The Rape Gangs Scandal


It’s the national scandal that Sir ‘TwoTier Keir’ and his merry band would give anything to go away and wither on the vine. Yes, keep hoping, you cunts.

It’s now public knowledge that so-called ‘grooming gangs’ (mostly men of Pakistani origin) have been systematically abusing young white girls, some as young as eleven, for donkey’s years. Calls have been growing ever louder for a full scale public inquiry to establish the true scale of the problem, with the number of victims potentially running into thousands, even tens of thousands. Such an inquiry would also establish the extent of complicity of councillors, police, social workers and the CPS in allowing such activity to continue, and even attempting to cover it up.

Daily Fail

I don’t actually think that it takes much imagination to figure out why there have been so many attempts to brush this whole issue under the carpet. Nobody wanted to be accused of racism or Islamophobia. But this doesn’t wash anymore. Now our spineless government has just ‘whipped’ its MPs to vote against an inquiry, claiming amongst other things that we’ve just had one (the Jay Report, which was of course NOT a specific investigation into the rape gangs outrage). To make matters even worse, our weasel of a PM has also tried to dodge the issue by saying that it would give succour to ‘the far right’ (yes, them again), a line picked up by Wes Streeting MP. My response to this is ‘bollocks’. Labour wants this buried for simple political expediency; the government has shat its nappy at the thought of alienating the Muslim vote.

It makes you want to vomit. But at least there are encouraging signs that the dam will continue to burst around the government, with the Labour MPs for Rotherham and Rochdale now calling for an inquiry;

the sun

Keir Starmer and his government should hang their heads in shame, but I suspect that they wouldn’t know shame if a shipload of it fell through the roof of the House of Commons. I call them out as cynical, amoral cunts who place top priority on their responsibility to themselves and their own positions, and who spit in the eyes of the electorate

Nominated by Ron Knee.

111 thoughts on “The Rape Gangs Scandal

  1. Starmer bite the bullet grow a pair and hold a public enquiry into the grooming gangs and the cowardly bastards who allowed the scum to basically n*&£# in peace. Shameful, I tell you Starmer this is going to haunt you, karma is a bitch, cognitive dissonance don’t last for ever.

  2. Of course nothing is going to come of this.

    White indigenous British people are being shat on every day in favour of Muslims.

    They do nothing.

    The entire nation has been systematically taken over by Muslims.
    Even the minority black population do nothing.

    The cowards that the white British now are just sit on their hands and shuffle their feet.

    Starting every sentence with, “I’m not a racist, but”.

    This outrage has been going on for decades.
    Even the girls involved don’t want to be labelled as racists.
    Some of the girls involved will now be fully grown adults, but we hear nothing from any of them.

    For the British it’s down to someone else to sort out their problems.
    Not prepared to do anything for themselves except whisper their disapproval in select company.

    So it’s now the concern of a South African born American, Elon Musk to bring things into the open and ask questions.

    You wonder why Pákís rape little white girls?

    It’s because they can.

    And every parent should hang their head in shame.

    • Fully echo everything you say artful, although I’m sorry to say it’s worse than you may have assumed. The raped girls do make their protests, and they STILL get threatened by the police to shut up:

      I’ve only just joined this thread at this end of the day, and I’m sure it’s already been said, but never have the police more justified the descriptor “filth”. They are not there to protect our country’s interests, they are literally agents of evil.

      • They are self serving fat / steroid chavs who are not better than the criminals they claim to stop.

    • I do think it’s been going on a lot longer than the authorities will admit. When I was a young girl ( I’m 58 now), we kids all used to go to the Eastville market in Bristol on Sundays to buy very cheap but fashionable clothes from the stalls there, almost all ran by Asian men. They were given to making suggestive remarks.

      My dad, and indeed everyones’ dad that I knew, was an ardent racist and always said to have nothing to do with certain people or else. I wonder now if that was mere prejudice or whether he was aware of things going on. My friends and I had no problem telling the cunts to fuck off, but there might have been those who were unfortunately flattered by the attention.

  3. So has it all stopped, by the way? Countrywide? Not going on at all, any more anywhere since?, .. or tonight aybe or next year again? 100% eradicated as a thing?

    I think I’ll risk a firm ‘I doubt it’.

  4. Meanwhile, in Iraq, and precisely emulating the example of the Prophet Muhammed, grown men are now legally permitted to marry 9 year olds. Here’s one such joyous occasion.

    To be precise, in fact, Mohammed did marry his bride Aisha at six, but he was a gentleman and waited until she was 9 before he raped her.

    And still the left will try to intimidate us into accepting that this filthy religion has nothing to do with the abuse, rape, and murder of women and children that follows its creeping expansion around the civilised world.

  5. I want to congratulate Ron Knee for being the first winner this year at backgammon. Or it could be called the negative version of dominoes.

  6. Star(cunt)mer thinks anyone calling for an enquiry is a right wing extremist. So, by default, anyone against an enquiry is therefore a left wing pedophile.

    • Give it a few years and the age of consent will be four. Filthy fucking bastards should be hunted down and exterminated with extreme prejudice. Read that in Iran some religious pervert said baby girls can be married but no nookie till a doctor has examined said kid. Peacefuls will always shag boys, girls, sheep and goats. Their culture encourages such abominations. You know they do this so you “watch” the deviants. But it’s the n@#£& in our midst we should be going after. Can’t go proper fox hunting or beagling what’s wrong with n@#£& hunting? If you’re a foot follower it keeps you fit and then the fun of the cornered nonce, pitchforks and blackthorn sticks tally ho! I really hate peedos what ever race religion or colour.

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