The National Energy Systems Operator ( NESO)

I’ve never heard of them either, but what I read made me wonder whose pocket they’re in, or vice versa.

The link, have a look.


12 million quid for 3 hours of electricity? What the fucking what, now?

Oh, they’ll get paid, but why were they needed?
Because it wasn’t windy enough, or sunny enough, to generate enough electricity to meet the nations demands. After all, those 4/5 * hotels certainly suck….power from the grid.

All this suggests to me, and many other individuals who don’t share the family braincell, is that relying on wind/solar power to meet the nations needs it’s utter folly.

Especially when we have natural resources already available. But no, let’s sell them to our brother, errrm, highest bidder, because we don’t need heating or electricity thats affordable, do we?

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.


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100 thoughts on “The National Energy Systems Operator ( NESO)

  1. Surely though to make electricity from scratch ie something burning or turning doesnt change its just the greedy cunts hiking the prices every year, usually when the clocks change and then passing it on to the end user. This has to stop as does ridiculous bonuses. How many regulatory authorities does this once great country need.

    • It’s all down to the way a market works though DC. High demand, limited supply equals high price. The fact supply is short due the actions of moronic politicians is of no interest to the market. Another example; the housing market in this country, astronomical prices for shoe boxes for the same reason. I read this very morning that in the States gas is one half UK price and electricity is one third. Only the UK and some European countries are averse to using fossil fuels. The rest of the world burn them with gay abandon then sell us their manufactured goods undercutting our own manufacturers and closing them down. This is 100% the fault of our politicians and I wonder how bad it needs to be before we get a grip and evict the bastards.

  2. Somebody recently said “Drill,baby,Drill!”..

    I can’t place who it was as there hasn’t been much news coverage but what he said seemed to make a great deal of sense for our economic security and wider economy..

    But regrettably he wasn’t talking about making Britain Great again.

    Ed Milliband and every other Energy Secretary these past 30 years have been total fucking cunts.

    Good morning.

  3. Some cunts have windmills, other cunts have oil. What sort of cunt would you rather be?

    Good morning, everyone.

  4. Beaker the badly carved totem pole is hoping greta thundercat is gonna get wet for him over the twats insane march to eco oblivion..

    Buying oil and gas from Norway who get it from the same fields we has access to.

    • Via Holland though, Barry.

      Right after it has passed through our gas transfer terminals, onwards to Holland and then sold back to us.

      You couldn’t make this shit up.

    • Was going to say exactly this; we haven’t got renewables when it’s still and dark, so we import from Norway, who get it from the same place we could if Silliband wasn’t a grade A Twat of the First Water.

  5. Somebody’s on the fiddle, just as much as others were when stopping the wheel going round. But nothing like on such a grander scale as this.

  6. The answer is definitely not blowing in the wind.

    The choices are purely political, saying wind has taken over as the main source of electricity production is because the gas is turned off and preference given to wind production when demand is lower.
    Wind is cheaper, well it would be because it’s a protected species, the gas stations still have to pay staff, pay taxes, probably have to pay for the gas supply as standby.

    Gas needs to be prioritised, in investment and supply because the rate our country moves it’s ass it will be another 50 years before we have adequate nuclear, to use cunt Starmers favourite word wind is a gimmick.

  7. The mercenary Swiss cunts who own these stations through a German subsidiary will be rubbing their grasping hands with glee at the thought of how much they can steal from we mugs when the shortfall means that their power is needed to charge our unwanted EVs. Meanwhile we’ll be rubbing our blue hands to keep warm. (Footnote – The Swiss parent company only needs a German subsidiary because many Hans make light work.)

  8. The emergency electricity was produced by power stations that used gas to generate it.

    A few days later, the main headline?

    “The UK only has 7 days gas supply left!”

    Fucking Hell!
    Right hand, meet left hand!

  9. Very soon we will be calling days with no sun, wind but with power cuts, Miliband days. And not affectionately.
    Net Zero is virtue signalling bullshit (what CO2 does the UK add? About 1.5%) while the world outside Europe laughs it’s bollocks off. And rip off merchants like NESO coin it. Paid by us dull cunts.

    The climate has been changing for 4 billion years. Flora, fauna and later humans have adapted. But now we have the fucking arrogance to try to control it.


    • The entire human race emits 4% of all CO2 emissions.

      The UK is responsible 1% of that, so 0.04% of the total.

      Miliband and his fellow cultists think that by stopping one molecule of CO2 out of every 2,500 entering the atmosphere (0.04%) he can control the climate.

      The bloke is a fucking psychopath who should be banged up in the nuthouse.

      • He’a already in a nuthouse, parliament. They should be locked in, the key thrown away and plug pulled. We’d all be a lot more happy.

  10. What Ed The Cunt doesn’t tell you is that the last time this happened here was 2013. Sure, the number of wind farms have grown then but weather conditions must be right for wind to provide a reliable, secure and consistent supply of electricity and this simply doesn’t happen as the wind doesn’t blow at the right speed all the time and storage is a limited proposition. There are many more hurdles to overcome than Ed The Cunt cares to admit.

    This also doesn’t say that wind farms can phase gas out. The 2022 UK census suggested that 73% of UK homes have domestic hot water and heating by gas. Energy-wise it will be impossible to wholesale replace gas with energy provided by wind. Air source heat pumps for domestic hot water and heating won’t work on the majority of housing stock in the UK without major work to the fabric.

    Also we still need gas for industry. Unless, of course, Ed might suggest we can light his and David’s farts to provide the necessary heat to smelt steel and glass.

    Fuck off.

    • Air Pumps are designed to circulate warm air around a building. That’s it, They are not for heating water. Also they work like shite in damp climates.
      Bloody ace in Sweden with dry cold and properly built houses.
      Flogging these in the UK is just wrong.

      • I’ve got a HP, they heat water for both heating and domestic just the same as a gas boiler.

        Only problem is, not as good/fast.


      • HPs lose efficiency as the temperature drops – it gets more difficult to extract ‘heat’ from the air as the temperature falls.

        Ground source or water source (river) heat pumps are better.

    • The UK is bankrupt…!

      No fucking wonder,the way we spunk money all over to support third world Shitholes and their people.

      Especially when they ILLEGALLY paddle across the ENGLISH channel..!

      • The Paggis who plague my kidney unit have undoubtedly never paId a penny into the NHS. I presume that the cunts also get their electirc and gas free and all. After all, the sods get everything else for free.

    • It may well be a rocky ride initially Paul but I can’t help but feel that if Trump has Starmer by the short and curlies for the rest of us normal people it will prove to be beneficial in the medium and long term.

  11. Privatisation will benefit the consumer by driving down prices through competition…if you see Sid, tell him.

    • Yes it’s fantastic to experience the benefits of privatisation and competition in the energy market. Such a joy taking out a loan to pay your energy bill. Not too bad if you’re elderly, death from hypothermia is not that unpleasant in the end you just drift off. Makes a sane man sick.

      • A bit like the wrong type of snow and leaves on the line, maybe Ed the Mad will order the right kind of wind.

    • But as I understand it, if the wind does blow but there is little or no demand the whirlygigs are turned off BUT the owners get paid anyway so they don’t loose out.

      • Spot onT650. Paid if not generating due to wind velocity being to low. The only way they could get the companies who own and run them to put the fucking things up in the first place. What a piss take again.

  12. OT. I suppose the new Match of the Day team could have been worse.
    Mark Chapman is a good bloke and a Manc and all.

    And while I am no fan of any female football presenters (apart from the gorgeous Hayley McQueen), at least Gabby Logan and the other one are from football families. I am just glad that Alex bastard Scott , or some daft cow who came on as a sub for Bradford City womens team in the 90s didn’t get anywhere near it.

    • It’s a highlights show that could be presented by a block of wood, the target audience couldn’t give a shit about who says the next game is….

      Match of the day is a relic from the days when live games weren’t available on telly

      • I always did prefer ITV’s ‘The Big Match’ with the great Brian Moore and Granada’s ‘Kick Off’, although Elton Welsby was a supreme cunt.

        The old 70s format was the best one. Highlights of the best and most enteratining game from all four divisions. Instead of what they put on now. Usuallly a crappy boring draw between two premier league teams full of primadonnas and shithouses.

      • Me too. The Big Match was ace. Brian Moore could do everything. Present, commentate, interview, analyse and did it with charm, grace and an air of fun. Legend.

        I agree MOTD is a relic from an era which no longer exists. It’s clearly a vehicle for mouthy egos. Who needs that piggy eyed cunt Shearer banging on for 20 minutes about how some incident was or wasn’t a foul? Absolute bollocks.

        Along with shite footy review shows, the art of commentating died a long time ago. The current crop are just woeful and that’s without the slags poking their tits into things which do not concern them. Cunts.

  13. O/T
    And on and on it goes

    2-year-old child and man stabbed to death by an Afghan in Bavaria. Two others seriously wounded.

    No mention on the BBC website, not even under ‘Europe’. They’re waiting for a major news story to bury it.

  14. This is outrageous our leaders have for years been telling us that we will have oodles of cheap green energy. This must be true as the last coal fired power station was closed some time ago and windmills spout up everywhere ( ruining many a coastal view). Piles of decomposing shit are turned into electricity every day. Come on surely the great know what they are doing right. We in Lincolnshire are to be blessed with new pylons very soon so that electricity purchased from Denmark can be transmitted down south. Why the fucking tterminal for the Viking interconnecter could not be built on the Thames estuary or similar instead of miles away in Lincolnshire who knows I don’t. It’s all bollocks.obviously but we poor fuckers have to pay through the nose for gas and electricity when we are walking on massive coal reserves. Net zero my scabby Staffies arse

  15. I hope someone in Reform is taking notes.

    Take notes on what Labour does and then do the opposite.

    Take notes on what Trump does and then do the same.

    Make England Great Again
    Vote Reform
    Not for King, but for Country

    • Good afternoon General, couldn’t agree more.

      Incidentally, do you think Trump will deport Harry Markle? I’m torn on this one. If your folks stamped his passport “Undesirable alien” I fear I would laugh so hard I would wet myself. On the other hand the downside is he would wash up here again.

      • We certainly don’t want him back here do we, Arfur?

        And. his despicable handler, I mean wife has done yet another ‘makeover’. This time as a lifestyle TV host. She can have as many makeovers as she likes. She’s still hated and she always will be.

      • Hey arfur,

        Although I think he should deport Mr. Markle, I actually don’t think he will.

        I think he should because Haz clearly lied on his immigration papers about using drugs. I personally think there are a lot worse things you can do than smoke a little weed or eat some mushrooms.

        But the rules are the rules and the Duck of Suckit was clearly shown preferential treatment by Don Bidini whereas others have been denied for less.

        In our new Immigration paradigm we want only those who can benefit our society and clearly he brings nothing of value to the table.

        Plus he’s a fucking cunt and we have enough home grown cunts and we don’t need to import any.

        I’m not sure of the law but there is an argument to be made in his favor as he is the spouse of a natural born citizen.

        But I won’t object if he does boot the Spare as every time he and his wife act or speak they lower the IQ of the nation.

        Right now Trump has more important things to do. And his executives orders so far have been utterly glorious.

        An end to DEI…the border is closed…no Trannies in the Military…pardoning Jan. 6 political prisoners and so much more.

        The Count of Montecito is probably a low priority.

      • The fact that the Duke of Sussex is classified as an Alien makes me chuckle

        Harry Hewitt Resident Alien 😂

      • Being married to a US citizen gets you zero brownie points when it comes to qualifying for US citizenship.

        It’s not a given, but it can help the application process.

        I doubt The Don will deport that ginger cunt for a few reasons. First, the optics would be bad. Second, The Don has more pressing things on his mind right now. And third, if Hewitt stepped out of line and started slagging off Trump and his administration, the more likely outcome would be unseen behind-closed-doors pressure to leave the US, rather than causing a diplomatic incident via a deportation order.

        That would be funny though.

        So how many UK cunters wish they had a British Trump running their show? America is fun again.

    • We have a constitutional monarchy General. The monarch is head of state and I like it that way. I’m not a big fan of Charlie but he is the King for a bit.

      The monarch doesn’t have any power but we know it and it’s fine. My brother an ex service man queued for hours to pay his respects to the late Queen who’s shilling he took when he entered service.

      The Monarch and the country are one and the same and being an American I realise this is not something you’re about to embrace.

      It’s not reform who can make the necessary changes to this nation, neither is it the current monarch, that duty falls upon us the citizens.

      If the citizens changed the way they accept what that government does then the monarchy would fall in line with the people.

      • Hey 6dV,

        I understand and agree but I was struggling for a third line.

        As the Neo Marxist war on Western Civilization rages on I often find myself defending institutions or people I generally have little use for. In short, if they oppose it, I support it.

        I think the Monarchy, with all its flaws has served Britain well. And to be honest I had high regard for Lizzie the Great.

        Charles da Turd is another matter altogether. I think he’s a Wokeist imbecile who when the history is written will perhaps be remembered with some well intentioned but meaningless platitudes.

        So that’s where I came up with Not for King, but for Country.

        His brand of Wokeist idiocy is harmful to the country. Hopefully Wee Willie will be more practical and pragmatic.

        But I get your point so excuse my Septic audacity.

      • Good points from 6DV & The General.

        There can be no doubt at this point the Labour Party are carrying out the wanton destruction of the UK. It pains me to read of the latest assault on British institutions. From the outside, it looks like 2TK has absolutely no earthly clue what he’s doing and neither has Rachel from Accounts. The appointment of Lammy is beyond ridiculous. I could go on and on.

        Others have said it’s deliberate and they’re just following the WEF’s (or whoever) playbook. How does that work though? Once you win an election, someone from the WEF sends you an email with instructions about how you will run your own country? I’m not making light of this at all because it could be true.

        My own faith in democracy evaporated during COVID. Pandemic or not, you cannot effectively place the population under house arrest and think that’s OK. Governments are supposed to govern not rule! So maybe dark forces are running everything from behind a hidden curtain. It sickened me how quickly the police fell into line to do the bidding of those in power. Grotesque examples of that happened in the UK and Canada to name but two.

        Charles is a cunt. He spent so long waiting his turn that he revealed his hand when it came to politics and causes. Say what you like about QE2, you never knew what she thought about anything, controversial or not. A wise lady. Charles outed himself and he can’t walk that back now. His contempt for the British people and the memory of his mother was clearly revealed when he went against QE2’s express wishes and changed the title of his horse from Queen’s Consort to Queen. What a bellend cunt. Nobody likes horse-face Camilla, so by doing what he did was sticking 2 fingers up to his mother and the British public. Fuck you, Charles.

      • They “might” not have any power.

        But they have a lot of fucking money and land..!!!

        The rest of us have fuck all..

    • The good think about Charles is we didn’t choose him, we got him by default, Joe Biden on the other hand was self inflicted.

      Don’t get me wrong, I’m a great fan of the US constitution and do believe it’s the greatest gift ever bestowed upon a nation.

      Once again only the citizens can defend it because the establishment will always attempt to nullify it when it hinders their evil plans.

  16. OK, I’ll address the elephant in the room.

    I know we’ve been on austurity rations, but only one nom today?


    We at Admin Mansions do not create content. That comes from you lot. If we don’t get enough nominations in, we have to ration them otherwise they’ll be no cuntings to look forward to. So for the next several days, they’ll be one cunting per day. That’s just the way it is. If there’s something that’s really getting on one’s tits, then write it up and let’s all slag it off. – NA.

  17. What’s the point in spending the rest of the day, rubbing it in about us being robbed for paying to keep warm, when time should be spent on that evil little shit um bongo flung dung.

      • Sorry Jeezum, I wasn’t picking on you particularly, it was because of the administrators didn’t have a 2pm change over.

      • What you mean is Night Admin forgot to untie Day Admins straightjacket, so DA couldn’t post at 2pm.

        It’s a disgrace how he’s kept in his crib for 15 hours, with only the one bottle (of vodka) to keep him company!

        It’s whisky actually – NA.

  18. A little fact-checking on Silliband’s wind turbines: according to the National Grid (who would know, presumably) wind turbines are feathered above 56mph.

    So definitely too much wind for them to work when Storm Stupidname blows through.

    Apparently, they’ve thought of what happens when it’s dark and still:

    We’re going to get our renewables from other countries (where it’s very likely to be dark and still at the same time, you fuckwits)

    we’re going to use hydroelectric (so we’re going to flood every steep-sided valley we can find, which still isn’t actually going to produce enough power, you fuckwits)

    We’re going to use biomass (where American wood chippings are shipped in in huge, diesel burning bulk carriers, then driven in diesel lorries to Drax, where they’re going to set fire to it. This has already been exposed for the total bollocks that it is)

    We’re going to use liquefied natural gas (a fossil fuel, brrought in on diesel-burning bulk carriers etc etc)

    Batteries! Yeah, millions of batteries using lithium and other stuff that burns like a bastard and can’t be put out. If we build enough battery farms we might be able to store enough electricity to power the grid for half an hour (at night, obviously, none of this ‘peak time’ nonsense. This will only cost the British taxpayer several squillion pounds.

    Nuclear! Yeah, this is a good idea, it’s reliable and constant, but it would take decades just to get the bat surveys done on building a new nuclear plant and it’s going to be very cold and dark by then.

    National Grid, cunts to a man.

    • Hey Ms Snockers,

      I’d like to do a little fact checking of my own.

      How the hell did you get a post through with more than one link?

      • Absolutely no idea, General!

        Posted 2 links, got 2 links; beginner’s luck, probably.

      • Hey Geordie,

        Not to cast aspersions on Ms Snockers’ undoubted charms but DA has been in a state of celibate mourning ever since his girlfriend ran away with Vernon.

        On the other hand NA is an absolute alley cat…especially when he’s drinking.

        He’ll shag your Granny without so much as a by your leave.

        Been there, done that. What she lacked in energy and stamina, she made up for with a nice cup of tea and a fairy cake afterwards – NA.

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