Drag Queens (5)

There are certain professions (politicians, schoolmasters at boarding schools and scout masters, for example) where I strongly believe a psychiatric assessment ought to be made into the candidates motives and mental health. Another one I would add to this list are drag queens. Clearly homosexual, these confused and mixed up individuals seem to think they really are women, and behave in an effeminate manner at all times, prancing around with falsetto voices. When the slap all comes off and they find they are men, and not women – that seems to be when the trouble starts.

These comments are made because of the untimely manner of the passing of yet another of the number this weekend.A man who called himself “The Vivienne”, dead at 32 – suicide or drugs, I wonder?.

The story is treated as a major tragedy in the Sun “newspaper”, so let’s go for something a little less gushing. Anyway, the painted and powdered Health Secretary should read and take note – not least for and about himself:


Nominated by W C Boggs.

56 thoughts on “Drag Queens (5)

  1. What happened to the word ‘transvestite’?

    That’s what we used to call them.
    Nut cases that like to dress up like women.

    Drag Queens are just transvestites that earn money from dressing up because they look so ridiculous.

    There used to be a pub in Forest Gate that had a drag queen night.
    I went once.
    These wierdos would sing awful music hall songs and tell suggestive jokes.

    I didn’t think they were funny so never went back.

    I suppose that you know where you are with a drag queen.
    Transvestites that are so ugly that they could never pass as female.

    Nevertheless, one any ugly nut job puts on a frock and a badly fitted wig you have to call them her and she.

    I prefer to call them lunatics.

    • It also reminds me of dirty old men in public toilets, when I was a young lad. Piss stones were everywhere. It was long before I knew that poofters ever existed. I thought dirty old men wanted sex whether it was with a man or a woman.

  2. I put on my mothers high heels once along time ago, at the that silly age of seven eight and then started with her blouses and various others but never her knickers,
    I fell over and hit my head.
    I cleaned up and put everything back in its place.
    She was out with my Dad in the pub, so loads of time to recover from my lack of sense, except for the makeup that was still on my face.
    I was cured from that evening onwards.

    • I think you’re all being unfair on these ‘girls’, I mean look at the thighs on that one with the red hair. Be honest, are you seriously trying to tell me you wouldn’t bend him over and push your dick up his bum?
      No neither would I.

  3. I’m sorry but any bloke that chooses to put on women’s clothes and prance around needs electric shock therapy or worse. The weird thing is that young girls seem to want to look like these fucking idiots. There’s no hope for the human race.

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