First one: This guy is a weapons grade cunt.
Second: How has he not received more nominations on this site?
James O’Brien is a cunt of biblical proportions and is such a snivelling piece of shit that he makes Gary Lineker likeable by comparison.
For anybody fortunate enough to not know who James O’Brien is, he’s a cunt of galactic proportions who works for those bastions of free speech LBC.
I’ve had the misfortune of hearing his phone in show in the past and can safely say that he’s the most obnoxious champagne socialist cunt that you’ll find anywhere in the mainstream media.
Consumed with bitterness over Brexit, Trump, Musk et al, a deep loathing of the white working class of this country and what I imagine is a problem with alcohol (judging by his gammon appearance – oh the irony) O’Brien’s show is him rambling on in dull Tory hating monologues or talking down to ill prepared, specially selected callers armed with his mute button and a condescending demeanor.
O’Brien is the type of disingenuous liberal cunt who claims he loves multiculturalism and mass immigration while living in the whitest area, miles away from the diversity he is so fond of.
Naturally of course.
Anyways, the particular purpose of this cunting is for the simple reason, probably out of morbid curiosity, I recently checked in to view some recent LBC YouTube videos.
Once there, I discovered (surprise surprise) that James (not unlike Labour Home Secretary Yvette Cooper) was busy blaming Jeff Bezos and Amazon for selling knives to poor little Axel Rudakanooboo.
Not only that but I also found this video where he’s attempting to garner sympathy or something along those lines for the family of that piece of sub human murdering African vermin who butchered those little girls.
His poor family boo hoo
His Dad was a nice man boo fucking hoo
As far as I’m concerned Rudakanooboo’s family should never have been allowed anywhere near the shores of this country.
If they hadn’t then those children would all be still alive today.
What a disgusting insult to those girls families.
I can’t say I’ve been entirely surprised that O’Brien has approached this terrible story from the “holier than thou” angle because that’s what he does best but he can go and fuck himself for all eternity this time because this is way way beyond defensible.
Are there any depths that the liberal left wing media will not stoop to?
James O’Brien – Fuck off and die you bastard and take Dame Kweer Stalin with you
Nominated by Herman Jelmet.
He looks like a soy boy who has managed to grow a beard. A real Labour cocksucker. I am sure when he loses his gig at LBC a station who always seem to be on the verge of closure, he will be able to get a job as Kweer’s toilet slave, licking the Prime Ministerial arse clean of faeces.
There is not feature of that face that could not be greatly improved with the use of an industrial waste compactor.
That should be ‘no feature’.
Sorry, not woken up yet.
I’d prefer a baseball bat Geordie. Can you imagine the delight of feeling the reactive force through your hands as it connected?
Not sure what’s going on here but my posts were just disappearing into the ether. I wanted to say how much more satisfying it would be to use a baseball bat when you would feel the reaction through your hands.
Hey arfur
That happens to me a lot. I think it ha something to do with Word Press or whatever it’s called.
It picks up on something you wrote, thinks you’re Spam or deems what you wrote to be offensive and ffffftttt….gone with the wind.
Fucking TurdFence
As an aside….my fucking Chromebook. Dashed last night and I’m posting from my phone.
I don’t post from my phone very often because a Demon has taken it over and corrupts my posts.
Spell check was some sort of minor Imp compared to this Lord of the Underworld.
See what I mean.
Crashed not dashed.
A gob made for punchin’.
Another gormless twit on the wrong side of history..
Looks like a homeless wino..
Anyone promoting the virtues of multiculturalism gets three newly arrived enricher’s delivered to their door.
With conditions to care for them for 12 months..
Cunts like him would be phoning the police in tears after 12 hours with those scum..
My son was avowedly anti-racist despite my best efforts at indoctrination.
He got a new job and had to move house, which involved living next door to and amongst a load of the lower races.
Took him two weeks to learn the goose-step and is now fully on board with ethnic cleansing.
It’s so satisfying to see reality wake people up.
Yep – so many lefty moron fuckers out there, usually with the IQ of a wooden rocking horse, who only wake up when they’re in the firing line …
Familiarity breeds contempt.
To know them is to hate them.
Put some university Hope not Hate activist in moss side for 3weeks and see how he feels on race relations at the end.
Exactly so lads. When these folks experience it for real they learn quickly.
Exactly so lads. Once they are living amongst it they soon learn.
Exactly so lads. Once they live amongst this dross they soon develop a more realistic view.
Learning by doiing.
What amazes me is that there is anyone who actually still listens to this cunt. He has to be the most miserable bastard on the face of the earth.
A great cunting by HJ.
Morning all.
I’m one of those fortunate enough to have never heard of this cunt up ’til 2mins ago.
I personally cannot understand wwhy radio itself is still a thing, since 2 minutes after the car cd (or cassette, even) player was invented.
Am exposed to it a few seconds a month (when I turn over the motor but herself was last to drive the car) .. and the sheer mundanity & insincerity of the bits of wank I DO hear … (before muting the fuckers) .. platitudinous bollocks, at best.
No thankew. And the same for the nommed cunt. See yez tomorrow, cunterers…
When I worked for the BBC in 1970 Cuntemall, the view in the corporation was that sound radio had had it’s day and shortly would be consigned to history. Couldn’t have been more wrong. I can only think it’s down to the growth in motor car use though BBC radio doesn’t seem to have benefitted. BBC radio audiences decline steadily.
When I worked for the BBC in 1970 Cuntemall the view in the corporation was that sound radio had had it’s day and would shortly be consigned to history. Proved to be completely wrong but the BBC don’t seem to have benefitted. The audience for their radio broadcasting slides steadily every year.
I am gloriously unaware of his cuntishness.
I may have overdosed on the extreme cuntishness of the government which has led to this current malaise.
I can say that anyone who is in any way an apologist for Islamic terrorism and mass murder of children should be publicly flogged then gibbeted for a period no less than 5 years.
The fucking despicable cowardly cunts.
Good morning.
Morning Tez, all.
He’s got the typical gay sounding, whining, moaning voice, like an old woman, and his ranting is embarrassing, exposing his massive levels of estrogen and depleted testostetone, a pathetic simp of a man.
I’m surprised he doesn’t start crying half the time.
The cunt would be crying if I were running the show.
Albeit relatively briefly.
Is O’Brien a quare?. As Harry & Paul said – he looks like a quare, he sounds like a quare, so I am going to put him down as a probable frightful quare.
Like you UT I don’t know who this is.
But like most of his kind he should have been aborted and his stem cells used in cancer research.
It’s never too late General.
I’m going to pop round to O’Brian’s mum and ask her if she wouldn’t mind having a 126th trimester abortion.
She’ll probably go along with it, free of charge.
The quintessence of the leftist moral artifice. Postures as a champion of decency and humanity in order to protect and nurture evil.
The vein runs through all of their beliefs and actions, whether it’s bestowing victimhood on Islamic fascists, transgender predators, Pakistani rapists, homocidal third world savages illegally on our shores, and anyone who is a direct enemy of decency and civilisation.
This is not a simple matter of a difference of opinion. This barbarism is what these leftist monsters are actively trying to smuggle in to, and protect, in our culture as they pour their contempt on the women and children who have to pay the price for their pact with this Satanic depravity.
I’ll leave it to my fellow cunters to prescribe his ideal fate. Words fail me.
Nail on the head Dave. Excellent post.
I would sentence this cunt to be friends with Harry and Meghan.
Cruel I know but justice isn’t always kind.
In the words of the footie chant ‘Who the fucking hell are you?’
Looks ginger to me. Fucking Lib Demmy. That beard is probably yogurt encrusted. One of Mark Oaten;s mates?
Good morning, everyone.
I prefer “You’ll be going home in a fckng ambulance!”
@terj…..or the good ol’ favourite, you’re gonna get your fucking head kicked in 🥾
Man’s a cunt uses words that no one’s ever heard of cause he thinks it elevates him above less interlectual peasants talks bollocks and adores the sound of his own voice probably mastibates whilst watching himself in the mirror mind you most of erm on lbc are not normal
I’ll admit to not knowing who he was until recently I found and watched a thing on youtube with him chatting to Susie Dent and found him to be quite sensible.
Much of this can be attributed to me drooling and fantasising about the very relaxed Susie Dent.
Watched a couple of his other interviews and opinion swiftly changed to agree with the aforementioned weapons grade cunt statement.
My opinion on the innocent Susie remains just as filthy.
Dotty hooer.
I’ve never heard the cunt but I’m not concerned about the nonsense I’m told he is peddling. The woke left is in retreat across the civilised world. The UK may appear to be an outlier having recently elected a woke lefty party but people didn’t really vote for them, they voted in a way that ensured the previous bunch of cunts were well and truly shafted.
He looks like a cartoon 🐖 on his radio show. Always trying to argue against commonsense, instead denigrating it as ‘ill informed, fascist, etc.’
A Lord Haw Haw-esque cunt. A weapons grade plutonium arsehole. Thick and nasty in equal measures.
‘A Lord Haw Haw-esque cunt’.
Superbly put PM.
Haw Haw got shot in the arse when he was arrested, so a very apt comparison to JOB.
Starmer and the Labour party can do no wrong in his eyes so no doubt MP Andrew Gwynne will have been the victim of a Reform UK sting.
Oh and don’t forget to mention the £22Bn black hole or whatever it is this week.
£2 Trillion black hole.
Morning Liquors.
The true figure when including pension obligations is approaching 5 trillion.
Got nice teeth to be fair.
Just saying.
Half a house brick ,..sorted.
i watched this obnoxious turd a couple of times for 5 minutes….nearly cost me a new telly……..extreme lefty right through his d.n.a.
He denies being a lefty. Claims his views are Liberal. Fools no-one with that statement. As far left as they come he is.
Is that a photo from up the arse corner? Gormless looking cunt.
Ten times this skidmarks been nommed, still never heard him speak.
He doesn’t effect my life in the slightest.
He’s pretty easy to stay away from.
Suggest that’s what others do.
Or phone in his show and troll him.
I’ve never heard him speak either, but I’ve heard he’s a fanatical, frothy anti-Brexiteer, like that little hom0sexual one who pretended he’d been beaten up.
Owen Jones?
He wasn’t beaten up.
He did the beating up!!
15 hardcore neonazi skinheads attack him? …he fucked them up.
He’s a brown belt.
And brown undercrackers,
A trained martial artist
Enter the drag queen
Fisting of fury.
He’s like Woody Allen in the Karate Yid.
Afternoon Mis/Cap/T.
He’s a black belt in GayKwon-Do, Karaoke and Jew-Hatesu.
Be like me, happy in my ignorance of the cunt. Didn’t RTC spout off about him several times?
RTC departing was a loss to the site CuntyMort. If you still read us Ruff we’d love to see you return.
His Wiki P page indicates he was born out of wedlock to a teenage mum who promptly abandoned him. So by the dictionary definition he really is a B’stard.
He had the good fortune to be adopted and go to Ampleforth College, a Catholic Public Boarding School but the opportunity to make a decent human of himself seems to have passed him by as he is a real top drawer cnut. Always looks down on his dissenting callers. I bet whilst at Ampleforth he regularly had his head flushed down the bog by prefects for being an obnoxious oik and was interfered with by the Priests for being a limp wristed soy boy.
He attended the London Scool of Economics and read Philosophy & Economics, no mention of Politics to make it the standard PPE degree course which is strange given that he thinks he knows everything there is to know on the subject. No idea if he got a degree or not. Odds are even the lefty university professors found him to be such a w@nker they wouldn’t give him a pass.
Utter Twat.
Another passenger for the Ship of Fools, that needs to be sailed into the Atlantic and sunk without trace.
We need to start filling landing craft with these foreign murders, illegals, sail them over to France and unload them onto the frog beaches.
Let Macron and his project EU pals deal with that.
Illegal boats entering UK sovereign water get 2 warning shots across the bow – if they CHOOSE not to obey the warning and invade our teritory illegally, sink the fucking boats. Swim back to France or drown.
The message will soon sink in. If it doesn’t and they choose to commit suicide at sea, I couldn’t give a flying fuck.
Action now or this country will be irrevocably turned into a third world lawless shithole.
Starmer and his cunt ilk are fucking traitors. They may as well be daily pissing on the graves of patriots who gave their lives to defend our freedoms.
I fucking hate these lying cunts with such a passion.
I think you and I need to go for a pint and a chat.
I can’t agree with you, Ringy.
“Warning shots”?
Certainly not.
Excellent nomination.
I grudgingly bought this cunt’s book after being assured it was a real eye opener by a work colleague.
It certainly opened my eyes. I couldn’t finish the loony left first chapter, and I’ve stopped talking to the twat at work who recommended it.
A plus however was watching the cunt trying to appear clever interviewing Jacob Rees-Mogg on YouTube.
The Moggster shows the cunt up as the useless, loony left fuckwit that we all know O’brien is.
O’Shithead is a cunt for cunts, I guess there are two types of people who listen to his show, the first type being lefty migrant loving TDS enraged Brexit hating cunts.
The second type are people who don’t know how to tune to another station.
Great nom.
O’Brien is indeed a privileged, middle class, champagne socialist, living in an ivory tower with his bum-chums Owen Jones and Gary Linekunt, spunking up each other’s arses.
Apparently this makes him uniquely qualified to speak on behalf of the white working class and their deep, abiding love of the European Union and uncontrolled immigration.
A semantic illusionist, he is highly skilled at misdirection, using clever linguistic tricks to shut down anyone foolish enough to phone into his show articulating a point that does not fit with O’Brien’s ultra-woke leftist agenda.
In 2020 he was instrumental in having Nigel Farage sacked from his show on LBC.
He was educated at Ampleforth College (fees £46,740 per annum), a school that has been central to several inquiries into child sexual and physical abuse by the monks who taught there.
No wonder O’Brien is such a cunt. Anyone educated by predatory religious deviants is bound to have a twisted view on life.
Is that school run by Mackerel Snappers?
With a name like O’Brian he has to have fenian heritage so it would make sense with those influences he’d grow up to be a perverted whiny little victim.
I stumbled across this person interviewing interesting people on utube at lengths about their lives and because there wasn’t any irritating advertising, I was hooked. Nothing else other than that. Never interrupting them was important and allowed the guests to speak about whatever they liked.
With him having two jobs, I’ve stumbled upon the most interesting, which has no governmental particular interest. Just the interesting lives of famous individuals.
Admin, you’ve ruined my lunch by placing that turning boat race at the top of this cunting. It was the first thing I saw when I opened this site on my mobile phone.
Had you enhanced this picture with a massive fist tearing through his head or a pile of dog shit landing on it, the photo would be more appropriate and all of us happier.
JOBbie is a truly awful cunt.
*gurning boat race
The grin does look forced with a thousand volts going through it, otherwise he wouldn’t get paid, you see.
I’ve always shied away from wishing painful deaths on people, but my list is growing longer by the day. Needless to say he and kweer are both near the top.
You really need to up your game LC.
I wish a slow and painful death on every Labour party member every morning. Hopefully of something involving their intestines
To be perfectly honest, I hope they all die screaming.
Privately educated..
Says all you need to know..!
We asked Wes streeting
What’s the difference between cum and rice?
” I can’t finish a full bowl of rice”
Andrew Guinn
Via WhatsApp
Gwynney will now have more time on his hands to post on IsAC if nothing else.
He’d like it on here.
Get a better reception for his Rayner and Jaffa Lammy jokes.
Why the fuck was he in the Labour party if he thought that way?
Just for the antisemitism?
I’d love to know what he wrote about Abbott, probably that she should be shot (again).
As for the antisemitism, he’ll have to sit next to Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell now.
If Gwynne said that about Nancy Streeting, I suppose you have to admit there is some good in all of us.
All this old single disabled individual as got to look forward to, is this site that’s dwindled down to one cunting pure day, a life long supporting of a football team that now prefers to employ a load of lazy black cunts, woke fuckers everywhere you turn, a government that’s thieving all my money I’ve worked hard for, trying to keep warm to survive another winter, a weak bladder that has me pissing in the kitchen sink because of being unable to reach the upstairs toilet in time. The only good thing is living in a quiet white area tucked away by the sea, otherwise I’d be jumping into it.
I do try and knock one out on Chaturbate and xHamster live, other than that, l enjoy karma on YNC seeing thieves, misogynists and murderers getting their comeuppance.
Fuck me Sammy you’ll have me bawling in a minute 😥
Was going to say you’ve got everything to live for, but after pissing in the kitchen sink I’m afraid you’re right.
If you want me to come round with a length of hemp and kick away the chair from beneath you let me know.
Love MNC👍
Thanks Mis,
At least I can depend on you if I want to finish it when my life becomes too unbearable.
No problem Sammy 👍
I’m all about helping my fellow man.
Obviously I’d expect diesel money…
Pissing in the sink reminds me of a book George Melly wrote about his life on the road as a blues singer. One night when he was on a health kick he prepared a lettuce for a salad for breakfast, washed the lettuce in the kitchen sink and awoke to find one of the musicians had come in and pissed in the sink over the lettuce.
I suppose it saved using vinegar.
I should’ve said it was more tongue in cheek, if that makes it less stressful, Mis.
Hi Mis,
I’ve 2 rusty old motors without wheels, will diesel do.
We’ll siphon em with a lenth of hose Sammy,
Yeah that’ll do nicely 👍
Dunno why my career at the Samaritans was so short lived?
Try and be helpful…..😄
Sorry for pulling your leg Mis, diesel is another word for these’ll. These will do.
Never listened to the Socialist shit weasel.Shovel to the face until a pulp.
I’d never heard of him or LBC for that matter, and he may well be a cunt for all I know, but fair’s fair, if he doesn’t like Musk and Trump he can’t be all bad. These two crackpots think if they want to do something illegal or unconstitutional, all Trump has to do is sign an executive order, and that makes it alright. If O’Brien has pointed this out then good for him, he’s giving his opinion which is what he’s paid to do, and that’s a lot different from telling lies.
I think Allan IS James O’Brien. Either that or he just enjoys a wind-up.
Hey Boggs,
That would explain a lot.
Not excuse it but explain it.
So then Allan you’ve not heard of him and know nothing about him but you got the gist he might be a bit anti-Trump therefore he’s a-ok in your book. And you want to be taken seriously?
Come on then. Starmer. Come on, give us your opinion. No didn’t think you would have the guts to do that. Don’t worry, someone will be along to stick up for you shortly, while you hide away as usual.