Rory Campbell

is a cunt.

Oh dear, I forsee trouble breaking out in the Campbell dynasty.

Old soak Alistair, probably already hitting the bottle harder than ever over Orange Man’s victory, has now seen his £300,000 ‘investment’ in his son’s gambling syndicate disappear down the swanee.

Son Rory, clearly a chip off the old cunt block, described his syndicate as ‘massively low risk’ and convinced his dad and others to ‘invest’ millions. One wonders how pissed the old man must have been to believe that gambling on the outcome of football matches amounts to a low risk investment.

Hopefully Rory will do the decent thing now and do himself in, then his old man can find out how it feels to lose a close family member to suicide.


Nominated by Geordie Twatt.

41 thoughts on “Rory Campbell

  1. Maybe rory is that weapon of mass destruction, ali and tone were always banging on about..

    Still couldn’t happen to a nicer fellow.

  2. Yet another scion of New Labour who is greedy, self-obsessed, and thick as pig shit, but then with a piss artist father like he has, what else would you expect?. If I was Alistair Campbell’s son, I would pretend I was a bastard.

    He should be a Labour MP though – fond of pissing other people’s money against the wall with fuck all to show for it.

  3. I read about this.

    It did make me chuckle. Like father like son…..

    Campbell is an utter cunt the chief goblin of Tony Satan Blair. The war criminal.

    Just goes to show how thick Alasdair is to get involved in such a low risk investment as gambling.

    Ho he what a cunt.

    • Good Morning,

      I would disagree Leo. Tony Blair was Alistair Campbell’s mouthpiece rather than the other way around. If you ever saw them together it was obvious who was the dominant member of the partnership.
      Hate is a strong word but in Alistair Campbell’s case it is appropriate for my feelings towards him.

      • Hanging is too humane for those two . Slash their wrists and leave them to bleed out.under a tree somewhere.
        Then fire their limp corpses out of Saddam’s “super gun” and into the Gulf.

      • Hello mate, I think we should skillet then oven both of them tbh.

        I have zero empathy or humanity for either of them.

  4. Rory,Rory, tell us a story
    Rory, Rory, tell it like it is.

    The sons a gambling degenerate and the dads a pisspot.
    Hope they both end up on job seekers allowance.

    Fuck em.

    “I know nothing I would help a Campbell to,” says he, “unless it was a leaden bullet. I would hunt all of that name like blackcocks. If I lay dying, I would crawl upon my knees to my chamber window for a shot at one.”

    Alan Breck Stewart

  5. £300,000?

    For a fully paid up former traveller on the Gravy Train this will be a very minor inconvenience.

    Probably got an EU grant to cover it and and extra £700,000 for “hurt feelings”.

    Poor House Oven.

    Good morning.

  6. Gambling as a way to get rich quick? Of course, call the Far Eastern bookies. What can possibly go wrong. The system is cast iron. Impossible to lose…Ha, ha, ha. Rory and his co-investors have the brains of retarded gerbils. Hopefully their bookies will come to collect armed with machetes.

    Good morning, everyone.

  7. Cambell, Proper socialist twat Has £300,000 in his piggy bank to fritter away while most people in GB have never had that much money in their lives…!


  8. More interested in where the wanker found 300k to spunk on his son’s habit. He hasn’t had a job since 1994.
    Fucking nasty bit of work. Right up there with Bliar on the “come the revolution” list.

    • According to the article in the link, Campbell Cunt Sr. is pulling in £100k a month from that god awful podcast bollocks he does with that other simpering cunt Rory Stewart.

      Nice work if you can get it. Obviously socialism for thee but not for me in the Campbell household.

  9. Wait for the documentary, we had the ‘I was a piss head’, then the ‘I was depressed’ coming soon, ‘my gambling addiction’

    He should have stuck to soup shares.

    And Rory is a cunt for swindling a former depressed piss head 😂

  10. It doesn’t say much for this country that you have literally millions working hard just to get by and living in fear of an unexpected big bill while people who are thick as pigshit can afford to piss money away like it’s going out of fashion. They richly deserve the opprobrium heaped upon them. Go on, laugh at the stupid cunts.

  11. Don’t these thick cunts know that gamblers lose to winning bookies. Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to gamble. Let’s call it, flitter their money away.

  12. No doubt the BBC will sort him out a nice little programme to host so as to replenish his piggy bank.

    Courtesy of the Taxpayer of course…!

    • Ha, i heard on the wireless this morning, our friends in Liebour are ‘thinking’ about funding the BBC out of general taxation ‘going forward’

      If that happens I’m ready to burn down offices of state, or council or whatever.

      Fucking disgraceful.

  13. I’m sure Ali will be alright he has his political podcast with that gremlin Rory Stewart. The Nostradamus of predictions.

    Maybe that’s how the syndicate collapsed they put it all on kamala hairyarse to win the election, like the gremlin guaranteed.

    • Two über-sized cunts right there.

      What’s with this re-invention of Alcoholic Campbell as a cuddly, soft, celeb meeja figure, a talking head to give “common sense” chat?

      Traitorous cunt who should be in prison sharing a cell with a seven-foot trannîe called Brenda.

  14. So the gentleman that was advising our democratically (don’t make me laugh) elected Prime Minister all those years ago, following his own advise invested in a gambling syndicate.
    And it went tits up.
    It isn’t that his advise was faulty that is a worry, it is the fact that Bliar in his judgement believed he would make a good adviser when picking him
    Are we to honestly think that Starmer’s faculty is any the sharper when choosing whose advise he is to follow?
    I fear that my next line will read “And the Country went tits up.”
    I hope the coconut mat I am sat ongoing down the slippery slope with the rest of the Country to bankruptcy lasts the distance and my arse doesn’t get to badly burnt.
    Mornin’ all

  15. Seeing we’ve got silly cunts on here throwing their money away, why don’t they put it to good use by giving it to wankeir sat in Nr. 10 to pay our expensive heating bills, seeing that we also can’t pay them due to the cunt also attempting to deny us of our pensions to pay the fucking bills in the first place.

  16. An improvement to my previous reply. Seeing we’ve got silly cunts on here throwing their money away, why don’t they put it to good use by giving it to wankeir sat in Nr. 10 to pay our expensive heating bills, seeing that we also won’t be able to pay them due to the cunt also attempting to deny us of our pensions to pay the fucking bills in the first place.

  17. There is no edge in football betting, the bookies have every angle covered, I mean they are bookies after all.
    Italian football betting, for fks sake even the average gambling addict gives that one a wide berth.
    I bet Rory had great time though, expensive trips and hotels and hookers to get an edge.
    The investors should be pelted with their own shite, they gambled and lost and now want their money back, tough shit losers

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