Or rather he/she wants your children.
Donald Trump is determined to end the war in Ukraine. The Clown Car Parade of European “Leaders” can’t fucking stand it.
After years of sitting on their hands and whining about the Perils of Putin, they have been shut out by Trump as he gives them a Master Class in Realpolitik.
They are now determined to show how tough and relevant they are. None more so than the most despicable cunt to ever occupy #10, Auntie Keir Starmer.
With all the false bravado he/she could muster, Auntie Keir proudly proclaimed he would send Britain’s sons, daughters, trannies, and non-binaries to die on the Steppes in defence of peace in Ukraine.
Here’s my suggestion to Auntie Keir. After sitting around with your thumb up your ass…take your thumb out of your ass…stick it up Lammy’s ass…and leave the business of ending the war to Trump.
Feckless fucking cunt!
Nominated by General Cuntster.
Here is a thought Rodney you Adenoid voiced robot, 25,000 plus pavement apes, nìgglèts, inbreds,and assorted peaceful scum has turned up since your pitiful tenure as prime minister.
Conscript them,give them a knife, but one of those without a point as idris elbow mentioned recently..
Then send to the front as cannon fodder.
Or better still keep quiet you powder puff pòof.
If the Ivan’s or the Septics ever get to see the infamous footage of Sir Keir working that heavy bag in the boxing gym, they’ll all collectively shit their pants and run away.
Raging Tool.
Raging Bull(shiter)
Rocky, sorry I mean Rodney 😂
Less Floyd Mayweather more Florence Fairweather.
Sugar Ray Starmer
Keir “The SHit Man” Starmer
Hands of moan😁
He has been Macrumped, thought he was going to be the first to see Big Don and the granny shagger has sneaked in before him.
Went to France to get the Europeans on board with ‘how tough I am’ and got the cold shoulder from Germany and Poland.
Poland saying they have enough to deal with securing their borders, yes Kweer securing their border, please take note.
JD really did give Europe in general and the UK specifically a right earful and everything he said was 100% spot on, oh he shouldn’t interfere cry the left, well he has a platform to speak for the majority of what people think and want.
The people are ignored, a bit different when the second most powerful man in the world speaks.
Vance speaks for me more than any of the 650 cunts in the HoC
Back to Kweer, he can go to Washington and talk all the bollocks he wants but at the end of the day without the USA the Ukraine could not survive and Putin knows that.
Big Don holds the cards, either Russia negotiate or the US can keep supplying Ukraine until all the Ukraine army are dead.
Slagging off Piano Penis Man is forcing him to negotiate or step aside.
As they say all is fair in love and war.
Will any of the peace-keeping troops be allowed to buy any weapons being sold on the black market? You know, the ones bought from taxpayers’ money. It could be a good incentive and would prevent them being sold to drug cartels.
Drop Lammy on the kremlin to do his King Kong stunt. Let the Russians shoot the fat cunt off.
This cunt has waited to see what the Don is doing, and is determined to do the opposite.
But of course it won’t be him having to fight, or his cronies. Nor his beloved immigrants or Muslim friends.
It’ll be our poorly equipped armed forces trying to enforce that dickheads point of view.
They’re poorly equipped because most of the good stuff has been sent to Ukraine.
Leaving us with a couple of battered BSA air rifles and Citroen 2CV to go into battle with.
It looks like Kweer has listened to JD Vance and written to all the cabinet to say stop looking down on working class people when they have concerns over immigration
Bit of a U turn from the summer when they were all far right, he is completely insincere of course but has to say it because he sees support for labour going down the drain
Kier said he is “ready and willing” to put British troops in Ukraine.
Oooo, your hard .
you may as well send the pensioners as well, you hate them cunts.
And the farmers.
Those cunts have it coming.
What’s he posturing for?
Nobody respects him.
Everyone knows he’s a joke.
He’s never had a fight in his life.
He gets PTSD playing paintball.
Faints at red paint.
I wasn’t aware we had an Army any more.
Oh well, it’ll just have to be the Walmington-on-Sea Home Guard, led by Captain Rodney Mainwaring.
Don’t panic, don’t panic.
If you send our troops to the Ukraine, are you going to send your kids Kier?
This should be law.
Politicians only get to start wars if their own offspring are in the vanguard of the first attack.
They only send the poor. Generation after generation, same old fucking story.
How about this time, send the rich chinless, spineless and useless.
I’ll buy tickets.
The second world war ended in 1945 and the allies thought that was that. Everybody that is except the Russians who decided they didn’t want to be anyone’s ally. After four years of fruitless negotiations everybody else decided to create the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in response to the Russian threat.
It’s now seventy five years later and only the names have changed, then it was Stalin, now it’s Putin. But wait, something in America has changed. We’ve had Republican presidents and we’ve had Democrat presidents, but never before have we had an American president who’s sided with the enemy.
Keir Starmer has offered help to Ukraine, just as most European countries have because it’s the right thing to do and because they all recognize the problems Russia will cause if they’re given the slightest encouragement. But then along comes Trump who’s thinking about the billions of dollars in aid America is spending and imagining wouldn’t it be better if most if not all of it was syphoned off into projects loosely connected with his own bank account. You can never be too rich.
So all of a sudden on Truth Social we find history is being re-written. Zelensky is a dictator, not Putin. Ukraine started the war, not Russia. Zelensky refuses to hold elections and has only 4% approval rating in the polls. All total fabrications which only the most brain-dead zombie cult followers would believe. And Putin sits in the Kremlin grinning as his obedient patsy in the White House does his work for him.
In a world with ICBMs I think we are much better staying well out of it.
A dose of neutrality Swiss style would do us the power of good.
Starmer,Sunak,Johnson etc etc etc have left us with more than enough on our own plate to be mithering after another foreign mess.
Aye, we dont even need an Army if we could keep our unwanted nose out.
A well equiped air force and navy for defending our watery border with some space lasers thrown in for good measure to ensure the air force and navy can carry out their newly tasked duties of repeling/sinking small boats without needing to get tied up in real fights.
Oh and keep the noocular subs just so nobody gets any ideas.
Ah yet another Allan sermon to tell all us sinners where we go wrong. So endeth the first lesson. Now we will sing “Fight The Good Fight”. America are lucky they have a President who puts his own country and people first – and their bank accounts, unlike the shovelful of shit we have as “leader”
Hey Boggs,
Here’s an old American classic that seems to fit the mood:
Shit! I just watched that vid.
Maybe the link is wrong.
Let’s try again:
I don’t think anyone thought ‘that was that’, 1945 saw Europe carved up, essentially east and west and the Cold War saw huge escalation in arms and nuclear weapons
Russia had the USSR and the Iron Curtain, compare that to now all the SSR members have gone and the Iron curtain in now in NATO
Ronnie Raygun will be spinning in his grave.
…at the thought of this pointless war going on and on with no end in sight.
… at the thought of a POTUS sucking the cock of Vlad the Murderous Kleptocratic Arse Impaler.
Peace is such a bad thing.
It must be avoided at all costs and the war must go on no matter what.
Ukraine First
St. Volo
War! War! War!
Very good Allan, you left out the bit about the fall of the USSR and what happened afterwards however.
The blame for the war in Ukraine is down to the eu, starting with euro-maidan.
I think history must have misjudged Neville Chamberlain all these years we’ve thought of him as a naive, appeasing fool.
He was simply giving a masterclass of realpolitik all along.
It’s time for history to be re-written in his favour, perhaps Trump and Putin could do it, they’ve got form.
What we are seeing here is worse than appeasement, it is complete alignment.
I have admiration for Trump in many areas, but cosying up to a fucking filthy commie dictator isn’t one of ‘em.
Many on here want to compartmentalise this into Trump ‘stopping the war’, well I say that’s complete bollocks!
One of Don’s problems is that, very much like Putin, he’s a huge narcissist & a long way up his own arsehole about how good he is. I’m at a loss to understand what he thinks he’s doing by knifing his allies in favour of the commies.
If the US doesn’t want to support Europe anymore, then fine, but don’t sell the continent down the river by implying Putin can do what the fuck he wants.
I’m all in favour of stopping the war, but fuck me, would America cede territory in pursuit of peace if it was invaded by a bunch of commies!?
Would it fuck! Massive fucking hypocrites.
For fucks sake Don, sort yourself out!
I’m with you Gusset👍
Putin isn’t a Commie, he’s a grubby little authoritarian psychopath who found himself in the right place at the right time.
Putin’s regime has more in common with a gangster state than any specific ideology. And in common with all despots who grind their country into the dirt, he chose to invade his increasingly prosperous neighbour to distract attention from the fact that he and his sycophantic oligarchs had robbed the Russian people blind, rendering their economy significantly smaller than those of Italy or South Korea.
Putin would be nothing now without his rusty old nukes. Hopefully his Gaddafi moment will be not too long in coming.
Meanwhile the orange man is green with envy.
Coming soon, Big Don’s ‘special military operation’ into Canada and Norway….
Actually ScB, I agree. I think Vlad harks back to the glory of his KGB days, doing pretty much what the fuck he liked in the name of the state. And now he IS the state, God help the average russian, as many of their younger generation have discovered.
Donald Trump shames himself massively by aligning with him, but Don has never worried too much about shame.
Im in a quandary about Trump, we could do with his style of leadership in many aspects, but turning on your friends is a cowardly act for anyone who has even a modicum of honour & mutual respect.
He would be better telling Zelensky, ‘Sorry, but the US isn’t supporting you anymore, ask the Europeans to step up, & then show two fingers to Putin & call him a cunt. But he doesn’t & that says a lot about him, as well as having massive implications for Western Europe.
According to military insiders, the UK would have to supply an absolute minimum of 30,000 troops in three tours over 12 months. 10,000 at any given time.
Our current strength overall is around 70,000, many of which are committed elsewhere.
So I assume that Sir Kweer has asked Rachel from accounts to do the maths ahead of his mindless statement.
I suppose he’ll have to conscript the ‘far right’ scum (I.e working class white British voters) he and his party openly despise.
Good luck with that you pasty faced pansy.
And anyway, it isn’t our war and we aren’t big enough to play the world’s police force anymore.
Plus we’re meant to be skint, remember.
Isn’t it lovely watching the scūm of the EU plus cocksuckęr Stormer scrabble to catch up with the Yanks,even though it was quite obvious for years precisely what Donald would do if elected..
He’s pulled the cosy security blanket off the cowardly faggōts,rightly so…its lovely to watch the Gravy Train of Bullshit and Lies fall to bits as the possibility that they’ll have to pay for their own defence dawns on the Globalist cunts.
I sincerely hope the Yanks simply up sticks and leave the pathetic cunts to sort their mess out,why should the American taxpayer continue to be robbed to pay for Mrs Zelenskys shopping trips to Paris?
As for Macho Man Comrade Kweer,good luck trying to drum up some sort of jingoistic pride for yet another foreign war,our country has been watered down to fuck all… importing millions of Islamic cunts who want us dead has seen to that once and for all.
Perhaps one fine day we’ll get a leader who secures our own country,not jet about talking bollockš to other shithouse cunts.
Fuck Ukraine.
Fuck Zelensky.
Fuck the EU.
Fuck NATO.
Fuck British politics.
Double oven with a big fuck off pile of Anglo Saxon shite on the top..💩
Hey UT,
Favorite post of the day honors go to you.
Thanks General you’re an all round Good Egg.
I concur, maybe Alan wants to go and fight with his kids and relatives.
Top post Unkle.
Fuck that political non-entity Boris Johnson who’s been banging his gums about Ukraine again as well. I wish they’d all just fuck off over there if they care that much.
Shame none of the cunts give a rats for the UK.
Cheers LDC.
I’m prepared to revise my opinion when the offspring of our “leaders” are sat in freezing trenches risking their lives alongside working class Brits who 2 tier cunt made sure were chucked in prison sharpish for the idea that islamic terrorists murdering children is something to be royally fucked off about.
We need to stay out of all of it,let Putin and the EU have at it and let the biggest cunt win.
O / T, time to bin your iPhone, big brother Starmski’s watching YOU…!
BBC News – Apple pulls data protection tool after UK government security row
I think all those little wet-behind-the-ears poofters that sit in the House of Commons on the Labourite benches should be conscripted first – starting with that pompous little bugger all of 22 whose name escapes me, who thinks he knows it all. then all the lesbian ladies who think they are tough – Jess Phillips, for example and that frightful Leadbitter woman(?). Also called to the colours should be Wes Gladys Streeting – after all he agrees with every word Rodney says – he should join the Queens Own Regiment, and he should take Dirty Ange with him as she could be their mascot – the goat. Failing that AnalEase, if she can be tethered properly.
P.S. This Samb0 wimminz, whose fat arse sits on the Labour benches (probably farts out dem red beans and rice) wants conscription returned – but I bet not for all the little Dwights and Wonston’s though – there will be an excuse to keep them at home with muma and pappy:
The billions in rare minerals has nothing to do with this war!!!
Eh? sorry, I misheard 😁
There is no war not one Ukraine footy match cancelled because of this non war. Do you really think bojo the jelly would have gone there if it was dangerous.
And U2 Diddymen cunts Bonio and the Hedge left the Treacle Butty Mine to play a ‘special gig’ in the Ukraine and lick some Zelensky arse.
The official U2 online store sells Zelensky T-Shirts.
What the bugger has it (or he) to do with a rock band or rock music? To use one of their own songs, Cunts Bloody Cunts.
Alright Norman?
I went to Lou Macari’s chippy today.
It was shut.
Not really his is it?
Named after him only?
I’d love a chippy named after me!
It’s in my opinion it’s a bigger honour than a olympic medal 🏅
I genuinely expected him to be behind the counter!
“You wanting a fish put on lad?”😂
Sammy McIlroy , Steve Coppell and Gary Bailey hanging out
His grandson plays for Notts county not a bad lad.
Of course, we would need to keep a “military presence” in the UK, to protect our borders and that’s what Dwight and Winston will be doing, hopefully with wooden rifles.
Lou Macari?
It Is Lou’s chippy, Miserable.
He got it for his parents in the 70s, but they are long dead now. Louie still owns the chippy.
And his teammate, Stuart ‘Pancho’ Pearson had a newsagents in Simister for years.
Off topic…but hey, it’s my nomination…
Anyone have James Bond in the Deadpool?
Think that happened a few years back Gen
I think you’re right Chris.
But I’m referring to the Broccoli Clan selling the rights to 007 to fucking Amazon.
Yep I gathered, but those wankers were no friends to JB over the last decades hated most of the Craig stuff didn’t really like Brosnan much. Give me 1973 in Lyme Regis watching Live and let die as a 7 year old, then returning from hols and going with gran to see it again in Mansfield telling her it’s about boats crocodiles and some drug plants. Happy days I still wear my Rolex sub with pride pity it not magnetic or a buzz saw.
Aye that’s the end of “just keeping the British end up” and “when in Egypt one must delve deep into her treasures”…
100 pounds says the next “Bond” is a blek lesbianist.
My favorite is the dialog between Bond and Tiffany Case in Diamonds are Forever. (Which isn’t my favorite Bond film.)
Bond: Weren’t you a blond when I came in?
Case: Could be.
Bond: I tend to notice little things like that, whether a girl’s a blond of brunette.
Case: And which do you prefer?
Bond: Oh, provided the collars and cuffs match…
She’s just coming sir.
I remember seeing an episode of The Professionals years ago (Martin Shaw/Lewis Collins/Gordon Jackson), where a gang of terrorists are hold up in a country church, for some reason, and they are shooting it out with Cowley’s mob,armed with machine guns. The Padre dashes in and says “no, no, dont – peace” – then they shoot the silly old cunt. I can see Kweer as the Padre.
Keir Stapo can fuck off and die.
There are enough pointless military graves, due to sending our lads to raghead shitholes like Iraq and Afghanistan.Not one of those soldiers needed to go to those flyheaps, and none of them should have died.
That Primark President Zelensky has leeched off us enough.
And – I have said this before – does anyone really believe that this cunt would have given a single shit or lifted one finger had Ivan invaded the UK or Germany or anywhere else? Of course he bloody wouldn’t. This fucker’s trouble is he’s happy putting his own people at risk. And now he wants other countries to get thier people killed. But, of course, the higher echelons of Ukranian ‘society’ like their football team are nowhere near the battles. While this war was going on, the Ukraine national side played at Wembley in a meaningless friendly. Which the pathetic media lapped up. Calling their team ‘brave’ and all that bollocks.. Zelensky hasn’t ordered them to join up, has he? Course he hasn’t and he won’t. They’re probably all his mates. The peoples’ war, but not the rich peoples’ war.
People have a go at Trump, but he has this cunt’s number.
Spot on
All aboard the hms pinafore with gay abandon post haste and set sail to the east.
I’m totally confident in sir Kiers handling of this.
His calming monotone voice bringing calm in fiery debate.
This time next year we’ll be at war with the US.
I’m actually quite happy about Sir Kweer sending Britain’s trannies, and non-binaries to die on the Steppes in defence of peace in Ukraine. As long as that’s all it is, plus Flabbot and Magic Grandpa’s crew.
Well, at least the spastic utterings of big Donald Trump in recent days were less predictable than this nomination.
“Donald Trump is determined to end the war in Ukraine.”
By giving Russia everything it wants. What a legend.
“Auntie Keir proudly proclaimed he would send Britain’s sons, daughters, trannies, and non-binaries to die on the Steppes in defence of peace in Ukraine.”
In the role of peace-keeping a presumed armistice, who is going to kill them. The Russians? Oh that’s ok then, another lesson in Realpolitik.
Trump the moron will be defended by those who somehow have conflated ‘the war against woke’ with supporting a homicidal regime in a war of aggression for land and resources. Perhaps it is all a cunning plan to remove Russia from China’s orbit? That would be just like him, he can do no wrong afterall.
Trump has the temerity to dismiss Zelenskyy as a moderately successful comedian, from the man who has appeared on SNL as a plumber, a moderately successful reality-tv star and someone who has even dabbled in a bit of WWE wrassling (the kind of make-belief fucktardery that is lapped up by his MAGA base).
But the absolute peach of them all is calling Zelenskyy a dictator.
Perhaps President Trump can finally provide evidence for this assertion, something the writer of this nom has consistently failed to do despite repeated promises.
Honestly MBE, you are dumber than a Labour Cabinet meeting.
You just regurgitate the same old discredited and debunked shit by the same old Trolls suffering from the same old mental illness…Cuntster Derangement Syndrome. (CDS.)
I posted 2 links proving I was right on at least 3 separate occasions. You just ignored them because they defeat your bogus narrative.
Now…as for your self proclaimed expertise expressed in another thread would you please answer the following questions:
1. In which service did you serve? Army…RAF…RN…etc
2. What was your rank? Corporal…Major…Brigadier…etc
3. In which arm did you serve? Infantry…Armour…Artillery…etc.
4. Was your unit Front Line Combat…Staff…Logistics…Support…etc
5. What was your particular role…rifleman…radioman…tank driver…etc
6. How many times were you briefed on US Long term strategic plans?
7. What security level did you hold?
I feel memories can be tricky on these details.
Anyone confused what the General is talking about should judge for themselves by reading the Ukraine thread,
Where he discusses democracy in Ukraine with a sadly departed ISAC poster called Dick Fiddler.
You may experience hiccups, sleep laughter and tummy cramps.
I did 😁
Nothing I’ve said has been debunked, you either didn’t understand it or simply didn’t want to believe it.
Far easier to clutch to your CDS excuse (talk about regurgitated shit).
You’ve never proved your outlandish assertions because you couldn’t. You rowed back on it on the basis of your own discredited sources which, surprise surprise, didn’t even back up your argument. A triple-crown of stupidity matched only by Trump and his cronies.
But we’re raking over old coals here and you’re as impervious to shame as your dear leader.
But I’ll confess as much as I’m prepared to, in the spirit of European/US relations.
1. Army
2. Colour Sergeant
3. Infantry
4. Combat arm (if I’ve understood your question).
5. Too many to name but I was a rifleman to begin with.
6. No comment
7. No comment
Take it or leave it, not arsed.
Out from under the bridge comes Mis!
Anyone confused about what happened should understand that the shame and humiliation of what he did was so great that Chicken Dick Fiddler ran away and dare not ever show his face around IsaC again.
But I’m still here and still telling it like it is.
Choke on it Trolls!
Here we go.
For those Trolls too stupid or too sick with CDS here’s one of them again:
For those who can’t be arsed to read it the relevant part is:
“Democracies do not ban opposition parties. The fact that so many parties ever existed says something about the level of opposition faced by the Ukrainian nationalist government that came to power after the 2014 revolution. then in may of 2022 the Ukrainian parliament passed a lwas formally BANNING ALL THESE PARTIES. President Zelensky signed this law.”
Game. Set. Match.
Did you click on my link General?
God, it may be hilarious for me but you surely must blush with shame and embarrassment when you read it?
I’d be sooo mortified.
You made a right knobhead of yourself there didn’t you?
I like the bit when you say about ‘ truth bombs’ hehehe 😂
“All THESE parties…”
Whoops General, you missed out this bit (again) “Among the 11 banned parties are the Socialist Party of Ukraine, the Progressive Socialist Party of the Ukraine, the Union of Left Forces, and the Communist Party of Ukraine.”
So not all parties then, as you repeatedly claimed.
A mere 11 out of 50-odd parties with parliamentary seats and probably about 50 odd seats out of 450 total.
And all the parties that are an agent of a foreign power, specifically the one that invaded the country.
The horror! The horror!
You can’t understand what you read.
Thank fuck for VAR.
As an NCO…even a Colour Sergeant…I feel confident you were not privy to any discussions regarding US long term strategic goals which is why you didn’t answer those questions.
Nonetheless, I’m sure your countrymen appreciate your service.
And your service history, Sir?
He doesn’t need to have one, it is not an appeal to authority, he asked and I answered as much as I was willing. No harm done.
And General, for the record, a SNCO in the British army is not the same as their US equivalent in terms of access or responsibility. And to be even clearer, the two wars I mentioned were of course Afghanistan and Iraq, places we had no business being in if not for the global machinations of the US.
I do.
No joke General.
Mickey served in the British army.
He has my respect.
As does any serviceman.
Whether Irish,Welsh, Scot, white or black.
Why wasn’t you in Vietnam?
You protested against the Vietnam war didn’t you?
Actually, MBE you said you fought in 2 wars and I was trying to ascertain you actual involvement.
What little respect I have for you would go up immeasurably if I new you were a front line soldier engaged in combat in real life shooting war.
I’d still consider you a Troll but I would afford you the respect you earned as a soldier.
Fuck Ukraine bunch of internet thieves nothing to do with us.
Hey Chris,
The only value Ukraine serves is to give the CDS infected Trolls an opportunity to attack me here on IsaC.
Wah! Wah! Wah!
Cry me a river.
Don’t worry Gen at least Dick twat and japs eye don’t post their shite anymore.
That’s why the sites full of plastic yanks and dullards.
This nomination is about Zelensky.
The Trolls want an opportunity to attack me.
So one Troll started this thread. Two more have joined in.
Poor Mis misses his Troll Daddy so…
At any rate I am right. They are wrong. And Chicken Dick has flown the coop.
And now I shall end it.
Toodles Trolls.
So anyone posting in defence of Ukrainian national sovereignty and territorial integrity is by definition troll?
Still waiting for your service history.
Your right General.
I do miss Fiddler.
Miss his genuine acidic wit, his unpredictable opinion and insightful occasionally cruel comments.
Your no replacement ☹️
Not saying that to be nasty.
But I find you dull.
I’ve never read a single comment you’ve made where you swerve from the party line.
That’s either disingenuous or lacking in creative thought.
Anyway, I’m not after a argument.
Us trolls prefer music on a Friday.
Of course you will end it.
You weren’t winning.
Still waiting for your service history, assuming you actually have one, and are not, as I suspect, a 19 year old living in Gramma’s basement.
Oops, not aimed at my favourite troll.
That was meant for the plastic yank.
Welcome to WW3, y`all.
Yeeeeee haaaa!!!
Blessed are the peacemakers
As Lord Dannatt pointed out WE HAVE NO TROOPS TO SEND.Auntie K Weer deserves to be hung drawn and quartered.A colossal penis.
Succinct and true.
Truly a cunt for all seasons.
Afternoon all.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump is getting on board with Mad Vlad to form some sort of alliance against Chinaah!
Trade or military.
Just a thought.
It’s the only possible play that doesn’t make him a complete cretin.
Still stupidly short-sighted though.
I’d wager that it’s more likely there actually IS a video of him getting pissed on by an assortment of Russian stunners, but that could just be my fetish talking.
The Gold is Gone
It was leased out to others but they sold it, the leasers are willing to pay back in dollars but not the Gold.
The movements of metals currently are not just tremors, they are seismic.
Starmer believes he is right and everyone who doesn’t agree with him is wrong. He also believes the proletariat are dumb as sheep and need to do what they are told, if they step out of line lock them up.
He is a real danger to us all, usually a leader like him wouldn’t last but he is surrounded by morons who are convinced of their own infallibility.
Lammy, Rayner, Milliband and Rachel the creative writer and expenses claimed extraordinaire. They all think they know best when it’s obvious to the most casual observer the monkeys are now running the circus.
Starmer though is also a coldly calculating borderline psychopath, in the right conditions he will cross that line.
He needs to be out of government pronto.
Of course he’s a psychopath.
Most captains of industry are.
In fact, I’d be hard pushed to name a single person in power who wasn’t /isn’t one.
It’s not a bad thing, you just get it mixed up with psycho killer.
“better run run run run away way oh aye aye ah aye aye yah”
He starts a conversation,, he cant even finish it.
Loved Talking Heads back in the day jeez
I love runners.
Isle get me coat.
It never ends well when they are running counties or little chef’s
15 year old Harvey Willgoose’s funeral in Sheffield today. Maybe, just maybe the continuous trail of fucking cunts in Parliament could sort out the utter shit, basket case that is the UK first????
What a great nom!
I’ve really enjoyed it 😁👍
Fuck Russia
Fuck Putin
Fuck appeasement
Amen to those sentiments Mis 😁👍
I’m ever so sorry, Mis.
I didn’t mean to imply you were a plastic yank in my earlier response.
yeah I knew that JP.
No problem 👍
Hey, me dad’s out of hospital and doing well,
bit of colour in his face.
when it warms up slightly I’m going to take him out for a meal in the peak District.
when he was in a bad way he said that’s one thing he’d like to do.
a coffee in the hills .
Can’t wait 👍
Right glad to hear about your old love, Mis.
I’m sure he will enjoy a jolly.