Specifically Bank of America, Chase, US Bank and Wells Fargo.
Bank of America.
Years ago I was visiting family/friends in the UK and used my BoA credit card as I went on my merry way. When I got back home to the US a week later there was a message on my answerphone. It was from BoA’s Fraud Department. Apparently they’d seen multiple transactions originating in the UK and were concerned about possible fraud. The message asked me to call them back immediately to confirm if these charges were legitimate. They were, so where the fuck did they think I was when they called me? Fucking morons.
For years, Chase’s 2FA method sent a text message to my mobile ‘phone containing a 6 digit security code. Worked fine every time. Suddenly that option was replaced by a call only option for two ‘phone numbers which were no longer valid. I had to call Customer Services to have them fix it. That took ages and resulted in my mobile number being listed, but for calls only – no text message option. Their call option is shit. Sometimes it calls, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it calls with up to 10 seconds of silence then drops the call. Requesting another call results in a new call being in progress when the dropped call tries again and then waits on-hold leaving you to wonder which call has the valid security code. The system is completely unfit for purpose and was designed by a cunt.
So back on the ‘phone to Customer Services to have my mobile ‘phone option switched to text message. Took ages naturally, but they reinstated it. For about a week when it reverted back to calls only again with no text message option. This time I wrote them a blunt message via their website, ripping them a new one and telling them to just fix it and absolutely do not tell me to call Customer Services for a third time to fix their screw up. How did they reply? Yep, you guessed it….empty apologies and told me to call the number on the back of the card. I closed both my Chase credit card accounts as a result.
US Bank.
I replaced one Chase card with a US Bank card, but that bastard thing had foreign transaction fees. I found out the hard way when buying something from Amazon UK. Even though I paid in USD, US Bank charged me a foreign transaction fee. Cunts. When I bought something via the Discogs website (seller was in Germany), I had the option of paying with my US Bank card or using PayPal. I chose PayPal. Fucking US Bank also charged me a foreign transaction fee even though I paid a domestic entity (PayPal) using the domestic currency (USD). PayPal handled the conversion of USD to Euros and sent the funds to the seller in Germany. That had nothing to do with US Bank. Absolute cunts. I will be closing that account shortly.
Wells Fargo.
The other Chase card was replaced by a Wells Fargo card. I have never previously held any Wells Fargo cards so was a brand new customer to them. All went well, so I applied for a second (different) Wells Fargo credit card which does not have foreign transaction fees to replace the bastard US Bank card. Application declined!!! I got the letter in the mail yesterday stating the reason:
“Not enough history with your most recently opened Wells Fargo credit card (we look for a history that shows how you’ve managed credit over time)”
OK, then how come they instantly approved the first application – with no history of how I manage credit over time, but denied the second application only a few weeks later using the SAME information on the application form? Fucking idiots. I’m going after them for this!
Have banks and credit card companies been a cunt to you?
Nominated by : Imitation Yank
Serves you right.
Clearly you are some sort of cheque bouncing, grifter,
Leaving a trail of unpaid bills for gullible yank cunts.
Pay cash.
I only take cash
I only pay cash.
Donald Trumps ICE agents will be raiding Imitation Yanks office and deporting him back to Blighty soon.
“But I’ve got a Green Card!”
“Sure you have limey”.
Trump won’t stand for his dime tossing, slick patter and wiseguy persona.
IY will be on the first plane back with his loaded dice and collection of credit cards in different names
At least he isn’t sending them homemade explosives through the mail like evil genius the Unabomber.
They will get a very sternly worded but polite letter though.
He’s not doing that YET.
Who knows what he’s capable of LL?
Id err on the side of caution and deport him to Cuba
Trump isn’t interested in deporting civilized people, only Shitholians.
If on the odd chance INS does contact IY don’t worry…I’ll call Donald and get it sorted out.
As I said in a previous post…Imitation Yank needs to become Immigration Yank.
Thanks General. Operation Immigration Yank is well underway. Application submitted and the $710 fee paid. I’ve had notice that it will take 6 months before the powers that be will review my application.
Still, waiting in line and doing everything legally is what’s important. Gosh! Someone who actually abides by the immigration rules. How unusual??!!
In other news, Wells Fargo and I have now exchanged 4 sets of emails. Every time those cunts reply, they either re-state what they’ve already told me or offer me a copy of the credit report they ran. In other words, they’re refusing to answer my question. They know their reason for declining doesn’t make sense but they can’t bring themselves to admit it. Typical big bank doing what they feel like and just expecting the little guy to put up with it. Not going to happen!
Still, good news. I’ve uncovered a new credit card provider called Coign. It’s a card for conservative minded people and part of the transaction fees (at no cost to the customer) go towards conservative causes. It’s like the first anti-woke credit card and it’s so popular they’ve had to temporarily suspend applications while the processing company ups the limit for new card registrations. It’s like a Trump card! (see what I did there?).
Anyway, once I get one it’ll be time to tell US Bank and Wells Fargo to fuck off which will be a most enjoyable experience.
Now while we’re on the subject of doing things legally, let’s talk about the ‘cash only’ economy shall we, Mis?
Bet you paid by card didn’t you?
Bloody cheek.
Chase are megacunts.
If for no other reason, having LGBTQ cheerleader David Tennant do the voiceovers on their shite credit card adverts.
Also the one with the black dad who hasn’t fucked off and then the kid is off to uni. What bollocks
Well Mr Yank just thank your lucky stars you’ve not had any dealings with Santander.
Those cunts will fuck your American banks in the arse whilst making a paella.
I only use bitcoin,yesterday I was a millionaire,today I think I’ll be sleeping in a ditch,it’s the future!
The Crypto Casino is a hoot.
Price to Pauper and vice versa in a flash.
“Those cunts will fuck your American banks in the arse whilst making a paella.”
I hilarious image, Unkle. Well played, sir. Made me laugh heartily.
Delighted to hear so.
Carry on sir.
Completely OT, but on BBC1 now is a programme called “Escape to the Country” the theme of which is to assist people who want to leave the town to move to the countryside. It is presented by a sheboon. Obviously it hasn’t occurred to the programme makers that the main reason people leave towns and cities is to get away from ethnics.
Sootie moves in, whitey moves out. Done.
Have you ever seen a sooter in wellies?
Or workboots.
In the Netflix autobiographical film Imitation Yank will be played by either Peter Bowles or Jack Cassidy.
Probably with Donald played by Robert Redford.
Peter Falk as the antagonist.
Peter Bowles is dead, but I’ll take it. I rather liked his sauve and well-to-do persona in To The Manor Born. Much like my own as I’m very sophisticated. Being of high class Southern England stock, one is certainly a cut above, don’t you know. The Yanks are delighted I’m here. 🙂
Yeah IY Peter Bowles was great 👍
As was Jack Cassidy ( dad of 70s pop pin up David Cassidy) who I believe died in a house fire?
He was brilliant in Colombo
Peter Bowles was superb against type as the evil immortal Balor in Space 1999. He was also great in Risng Damp as Hilary.
I of course will be played by Robert Shaw.
The great Albert Finney in his Saturday Night and Sunday Morning heyday would be young Norman.
Middle aged Norman would be portayed by Philip Glenister in full Gene Hunt mode.
Older/future Norman, done to a tee by Bernard Youens in his 70s Stan Ogdeb pomp.
Ogden. Stan Ogden.
Robert Shaw singing Spanish ladies
Thoroughly splendid.
I had a Barclay card about 10 years ago, never late paying never over the credit limit. I used to pay my suppliers with it, all of a sudden they kept rejecting transactions over the phone, always same companies month in month out, made me look a right twat of a customer. Rang them to ask why they kept blocking payments to the same companies, answer for my protection my answer fuck off and close the account.
Spot on, Chris. Banks would have you believe they decline certain transactions as you say, to protect you/your account. That’s bollocks. I’ve done a ton of CC research recently and every single one of them comes with zero liability for fraud. Great. So when fraud happens it’s not you the customer who pays out, it’s the CC company. So declining hooky transactions is protecting THEM not you. They must think we’re so fucking thick to not see through it.
Most CC scams are relatively low cost. A few hundred quid/dollars here and there. It’s simply not worth the CC company’s time and trouble to pursue the crims for such small amounts, so they write it off. I’d have thought that would encourage the crims even more.
All banks are cunts.
I had an Amex card used to pay for for flights from Heathrow to some shithole in Eastern Europe Amex picked it up as fraud refunded me immediately cheers but why didn’t the pigs arrest the cunts at LHR because nobody gives a shit.
I only use a donkey in transactions…Abdul give good price when trading in 🫏
I remember the trouble Steve Martin and John Candy got into with credit cards during the documentary Trains planes and automobiles.
Why if not for the savvy business mind of John Candy and his shrewd sales of curtain rings things would of ended up with Martin selling his arse to yank truck drivers.
Curtains rings are a form of crypto currency in the US.
Oh yes, I called US Bank and bollocked them for the USD PayPal transaction fee.
The cunt who took my call could not refund me the foreign transaction fee fast enough, but stated it’s in their terms and conditions that all payments through a third party payment processing company (e.g. PayPal) are subject to foreign transaction fees. Some clown at US Bank even sent me another copy of their T&C – probably as a ‘know what you’re talking about, asshole’ stunt. So I read it. It absolutely does not say anything about third party payment processing company fees. So the ‘phone cunt did not know what he was talking about and was in fact lying. Lovely.
Banks are cunts to everyone, always have been, but it got much worse in 1913 with the inception of The Federal Reserve.
If you are up for a fairly short read, try this link…..
If you are up for a longer read, The Creature from Jekyll Island is an excellent expose of the evils in banking.
The title sounds like a horror story, and the story of banking is one of the most frightening books I’ve read.
Free to download pdf here….
Too few people know how criminal banks truly are.
We interrupt this cunting to bring you good news from the States.
RINO / Establishment / Uniparty Hack Mitch ‘the Bitch’ McConnell has just announced he will not seek reelection.
The Old Coffin dodger has been in the Senate since 1984 and like Feinstein and Biden before him is currently experiencing and exhibiting obvious signs of both physical and mental health problems.
During Trump’s first term the decrepit old Zombie actually allied with Donald and helped shepherd through a number of his judicial nominations.
But of course he changed his stripes during the Biden Puppetcy and has since been quarrelling with Trump over MAGA policies.
It’s a shame we’re stuck with this moldering undead cunt until the next election.
Nonetheless, good riddance!
Now back to our regularly scheduled cunting.
Greetings General. Not sure if you follow any UK news media outlets, but it is amusing to continue seeing them froth at the mouth every time Trump does or says something. Trump’s done this, so he’s bad. Trump said that, so he’s evil. Blah blah blah.
It’s like they either didn’t get the memo or don’t understand “America First” and “Make America Great Again”. You’d think they’d spend more time reporting on the UK’s slide into poverty stricken third world status (and I say that with absolutely zero pleasure at all – it’s just the way it seems from over here).
And McConnell, like many others, is a reason for strict term limits.
Greetings Immigration,
I do see some UK news coverage and it sucks. Auntie fucking Beeb, La Guardia aka the Gonadian, even the Daily Fail are all fiddling about Trump while Britain burns.
They’re pissing all over themselves because has called out St. Vollo as the pissant grifting Dictator he is.
I wonder how many of Britain’s parents are anxious to send their sons (and daughters) to prolong the war in Ukraine just because Auntie Keir wants people to believe he has balls?
There’s a lot of the same here in the states as you well know.
Today there is a CNN Poll that says Trump is not popular and has gone too far.
C-fucking-NN says Trump is unpopular!
Are you using the same cunts pollsters who told us Kamala would win?
Fuck you!
Trump calling Zelensky a “dictator” was meant as a compliment, right?
It’s a massive porkie, but who cares – fact is the Donald loves and respects dictators, hates democratically elected leaders (yes, I’m looking at you, sleepy Joe Biden!).
Big Don himself pledged to be “dictator on day one.”
Vice President JD Vance described him as “America’s Hitler” – praise don’t come a lot higher than that!
Hey S-cB,
It’s disturbing to see that people who read British media actually believe the tripe they spew.
Yer own media is a bit divisive too, depending on who you believe.
Hey Isles,
Our own media is more than a bit decisive. Most of what is reported on our Legacy / MSM is biased, distorted or taken out of context at the very least if not an outright lie.
Lies of both omission and commission are the norm.
I have one credit card which I use like money, I buy everything with it, and pay it off in full when the bill comes in.
I bet they hate me, but it didn’t stop them virtually doubling my credit limit after an unusually large purchase last year ( I bought a new sofa), obviously hoping I’d go on a spree and start making partial payments.
Anyway, I dislike the way they used to offer credit to practically anyone who could sign their name. Remember those ” You have been pre-approved” letters? Elder and Younger both got theirselves in a right fucking pickle, and had to get bailed out by the Bank of Mum’n’Dad, the stupid twats.
Banks have a lot to answer for, particularly the closure of many small branches in remote places ( and well populated ones, it seems)
Damn them all to Hell!
Likewise, I have a cash back card. Pay for everything with it, settle in full every month, make £100 plus each year in cashback..
No interest paid ever.
Make the cunts work for you ..!
That’s the way to do it!
My bank pays me interest on my balance on a day to day basis, so I leave the cash in the bank earning interest.
Monthly interest plus cashback for utilities earns me £30+ per month.
That’s the Spendo for the Lass sorted, plus a donation to a very small cat rescue.
Fancy fuckin sofas!!!
While the rest of Sheffield make do with orange crates.
Is it leather?
Not a recliner is it?
No, it’s just a massive 4 seater with removable, washable covers that I can flake out on for my old-timers nap, plenty of room for the dog and cat to join me.
Ahh, bliss!
Same here Jeezum & the good Dr.
I also buy practically everything with a CC, then pay the bill in full every month. The cunts get the transaction fees of course, but never any interest out of me.
More insanity. If you make a large purchase using a credit card and thus use more of your line of credit, your credit score/rating goes up (a good thing). When you pay it off, like a financially responsible customer, your credit score/rating actually goes down (a bad thing). The twisted logic appears to be the more debt you have the better credit risk you appear to be, despite your lack of financial means to pay back those you own money to. Make that make sense!
Not sure if I ever knew the answer to this in the UK, but over here there are 3 credit reporting agencies. Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. Why? Why the flying fuckery are there 3 and not just 1 or 27? I have never met anyone over here who can explain this. Naturally they all report a slightly different credit score for you, even though you’re generating the same financial data that’s available to all of them.
There are some things about the US which are truly backward and utterly nonsensical.
Experian here, and I have the highest credit score they give, it’s not hard to get there, seriously.
Equifax, I used to use this to credit check new customers years ago, in my job. I’m amazed they’re still around.
I don’t use credit cards…EVER!
I do use my Bank card (debit card) which is managed by Visa for almost everything so maybe that’s the same thing.
But at this stage of my life I refuse to go into debt unless it is absolutely necessary.
I would prefer to carry cash but as I am getting along in years and am not in the physical shape I once was I prefer not to…even though I do carry a gun…EVERYWHERE.
Can’t go wrong with cash.
Hard to trace, never declined.
I don’t have credit cards.
Maybe handy if a unexpected large bill (garage) pops up but I’ve made do upto now may as well carry on.
I’ve had cash declined south of the border!
So have I!
Once a regular visitor, I have on occasion returned home with Scottish banknotes. You’d think I was some kind of criminal, the looks on people’s faces.
I had a right row with some hatchet-faced cunt in Marks and Spencer over it.
I won, fugly!
Those weird Scottish notes?
Sorry COTI but us English just don’t trust them.
They look a bit like something from a Waddingtons board game.
You’ll be alright with proper English money.
You should thing about having the Loch Ness Monster on your £10 notes.
Traditional cash only businesses….drugs and prostitution.
Just sayin’.
Anything you wish to share, Mis?
Maybe your sideline in country cream gates is a front for something all together more sinister. Maybe that white van of yours is actually a human trafficking ATM? We need to know the truth!!
He does a sideline in firewood, if that helps at all IY.
His country cream gates are unique, artisnal designed and crafted, never to be imitated.
Smuggling, trafficking, slave master,piracy,
All traditional English trades.
Barber shops like cash ..£££
Say what you like about France, they have a bit of national sense with money, investing heavily in our national infrastructure and raking in our money…
But so far as credit cards and credit reference data absorbers go, they don’t really exist, if you want credit from a French bank its like going back in time in UK, you have a sit down with bank manager who tells you how much you can borrow.
Chase, I briefly had an account with em, useless cunts.
The surrender monkeys gave up their own currency pretty sharpish when the 4th Reich Krauts told them to. I still have some French Francs somewhere in the house.
Since we’re slagging off banks, over here in Yankland when you open a bank account you actually have to pay the bank for cheque books (they spell it incorrectly as “checks” – cunts). No, I’m not making that up.
Can we say “scam”?
And years ago when I was a student in Leicester (shit hole even back in the mid 80s), I opened an account with Lloyds and deposited my student grant cheque. Lloyds decided not to provide a cheque book or ATM card and placed a hold on the funds until they had fully cleared. So I had money – which I needed – but couldn’t get to it because of Lloyds fucking bank. Cunts.
When my partner died, 10+ years ago, I had to get probate to access the bank account and transfer funds.
Good job I wasn’t hurting for money as it took about 6 months.
Anyway, I made an appointment to see someone about unfreezing the account and transferring the money, and was left sitting outside the office for 30 minutes, like a naughty kid waiting for the head to cane me, I wasn’t offered so much as a glass of water, and was treated like a nuisance.
My partner left a substantial sum of money and I also had an account with them, also very healthy. I changed banks the next day and transferred the lot out, so fuck you Yorkshire Bank. Way to treat a recently bereaved customer
That’s really shitty, Jeezum. I am sorry you had to go through that.
Banking has become such an awful experience. On my last visit to the UK in 2017, I popped into a branch of HSBC. There were 13 machines in there for bill paying, making deposits, cash points, etc. And ONE person. Just one. I needed foreign exchange, but the person who did that was out at lunch. Let that sink in. 13 machines and one person were collectively utterly useless.
Don’t ever tell the bank cunts someone has died just transfer the money out, if it’s a big wedge it can take a bit of time at £20k a day, never realised this until my old mum popped off cheers Covid vax cunts.
I know this now, and so do the Girls.
They won’t be doing the daft trick that I did.
I would have informed the bank straight away but my mate had just lost his mum and warned me.
I recall those old Access Card commercials. Making out they were nice by having the card as a talking animated character. With that blue pound sign and Fat Wallet as his mates.
Spitting Image did their own version, where Access screws his mates into the ground and the blue pound thing hangs itself.
I remember those ads, Norm. Access – your flexible friend! What a crock.
Remember those credit card slips they used to put in those mechanical swipe machines that would take a carbon impression of your card? One set of carbon slips for Visa and a different set for Access. One time I was buying something with my Barclaycard Visa (yonks ago) and the person behind the till swiped it on an Access carbon slip by mistake. I told them so they could swipe it on the correct slip. That’s how honest I used to be. Experience has drained away that honesty.
American Express goes back to 1850, but the credit came along a lot later. The Barclaycard was another early one, launched I think in the early 60’s. Not sure which one was out first though, as the info on line is not clear. Either way, it was the beginnings of a “Cashless Society,” that is, until the system fails, & the tills go “Cash Only.” How many times have I seen that recently?
& I almost forgot “Access, your flexible friend.”
The one time I used a credit card was about 20 years ago, on sleeper train to London for a work thing.
Me and a guy I worked with, one of the most ridiculous weekends I ever had.
Pretty much fell onto the train at Carlisle suitably refreshed and with sufficient supplies.
No bed on train right enough, in the rowdy seated carriages.
Got talking to some guys who claimed to be steel erectors, they had a pile of cards as thick as a London phone book back then and said the absolute safest place to use them was the train bar and gave me a couple, naturally I was drunk and gave it a go, Unlimited free overpriced drink for the entire carriage, ended up shagging a chinese bird in the bog and upon falling off train at 7am, getting invited to a yardie BBQ in 35 degree heat I was lucky to survive.
Them cards done me well for a good while afterwards.