Deluded cunts


‘Twenty councillors quit Labour in Starmer protest’

What the fuck did these cunts expect. In Nottinghamshire for fucks sake.

Labour does not represent working people and hasnt for decades. It represents the interests of Islington luvvies, race baiters, Muslims and trannie supporters.

”The councillors – from Broxtowe Borough Council in Nottinghamshire – claimed the party had “abandoned traditional Labour values” and criticised policies such as cutting the winter fuel allowance for some pensioners.”

You need to be an old cunt with a fucking good memory to recall Labour espousing ‘traditional Labour values’


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

93 thoughts on “Deluded cunts

  1. Fuck me , the folk of Broxtowe are swift to catch on aren’t they?

    Probably still wondering why there’s not many payphones about?

    Wear flares and eat Findus crispy pancakes while listening to the Bay City Rollers.

    • I would point out that the MP for Broxtowe until 2019 was Anna Soubry , this gives you an idea of the mental agility of folks in that part of the world.

      • Don’t knock Anna, Guzzi.

        She single-handedly saved Gordon’s from going bust after the death of Princess Marge.

    • I used to love crispy pancakes. The last time I tried them, a couple of years ago, it was like eating two sheets of breaded cardboard with a lumpy slice of shit sandwiched between them. Why can’t manufacturers leave stuff, that works, alone?

      • I’m sorry to say that they are total cunts.

        Thorough going out and out cunts.

        Findus Crispy Pancakes in 1981 were excellent.

        Now look at them.

      • @ unkle Terry, sorry I misread what you wrote, I thought you wrote fried crispy p@kis, must get better reading glasses, although fried crispy p@kis is a good Idea for your oven unkle

      • correct. Just thinking of the cheese ones brings back memories of my Mum making us a little snack in the evening and sitting watching the huge old box tv in front of a hissing gas fire (all ion one room as the heating was too expensive to put on). Happy days.

    • now now mis be nice about cliff , he was the only one who got close to Olivia Newton John on several occasions, the luck bastard, I don’t think he smashed her back door in, I would have, maybe it was because he went on summer holiday with Melvyn hayes, and turned his into a screaming Nancy boy

      • Is that true? Lucky bastard. ONJ in Grease did something for us 12 year olds at an all boys school.

      • She was way too old for the colostomy bag wearing, k*ddie fiddler! He’s hung around some top totty but only because they knew they were safe from his God bothering touch. Though how they put up with the stench is another thing altogether!

    • They can’t hear you.

      They’re working (out) from home, with earbuds pumping out uplifting music.

      Lets get physical, eh?

      • ooh with Olivia Newton John, I would have, dry up the rusty sheriff’s badge

  2. How dare they.. Labour have values, granted its the same values as the taliban have these days.

    And getting the ear of Rodney will only set you back a pair of specs and tickets to see swifty..

    For the use of a London penthouse you can stick a sandpapered dildo up his well used arsehole.

  3. Councillors! Seeking the manilla at every opportunity. Bent as Starmers dick up Mandy’s arse button. And these virtue waving shits wish to demonstrate exactly fucking what ? The only benefit for this demonstration is they were likely to get their arses kicked into touch in the upcoming local elections.

    Politicians at every level should experience crucifixion, and then embalmed in the shit of the dark key arse.

    • Upcoming local elections have been cancelled.

      The Labour scum know that Reform are going to wipe the floor with them, therefore any further elections are not required because the electorate might vote the wrong way.

      I don’t know if I have ever mentioned this before, but I fucking despise socialists with every fibre of my being.

      • I think you may have alluded to it once in passing, Odin.

        And yes, everyone knows why they are cancelling elections.
        It won’t save them though.

      • Of course it won’t.

        And they can try to delay local elections for ever, but it won’t save them.

        Labour are finished, as a political party. There isn’t a worker in the land, or a pensioner, that would vote for these cunts ever again.
        Despite popular opinion, the majority of old people don’t vote Conservative. Starmer and his cabinet have a downer on pensioners, for some reason, fuck knows why when they’re all going to be old cunts drawing a pension theirselves?

      • Problem is, we are well on the way to having enough non workers/pensioners to outvote our natives and Starmer knows it.
        We aint getting rid of labour without some proper British stand up grit.

      • They won’t be 67 like the plebs JP, and they won’t have 200 quid a week either.

        They have ‘special’ pensions, because the ‘work’ they do is invaluable.

        Ask Starmer, he invented his own laws about it.

  4. Labour – the Muslim Party of Great Britain and Quares – R – Us. I agree anybody should know what they stand for, if they join the Labour scum, but then Kweer always says one thing and does the opposite. It won’t be long before he is seeking a new position – even if it is on his knees sucking Mandy’s dick.

  5. Obviously they’re all faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar right councillors who can’t see that liebour are the party of change…. Err that’s all you’ll have left in your pockets when they’ve finished 🪙 😩

  6. Local councils should all be shut down completely.

    I’m beginning to think millions of people are tired of windbag cunts fucking about and getting nowt done.

    Anyway I must get in touch with Elon Musk and see if he has any ideas to sort things out..

    The Labour Party have been a Fifth Column for 30 years the country would benefit from a wholesale Oven of the commie cunts..

    followed by the other wings of the Uniparty,tory and Liberal Gravy train garbage.

    Fuck em all.

    • I don’t think we can afford the gas bill to oven that many cunts to be honest.

      Razor wire and a nearby lamp post is more than the Labour scum deserve and just as effective.

      • We can’t afford lamp posts either.

        A sledgehammer to the back of their thick Marxist skulls is the way they would want to go.

        Over 50,000,000 indigenous population happy to oblige.

      • Easy solution – get the mudslimes working and get them to push Streeting, Kyle, Bryant and all the other uphill gardeners of the Labour party off the top of tall buildings. Good exercise for them.

    • Local councils have become a mixture of some kind of Police force, Court and legislature.

      They make up shit as they go along, call them statutes, fine people and/or drag them through the courts and even imprison them, confiscate cars and other valuables, etc, etc.

      I was once fined 800 quid for having a wooden sign on my own property that advertised the opening hours of the business I was running from it (it was a commercial property), all because I refused to give them 300 quid to ask permission to have said sign. The guy up a couple of cases before me was found guilty of fighting in the pub car park and fined 100 quid.

      And they wonder why we hate them.

      • Last time I was in court for speeding Termy a man in the same court, same day was fined less than me for mugging a guy for his phone. He had of course no english and an unpronouncable name.

  7. I’ve never seen so many white people in one place.

    Hardly an advert for diversity and multiculturalism, are they? What a shocking lack of melanin is on display.
    Where are the rainbow flags?
    Why aren’t they wearing the kaffiyeh?
    Why no cross dressing fetishists or shaven-headed dykes in dungarees?
    Why no Parking Stanley ‘taxi drivers’?

    Not a hint of degeneracy amongst them.

    Disgusting. Frankly, Labour are better off without them.

    • I saw a video a few years ago of some African cunt sticking his dick up a donkey, they are all fucking savages.

      The latest gushing over the 14 year old stabbed on a bus in Woolwich, aspiring… cunt.
      He had a made a YouTube drill video making gang and gun trigger signs and ‘singing’ about stabbing.
      Mum says he was a lovely boy but reading the report she had hardly seen him in 4 years.

      Yes he was Black.

  8. I hope Kemi Badenoch puts the boot in where the grooming gangs inquiry.
    Yeah, I know the Tories did piss all about it, but Keir Stasi needs to be severely pressured over this.

    Musk is my good books for doing this. If Tommy Robinson had said this, he’d be hated, arrested and imprisoned. But Musk can’t be touched by Keir’s goons (i.e: the police), so he can say what he likes, when he likes. Keir Stapo must be shitting himself, as he can’t stifle and shut up this one. No rapid fire trial and jail term for Elon, Keir you cunt.

    Expect luvvie cunts like that Daniel Twatcliffe, David Tennant (naturally), Hairy Mulligan, Benedict Humperdinck and the migrants standard bearer Lineker to whine about the grooming gangs ‘not existing’. Tennant in his woke fairyland is always saying things don’t exist. What a cunt.

    • This lass was talking about the Muslim rape gangs over 20 years ago.

      Cancelled by the Blair Creature and labelled a


      • The trouble is, you then get absolute Uber twats like Ellie Williams, who falsely accused men of a certain ethnic origin, of grooming, with accusations of torture, rape and explotation.

        Please don’t misunderstand, I think that people who do this are as loathsome as any other right-minded person would, especially when it’s claimed to be part of their culture, but twats like Williams just serve to throw doubt on anyone who comes forward to say it happened to them.

        She set justice for the abused children back to the middle ages, and should have been stoned to death.

      • Ann was and is a herp, Doc.

        And Elon Musk won’t be as easily cancelled

        Musk should pay for a huge fuck off fireworks and lights display near Westminster. It could say (in fifty foot high letters)….

        ‘Cancel this, you fucking cunts’.

        Oh, and this…

        ‘Pakis = Rapists’.

      • That, Norman, would be so magnificent, but I didn’t think Elon was given to such grandiose gestures.


      • The only way the Muslim rape gangs didn’t exist is if Muslims here didn’t, something to aspire to.

  9. I remember Tony Benn, Michael Foot and even Old Harold.
    Not perfect, but a million miles above the current Labour scum.
    From Barbara Castle to Dirty Ange. I fucking ask you?

    Also, hat would Labour be like now had John Smith lived?

    • On the estate I grew up on in the 70s /80s,
      It was a blanket of red posters come election time.
      Labour through and through.

      The first time I saw a ” vote conservative” sign outside a house I’d of been about 16yr and was genuinely shocked!!

      It may as well of said

      “Practice cannibalism!”
      ” Let’s fuck.ponies”

      My jaw dropped.

      Ingrained in me see?

      Labour the party of the British working class.

      Id no sooner of considered voting for another party than I would of signing up for voluntary medical testing.

      It’s different now.

      I despise the Labour party.
      Oh I hate all politicians,
      But Labour are treacherous.

      At least the Tories are honest that they are all public school boys with a taste for rentboys arses and dirty money.
      Sort of 😂

      But Labour betrayed the loyalty of ordinary working people who thought they were going to support them.
      Lessons learnt hard are the best lessons.

      I’m dying for one of these cunts the door in 4yrs.

      The sly cunts

      • My MP used to be Louise Haigh, then just before the election, I got a letter saying the boundaries had been ‘reassessed’ , to give a fairer distribution of all demographics” ( wtf?), and we got Clive ( Fossil) Betts instead. No Reform candidate, sadly.

        So, completely against the grain, I spoilt my ballot paper.

      • Not that I’d have voted for her, anyway, but I resented not being able to stick it to her, even in a very small way.

      • I have family in the north east. Labour stronghold. Why the fuck they vote for either party But to consistently vote Labour when they have done fuck all for them over many many years I will never understand (mind you, I guess it is the same with Tory strongholds). Slightly off topic, I have just moved house to an area with a Labour district council – council tax is 50% more than the Tory controlled place I left, despite having shitter services – how is that possible?

  10. Ps

    Pick your targets wisely…

    Old people!!!
    Rape victims!!!

    Who’s next?
    The blind?

    Talk about not reading the room.

  11. I’ve just received an AA severe weather warning which I’m happy to share with my fellow cunters:

    Risk of heavy snow throughout the UK; ensure you keep a flask of hot coffee and a spade in the boot of your car. That way you can enjoy a nice warm drink while he digs you out.

    • Oh, thank you, Dave.

      I haven’t been outdoors, apart from a quick smoke in the Tikki Hut, since Sunday.

      So a laugh is very welcome.

  12. Ps.

    Can someone please press the reset button.

    I’ve been talking to the dog.
    Perfectly normal.
    He’s started answering me.

    • Stick the news on..

      You can shout at the telly,it’ll give the dog a rest🤡

      works for me.

      Good health and good evening sir.

  13. Starmer got his way and Labour MPs refused the idea of an enquiry tonight. Despite that I bet there are still shitstains on his baggy long johns.

    • Sooner or later someone is going to find a video, photograph, letter, email or bank statement, or else ignore a ‘D’ notice and he’ll need to join Assad in Moscow.

      I cannot begin to express the visceral hatred I have for this excuse of a man.

      • he’s the sort of bloke who was on Maggie T’s watch list ready to be assassinated at a moment’s notice.

  14. Kier Stormfuhrer used the whip and they fell into line like the moral cowards they are.

    It should be Oldham council who lead any inquiry into child grooming gangs…

    So the people who originally covered it up?

    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.*


    Nothing to see here
    Stop.asking awkward questions
    Don’t dig to deep
    Diversity is our strength,…zzzzz

    *.’ the Watchmen ”
    For those of you that didn’t learn Latin at school like wot I did😁

    • Nobody will be able to learn Latin now MNC because little Bwidget Pwhillipson thinks it’s all white, hetero and elitist, and she would rather everyone spoke like Thora Hird and Rusty Lee like what she does innit. You could post letters in her gob (if Jess Phillips was full up)

      • Didn’t really learn Latin in school WC,

        Syllabus concentrated more on smoking, fingering girls, and trying to breakdance.

        And that was the teachers.

      • Our teachers were so ancient the Gavotte would have been too much for them – and they would have complained about all those “wild sinful rythyms” as old Henry Crun used to say to Minnie Bannister in The Goon Show

      • I pretty much educated myself WC
        That may shock some?
        A academic and literary minded scholar like me ,
        But it’s true.

        Our school was never going to spawn the next Nicholai Tesla or Thomas Edison, being more like a northern under 18s Broadmoor.

        I’m.educating myself right now!
        Watching ‘not only but also..
        With Dudley Moore and Peter cook.

      • I understand that MNC – much the same myself – you learn far more out of school than you do in it. I feel sorry for the little bleeders at school today – till they are 18 filled with right-on leftie teachers cramming their heads with transbummery and Marxism, and not allowed to grow up.

        I taught myself electronics (thermonic valves back then) and various other things that our school didn’t/couldn’t teach because they were more interested in football and woodwork, but then we only made lamp standards and little boxes. Most of our teachers were old, doddery incompetent and often pissed as a fart – a bit like the government in fact.

      • On my regular trips to the shithole that used to be London, one of the things that used to really get my goat was white kids talking and dressing like blacks. We called them wiggers.

      • Oh you stir old memories there WC. Did you ever witness some cunt put his finger on a top cap thinking it was grid 1 when on this bottle it was the anode? I did. It didn’t half make him jump! Remember when that Russian pilot defected and landed in Japan in a Foxbat? A “journalist” wrote that it showed how far behind the Russians were technically that the plane was fitted with valve equipment. I doubt he had ever heard of EMP. An example of the creeping Americanisation of the language; I had a conversation with a young man at work where I mentioned that I had worked on valve kit. He looked baffled for a moment then smiled brightly and said; “Oh, you mean tubes!”

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