Benefit Cheats (2)

“could lose driving licences in anti-fraud drive” trumpets BBC News!

I’m not sure if the pun is intentional, or just that the 14 year old who wrote this headline was unaware of the irony.


Four paragraphs down is a link to a £240k debt write off, because the cheater has died, after screwing the system for 15 years!

Anyway, back to the thrust of this nom.
Who on earth would think that anyone who has been caught out cheating the system would give two flying fucks about their driving licence ( assuming they have one) being suspended?

This measure, if it’s actually introduced and not just a virtual sticking plaster, will make no difference at all to those convicted of benefit fraud who have failed to make court ordered reparations, and anyone who thinks it will is severely deluded.

Also, referring to the case mentioned above, of the £240k write off, the fiddle went on for 15 years, 15 fucking years! I can’t get my breath.

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

117 thoughts on “Benefit Cheats (2)

  1. I’m like when benefit fraudsters get caught out in a DHSS sting.

    Normally grassed up by a bitter neighbour or curtain twitcher.

    The best ones are when they claim they can barely walk and claim disability benefits,
    Only to be filmed competing in the Doncaster and regional rock n roll dancing final.

    Hair in a quiff, leather jacket on jiving and bopping away,
    Then all tearful when up before the beak😆

    • I’ve noticed that these malingering bastards have two distinct types of stick in a filthy rack just inside the council house front door. One is a Benefits Stick used for visits to the doctor, claiming and signing on. The other is a Sympathy Stick and can be used instead of a wheelchair or zimmer frame for court appearances after they’ve been found out.

  2. Not sure if I’m missing something here but reading all the header cases only one was made to repay what was fiddled. The others appear (as I say I may be missing something) seem to have just got a derisory fine and a “victim (me?) surcharge. If fact most are quids in.
    As for !5years on the fiddle with nobody running any checks seems to indicate that many of the illegals will be coining it for years.
    Geezer in Manchester buys a book, therefore he owns it, it is his property, and he sets fire to it, The book was one of Alan’s snack bar reading, but it was his, he owned it If he didn’t like it it was his to do what he wanted with it it. Wrong. Arrested for hate , racist, yadda yadda yadda. Oh and plod have issued his full name, meanwhile the local paper have published his address. He has not been in court or found guilty yet but I bet he won’t be staying at that address for long now.
    Saw the header and title and thought, “is that Starner’s cabinet.?”
    I feel it is going to get dreadfully crowded on the barricades.
    Afternoon .

    • His name and address?
      Trial by media, I hope the CPS decline to prosecute as the case is tainted, and he sues the fuck out of the local paper.

    • Absolutely.

      I’m financially OK as a pensioner, even though I pay Income tax of around £2.5k p.a.
      ( makes the £200 WFA look like a fair exchange, dunnit?)

      I can’t afford a car. Oh, I could buy one, but the ongoing cost of keeping the sodding thing on the road doesn’t make sense, when I have 4 drivers with 3 cars at their disposal, a bus pass and there’s always taxis for the few journeys I make that need a car, outside of Elder/Younger Priest taxis.

  3. Another typical Labour announcement from the ‘club of good ideas’ based on how to keep as many votes as possible.

    An anti fraud drive of total mindlessness. Eagerly masturbated over by their press wing and cheerleaders in the BBC however.

    If any cunt reads it and thinks for a second it’s a logical and sound approach to deal with the benefits problem in this blighted country then they need a shoeing.

    Still what should we expect with the cunts In ‘Government’…

  4. King for a day skint for a fortnight.
    The hours are great but the wage is crap.
    The chat, The dole, jobshop, singing on the dotted line. Job club Dole scum, Hokey cokey pig in a pokey.
    Done any work in the past Two weeks ?
    Nope been watching Bargain Hunt, getting stoned and wanking.

  5. Bennies should only be paid in vouchers for gas, electric and food from the local supermarket.

    See how quickly these scrounging wasters get up off their collective arses once the sky full package subscription has been cut off and dole vouchers can’t be spent on tabs, booze or scratch cards.

    Alternatively, adopt the Danish system where you get three months of welfare and then the state gives you a job to do in return for your bennies. Overtime can be worked for additional cash if needed.

    Very little unemployment in the able bodied indigenous Danish population.

    • Same here with the Swedos.
      No worky, no money.
      You have to be a total fuck-up to be jobless, and then you get ‘existence money’ which covers grub, rent and a newspaper.
      Unless you are Somalian or from some other dirt-hole. None of them can get a job as they don’t know how to do anything.
      SwedoGov is offering them big money to sod off home.
      Adios Abdul.

      • In honesty, Medieval, I think it would be well worth adopting that approach, as long as those agreeing to return to their home countries ( therefore proving they were not fleeing war or persecution) agreed to be permanently tagged, in order to stop them returning with another forged ID.

        Perhaps branding ” not welcome in the UK” on the forehead?

      • @JP – they say the Nordics are socialists…..terrible left wing softies.
        This is far from the truth, they look after their own people , economy and take no shite.

        I fully agree with your branding suggestion, ‘Return to sender’.

      • That “return to sender” Elvis Presley makes no sense?

        ‘i gave a letter to the postman,
        He put it in his sack”…

        He should of posted it properly.
        Postmen aren’t fuckin lapdogs for famous people.

        ‘ he wrote upon it return to sender”

        Probably wiped his cock on it too.

        That’s the problem with Presley.
        No respect for postal etiquette

      • Evening MCC.

        What’s the score with the school shooting?

        Illegal gimmegrant?

        Disgruntled student?

        Random loony?

  6. WTF has a driving licence got to do with Benefit Fraud?
    Most of these tossers couldn’t care less that’s no deterrent send them to jail.
    The biggest scrounges are these Rubber Boaters Why should they get free coats trainers and a mobile phone plus spending money. Labour want to sort this one out before lip syncing potential voters absolute hypocrites 👎👎

  7. I believe Starmski wants to introduce Sharia blasphemy laws…

    Got to keep slapper Rayner’s constituents happy.

    Amongst other slim labour Muslim marginals..💩

  8. However these benefit cheats are small fry compared to MPs. They can overspend £500m on a sodding ferry and nothing is said about it. They can claim thousands on expenses and nothing is said. £2000 for staples as “office expenses” my arse.

  9. Tip of the fucking iceberg what about all the cunts coming on boats and the other arseholes in parliament and the House of Lords . Those cunts in the header picture are fucking apprentices compared to a fucking mp

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