Oh dear. I see that slimy little oik Sadiq Khant has opened his mouth and let his belly rumble again. One of the nation’s true political pygmies has opined about what he sees as a threat to ‘progressive’ thought and action in the world.
According to Sir Saddo, ‘the spectre of a resurgent fascism haunts the West’, and progressives everywhere need to stand united against those who seek to divide for personal and political gain (unlike himself, naturally). Yeah right. Strangely, not even the current Labour government seems to accept this. Chief Secretary to the Treasury Darren Jones told Al-Beeb, ‘I speak on behalf of the government, and we don’t agree with that’. Similarly, Shadow Foreign Secretary Priti Patel, who’s in Washington for Donald Trump’s inauguration, hit out at Khunt’s ‘disparaging remarks’.
So Sadsack, it couldn’t be that you’re attempting to throw some smoke in our eyes regarding recent attempts to get answers from you about ‘grooming gangs’ could it?Fellow cunters, just have a butcher’s at the wee shit ducking and diving, and trying to play the confused innocent, when repeated attempts are made in the London Assembly to pin him down on the issue;
What a ghastly little prick you really are Saddick. Fuck off over there, and when get there, fuck off again. Oh, and stick the stubs for those dodgy Taylor Swift tickets up your arse while you’re at it.
Nominated by : Ron Knee
Pàki- check
Inbred- check
Grifter- check
Cunt- check
Face like a stepped in dog shit-check
Deport- check.
Currently neck and neck with Two Tier for the title of the UK’s most despicable cunt.
I can’t split them to be honest, such is my sense of loathing for both.
Well I’d like to split them in half with a massive fuck off axe but I digress.
Watching the son of a bus driver waiting for the good lady in the clip to mutter the “M” “I” or “P” word so he can pounce play the race/victim card was sickening.
Luckily she didn’t fall in to the slimy little disingenuous twat’s all too predictable trap.
If Suckdick told me there was rice on my plate I’d check under the curry before I believed him.
Even then I still wouldn’t believe him.
We all know what ‘the spectre that’s haunting the West’ really is,
don’t we?
This cunt’s about as much use as a Confederate banknote, and as appealing as dog puke.
Afternoon all.
And as much personality as a lump of coal
Maybe The Donald can come over and kick the cunt’s head in.
I will hold the fucker down and paint a penalty spot
Rachel from accounts, just back from Davos with fresh orders to masquerade as Labour policies, “I’ll bang on about a third runway at Heathrow while you appose it, this will distract and drag things out while we continue with our agenda and bonus, at the same time we can fleece even more taxpayer money on endless consultations.
After all, they have a £23billion ‘black hole’ they’ve created to spend (waste).
The spectre of fascism?
I think he’s right for once.
I hope so.”Democracy” has turned this country into a shit tip for the world’s worst dung,ruined every area of public services and seems hell bent on impoverishing the indigenous population in order to pander to pakīs,Arabs and the savages from africunt.
Despite this country being in some sort of political coma the rest of the civilised world is now finally waking up to the harsh reality of mass immigration,hence scūm like Sir Khan and Two Tier getting their subsidised knickers in a twist about the “Far Right”.
Politicians created the problem but now understand its appalling consequences so can’t admit their disgusting social experiment has caused such misery.
Hence this little cunt,who in reality wants a caliphate and normal people cowed or locked up,starts spouting his usual bile.
There is a storm coming,expect “normal” politics to be cast aside and yes perhaps a new Hitler.
All brought about the weakness of the democratic system that has betrayed voters for decades.
Full Oven.
Indeed UT
Mr and Mrs Smith from a working class area with traditional conservative views are now the biggest danger in the country.
In the eyes of Khan and Kweer in their fictional world they are anyway.
The fucking idiots.
All though you do have to make some allowances.
Khan is more than likely an in-bred low IQ imbecile and Kweer spent his childhood looking after his mother instead of playing out.
At least if Hitler pitched up the roads would be sorted out, and Brian Ferry and Harry would approve of the uniforms. On the down side, vegetarians and shorts would be fashionable.
He did manage to turn a morally and financially bankrupt nation into a world leading superpower within 6 years, maybe there is something to be said for dictatorships, eh?
Fun fact 1, Hitler was democratically elected, Churchill was not.
Fun fact 2, Book-burning, a common attack line. Which books did he order burned? Google it, and then say you disagree.
Ian Kershaw’s biography of Hilter is a marvellous read. Long but repays the time involved.
I’ll take a look 20,000
Can’t arrive soon enough UT
Gas mark 10…🔥
Q. What do you get when you cross Sadiq Khan with Emily Blunt
A. Cunt
I wouldn’t mind getting across Emily Blunt…
a blunt cunt with lots of front?
Poisonous little Asian inbred. Go and be mayor of ragheadistan, people there may be more to your liking.
Genuinely an intolerant bigot who makes no effort to conceal his bias in favour of extending the caliphate to this country. He’ll be major of London in perpetuity. The jihadi dwarf will never give up the trappings of power, and we all know there’s not enough white British in the capital to vote him out.
The whole country will be this way in a few years, and we’ll all have to bow to this racist pos.
Not on my fucking watch we won’t, son.
Gentlemen, to arms! Or in the case of this little inbred cunt, a quick run to the butchers should suffice.
Do we have any sons of bus drivers grooming underage white girls for sex.
‘My dad was a bus driver’
The little scrawny necked cunt it’s the Mayor of London, voted in by the people of London…. Fuck them as well!
A bus driver?
Pity he didn’t pull out sooner when he was in the driving seat then.
Pity his dad didn’t pull out of his mom
Preferably with an Oreshnik or go the whole hog with a juicy Sarmat.
He’s really careful when it comes to spending the ratepayers’ money tho;
The YouTube clip tells you everything you need to know about the greasy little brown turd.
The tortoise & wankeir need to be sent down to test why the miniature submarine didn’t resurface when visiting the titanic remains.
“…ghastly little prick…”
“…subsidized knickers…”
“…inbred low IQ imbecile…”
“Poisonous little Asian inbred.”
“The little scrawny necked cunt…”
“…greasy little brown turd.”
“…about as much use as a Confederate Banknote…”
And my personal favorite; “If Suckdick told me there was rice on my plate I’d check under the curry before I believed him.”
Righteous nomination. Righteous comments.
Indeed, the IsaC Faithful is in fine form today!
Scroll down and add; “Oily cock nosher”, “…obsequious sycophants…” and “…gormless tools…” to the list.
Curry munching goat botherer.
here Susan hall giving the little bastard a talking to,
he can’t give a straight answer about his fellow goat shagging kiddie fiddling mateshttps://youtu.be/noJCNh60lfk?si=jNSzBB4YAAM59Byu prepare to be nauseated
Apparently the goblin was working at the concert.. probably checking out the young girls for all his inbred savage brethren..
Like children in a primary school playground, the National Embarrassment that is the Liebore Government thought they’d get away with calling Trump names. Unfortunately Big Don has been made Head Boy and the grovelling climbdowns have been hilarious, most recently by Ladyboy Mandy herself. Apparently Orange Man is now the best thing since sliced bread.
I don’t think the obnoxious little squirt Khan has got onto his hands and knees yet though, so it’ll be great when it happens.
The obsequious sycophants are in charge.
Blend the two most obnoxious so called leaders together and get…toolpak 😩….and the phrase that most suits them when asked a ❓ ‘we knew/know nothing’ … piece of 💩
They are a pair of gormless tools.
Oily cock nosher.Piss off back to bud bud ding ding land.
It’s a shame that a freak accident didn’t happen in Hull today at the funeral of that other cunt, john prescott. The cream of left wing vermin, including 2TK and the curry nosher general, b-liar, et al, were all there. What splendid day THAT would have been. Bunch of hpyocritical, lying quisling cunts.
There was a great horror film in the making there – Kweer & co standing beside the coffin of the dear departed, Two Jags rises from the box and chases them all into the crypt where they crap themselves. It walks by night – hear the screams, as JP picks up Dame Emily and bites her head off. Lammy disappears to return as a shrunken head, and Streeting gets stabbed with the devils butt-plug – the devil being played by Chris Bryant. Carry On Screaming 2. They all died laughing -Starmer gets the last line “don’t laugh at me ‘cos I’m a ghoul”
I strongly suspect Suckdick is angling to be next Labour leader – thick as pig shit and twice as nasty, greedy grasping little Joe Ronce – he is the individual size Kweer, for those who like small portions. Starmer in miniature, but still a great oily heap of shit
The Labour scum need to continue flooding the country with more filth to get its voter base up, then this cunt as PM may well become a nightmare reality.
Resurgence of Fascism. Well hardly surprising is it really.
When we look at western Europe and how uncontrolled mass third world immigration has and let’s be honest, completely fucked up in 50 years what took centuries to develop / create / civilise..
Every western capital city is a fucking ghetto, overrun by black / Asian / Eastern European peasants. The cultural clock is being turned back.
We, the white civilised indigenous population of Europe will unless the left wing liberal Marxist politicians. Are removed, will have to vote into power a political party not of our choosing to reset the West.
Problem may be with that though is like the left, once in it may be difficult to remove…!
So, perhaps white flight from Europe is the answer.
Thing is, the third world twats would follow us wherever we went.
Like a fucking cancerous virus..!
Oh dear. Another of Labours grand ideas from the Bliar era is about to bite them on the arse.
A devolved London assembly, led by a Labour member, is about to go against one of their cornerstone economic policy objectives. I.e The Heathrow expansion.
Oops! They must wish London was run directly from Westminster, like in Thatchers day.
And part of me wonders if Khunts knighthood was part of a deal to not make waves over Heathrow.
What? I hear you say.
Someone of his ilk going back on a deal and then shafting someone?
Who’d have thought it?
O/T: Scenes from Two Jags funeral – he died in 2024 but they only put him away today – he arranged the funeral? – Birds Eye?
Here is PixieBalls kissing the gaga looking Jack Straw – he looks like Joe Biden’s older brother. By the look of him, it was hardly worth the effort going home:
Gormless turds
I see Campbell redeemed his overcoat from the pawn broker for the day. I understood he had given it up to help pay Rory’s debts to the Far Eastern bookies!
So true:
O.T. Marian Faithful R.I.P.
Sleeper Cell
Speaking of shit ethics that need deporting, cervix growing fat cunt lammy has spent £916,177 on flights since becoming foreign secretary..
His priciest single trip was jaunt to New Delhi, India, and Vietnam, Laos, which totalled £266,456…
Get the morbidly obese dimwit a canoe and a push bike. He could stand to lose six stone.
Never trust a man whose neck is thicker than his head.
Is it just me, or is he getting to look more like Idi Amin every day?
Why the fuck do we put up with this shit just euthanise all these cunts and put someone in charge who is concerned about the cunts who pay taxes and their fucking wages instead of uninvited cunts that fuck schoolkids and wear fucking bed sheets and dresses
How the fuck this reptile manages to keep on getting elected is a puzzle, but PM?
No chance. He’s got his own Principality, why would he give it up for the possibility of a seat in Parliament, when he’s already King of London?
Effnick + loony left vote?
While I think of it, a superb photograph of the creature at the top. The mask slipped there eh?