Is clearly a festering pile of disingenuous wank. Obviously, if no-one moved at all, there would be no collisions at all (except at glacial speeds) but the idea of cutting the speed limit to make things ‘safe’ is errant nonsense.
Brake want a world with zero road death or injury, the fantasist fuckers.
Meanwhile play Snockers’ Accident Bingo with any road death/serious injury report; see how many of the following feature:
* a ridiculous amount over the speed limit
* four teenagers in a car
* small hours of the morning
* pissed and or high
* stolen car
* no insurance
* no licence
* foreign
* 90 years of age or above
* racing or other showing off
* hit tree or other inanimate object
* wrong side of the road/motorway
* crossed solid white line
* blue light vehicle involved
* bad weather
Try this one:
A lot of these are already against the law; making more laws won’t stop people who already scoff at the existing laws, you dopey cunts. In a population of 68M + illegals, 1700 deaths on the road and 9.3% where speeding was a contributory factor. That’s about 158 deaths.
Now knock off all the ones where the bingo card has ticks on it. Not many people killed by someone doing 25 in a 20, are there?
“Speed kills” is a cunt of an excuse for harrassing people who won’t cause any harm, rather than actively prosecuting the people who shouldn’t be on the road.
(I have a clean licence…)
Nominated by : Gloria Snockers
The fucking cunts, with the begging bowl out less than a scroll and a half down (‘BRAKE’).
Any if them on a salary?
Free coffees for everyone in the office, I’m sure.
Etc. They had no credibility with me to lose in the first place, the imbeciles …
Pakis in leased Mercs?
Statistics clearly show they are total cunts and should be banned from everything.
High speed Oven.
Good morning.
Pakis in any car in my humble opinion. A lot of those incidents seem to be in paki areas. Also the Albanians in east London. Coppers do fuck all as ever.
well it’s all ok in my book, better if it would be on a bus like you see on the subcontinent sitting on the off etc , but p@kis being p@kis would probably have a rucksack with an explosive inside and forget to take it home, win win situation in my book
Pakis, full stop.
A 20mph speed limit is positively dangerous.
You spend more time looking at your speedometer and not the road.
Pákís have made a career out of getting themselves ‘injured’ by cars.
Expect higher insurance premiums when they work out that they are much less likely to be hurt if they throw themselves onto a very slow moving car.
Advice about speed has been shite for decades.
The Highway Code has thinking distances and braking distances for various speeds.
The thinking distance may still be relevant but the braking distances were based on cars on the road in the 1940’s.
Those cars had ineffective drum brakes and it was dangerous to drive at any speed at all.
I do believe there was an “investigation” by the BBC cunts a few months back about car insurance being higher in paki areas – yeah, no shit. Of course it was down to racism rather than the fact they are shit drivers. Slightly off topic, and being a biker, I don’t think I have ever seen a paki on a large capacity motorbike and have rarely seen spooks on them – except around Walthamstow where they had obviously nicked them. The white man built the first car in the 19th century – I don’t think the africans had even invented the wheel by that time.
too busy inventing mugging and knife crime
Plenty of them flying around Pakistan & India on fuck off Enfields mate!! Not sure if they are as high capacity as Tarquin on his Ducati in Surrey but in the subcontinent these cunts are king of the roads!!
Name ANY five things invented by blacks.
1 flat noses.
2 big lips.
3 body odour.
4 traffic lights.
5 crime.
yep flexi – you are correct. it’s where the market is nowadays. 21 million new bikes registered last year. it’s the joe dakis in UK I was referring to.
Good nom Gloria. The very fact this group call themselves “Brake” tells you everything about their mindset.
In any case it’s not the velocity that kills you, it’s the very acceleration when you crash.
Very high. Doh.
deceleration I think you mean – sorry!
Fair comment Lord C. In everyday parlance one would say deceleration, a physicist would only talk in terms of acceleration either positive or negative. Likewise people say speed when really they mean velocity i.e. speed in a particular direction.
Occurs to me I’m being fucking pedantic. Ignore me.
but you are indeed correct.
as Clarkson once said….’speed never killed anyone, it’s the sudden stop that gets you’
give us a break!
o/t…still cannot access site on mobile or desktop using firefox,duckduck aaarrrgggghhhh
Brake should be lobbying parliament to only issue driving licences to white males.
Make anyone else use roller skates,
Pogo sticks or space hoppers.
It’s green, good for fight against obesity, and less carbon footprint.
I live to see a family of burka clad Muslims going down the road on space hoppers👍
After almost being side swiped by a ninja having a drivign lesson many years ago, I did write to DVLA and ask if it was really allowed that they could drive wearing those things. Apparently it is not detrimental to road safety and makes no difference to peripheral vision. Who would have thunk that eh?
I do wonder Lord C about this fashion for spectacles with very deep side arms. I think I would find them annoying in normal use and dangerous when driving.
…”I live to see a family of burka clad Muslims going down the road on space hoppers”…
And over a minefield! 🧕🏼💥😃
If it’s like mini bikes in Islamabad it’d be ONE space hopper with dad driving,
his 3 wives 8 kids a nonya or two and a basket of chickens hanging in somehow on the back.
And only dad’s wearing the helmet.
Hooray the site is back up, I thought Rodney’s starmtroopers had kicked admins back doors in…
Like lord alli does to Rodney.
The British road system is infested with more vermin and fuckwits than the Labour Party conference weekend.
Here’s one for Odin
It’s not the fart that kills you, it’s the smell.
Scandi in-joke
Well done Termujin.
While I was on my travels last week there were some roadworks in CPH with a digital speedometer showing your speed.
I still chuckle when I see these with ‘DIN FART’ (Your speed) lit up if you go too fast.
I think you can still get ‘Båd fart’ over to Fyn if you’re lucky.
Jeg er flytende Odin 😁
Flot du. Vi ses derover!
Off topic
Robot Reeves giving a speech on growth .
Her C3P0 demeanor notwithstanding, her confidence is terrible.
Dunno if it’s because she’s lying?
But her eyes are darting everywhere
Scared eyes
Hostage eyes.
Think kiers off screen pointing a gun at her?
These are not the droids you are looking for….
Those darting, rat like eyes are all too common in the Labour party.
You are of course correct. It’s because they’re either lying or struggling with the truth that they are utterly incompetent and woefully out of their depth.
I once saw a short video Mis of the late queen taken by someone who had got close or had a long lens. The regal smile was nailed on but her eyes were darting around the audience like she was looking for the nutter with the gun or grenade.
Arfur @
Recently I saw follicly challenged Prince William giving a speech at Auschwitz on Holocaust memorial day.
He said the same old platitudes
” Never again….”
But I’ve seen photos of his gran and her siblings giving a Nazi salute,
And his great grandad wined and dined with Hitler indeed he leaked them secrets that put British servicemen at risk.
The cunt should look into his family’s complicity in the Holocaust.
Rather than virtue signalling.
Speed? — V2 – wie ein Blitz !!!
O/T, but India became the populous country recently.
Still, at least they`re doing their bit to get those numbers down …
God works in mysterious, however ironic, ways.
Fucking ignorant race.
When you see someone do something daft on the road i’ll say must be a woman or a Paki.
If someone does something absolutely inexplicably stupid you know it’s a Paki woman who’s cousin took her driving test for her.
The sites been having some issues,
Is it powered by solar/wind power nowadays?
Some seem to think it’s The guvmint and it’s clampdown on free speech?
Calm down luv.
Slowly take the Luger out your mouth and relax.
They will come through your door in the early hours in a tsunami of splintering wood and harshly barked commands.
@mnc…Your not kidding still having issues as far as I’m concerned 😟
Mobile not having any of it…Ffs must be the faaaaaaaaaaaar right again….come on sort it out someone…😤…..just keep getting a server with the specified hostname could not be found….💀
Apparently 12% of collisions on UK roads are caused (or involve) excessive speeds. To try and pick apart cause and involvement is nigh on impossible. Still 12% doesn’t explain for the 88% of road collisions, which are presumably caused by simple arseholery.
Brake should go and mither someone else instead. Cunts.
Hallelujah 🙏…. praise be 😁 happy days,are here again the sky above is a cunt again 🎶
Crash,bang,wallop 🚘
Motorways are statisically the safest roads in Britain.
There are no roundabouts.
No sharp bends.
No traffic lights.
No pedestrians.
No left or right turns.
No oncoming traffic. (Hopefully!)
But when an accident does happen……..
& of course, I forgot. No bicycles.
I have some new found respect for Ms. Snockers.
Not only is this nomination righteous but it is her second recent contribution that contains multiple links.
Hats off to you Lady!
lack of speed kills, as I’m.sure anyone who tried to over taker, pull out of a round about or avoid another car can attest to. If your car is gutless your more likely to cause an accident. my 2p worth. The news are just looking for more reasons to get people off the road. Fucking eco bolocks, when was the last time you heard a bad thing about electric cars?
To curb your disappointment Cc;
Electric cars are crap.
There you go.
I wish the BBC et al hired someone so straight talking 👍. It would save alot of time on the news.
Crap drivers kill.
Cunts who take too much speed can also die.
If speed kills, then all astronauts, pilots, racing drivers etc. would be dead.
Another peach…
No respect for English law the pàki cunt.
Deport deport deport now.
Speed doesn’t kill , it’s coming to a dead stop by crashing into something solid or heavier. If speed did kill every racing driver and motorcycle racer would die every weekend. Dozy cunts.