Ivanpah and the Greenies who championed it

Most of the readers of the August body will know the name Solyndra. For those that don’t, it was the failed Green pet project of the Community Con Artist masquerading as American President, Barack Obama and it cost the American taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

That is nothing compared to the newest Green disaster, the Ivanpah Solar Power Facility.

Ivanpah was the wet dream of the Green Raw Deal. A massive solar powered facility that took advantage of the Sun’s (free) warming rays to provide unlimited electric power (that could then be sold to consumers at a profit) without the icky, nasty, planet killing effects of those horrible fossil fuels.

Located near the California / Nevada border on 3500 acres of public land, the Solar Power Monstrosity (as critics labelled it) was bordered by both State and federal Parks and Preserves.”

More than $2.18 BILLION was sunk into this Green idiocy, much of it in the way of taxpayer funds, Federal Loan Guarantees and State Tax credits only to watch it all go up in metaphorical smoke.

After over a decade of failures and costs overruns, the Ivanpah Solar Power Clusterfuck is being closed.


Not only did Ivanpah fail to provide the promised power, but it seems it did enormous damage to the environment and the wildlife it was supposed to protect.

It destroyed acres and acres of desert habitat by covering it up with massive solar panels. Solar panels that generated so much heat in the form of radiation that they literally fried birds in mid flight and roasted tortoises in their shells as they plodded along the desert floor.

Well done Greenies! Billions of dollars, countless birds, an unknown number of tortoises and 3500 acres of pristine wilderness all burned up in a misplaced farcical devotion to save the planet.

They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

If that’s true then the road to Ivanpah is paved with utter fucking stupidity.

Nominated by General Cuntster, proof reader extraordinaire.

52 thoughts on “Ivanpah and the Greenies who championed it

  1. Ed Milibellend is creaming his pants at all those solar panels.

    It makes carpeting Lincolnshire with wind turbines and solar farms look like a school project.

    • Indeed, 50 square miles of prime arable land in Lincolnshire, formerly used to grow food to be covered in green agenda toxic bollocks that will never biodegrade and cost the taxpayer billions.

      While a couple of kilometres under Lincolnshire is enough natural gas to power the entire country for ten years. and save the taxpayer billions.

      I wonder which one that fucktard Milliband will choose.

      • Hey Odin,

        The phrase in America is Drill baby, drill.

        Perhaps you should address one to Millie,

        Drill Motherfucker, DRILL

      • Don’t forget, the wind and solar, as well as being pathetically small and unreliable, is never generated where the people using it live. So, we are also having to cover the country with ugly pylons (bigger than those we currently have). Lovely.

  2. Green tech will create the jobs of the future, this one certainly has, loads of jobs decommissioning the site 😂

    Thank fuck you have Trump, meanwhile we are stuck with fucking millipede, the most dangerous man in the UK.

  3. This ivanpah thing could be salvaged by using it as a weapon to microwave mexican illegal immigrants surely?

    As Miguel, Pancho and jesus try to cross the border a solar mirror cooks their spicy little intestines for them.

    Trump should hire me as a ideas man.
    I’m light years beyond slack faced down syndrome Elon Musk.

  4. OT. BBC knobheads made me laugh today (they usually do).
    They went on about the ‘Man City and Real Madrid rivalry’.

    Funny, I don’t recall Di Stefano, Puskas, Gento, Sanchez, Raul, Ramos and the rest playing at Maine Road.

    The BBC are like most MSM bellends. They think the game began ten years ago. The cluelesss fuckers want to watch this…


  5. Once we all get the benefit of the oodles of free electricity we will look more kindly at the solar farms. Can’t wait for that almost free power going to run my heating every time the temp in my front room drops below -10c fuck me I could have a hot bath!. All hail the millipede!!! All hail the green liebour

  6. I have no doubt that lessons will be learned, but Ed ( clueless) Milliband will no doubt have a “plan”!

    If Ivanpah caused that much damage to the flora and fauna imagine what it will do in Lincolnshire?

    Fried schoolchildren, anyone?

    • Has Millipede ever been tested for anything?

      Bugeyed, weak limbed, drooling,
      He’s like a Blue Peter fundraising cause in a suit and tie.

      Can’t even eat unaided.

      Surely he would be happier in some special centre that would deal with his complex needs?

      Put Lucy Letby in charge of him.

      • I would suggest a prefrontal lobotomy followed by regular electroconvulsive therapy.

        Administered by Josef Mengele (if he was still available).

      • Funny you say that, I’ve never seen Joey Deacon and Millibrain in the same room together.

    • “If Ivanpah caused that much damage to the flora and fauna imagine what it will do in Lincolnshire?”

      It’s bloody terrifying really Jeezum. The damage it’s done in the States is bad enough but consider that in round figures the States is 100 times the size of the UK but the plans for the scheme in Lincolnshire will cover an area ten times the size of Ivanpah. The green lobby seem bereft of the capacity for deeper reasoning. They have no concept of a cost/benefit analysis of these schemes, they see them as an unqualified positive. They also are still enamoured of the discredited hockey stick curve. I read a letter written by a man who had retired having spent his career in the oil industry. He told of how for the whole of his working life there had been a bunch of pundits who stated with absolute certainty that the oil would all be gone in thirty years. I well remember how this group were saying in 1970 that the oil would definitely be gone by the millennium. I have also read that in the late 19th century the newspapers in New York were publishing letters from readers predicting the demise of the US economy because we would shortly run out of whale oil for lighting and the streets would all be two feet deep in horse shit. These people are worthy of no more credibility than the man who used to walk Oxford street in sandwich boards bearing the message; “Repent ye sinners, the end of the world is nigh”.

  7. From the header pic, is that a rather large, smokey paraffin candle sitting on top of that steel structure? That won’t do the planet any good.

  8. If they can’t make the economics of solar power work in the Mojave Desert, what chance has the UK during a spell of winter dunkelflaute when we need heating the most?

    C’mon Ed, install 3500 acres of mirrors on prime agricultural land and they might make enough leccy to run one 60 watt light bulb.

    Which Ed will keep for his own use.

    • “If they can’t make the economics of solar power work in the Mojave Desert…”

      Exactly right Geordie!

      The hottest temperature ever recorded on the entire fucking planet was in the Mojave Dessert.

      Of course Milli and the other Greenies around the world will ever get it.

      Even if he did get it, this Green New Disaster can’t even generate enough electricity to make the light bulb go off over Milli’s empty head.

  9. Slow and steady wins the race…
    Not for Tommy the tortoise 🐢 it didn’t 😩…Milli and his ilk need a revolution, on top of one of the giant blades the big bug 👀d useless 💨🛍️

  10. I say General,I never knew it had got so bad in the U.S.

    Shite technology made redundant by newer shite technology that nobody wants or needs.

    Luckily the entire panto will have made some smug rich cunts even richer.

    I hope Big Donald has them shot for treason.

    • Actually UT…

      I wonder…

      If it fries birds and tortoises…

      Does it have a practical application as an oven?

      Then we wouldn’t have to waste ammunition.

      • I’d be delighted to microwave every member of Just Stop Oil.

        Miliband should be burnt at the stake atop the remains of a pile of his clapped out windmills.


  11. Fear not. Word on the street is that Trump wants Ukraine to pay back what they’ve taken in military aid.
    More precisely, he wants to be paid in oil and gas.
    Therefore, your hand wringing greenie liberals will see their grand designs going up the chimney quicker than a rat up a drainpipe. On top of which, their poster boy, Saint Zelensky, also gets royally fucked thanks to the Donald.
    Spare a thought for us brits though, as you enjoy the benefits of cheap fossil fuels whilst Ed Millicunt continues to send us back to medieval times.

    • Field Marshal,

      Trump not only wants to be paid back, but today he is talking about billions of dollars (and presumably pounds) of missing aid and wants an audit.

    • Zelensky is a cunt of the highest order.
      Wants Uktanians to fight and give their lives. But himself and other ‘elite’ Ukranians that he knows (footballers, singers, Eurovision cunts, boxers etc) w on’t be doing it. All hands to the pumps, my arse. We complain about a two tier society and judicial system. Ukraine has a two tier war.

      Any time he wants more money or anything else, he does his sob story act to a gullible EU and that stuoid cunt Starmer. And, of course, they usually give in to him.

      I do hope Big Don finally stops the antics of this scurffy paraite, and his slut of a wife will have to only have one shopping trip to Paris or Milan each month. They are cunts, cunts, cunts.

  12. Sounds like a plot from the Sopranos, when Tony’s in the tank and his cell mates in for defrauding the government out of subsidies for solar farms.

    None of the green energy solutions seem to be ecologically sound. Last one I heard was carbon capture, because the trees have stopped breathing I guess?

    Anyway must dash, Angie babes has offered me some cheap properties in Surrey.

    • Quite how you Yankees managed to piss away so much money and get zero result is impressive. Result = Net Zero Dollars.

      • Perhaps they were lucky enough to receive some “top tips” from our Carbon Neutral Czar?

    • Spot on re nuclear power. Years ago my company worked for UKAEA and I had a long conversation with an eminent nuclear scientist about this.

      The only way to reduce carbon emissions sustainably is nuclear power. Apparently the volume of high level nuclear waste this country has ever produced would fit inside a three bed semi.

      Miliband is a fucking arsehole.

      • If it looks like an arsehole , walks and talks like an arsehole ……it’s definitely an arsehole, also a bucktoothed gawpy looking cunt………….apply to any and all politicians.

  13. These solar farms in lovely Lincolnshire are being made possible because pissed off farmers can make a lot more money leasing land to faux green companies than they can by growing things. No brainier, why spend all day wading through 2 foot of liquid cow shit or watching your newly planted fields disappear under 3 feet plus of water because the environment agency or the drainage board have better things to spend your money on than making sure the fen drainage is properly maintained.
    So we are going to be dominated by hundreds of new pylons, have some of our best land covered in solar panels. Will those who live near these satanic woke mills get cheap leccy,?

  14. OT. A dirty old Paki has been caugt taking photos on his phone of nurses in our kidney unit.

    Now, he is a thoroughly nasty, dirty,smelly, shitty arsed cunt as it is. But one of the nurses and a young lady patient caught him dong it, His phone was chocka with pics.

    A case for the Old Bill, you would think, And, it would be, if it had been me or any other white lad. But, the manager (an Asian woman) has deleted his phone and the evidence, and basically made out that it never happened. A couple pf people are still complaining, but all staff ignore it, Orders from above, I expect. Because of who and what he is, he has got away with being a perv. All truem and the gutless staff are afraid of saying absolutely anything against him or any of them. A nice and decent man died in there last week, Yet a cunt like this lives on? If ther is any sort of justice (fat chance) this evil dirty cunt will get his very soon, I bloody well hope so, Subhuman filth, a walking plague.

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