Far Right Lies and Poison

I dont have much time for Musk but let’s have a look at his lies.

”The billionaire claimed Ms Phillips “deserves to be in prison” for denying requests for the Home Office to lead a public inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Oldham, Greater Manchester, and called her a “rape genocide apologist”.

So, there was no exploitation in Oldham? And Phillips didnt refuse an inquiry?

Parki skum have been exploiting kids in all major cities of the UK. It is their culture and religion and by denying an inquiry Phillips deserves the abuse. As does Starmer.
I think his ‘far right’ bullshit is another example of this useless cunt shooting himself in the foot.

MSN Link.

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble

68 thoughts on “Far Right Lies and Poison

  1. Shouting himself in the foot?

    The gormless moron wouldn’t know which end the bullets come out of, and would either miss or hit a bystander or himself in the head.

      • Good fucking luck with that. Some while ago I got an “update.” Now my fucking auto correct changes words even after I edit and I can’t seem to disable it.

        Sometimes it’s pretty minor like changing in to is or vice versa. Other times it changes words completely. Either way it’s maddening.

        One hilarious change is it insists on capitalizing Cunt.

      • Morning General,

        Fresh white gauntlets on a Sunday I trust?

        Im bi-lingual (no, I dont fancy Wes Streeting) and communicate daily in both, so mine is even more complicated as it insists on changing from one keyboard/ language to another, and also it will “correct” a word that needs no such thing, I’ll change it back, the it fecking changes it again!

      • Fck me, it just did it again. Then, not the.

        Poxy fckn thing, how I’ve not lobbed it out of the window yet i’ll never know.

  2. In my view Jess Pissflaps only ought to serve a term of imprisonment, provided it is accompanied by hard labour, and preceded with six strokes of the birch. let’s wipe the smug grin off her ugly face.

  3. I don’t think that many people are buying Starmer’s parroted ‘far right’ line. It’s a paper thin ploy of a weak man and cowardly man.

    Morning all.

  4. So I’m “far right”. So what? What that amounts to is wanting to put a stop to, and deport, all illegal immigrants, vanquishing the barbaric and lethal poison of Islam from public life and our culture, dismantling the bureaucratic apparatus of the civil service and replacing it with a functioning administrative body that runs the country according to the actual best interests of its population and with economy and efficiency, reforming the police and the judiciary so that they implement the law and not political extremism, removing vile sexual deviants and their predatory agendas from our children’s education and from women’s private spaces. And much more of this ilk.

    The far left – encompassed by the catastrophic government currently destroying our country – are the actual menace. A bunch of Stalinist fascists who unfortunately have four and a half more years to finish the job of sending us crashing back into the Stone Age and immolating every last aspect of the culture and history that has preceded them.

  5. Jess Phillips shouldn’t be in prison, she should be in quarantine.
    With breath that could fell an elephant she’s a danger to public safety.

    And Dirty Ange should be in with her as she’s the source of more STDs than a nineteenth century Parisian whorehouse.

    • I try not to judge people by their appearamce, and poor old Jess was not at the front of the queue when good looks were handed out, bit I can’t help thinking her features have been contorted by her years of sin and deviancy.

      And wash your hair, ffs.

  6. Were anyone to describe me as a fascist I would ask them to name ten people from history who were either a fascist or a nazi. Most would struggle after naming one or possibly two.

    • Uncle Adolph
      Hermann Goerring
      Adolph Eichman
      Rudolpf Hess
      Leon Degrelle
      Vidkun Quisling
      Josef Mengele
      Heirich Himmler
      Josef Goebels
      Tony Blair

      • Just imagine Uncle Adolf and Auntie Tony together – throw another log on the fire, duckie, Auntie would say.

  7. Vote for us and we will let you continue to rape our children.

    This has been going on since the 1980’s so is not exclusive to The Labour Party and Musk would be better off criticising all governments who have ignored this obscenity.

    I am allowed to vote.
    I am the only English born person in Spain that I know that is allowed to vote.

    To do so I had to become a Spanish citizen.
    I had to learn the language and learn facts and procedures about my country.
    I had to be a full time resident of Spain for 10 years until I could even start the 4 year process of becoming a citizen.
    I had to be a Spanish tax payer with no reliance on benefits from either Spain or the UK.
    I was scrutinised and tested.
    I had to renounce my British citizenship.

    So why are Pákís in the UK allowed to vote for anyone without going through a similar process?

  8. Being called far right is like being called racist.. Is that all you got?

    The left need another word..
    People won’t be shut down now at the mere mention of those words.

    And Jess Phillips is a greasy halitosis ridden harriden, who will lose her seat to a smelly pàķi at the next election, no matter how many inquiries she ignores.

  9. You mean 10 days didn’t slow the spread? Mass lock downs and quarantines were ineffective? The vaccine didn’t work? Masks don’t protect you?

    Far right lies my MAGA ass.

    How about Trump isn’t Hitler…Zelensky isn’t Churchill…and Starmer didn’t win in a landslide.

    As for Elon, my view of him is changing…for the better.

    • Morning General.

      What was your opinion on his H1B visa tantrum and the claim that Americans are neither bright enough or hard-working enough to fulfill his tech-job needs?

      • Good morning,

        My take is that he isn’t entirely correct but he does have a point.

        American Universities are turning out Wokeist morons by the droves. And American businesses are (were) hiring unqualified DEI’s (as they are now referred to in the States) also by the droves.

        While they may know all about the joys of diversity or how to grow a green garden both are fucking worthless in a high tech competitive market.

        The debate now in the States on immigration has changed with many in the MAGA camp saying we will welcome the foreign born college educated because they have something to offer.

        Elon himself is foreign born so I suspect there is also a bit of self promotion involved.

        But as I said he does have a point. Elon Musk certainly offers America much more than Harry Hewitt.

      • The MAGA position is we don’t want millions. We just want to skim the cream off the top.

        In the case of Indians maybe that’s the Ghee.

      • Makes sense on paper but it will be scammed to fuckery by all and sundry. Calcutta hordes working on apps we don’t need or just outright behind the till of a petrol station.

        As always, the solution lies at home.

  10. Pet stallions should be fucking them in the town square as a labour of love, only I know they would enjoy it. Instead, l shall have them stoned by all, as a pretence.

  11. Absolute denial from these cunts, the evidence is clear now with all the convictions across mainly northern towns, even thick head labour MPs can see the names of those involved, all bar a few are fucking P’s.
    Now it seems to be a fair assumption that any others who are dragged off the street are likely to be P’s
    Seeing the scale of this it would also be a reasonable assumption that those in power, police, councils and social services must have known.

    My Far Right proposal would be for a national inquiry into Pakistani child rape gangs and those who turned a blind eye. Straight forward and to the point.

    Could go full Tommy R and just deport the fucking lot.

  12. If I wasn’t poking my nose in on here, I wouldn’t know what was going on in the world and not be worried about having my little Town being invaded by the worlds filth. Whilst it isn’t, I’m feeling sorry for all others that are having this nightmare.

    • My youngest son was an avowed anti-racist, and constsntly chided me for my ‘extreme’ views.

      He got a new job that entailed moving house, and he found himself living next door to some moon worshipers.

      Took about two weeks for him to come around to my point of view.

  13. The following from Ben Habib should give further pause for thought:


    We have an existing extradition treaty with Pakistan, whereby first generation immigrants who come over here and break the law can be immediately repatriated to Pakistan where they will face the full force of Pakistani justice. The fact that successive governments – and particularly now this one, which is facing mounting pressure to account for its protection of these vicious Pakistani peedofyles – have failed to implement this agreement is an appalling indictment of the priorities of the political elite; they will literally sacrifice our children for their own political ends.

    How fucking DARE they impugn those of us who want to see justice for, and protection of, our children as sitting on the wrong side of the moral line, and residing amongst the political extremes. As Christopher Hitchens would say, I decline to be spoken to in that tone of voice.

    • The cunts would straight round to Abdul, Abdul and Abdul Human rights law firm who would be straight on the phone to Strasbourg.

      Isn’t there one cunt in Rochdale who went to prison, came out and was stripped of British citizenship but is still walking around Rochdale 9 years later.

      The cunt Starmer saying he has deported 16 thousand in his first 6 months, trying to make it seem he is deporting channel scum, in reality the vast majority are Visa overstayers.

  14. as I said on here before when this subject came up, Phillips is hardy going to grass up the swarthy cunts that put her in office in the first place is she. ……they got her gripped by the clit and is their puppet.

    • Then why doesn’t she have the bollocks like others and accept the consequences, then have her clitoris on a never ending orgasm.

  15. I’m a bit late to this conversation as I’m a quivering wreck following the Prime Minister announcing there was a sinister plot by Nazīs to upset ethnic minorities and I hid under the bed when the Mayor of London said he was worried about “the march of the Far Right”..

    Anyway it’s all very worrying but our Government will keep us safe from these lunatics I’m sure.

    Oh and thank goodness for the gift of multiculturalism that our esteemed leaders invented for out benefit.

    How lovely.

    Good morning (just).

    • ‘Quivering’ Tom?

      Under the bed?

      Please tell me you’re not, ahem, man-handling yourself, to thoughts of Dianne and Jess again 🙂

      • Perhaps he has just seen the new Boggs Pornographic Film Productions (Taiwan) Limited hot release – Jess and Yvette’s Prison Hell – due to shortage of space Jess and Yvette and forced ti share a cell with an 18 stone transvestite dustman and part time weight-lifter, called Gladys (though his workmates know him as Fred).

        Hear the screams and yelps of delight as Gladys empties the contents of his bins in the girls back plassages, ending up with young Yvette riding his dustcart, and Jess strumming herself with her king size dildo.

  16. The faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr
    Right are the enemy! Of what, eh what get to 🖕what about the faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr left
    are they the upholders of everything sacred to any decent family orientated person,and yet the MSM and globalists paint you out to be the devil incarnate….not for me, far right if that’s what they call it for standing up for free speech etc…so be it 👍

  17. If the government were family & friends and didn’t have the gumption to sort things out and tell the truth, they’d be out on their ear by anybody’s standards.

  18. What are Starmer and Co afraid of? Surely they did and done everything in their power to rid us of these scumbag perpetrators. Wielding the sword of justice he must have strode forth to smite the perverts or not. Can’t upset the paki voters can one, ball less bunch of pandering shitebags sometimes the state of all our leaders makes me want to vomit, sometimes . Some bold entrepreneurs should bring out a bog roll, each sheet lovingly printed with a portrait of our leaders and to make each visit even more fun every other sheet has a rape gang mugshot on it. In the case of the latter one would wonder if the paper was cleaning the arse or the arse cleaning the paper.

  19. WanKeir should have all his pals rammed up his arse and sewn up. Put the cunt in a sack and chuck it in the canal with all the other reprobates. Just thinking about my thoughts gives me a warm glow and prevents me have to put the expensive heating on made by the aforementioned cunts.

  20. I think I might be far right.

    I want a leadership that will pull us out of this stinking cesspit we are all slowly sinking into.
    Not one that blames everyone, including grandma, for the current fiscal situation, but one that puts forward a clear plan to move on and up.

    What do we get. A PM who, being charitable, I would describe as unready for office, somewhat of a ditherer, and at worst a corrupt incompetent.
    A Chancellor who lies about her qualifications for the role, can’t balance her own chequebook, picks the low-hanging fruit instead of the obvious targets.

    Can the Donald and Elon get together and buy the UK?
    I’m sure Rachel from accounts will sell it for 5 beans.

  21. As much as I hate the BMP but didn’t Nick Griffin say years ago Pakistani Grooming Gangs were using and abusing white working class girls for sex?
    I remember the fall out from Nick Griffins statement.
    Fast forward it springs to light yet again it’s a nationwide epidemic Pakistani Grooming Gangs and white working class vulnerable girls being traded and used for sex What do the Labour Party do Try to cover it up because they don’t want to upset the Muslim vote Labour as usual if you have a different opinion to them you are classed as FAR RIGHT absolute tripe Get it sorted get them in court & on trial convict and deport them back to Pakistan

    • So, let me get this right, if I think the actions of grooming gangs are abborant, and those involved should be in prison ( or thrown on a large bonfire, I’m easy), that makes me far right?

      Brilliant, I’m glad.

  22. Not into mass immigration, women do not have a penis, men do not give birth, drag queens are mentally Ill, peedoughs should get the rope or life meaning life, why should the U.K. taxpayer fund Pakistan, Afghanistan and most of Africa? Why should we give so much money to Ukraine and military equipment? Russia is not a threat to us really. Why are we still kowtowing to the fucking eu and the European court for criminals, terrorists and sick bastards? I’m not into windmills and solar farms either and electric cars well. Holding these views means that I and any other person with similar views is to the far right of Uncle Adolf and the gang. The current political and social narrative is woke agree or you’re a nazi facist cunt and a xenophobic devil. As an aside I am enjoying Lammy climbing up his own arse as he attempts to get every one to forget that he was not nice to big Donald. Fucking pathetic.

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