
A personal bugbear of mine, given I have several friends from Russia and most of my family on my other half’s side speak Russian. I’ve also just finished Navalny’s book, which is excellent.

Don’t get me wrong, Putin and his bunch of cronies in the Kremlin are a bunch of cunts. They’ve raped and plundered Russia since the late 1990s. In doing so, they’ve deprived her long-suffering people of a good standard of living.

HOWEVER, the way we treat your average Russian is appalling. I’m up for sanctioning bastards of whatever ilk for being bastards, but the way the West treats your regular Vanya or Svetlana is appalling by cutting them off from travel, making them jump through hoops to get visas, blocking their bank cards etc, is nothing short of abuse.

Then there’s the demonisation of Russia. Question the EU and its suicidal energy and social policies? You’re a Kremlin stooge. Don’t throw your full weight behind the war in Ukraine and would rather see your taxes spent improving your own country ? You’re a Russian imperialist AND apologist. So on, and so forth.

Don’t get me wrong. Vlad’s incursion into Ukraine shouldn’t have happened. Neither should have the West’s continued poking of The Bear since the early/mid-2000s.

… AND yet despite your average Russian being generally well-educated, God fearing, and decent, we in the West roll out the red carpet for the Camel Enthusiasts and Chocolate Faces, who continue to massively enrich our societies.

I dunno about you, but I’d rather live next to Ivan than Abdul. Or UmBongo.

Nominated by Cuntis Cuntis.

121 thoughts on “Russophobia

  1. You have some cracking fodder in the Emerald isle eh Mickey?

    Them Farls are one of my favourites and colcannon.

    And you still have Rancheros crisps you lucky buggers.

    And jam mallows!😡
    I’ve been trying to find them lately with no luck.

  2. In 1920, Russia recognised Estonia as an independent state IN PERPETUITY.

    Twenty years later Russia annexed it.

    My mate’s dad was Estonian and when the Germans arrived and booted the Ivan’s out he promptly joined the SS.

    At the end of the war he surrendered to the Western Allies, for obvious reasons.

    He settled in the UK ( along with many others ) and was a successful businessman.

    When Estonia regained independence again, he returned there to live, celebrating Veterans Day every year.

    He fucking hated Russia, as does his family.

    Never trust Ivan, or any treaty he signs.

    Good evening.

  3. Russia moans about NATO parking its tanks on their front lawn, but it was a different story when their tanks were parked up in The Baltics, Poland, Bulgaria, etc. etc.


  4. One of the best threads in a long while. Only the rules of this site could allow such debate to take place without it descending into a personal free for all. Excellent stuff. For what it’s worth , I’m kind of a fence sitter on this. I expect the majority of Russians are largely no different to ourselves.

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