and Labourite to pose with a fucking drag queen. Not any old poofter but one who has verbally attacked J.K. Rowling, for her perfectly sane views that these old quares are just men dressing up.
Why doesn’t this incipient bum boy just come out of the closet:
Nominated by W C Boggs.
If he’s not a plant by common purpose / WEF / UN to fuck England up as much as possible before being ousted, then I’m Lenny Henry’s uncle.
No more obvious a corrupt stooge exists in English politics.
Good morning to one and all.
Morning Tommy, all.
There must very large dossiers at MI5, Mossad and the CIA, not to mention what Interpol have on him, for him to behave this way.
He us an incorrigible liar, proven beyond any doubt, let alone reasonable doubt. He has actively, with malice aforethought and full mens rea covered up, excused, minimised, obfuscated and generally ignored prosecuting sex offenses on a galactic scale, including Saville, then lied about why. He has people like Harman and Hewitt in his party, self confessed advocates for literal pædophilia. His Ambassador to the US is more than a little cagey over questions relating to his “friendship” with Epstein (evidenced yesterday when Mandy literally told the press conference attendees to, and I quote, “Fuck off” when asked about it.
He has accepted very expensive gifts from Lord (back) Alli after forming a “special” friendship with him, has a lipsticked weirdo for Health secretary and is suspected by many of taking out a super-injuction to hide details of his past pecadillos and bastard children (not that that’s their fault).
It has recently been revealed that he quite clearly broke Covid laws (not rules) to spend Christmas Eve with his, ahem, voice coach, if you get my drift.
There are things I know, and things I dont know. Then there are things I don’t know I don’t know. Unkown unkowns.
Those unknowns are what’s in those dossiers.
I wonder if the voice coach and bastard are at all related?
K Weer deserves to be shot at dawn by a firing squad.Traitor.
Don’t bother waiting till dawn, I’m free all day.
Goof Morning Thomas and Everyone,
More likely Starmer is an agent of the FSB or SVR (successors to the KGB). He has been so damaging to this country in the last 6 months I can’t think of any other explanation.
He portrayed himself as the moderate leader of the Labour Party but in reality has been as left wing as Corbyn.
Like Corbyn taking his summer holidays in East Germany during the ’70s and has been suspect ever since, Starmer went to Czechoslovakia in the 1980s at the height of the cold war but it has never aroused the same attention.
Excellent post Termujini.
Cheers WS.
You make a good point about his commie activities.
Puts Blunt to shame.
Really, how can this ever be fixed, the utter state of this nation and its institutions, without trials and executions?
He is as Scottish as that Humaz Yousuf cunt.
Hamas Yousless and Starmer – what a combination of wank stains.
Helping that pair to strap up their jocks is Sadiq McKhan, who blames shoplifting on the fact London has so many shops!:
I saw that Boggsy, why has he not been challenged on that statement.
For it to be possibly true that the 50% increase in shoplifting in London over the last year to be directly caused by the amount of retail space in use, one would expect that space to have increased by 50% over the same period. It hasn’t.
He is either profoundly thick or thinks we are.
Obviously, it could just be that he’s a fckn liar.
Hard to fault suckdicks logic, statement that shoplifting is caused by too many shops obvious innit close most of the retail outlets by using your utterly cuntish policies you fucking mong.
We’ll accept Gordon Brown and maybe even admit to Blair but no way, Starmer cunt is not our fault!
Does anyone remember the Goon Show? A bit before my time, but it occurred to me recently that some of Sponger’s Cabinet bear an uncanny resemblance to the Goons.
So here’s a little test for you Cunters.
Out of Sir Sponger, Bikeshed Ange, Tea lady Rach, Psycho Ed, Analease, Rump Rustler Wesley, the Tottenham Turnip and Pixieballs, can you match each to the correct Goon? Two of them don’t have a match just to make it a bit harder.
The Goons to choose from are:
MINNIE BANNISTER – not up to her job, eg lifeboat crew or Head of MI5.
BLUEBOTTLE – moronic, adenoidal Boy Scout.
ECCLES – not quite human, incredibly stupid.
NEDDIE SEAGOON – ‘The Strolling PM of no fixed address’.
CYNTHIA – nymphomaniac.
Good luck Cunters, and remember
‘Points mean prizes, what do points mean?’
I love pizza, and hot dogs, said Obama and Jon Podesta.
I used to love Major Denis Bloodnock. I have a feeling if Starmer didn’t sound quite so senile HE would be Major Bloodnock
P.S. Minnie Bannister would HAVE to be Yvette Cooper and her beau Henry Crun would probably be Hilary Benn
MB – Rachel from Complaints
BB – Weird Ed
Eccles – Tottenham Turnip
Neddie Seagoon – Queer Keir
Cynthia – Bikeshed Ange
Flowerdew – Lipstick Wes
Do I get a pizza?
Full marks, WS. Go to the top of the class.
Sadly pizza’s off due to Bluebottle’s New Stone Age energy restrictions. Instead, your prize is one of Cynthia’s jizzed, crotchless thongs which is on its way to you now.
2TK is plutonium grade MEGACUNT.
Flowchart Starmer.
No doubt deeply troubled that the USA is cleaning up Bidens woke mess and casting aside all impediments to prosperity.
No doubt deeply troubled by the continued rise of “right wing populism”,otherwise known as common sense.
No doubt deeply troubled by the rabble he has for a Cabinet.
Good he’s a fucking penpushing windbag Fifth Column Cunt.
Yaxley-Lennon patented Oven.
Good morning.
He probably just wanted a squeeze of his pipes and listen to the resultant skirl.
Fair play… he’s never been in the limelight more than in the few months he’s been the Gary glitter of the most brainless, moronic, infantile bunch of cretins ever to sit in parliament…I 💬 he’s the male(possibly) version of me again sparkles who just craves attention no matter what it takes to achieve it…och aye ye wee fairy gis us a glasgie kiss
Fuck Two-Kweer and his Cabinet of all the Filth. Frightening old ladies by taking away their heating and threatening them with euthanasia is his speciality. I fucking hate him and his towel head loving bum chums. Fuck off. CUNTS.
Good morning, Everyone.
Morning Twenty.
There’s no need to hold back on here you know. Tell us what you really think, we’re man enough to take it.
Greetings GT,
I blame Mr Boggs for getting me all riled up . His noms always know how to push the buttons. I am off to calm down with a cup of tea and a digestive biscuit.
God save The King.
Two tier, never hear, free gear, tier three, tier four Keir.
Real name Rodney Starmer, he keeps banging on about a lettuce, not something associated with him, he is more like an unflushable turd.
The latest story about the voice coach really does put the cherry on the cake, an emergency session of Christmas Eve, wtf. He has been ‘having her’ since 2017 😉
No investigation from Plod, I wonder if Mrs Starmer is on the case.
He must have thought it was Bums Night.
Two Tier, Free Gear, Never Here, Closet Queer
I’m on the naughty step, so I’ll try again….
Two Tier, Free Gear, Never Here, Closet Quéér
GB will rue the day this cunt and it’s acolytes were elected into power….!
Civil war is inevitable….🔥
Civil war – Cromwell style – is dependent on the military.
Have you seen the state of it?
Civil collapse is far more likely, but granted, this will involve epic violence.
I hope the old dame is hit by an out of control bus.He’s such a waste of sperm.
His mother should have swallowed…like he does…
True General 👍
I don’t quite understand Victoria Starmer, I worry she has had an unwanted lobotomy or something, Nice looking woman but she just does not appear to be all there.
Any woman with any sense/not being held captive would run a mile surely.
As for going for the Scottish vote, swathes of Scotland used to vote labour just because their parents did.
I can’t see 2 tier feeling safe enough to even show his face in some of the former labour strongholds even with his well armed guards, Can just imagine his squeaky voice matching his leaky sphincter when told he is going on a PR trip to Govans former shipyards or similar.
His sque
His sque? Ffs beats me.
Youl did mention a leaking sphincter.
His squelchy anus, perhaps?
He’s a giant steaming turd of a man.
WanKeir should be wired up to do as he’s told. Reform the cunt. It would be a good watch.
He needs wiring up, piano wire and lamp post style.
Only a matter of time…
There will more.
Repatriation of all immigrants is the only answer..!
BBC News – Sweden’s worst mass shooting leaves immigrant community on edge
Cold day in every hell in the universe before I would admit to Bliar. In fact the whole shite shower can fuck off right now with big bells on.
Starmer’s message to potential migrant scum:
“Come to the UK, you are welcome. The French will help you with a short dingy ride, it’s ok, we’ve paid them to do this. We’ll pick you up mid channel, give you priority medical treatment, new clothes, money, a mobile phone and tuck you up in a nice warm seaside hotel.
Once here, feel free to rape our young girls, stab anyone you like, impose your backward religion and take whatever you want from our shops. Again, don’t worry as our legal system will protect you.”
“We will smash the gangs”?
The only thing that needs smashing is this cunt and his shit ‘party’.
You have to admit, it’s the only policy he has got right errrr I mean ooops 😂
Watched look east last night – one article about music in “the community”. Cue smug group of 5 healthy, well fed, warm and toasty syrian refugees (although they wuz blacker than lammy), then followed by an article about rough sleepers in northants, all white, some army vets. Ffs – of course no-one calls it out for what it is.
What hasn’t been said about Rodney starmer..
From the nasel dull voice, his ability to not answer any questions he is asked, the brittle, weak manner he reacts to any criticism.
The personality free robot is so out of his depth it’s embarrassing..
I have always loathed tony blair and would buy a round of drinks on news that vile cunt had snuffed it..
But when Rodney carks it I will buy drinks all day and night.
I understand Baz, but no one currently in politics could come close to evoking the vitriolic hatred I have for Blair.
How can we possibly have a system where we have a plain and obvious bunch of utter cunts that lied to get elected and be stuck with them for another five years?
The country cannot last that long under these wankers.
That’s exactly what they’re saying in the States, although there it’s four years and not five. It’s not unusual to have cunters on ISAC criticizing and insulting Starmer, it’s par for the course, but these are the same people who think the world of Donald Trump and believe the sun shines out of his arse. How then do they explain Trump’s praise of Starmer?
Judge Trump by what he does, not what he says.
He’s hardly going to openly call him a cunt, is he?
‘That’s what they’re saying in the States’….
Oh no! I’d best fall in with “theys’s” point of view.
Just one thing first, though. Can you print me to a list of their (these ‘theys’) intellectual credentials?
And that doesn’t mean a list of T.A.D. soundbites in lieu of whats being asked for, which is another oft-used T.A.D. ‘tactic’.
Too broad a statement to earnestly engage with.
‘They’ might just be a large collection of lowbrow mouthy lowbrow lefty lowbrow cunts y’see?
TDS, not T.A.D. in both (autofuckup-caused) instances above.
…And that doesn’t mean a list of TDS soundbites in lieu of whats being asked for, which is another oft-used TDS ‘tactic’…
Allan Donald Trump loves Britain, so he has gone easy so far, but when he has had a bellyfull of Kweer not to mention that simpering faggot Mandy, you will be very clear what he thinks of them., and it won’t be pretty. Most people think Starmer is a total arsehole and most people are right.
Does he like Starmer, I am sure he doesn’t really give a shit but the UK are the number 1 ally of the USA.
He did say that the UK are out of line, not as bad as the EU, but we should be able to do something with the UK.
I wonder what Starmer and Lammy will say about Trumps sanctions on the ICC.
Trump does deals.
I think it goes a little further than “par for the course” Allan. I also think you are under estimating Trump, but I’d expect that from you.
As I said before, your way just doesn’t work and it is past time for welcome change.
Hey Allan,
Nobody except a minority of foaming at the mouth, dead behind the eyes, little red book waving fanatics are saying that.
The rest of the country is cheering and talking about a third term.
As for what he said about the FUCK,* I already explained that. It’s all about negotiation.
Trump / Vance
Fight! Fight! Fight!
*Perhaps Fucking Useless Cunt Keir is Fucking Utter Cunt Keir.
Trump was probably being ironic.
I see that Grenfell Tower is to be taken down……and more than likely replaced with another tower block full of sponging foreign parasites.
No, apparently the tower, which is not compromised structurally nor beyond economical repair, is to be torn down because it us expected to be too traumatic to live there.
The prime London real estate left in it’s footprint is to be turned into a memorial to the dead.
I shit you not.
A very large gallows for the public execution of Kweer and his team of arselickers would make a wonderful memorial. If it has a bit of a roof Nurse Nancy Streeting, Kyle, Bryant and co, could be given their free flying lessons from the top with a nice space below for the audience to dodge the blood stains.
Keir’s hanging could promote him to be the new Benny Goodman – The King Of Swing
It should stay as it is – a permanent monument to the utter madness of Multiculturalism.
Britain’s future – A lump of shit sprinkled with glitter.
And the glitter is called ( of course ) Gary
We are served by a continuum. By that I mean, there are no political parties, just one clan of chums each divi -ing up who will rule on a rotational basis. As a crowd its like eeny meeny minee mo, into labour , conservative or whatever you go. Effectively, no matter what party you vote for, you are really voting for the “chums”. The chums of course are specially selected for power and representation by their handlers. Chosen for their lack of brains and common sense.
Starmer is one of those chums. I wish he and all the others just fell inside a great black hole. Preferably Lammy’s
Spot on.
“Don’t vote for anyone else or the Tories/Labour will get in.”
The difference between the two? The Tories are a little more conservative with pushing the mutual agenda than Labour.
This cunt is so full of shit it is unbelievable.
Pathological liar and more corrupt than the fucking mafia.
Meat hook in hell is awaiting.
At least the Mafia is organized.
They don’t tolerate liars wiithin their ranks either.
Take heart Britannic Cunters.
Trump may very well be the catalyst that brings down 2TK.
Look at what he did to Trudeau. He humiliated him on the International stage and gave him a nudge towards the door. Justinlito was then forced out by his own people.
And just for good measure he rubbed his nose in it by announcing tariffs. After vowing to fight with all his might Fidel’s illegitimate son totally caved in. Now he has committed $1.3 BILLION (with a B) to US Border Security and fighting fentanyl.
The same is true for Mexican Presidente Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo. She wanted to fight too but after Trump fed her a dose of frijoles and sour kraut she committed 10,000 Mexican troops to the US Border to stop the flow of illegals.
And of course Columbian Presidente Gustavo Petro was taught a lesson in humiliation too. After refusing a planeload of his own deported countrymen, he had a short conversation with Trump. Afterwards Gus apologized and sent a couple of military planes…one of which was reported to be his own Presidential plane…to Texas to fly the deported scum back to Columbia at HIS OWN expense.
So sit tight my friends. Trump doesn’t hate England. He wants nothing more than to do a deal* and woo you away from the evils of the EU. So rest assured…he will (as we say in the states)put that liberal pansy together like a cheap suit.
Add to that British public opinion and the rise of Reform and all bets are off Keir’s 5 year term.
*In fact he wanted to do a Trade Deal during his first term but the Tories (I think it was Mavis) was/were afraid of Suckdick and his flying Trump barrage balloons so they backed out.
Oh…slightly off topic but related…
There are reports in the American Press that Harry and Meghan were given money…a lot of money…by USAID.
Details are a bit sparse (and not confirmed yet) but it appears to have been funneled through some Leftist shell company into Archwell and then (possibly) to them.
If Mr. Markle lied on his Visa application AND took US taxpayer funds illegally look for Trump to leverage that in any dealings he has with HM’s Government.
Struth, any links General?
Hey Ron,
Here is a YouTube link from someone called Murky Meg. I know nothing about her but she seems a bit dubious to me.
However, in this video she re-posts information, charts and graphs by a person named Kristine Froeba and she is a real, if somewhat obscure and under the radar (freelance) journalist who has been published by a number of real print media.
Not sure how real it is, but there have been revelations that the Biden’s had a relationship with the Markles and secret correspondences with the judge who sealed Harry’s immigration file.
Couple this with the constant questions about where the Markle’s get their money and how they can afford their lifestyle from and there could be something to this story.
So make of it what you will…tip of the iceberg or click bait:
Also here’s a link to Ms Foreba’s bio:
Check out her listed pronouns. It seems to me that she is (to paraphrase you Brits) taking the piss of the matter.
That’s Ms Froeba.
And for those of you who don’t know the Times Picayune is a major MSM newspaper of New Orleans.
The Advocate has an even larger circulation and is somehow related to the Times.
Hey again Ron,
Information is slowly starting to trickle out. Supposedly, the US Government gave the Markles over $13 million.
I don’t follow anyone on X but I saw these remarks while surfing USAID news:
I have no idea who this person is, but the fact that they listed a specific amount and an EIN leads me to suspect there might be something to this.
An EIN is an Employer Identification Number and it is assigned by the US government to entities for tax and reporting purposes.
Lots of Media are reporting on the specific abuses of USAID but so far these are the only references to the Markles and USAID I’ve seen.
Maybe the MSM just haven’t caught up to it yet or maybe it’s bullshit. We’ll see.
But the fact remains, Harry’s VISA case was reopened because they uncovered private correspondences from Joe Biden to the Immigration Judge that were then sealed and hidden from the American public.
The Biden Crime Family is/are/were past masters at funneling funds through shell companies to their family and friends so people are starting to ask questions about his intervention in Harry’s application and what these alleged payment are all about.
Did Biden pardon himself for any of this?!
The cunts are having an emergency secret meeting, I wonder what great announcement will come out of that, Kweer is running out of foundations, pillars, missions and pledges.
He will have to invent something new (or old) the Ten Commandments, can’t wait 😂
Has he tried a plan yet, SOI?
It’s at least a week since the last reset.
So probably a reset.
Oh it’ll be along the lines that he’s been taken aback by the state the tories left the country in and it will take long than ever before to do anything meaningful at all.
Plus he’ll blame most of the rest of his problems on the cunts that run the Internet.
that seems to be the de facto position of our courageous leaders,always some other cunts fault.
They are all completely out of their depth,they couldn’t run a bath between them.
Vote military coup.
Vote Cromwell
The Commonwealth First
Chop! Chop! Chop!
Our military swear allegiance to the Crown. And we all know what a wanker charles is, so don’t expect the uk army to help. Anyway, judging by the recruitment adverts, they are mostly tiny little women and spooks who can’t run properly.
TwoTier is the only recorded case of a total charisma bypass being funded by BUPA. The man has all the personality of a cricket stump.
Afternoon all.
He said he would always use the NHS and never go private.
So that’s another of his lies.
Hope the Ear Nose and Throat Department isn’t busy. His fucking voice…
Trump is a great reference to the old saying. ‘Your enemys enemy is your friend. Kier must fall, much like that Grenfell Tower block. Both are socialist fuck ups.
Hope Trumps invasion of the UK comes soon. Lammy, Abbott, Ginger tits and Kier are hurled off the Grenfell by pissed up American Marines…
We have an Owen Jones is a Wanker Day so maybe we could do one for Starmer?
And check out his school photo at 0:52. No stranger to having his head flushed.
Keir Stasi; giving honest wankers everywhere a bad name
“Lay Off Starmer” says Trump.
“I like Kier, he’s my friend” Trump stated, “And I’m not lying about this. I don’t lie, nearly everyone knows that. He’s doing a great job and if I hear that anyone has taken his name in vain, I’ll sign an executive order and have ’em taken to prison in Greenland, which I’ve just bought from the Danish government on a 120 year lease. I’d have ’em taken to Panama but I haven’t invaded it yet.
Take heed, listen to your Führer. I mean President.”
You were not joking, LL.
Christ, I’d have pulled the flush, and I hated ( and still hate) school bullying.
Hey Allan,
Damn Dude!
You got it BAD!
Keirs Dad wasn’t a tool maker, he was a wood worker called Geppetto.
Still trying to convince us he’s a real boy!