Pink money describes the purchasing power of the LGBT community, often especially with respect to political donations. (Wikipedia)
In 2019, LGBT adults globally held a combined buying power of approximately $3.7 trillion. (Wikipedia)
Basically this group has enormous sums of money to force their ideas on other people and pay career activists to go around threatening any regular mum’s and dad’s that don’t think it’s a good idea to have drag queens going around in school confusing children, for instance.
By the way some of this money is ours! Taken from the taxpayer.
Some of these ideas are ridiculous, like allowing men to call themselves women and then letting them play in women’s sport, just look at the boxing in the recent Olympics!
This nonsense is now trying it’s best to ruin the Premier League, I don’t need a constant lecture about ‘inclusivity’, my attitude is live and let live, just stop fucking banging on about it all the time!
All the idiotic flag symbols everywhere, pathetic.
Apparently Pink Money bought the rights to ‘Man of the Match’ a few years back, so they could change it to ‘Player of the Match’. What is this a conspiracy to ruin everything we like? I’m starting to feel like cancelling my Sky subscription for going along with this nonsense, there’s no women on the pitch pretending to be men, so who the hell are you offending?!
Taking the piss out of us swear
Nominated by Al
They can shove it up their arse.
Oh, they will…
Promoting deviancy in all its forms should be illegal
Obviously exceptions can be made for certain cunters, love dungeons and porn videos (Taiwan).
Is the Pink Pound legal currency 😂
Has IsaC just gone into partnership with Pink News? Or maybe got into bed with it, so to speak? I think we should be told!
Monopolise Money. Just paper.
I love the pink pound.❤️
Although I’ve never met a pound note I’ve not liked.
I’m quite happy to take money off bumboys, fish suppers, hairy Mary’s,
Panto dames and the whole rainbow assortment.
And if some Ziggy Stardust wants to tip me I’ll take it.
I’m very open-minded and nonjudgmental when it comes to cash money.
Cheers Quentin 👍
Don’t tell the taxman
Guess it depends which ‘tip’?
I wouldn’t trouble yourself to much, it will be a thing of the past in caliphate Britain soon enough..
The alphabet gang will be test subjects for the old analogy “when pigs fly” as the peacefuls throw them off rooftops.
And to be fair man of the match is a stretch these days with the amount of pànsie’s throwing themselves to the floor when anyone comes near them.
Rolling around like a dog in fox shit if someone comes within six feet of their new haircut.
There’s a complaints handler who’d like some pink money. Or blue, or green, or any colour really. Thing is, she’s rather overspent on her credit card and her annual interest has gone up by £18,000,000,000 in the last 6 months.
So if anyone has any spare change please help out because her only other option is to go begging on the streets.
I’ve just discovered I’ve got three things in common with Rachel from Complaints.
I’m not an economist, an author or a chess champion either.
But you both have bobbed hair?
Tonight will be the coldest so far this winter, all those pensioners she had condemned to death will turn their toes up overnight, euthanasia Friday!
Nah, he’s got a beard like you Mis. Wouldn’t really go with Rachel’s hair style.
Course it would Arfur.
Here he is when younger.
Well done with those photos Mis, I see you’ve managed to find my LinkedIn entry.
She can have all my spare cash 😂
Rachel always has Regents Park Open air Theatre to go to, to give her performance as Richard lll
Off Topic
Hollyweird is up in flames!
Even the famous sign might burn.
In their own words
Run you coked up little bitches,
‘Burn, Hollywood, Burn’ 🔥
As someone once wrote/sung.
Pity the luvvies and their second, third, forth homes going up in flames.
Apparently there is no water left due to the lefty governor removing dams to protect native fishing rights or something, but it’s Donald Trumps fault.
To protect a fish species called a ‘Smelt’ apparently.
Well they’re smelting now.
Reminds me of that classic film, “Day of the Locust”.
Reminds me of the (yet to be made) film, “Burn you commie peadough scum”
Don’t worry, as the semen breathed, yacht club cum dump and her whiny, ginger, slavering imbecile are charging to the rescue as we speak! The dimwitted duo are calling on all Californians to ‘open up their homes’ to those who have lost their own due to the fire. I can well imagine all those bl*ck cunts from Sth Central claiming to have lost everything and then robbing the good samaritans. I wouldn’t put it past the Sons of Abraham to triple the rents on the hotels/motels they own to cash in on the misery of others, the slimy cunts!
When you don’t have a wife and kids, chances are that you by default, have a lot more disposable income to squander on excessive materialism.
The alphabet community are the ideal citizen consumers in this dystopian world we find ourselves in.
Get in your pod, be gay and keep buying lots and lots of expensive stuff while you’re at it.
You know it makes sense.
Good Afternoon.
Yep, spot on there, and the ones that work all seem to be in nice cosy well pensioned indoor jobs with no heavy lifting, and no one daring to say “your sacked” when they fuck up because of the inevitable “is it ‘cos I am gay?” court case that will follow.
Interesting to note that this is the first nomination provided by A.I.
I thought the whole site was ChatGPT
The first nomination from the North East was provided by Y.I.
Good one Geordie, subtle.
Y`bugger, man.
I thought it was AL, as in, you can call me al.
Mr. Beerbelly, Beerbelly
Get these mutts away from me
I don’t find this stuff amusing anymore.
Pink money for the rug munchers, brown money for the fruits.
What do benders spend their money on anyway?
Being serviced by our very own MNC. He loves their money. And they like to watch him work.
They spend that spare money on cakes.
French fancies, battenburg and cream horns specifically.
They have wholesale rates with Mr Kipling.
And put on amazing formal high teas.
Puff ” sugar in your tea?”
MNC ” yes. But no spunk thanks”
Do they perhaps wait for you to be negotiating a chest of drawers down a staircase before inventing a reason why they have to get downstairs quickly and squeeze by you unnecessarily closely?
Like I do to a couple of the attractive Polish birds at work…very nice it is too.
They don’t seem to be particularly attracted to me Thomas 😔
Clearly something wrong with them because I’m gorgeous.
Don’t know why I even bother shaving my arse ….
That’s just revolting….. sugar in your tea..
But I hear fattening?
It didn’t fatten up Freddie Mercury. Although it did fatten up Elton John.
True fact,
Elton is that camp they took one of his turds and dissected it
And it was 40% glitter!
That being the case, the Montecito cum dump should resemble a barrage balloon with the amount she’s swallowed over the years!
Manc Mayor has broken ranks and wants a rape gang inquiry.
Joe 90’s after Sponger’s job methinks.
If one were formed, would that then be a `Rape Inquiry Gang`?
Legal tender in Brighton and parts of Bristol.
O/T…..the aspiring rap kid who went for a ride on the 🚌 and got more than he bargained for 🔪 was due in court on a ….err machete possession charge 😩 of course mumsy was blurting out the usual this morning in the paper…drill baby drill 🎶
His murderer (presumably another wollygog) has done the English taxpayer a favour as he would have been the father of at least seven bastard apes by the time he was twenty.
At least mother Um Bongo can console herself with producing another few nıglets as she’s probably not even 30 yet.
Would be a tad ironic if that was Sir Sadiq`s dad`s old bus route.
Fuck benders!
They have nicked our rainbow and the words gay and pride. .
They want their own gay bars when having a hetero bar would be illegal.
Their fucking street parades are a disgrace.
If normal people acted in such a provocative way they would be arrested.
Having said that I like having the cunts as customers.
The never complain.
Nah most of gay bars are straight been taken over by the queers and non binaries.
Perhaps these Muslim cunts have “some”good ideas…☠️ by
I was under the impression that a lot of the towel-heads used the expression “ a woman for necessity but a boy for pleasure “
Think I heard it in a film.
O/T, BBC to labour party rescue…🤮
BBC News – How Elon Musk seized on baseless memo claim to fuel wave of misinformation
BBC Verify?
BBC Obfuscate, actually.
BBC Vilify.
We’re having a gay day today, aren’t we? What’s going on? Anybody would think we didn’t have any Labour MP’s to slag off.
How could anyone trust BBC Verify to carefully weigh up facts and report them in an impartial and measured manner?
Their ‘fact checking’ article on Elon Musk is so emotionally charged, I’m surprised Tom Edgington (whoever he is) didn’t spurt in his scythe and hammer issue Y fronts when writing it.
Marianna Spring, a desperate, CV forging balloon faced cunt who deserves a full on enrichment, dry.
Leftist whore.
The Beebscum have now told us that Elon Musk has spread ‘baseless’ stories based on ‘misinfomation’.
So, there is and never have been any Paggi grooming gangs then?
Their response is as pathetic and predicatable as it is nauseating.
Rapist apologists and collaborators. Damn the bastards.
Trust me when I say not all of us gays go along with this crap. Most of us just want to be left alone to live our lives. Our sexuality is of the least importance but it is a few liberal types who have jumped on this for political reasons to push their agenda same with BLM and green cuntery. Loads of us want nothing to do with the TQ+ crap. All this has achieved is to make more people hate us. It’s true most of us gays don’t have the expense of having kids so the extra money is usually spent on Kylie records and nice clothes because we can be selfish cunts. Just remember seriously we are not all rich elites trying to push propaganda we are just working-class living from paycheck and trying to keep our heads above water. We don’t want to be defined by who we are attracted to.
Fuck off,deluded gay cunts.
Once the ragheads have hold the Brown Pound or whatever AIDS sodden currency they use will be worth just the same as Rachel from Accounts British Pound…
Absolutely fuck all..
Savour the gathering storm dear friends.
While on the subject of rachel crashing the economy. There has been talks of reverting to a three day week..
Civil serpents and the public sector are up in arms over this, apparently they don’t want work that many days..
Three day week you say?
We have been having regular power cuts the last couple of weeks.
Cunt Labour government.
…it’s back to the 70’s.
Evening Barry, evening all.
Why isn’t Keir et al being forced to step down like Liz Truss? Seems to be there are invisible actors pulling the strings. I wish British people would rise up force this cunts out. The whole lot need sacking.
I knew there was a reason I hate the colour pink.
It’s for fucking irons!
I’d have to disagree with you there, TCiS…when I’m out and about in my pink floral velvet suit, sporting my enormous moustache, I look hetero as all fuck.
You are Jason King and I claim my £5
He made the song the song that plays on a constant loop on the PA system in my love dungeon.
Yes, that is a real song that got released!
Of course the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street only used to dish out those lovely big all white bank notes. But that was because all the pink ink had been used up colouring in all the British bits in the maps and atlases .
Rhodesia, Ceylon, British India 😁
Days of Empire!!
When some chocolate drop with his arse hanging out would tremble with fear at
The British are coming.
Red tunics,
A gentle tickle with a few volleys from Lee Enfields
“Fire at will!”
Then beaten into submission with the Vickers machine gun.
Gin for the officers
Pale ale for Tommy
And home in time for tea and ‘stickies’! Hoorah, and God save the King!
Sorry to be a pedant – think they were Lee Martinis during that period. Lee Enfields were a little later.
I found a rug once on a clearance.
Massive, and fuckin filthy.
I dragged it outdoors and about 7stone of dust, crumbs, and dirty came off it.
But, when I looked it had
“.Made in British India”
Printed in a corner.
Wish I’d of kept it now ☹️
Missus Miserable would of whined like fuck but it might of been worth a few quid?
Even if not I like the idea of it underfoot.
Yes an’ “Empire Made” meant our bloody Empire out in Hong Kong. It may have cheap nasty plastic but it was our cheap nasty plastic.
We shan’t see them days again.
An’ an ovver fing, without an Empire to run the world would not have had the benefit of tasting Burton on Trent India Pale Ale. A invention of Empire. (cheers dears)
Given that bum bandits are so rich, all Sir Two Kweers has to do is make it compulsory and the country’s financial problems will be solved at a stoke (so to speak). I am surprised HM Treasury hasn’t published a white paper already.
Rumour has it that Sir Rodney’s white under crackers are stained pink after one of his sleepovers at Lord A’s
That should be ‘at a stroke’ obvs!
As a friend of Dorothy I would like to apologise on behalf of the “normal” gays. It has made me homophobic.
💩💩💩💩 pu FFS
Kelly’s heroes on the beeb at the moment, with where eagles dare to follow.
Think if rachel got her hands on all that gold, she would probably swap it for some magic beans.
Im imaging Eastwood and Burton machine gunning Rodney and his band of cunts to fuck..
Isn’t Where Eagles Dare when Ingrid Pitt’s magnificent tits bounced when she fired that machine gun?
Broadsword up Danny Boy’s parapoopchute.
Looks good with that German Bar Wench outfit and boots on Norman. She got her Bristols out in Vampire Women. Proper pair of jugs.
So ! No enquiry by labour into Muslim rape gangs but they are enquiring into the “extreme” Elon Musk… fucking disgusting..!!!!
I know some bumlords as have sold some things to them in the past
2 misconceptions about our fruity friends
1 . They all support trans people . No they do fucking not . Many of them are totally anti due to LGB being a sexual preference and T (can’t be arsed with the other letters) is a mental illness 😂
2. This whole “oooh aren’t all gays so successful”
Again some are but the ones I dealt with were living hand to mouth and I’d hear them say , I need some money so going tonight to suck a dirty old man’s for money
Not being , one of them told me that 25% of the guys on Grindr are all chemsex addicts . It’s everywhere apparently .
So that’s Meth, Ket and GHB and they do all of these things together
Im surprised that there aren’t more deaths because if you take ghb to a dirty engine for example it will clean it like new
And these guys drink this shit