Causing Hoarding and Panic

Just publish a headline like this.

Tesco, Aldi, Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Lidl shoppers urged to freeze milk and meat this week

Yahoo News.

Please note, this is NOT advice from the Supermarkets named directly, but simply yet another example of click bait “news”

Apparently, there’s a possibility of power cuts over the next few days, because:

Last week
Blizzard to hit, only 8 Counties will escape Blast.

A few days later
Snow blast in 20 regions

7 regions to be hit by snow blast.

Notice the re-occurring word?
Emotive, isn’t it?

So freeze milk and beef in anticipation of power cuts caused by the incoming snow blast, that might happen, probably, possibly, if there’s an R in the month, because
” We’re doomed, doomed I tell you!”

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

51 thoughts on “Causing Hoarding and Panic

  1. Oh there will be power cuts, while we have a deranged bellend in charge of our energy security..

    When we are freezing we can go round beakers and keep warm in one of his two kitchens..
    Or preferably keep warm by kicking him and his family to death..

  2. Fear porn,the special topic of “news” media.

    Everything will kill you today or maybe tomorrow and perhaps next year as well.

    Anything will,the weather,wine,outer space and Donald Trump.

    You name it,the pathetic cunts will try to get you to hide under the bed til they say it’s safe to come out.

    It’s the televisual equivalent of a Wimmins Institute committee meeting.

    Just Say No.

    Good morning.

    • 2024 YR4, anybody? 🤞

      Not big enough to kill us all, unfortunately but if it hit on the right spot.. could take a city clean out ..

      I know there’s always ‘asteroid this’ and ‘asteroid that’, but this one is at a 3 on the Torino scale currently so a bit more interesting than all others. Also only spotted last Dec, so there’s always a chance a bigger (‘short term’) cunt an 8 or 9 or full 10 on the T.S. is still out there … ☠️

      • Certainly a slim but more genuine risk than “climate change” Cuntemall. Look what it did for the dinosaurs.

      • Indeed, Arf’.. I might just clarify : if our species was worth saving, that’d be great. But it’s over, all down to population numbers, and time, really. Specifically certain subdivisions just breeding themselves to an unsurmountable strength of numbers.. Society and CIVILisation are moribund, fucked. So I’m all for scorched earth, & poison the wells rather than hand the spoils of hard work and effort over. We’re too polite it would seem to push back against the savage hordes, so a planet-killer is something I would genuinely be happy to hear about.

        We had our chance. We shit the bed, and continually do so…

  3. Earlier this week

    “Householders urged to lock all windows and doors this weekend”

    Why? Is there going to be a mass release from prison of convicted housebreakers on Friday?

    No, of course not, it might be a bit windy, and unlocked doors and windows might blow open.

    Fuck me, what next? Householders urged to use the toilet when having a shit, as wearing soiled under crackers may be unpleasant?

      • The ornemental owl always gets blown about, but it’s not very aerodynamic so it doesn’t go far, LL, otherwise all fine.

      • As long as they’re clear where to aim them, it’s spelled Attercliffe, and they don’t mind a bit of exploding mobile mayhem, I’m OK with that, Baz.

  4. And talking of click-bait, have you noticed how every “celebrity” fucker under the sun wants to tell you their boo-hoo stories of their latest health scare?
    Gets on my tits. When you consider that we are told about a 1 in 2 chance of developing some form of cancer, their eating disorder, broken finger nail and of course mental health problem pales into insignificance. Attention seeking bastards …

  5. Mark my words, the important stuff to stockpile in is the caviar, champers, sherbert dabs, Ritz Crackers, Curly Wurlys, Quavers, mint choc chip ice cream…When everyone is living on cold beans and tinned ravioli, they will pay a premium for your shit. You will all be millionaires in no time.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Just imagine if you had an unopened box of plain chocolate Bounty bars. You would be rich beyond all dreams of avarice!

  6. Love the picture you attached Jeezum with the car upside down in the ditch. Back in about 2009 I think, our elder was at Exeter university and I drove her back there after the Christmas holiday. We had the first frost of the winter that day. On the A418 from Aylesbury to join the A40 to Oxford there were so many cars wrong way up in the ditch we started to keep a running score. I think in the same way as people can no longer navigate thanks to GPS, they are reliant on the ABS, ESP and traction control to handle the weather. Trouble is when they hit the middle pedal they don’t know enough to get the clutch down at the same time. Great thing about a good winter though is how it will make electric cars even more obviously a bad idea. When the folks out in them watch the remaining range disappearing fast and switch off the heating in the hope they will make it home, when it’s dark and they can’t see where they are going because their LED lights don’t produce any heat so the falling snow builds up on the lenses, when they are sitting in a queue at a public charging point for hours freezing their bollocks off they will soon be reconsidering their choice of vehicle. If the wife and kids are with them in such conditions the EV will be on Autotrader the following day.

    Anyway, I’m just off to fill the tank. Take care out there!

  7. Hello…hello, anyone receiving?
    I’m currently in the basement with all the contents of the kitchen cupboards and hunkered down for a long haul due to the fact the 📻 announced a forthcoming precipitation event that could cause flooding, our nearest river is only 2.3miles away 🌊 and this is serious….pray ✝️ we are spared…🆘

    • Yes, FC, but apparently if you keep the freezer door shut the contents can remain frozen for up to 9 hours!

      Man dies of hunger/thirst despite having ample supplies of frozen beef and milk.

      Mother complains “they” didn’t tell us it was okay to open the freezer!

      Tragic! Still, lessons will be learned, etc.

  8. Great Nom Jeezum. The other day everone was going to get 11 inches, …. of snow that is. Of course it never happened. It could have caused Panic Buying! At least the measurement was in good old imperial, instead of 278mm.

  9. OT, but the BBC are making a big thing of folks buying number plates without producing the legally required ID and log book. Dull cunts obviously haven’t considered that the law only applies in the UK. I’ve bought number plates off-shore, not because I clone plates(!) but because it’s a lot less trouble to order them and have them turn up at my door next day than to dig out the documentation and drive somewhere twice, to order and to collect. They are also cheaper than Halfords!

  10. I don’t agree with the cancellation of the winter fuel allowance given that it’s been a thing for sometime and relied upon by those who need it most.

    Now admittedly I’m not 70 odd, so don’t know what “cold” feels like to old bones, but it’s currently -25 degrees centigrade outside here in sunny Minnesota. THAT’S fucking cold. What are people in the UK complaining about?

    A snow flake touches a railway track and the whole network panics and shuts down. Temperatures drop to -1 and suddenly it’s a national emergency. Now there’s talk of power outages. The UK seems to drift closer to third world status day-by-day. It doesn’t help that half the third world now lives there. And by lives I mean freeload. FFS.

  11. You are not wrong, IY.

    A couple of millimetres of snow and everyone loses their mind!

    The performances I’ve seen by motorists have kept me entertained for hours.
    Lord help us if we ever get more than what amounts to a hard frost!

    I was very disappointed about the lack of thunder snow, though.

  12. I always thought mexicans ate baked beans?

    But no, they have various cuisine all with the same ingredients.

    Ground beef


    They eat something called enchiladas which are like a big centipede I think.

    I wouldn’t eat the shite they have for tea,
    But I like those hats they wear.
    Like a pub umbrella 🏖️
    Be handy here it’s always raining

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