Its been called ‘the face that launched a thousand T-shirts’ and rebranded into a pop cultural icon. Che Chic, a symbol of resistance and rebellion, of revolutionary cool before any white suburban Gaza groupie had even heard of a fucking keffiyeh. I’m talking about the now iconic image of Argentine Marxist revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara in one of the defining photos of the 20th century being plastered all over clothing (and much more, see link).
The defiant stare, patchy beard and wild untamed hair under a Frank Spencer beret helped by sympathetic Hollywood portrayals romanticising him as a poster boy for counterculture and a Latin American folk hero fighting U.S capitalist expansion.
His daughter Aleida said of the fad,
“But look at the people who wear Che T-shirts. They tend to be those who don’t conform, who want more from society, who wonder if they can be better human beings. That, I think, he would have liked”. You haven’t met many modern western leftists have you? Smashing the economic system one overpriced T-Shirt at a time, probably made by some poor cunt in a stinking Asian sweatshop for a few cents an hour too.
Cut through the bullshit and his past becomes a bit ‘problematic’ as the lefties like to say. He was a thug and a murderer who ordered and personally executed prisoners as commander of La Cabana prison in Cuba. He also constructed Cuba’s first concentration camp where crimes against ‘revolutionary morals’ including homosexuality were punished with hard labour under the camps motto “Work will make you men”. How progressive, very 1940’s Poland. His and Castro’s ruinous social and economic policies are still felt today, leaving Cuba one of the regions poorest after previously being one of its most prosperous.
Not that any of this would hold much sway with the type of fart sniffing bourgeois throbbers who wear his mug on a T-Shirt and hate ‘the system’ but can’t live without the system. The naive students, walking middle classes cliches of selective outrage who probably don’t know who comrade Che was anyway, just some guy on a shirt. Or the professional armchair revolutionaries, fighting the capitalist pigs, £800 smartphone in one hand, overpriced fairtrade Starbucks latte in the other.
Cunts of the world unite indeed.
Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.
Jim Fitzpatrick is the original Artist of the black and red iconic image.
He got fk all out of it, when it was produced in posters and tee shirts around the world.
He won the lotto but lost the ticket
I don’t have much to say about people who seem to think Che was some kind of icon to be revered, but am just posting to see if my comment appears.
A nom of mine was published on the 23rd, but only got one response yesterday ( thanks CuntemAll), so I was just wondering if there was a visibility issue.
Naaah, it was just shit mate 🙂
Only kidding, didn’t see it
Nor I.
In fact the entire forum wouldn’t load for hours.
I have had to use the Samsung browser to get onto this site.
Something is fucked.
I can view this site on Google browser but only after I clear my browser data, then I can’t post anything.
I haven’t been able to access the site since early this morning.
This shit didn’t happen when the Tories were in office. Fucking Keir and the Goddamned Labour Party.
I thought there must have been some kind of ddos attack.
My thoughts were seeing as the cunting of youtube was ongoing the cunts at Google mansions had spotted it and decided to attack..
After rollerskating to Starbucks for a 5000 calorie soy moccasins whatever that is.
soy moccasins!🤩
fuck me what a phone
soy moccacino
whatever. that. is
Prolly right the first time Tez.
Shadow banning might have made it to ISAC as it is with Youtube where even responses to topics are generated by AI giving the impression they even actually happened.
I gave up on throwing in the odd comment on Mailonline as the responses were/are from entities such as…Green,Kettle,olive drainpipe,purple radiator. no less.The cunts have this all packed away.
Spain calling
Spain calling
Can you hear me?
Che Guevara was a cunt
OK, sir Mali?
As murderous socialists go, Adolph was much better, if slightly less photogenic.
Seems eerie on ear today.
There’s been some problems, seems the server may have been down.
It’s back now.
Let’s comment on LLs nom, eh?
I think we’re OK.
I had a friend who revered this evil, murdering cunt. He thought he was a true champion of the people.
He wouldn’t listen to anything said against him insisting it was all bourgeoise propaganda.
I was more tolerant in those days than I am today.
Che got what he deserved. Summarily put up against a wall and shot.
I can think of several politicians today who deserve the same fate.
Oh…I forgot to mention the righteousness of this nomination.
Sorry. Or as Gen Q says; my bad.
Sorry LL, but OT.
Why do people have to have a label?
What’s Gen X, Y, Z or Q?
Why are they labelled at the end of the alphabet, and not A, B etc.?
Is it because it makes them seem edgier?
As an old git, it just makes them look fucking stupid, in my eyes.
I don’t want a label, and neither should any other person, so give it a rest, eh?
Im generation cunt, so fcking do one gen z faggots.
Reasonable response.
Not you JP, onviously.
Up to a point I could sort of understand some of the idolisation of Che Guevara. I presume the young middle class leftists like to see themselves in him (NIAGWYU).
He was born into a wealthy family and was originally studying to be a doctor, then became more political due to a number of events and had aspirations of some sort of “greater good”.
There are however, a number of inconvenient truths that the young Wolfie Smith, weekend activist types in Brighton etc. prefer to ignore:
1. He enjoyed the whole putting people in front of a firing squad and often didn’t even give people a fair trial.
2. He enjoyed killing and would walk up to people and shoot them in the head at point blank range. Sounds like an unhinged dictator if ever there was.
3. He created the Cuban version of the Soviet gulags – Santa Clara and La Cabana.
4. He wasn’t some sort of political mastermind or amazing strategist. He fucked up on at least 2 occasions.
5. He played a key role in ruining Cuba’s economy. (Alright when the Marxists though, wibble)
6. He was quite likely a racist. Funny a socialist that was racist 🤔 where have I heard of that before in history.
Churchill was supposedly a racist and should be cancelled. Why not Che then as well? 🤔
7. He was notoriously homophobic and referred to them as “scum”. 🤔
In short – has wasn’t some sort of freedom fighter or champion of the oppressed. He was a bastard. Thus reinforcing my opinion that every lefty wannabe Marxist is a closet militant dictator.
There’s tonight’s ‘orrible history lesson for you.
Not bad for someone half pissed having been out on a date with a lass eh?
We might be seeing each other again. Not sure about her really.
Might just be ruthless and bin her off yet.
Is she Gen Q?
No JP she’s in her early 30s so gravity hasn’t completely won the battle yet.
Her positive points are that she doesn’t have a ring through her nose like a bull, nor does she have purple hair or tattoos all over.
She looks after herself at the gym.
She does unfortunately watch dross on TV like Traitors, but I’m willing to put up with some things for the right woman.
Gen Q? is that code for something?
Sounds like a race out of Star Trek like the Romulans😄😄
Are you mocking me JP? 😄😄
Avenue Q?
Mocking you?
Lord no. Have a look at my earlier comment, I’m wondering about labels, atm.
Hey Harold,
Great post. Solid points about Che.
Good luck with the lass.
Yeah not entirely sure about her General but thanks all the same.
She has a bit of “moxie/pep” which I don’t mind. Little bit feisty but in a good way.
Just don’t know if we have any chemistry.
Wear a beret Harold!
Like che!
Birds go wild for a man in a beret.
If she asks if you’re french,
“No. But I french kiss”.
And wear deodorant!!
Lasses don’t like blokes who smell like ferrets.
See you at the wedding 👍
First date H, don’t forget the golden rule – what you see now is the very best, and fake, version of her.
She’s on her best behaviour, is not revealing her actual opinions in case she offends, etc. Just like you lol.
And if you haven’t seen her in the nip yet, you don’t know about the tattoo thing, she may have one in the nether regions with an arrow pointing downwards and an “Insert Here” emblazoned on her abdomen.
And thete is no such thing as the “right woman”. Some are just slightly more tolerable than others and they all require constant correction and training.
Should be kept in cages really.
Mr T, regarding the tattoo, as long as it’s on her back…
Chelsea fans. Take a listen to File on 4 to what Abramovich did whilst owning your club. It was much worse than you think.
Shit for cunts.
Talking of which, anyone remember ‘salsasnack’ from the early days of the internet?
The cunt was the George Chiggun Floyd for the deluded flower power generation.
An outright homicidal cunt who died like a cornered rat.
Although I’m surprised Sleepy Joe didn’t offer the scruffy commie cunt a posthumous pardon.
Good morning.
Jesus H Christ, back on line.
The spleen is ready for further venting…!
I thought we’d been cancelled.
Don’t mention the C word!
Anyone got a cross and some garlic handy?
I couldn’t get the site on either yesteray, Doc,
It’s simple this,
He looked good.
That’s it.
That’s why he’s popular with students.
He has a sort of Jim Morrison look,
He could even get away with a Frank Spencer beret!!!
They don’t care that he was a absolute trigger happy loony.
Or his racism,
They like he wore a belstaff jacket
That he rode a Norton motorbike.
The cunt was basically a male model with a a body count that would make jack the ripper jealous.
Wearing his image on a t-shirt is a sign of ignorance.
Ask someone wearing one,
Bet they don’t know shit about him!
He looked like Jess Phillips?
Not a single t-shirt.
Ooh Betty
Being offensive is not an offence.
The freedom only to be non offensive is not a freedom worth having..!
i’m still barred on my mobile using duck duck…..
can’t access the site at all been down since yesterday morning, tried firefox still nothing……on computer it’s the same just managed to get on with opera aaaaarrrrrghhhhhhh. i’m fucked……get off me stasi…..helppppppppppppppp please someone sort it out
Good insightful nom. However as a “yoof” I do remember there was very little that one could obtain to indicate that you were “kicking against the system”.(man). Ok a wee Red book in your hip pocket and a CND badge but very little else. “Oh but what about “Blackboard Jungle” and Rock and Roll? ” Err Bill Haley wore a suit with collar and tie, very Bruce Springsteen (cunt).
Just as today with Saint Greta Thunderpants’ groupies you can’t put old heads on young shoulders. Far better to look back and smile and just think “what a twat I was.”
My generosity of spirit rapidly declines if you are over 23 and are still gullible enough to be taken in by such bollo. For you we have the stocks, the pillory, soft veg. and public humiliation.
For a brief moment yesterday I thought we had been silenced and free speech lost for all time, but no thank goodness. “Starmer you are a cunt”.
Mornin’ all.
Che hated Tarrytoots.
He would of emptied his pistol into David Lammy on sight.
He wasn’t fond of the alphabet folk either!
The students seem to ignore these facts?
“Oh he was a revolutionary!!
Fighting against capitalism.”
In the way that Ian Brady did his best to stop School Truancy
Or Peter Sutcliffe was raising awareness of the need for safety helmets.
Oh g’d grief Mis, your last para is in such dreadful taste it had me grinning like a cat from Cheshire. Good one..
I really wanted a Pol Pot hoodie but they were sold out. Small batch artisinal, you know.
So I settled for a Che t-shirt.
I’m a bit non-plussed by some of the objections on here.
Che was a violent, homophobic racist was he?
Had he not fucked up in Bolivia he’d probably be posting on here.
Haha 😅
He’d be chief admin.
Never trust a man in a beret who lisps is the lesson I walk away with.
The most laughable bit is the thick as mince LGBTQ knobheads who wear rainbow coloured Che T-Shirts.
These inane imbeciliic bummers don’t even know that Che murdered poofs for fun. Because he did.
Mind you, they probably don’t even care. Almost all woke is posturing and is nothing to do with actual beliefs or committment to any cause.
And, I remember those cunts Rage Against the Machine using Che’s monkey mug on the cover of their single ‘Bombtrack’. I’ve never liked social conscience gobshites in bands. Some of The Clash had talent (Topper Headon and Mick Jones), but Strummer was a monumental knob. A rich diplomat’s son, with his Khymer Rouge T-Shirt on. What a total cunt.
Checking out the noms link, I wonder what the reaction from leftie liberals/neo Marxists would be to an Adolf store.
Heads would explode probably!
I always preferred the photo of him executing some poor fuckers who are on their knees. That shows the true “FACE” of a Marxist revolutionary.
Fuck him and his motorbike.
This Che crap is the sort of merchandise that cunts like Student Grant (Viz) and his faggoty pals would buy to look edgy.
Fuck them.
You know, I mean you just fucking know that Starmer has a t-shirt or poster of this cunt somewhere!!!!