is a cunt.
Once a treat, we all remember the “glass and a half” don’t we.
Well l and older cunters will, because Cadbury can’t make that claim anymore
Even the King can’t endorse the dog chocolate they purvey these days.
He’s withdrawn the Royal Warrant.
Good on you, but you’re still Jug Eared.
Cadbury, as we all know, has been bought out by the Grinch, otherwise known as the company that has turn Mis favourite Ritz crackers into bland pap.
I don’t know what the fucking hell it’s all about, unless it’s a plot to get us all used to a delicious dish of crickets?
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.
He didn’t withdraw the warranty cos the chocolate is shit though. shame on him.
Cadbury’s chocolate is more delicious than ever.
That palm oil gives it the smoothness that us Labour supporters desire.
I get all excited to eat it as I cycle to Waitrose to buy some, then I can settle down and eat it whilst perusing the Guardian’s excellent articles.
The cunts shouldn’t still be able to continue to use the historic brand names of companies they buy out and destroy..
Mondelez Creme Egg anyone?
No,don’t think so.Fuck off.
Good morning.
Sounds like a fat lesbian.-
The biggest threat to the English way of life since the Windrush docked. these yank fucks have ruined
Cadburys chocolate ( once the greatest chocolate in.the world)
Ritz crackers
Maynards sports mix.
Three of my favourite things.
There’s nothing they can’t fuck up.
They should be imprisoned for crimes against taste.
You are Mary Poppins and I claim my free cockney urchin.
Morning, MNC. I bet the people’s confectionery champion Paul Chuckle would have a thing or two to say about the fate of Maynards Sports Mix. Perhaps you could get him to raise a petition to present to the Labour Secretary of State for Sweets. I would certainly sign it.
Good morning, everyone.
It’s not chocolate, it’s sugar and vegetable fat.
They’ve also changed the shape.
It was a chocolate ‘bar’.made up
of square blocks.
But now it’s rounded off?
Like they’re scared of sharp corners.
Like it needs to be rounded for those with.a cleft palate
It’s unrecognisable from the chocolate of my youth ☹️
I’ll.never forgive these cunts.
I don’t know anyone who likes Cadbury’s crap now. Yet I saw mountains of it piled up in Tescos pre-Christmas.
I hope half of it went unsold.
Our Tesco’s has an entire isle rammed full of Easter eggs and cadbury’s cream gak.
I really don’t get this, who buys Easter eggs in January?
That’s for the Gays to share mouth to mouth. 🤮
Afternoon MM, afternoon all.
My local Morrisons (shite be upon them) were fully stocked with Valentines Day cards a whole 2 days before Christmas Eve 🤮 Supermarkets are greedy crap peddling cunts.
They don’t tell you how big the glass and a half is, do they.
Even so, you want chocolate, not fucking milk.
As I had fuck all to do once Iade a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority.
It was about some shite brand of kids yoghurt.
The TV ad claimed that one portion contained more calcium than a glass of milk.
At the bottom of the screen in tiny writing is said that one portion was equal to 2 pots of the stuff and the glass of milk was 50ml.
I said that a portion by anyone’s definition would be one pot and I don’t know where you can buy a glass so small that it could contain 50ml (3 and a bit tablespoons full).
Anyone who took the time to do the calculations would work out that one pot contained the calcium in a tablespoon and a half of milk.
Therefore, fuck all.
I never heard back from them.
*I made…. Not lade.
Fucking phone.
Glass and a half of palm oil
I just wish they put more monosodium glutamate in it, and genetically modified cocoa beans..
The adverts for Cadbury are enough to make you never buy the shit again, the kid going into the shop (Asian shopkeeper, aren’t they all) with bits of crap… ‘it’s for my mum’ and then the poster bollocks with the boon.
Cadbury crème egg ‘how do you eat yours’, ffs.
Sky news last night made me vomit (choking with laughter)
2025 Bradford, city of culture, could be the year we uncover the city of grooming/rape 😂😂😂
City of Culture Soi, or as normal people would say, this years winner of the competition to find the town in which you would least like to live.
New Islamabad
And Rotherham is 2025’s “Children’s Capital of Culture” I shit you not. This takes gaslighting to a blinding new level. Not sure if I can post the link but a quick Google search will confirm. 🤮🤮🤮
Someone somewhere should have said, mmm hang on a minute 😂
i thought it was just me, but not just cadnurys but most of the commercial chocolate now tastes shit, waxy, greasy and bland. at christmas we had the normal roses and all the other varieties and all were shite……i then did a bit of googling and despite kraft promising not to go the american way of making chocolate when they bought cadbury….they lied.
less cocoa content and more palm oil and other shite.
back when i was a kid you would get a large slab of dairy milk to yourself and eat it until you were sick…you couldnt stop yourself…now after a couple of chunks, you just say no thanks, no more for me.
deffo not buying it any more
I’ve never liked Cadbury creme eggs.
That weird emulsion type filling 😖
And it can turn you ducky.
Knew a bloke , builder, three kids,
Married man,
Ate a creme egg?
He’s now travelling on tour with the lady boys if Bangkok.
Calls himself Velvet.
Cadburys settled out of court.
50grand and a selection box
People shout
“Give us a Twirl”
Finger of fudge?
Funnily enough the missus was just last night sat on the sofa eating some Celebrations given to us over Christmas commenting on how shit Cadbury chocolate was these days.
I wasn’t paying much attention having said that, seeing, as I was, if it was possible to get pissed off the liqueur chocolates some cheap bastard customer had given us in lieu of a bottle of wine.
Heroes she’s just told me, not Celebrations which are Nestle apparently.
Making a distinction without a difference.
I see His Majesty still gave the Royal seal of approval to Charbonnel et Walker, posh cunt. I suppose Lord St John of Fawlsey would have approved.
That should be ‘Fawsley’, of course. Such errors could cost one his KCB!
A bit parky out there, and apparently we went within a whisker of power blackouts on Wednesday evening. Gas reserves are half what they should be, and Energy Supremo General Sir DickEd is nowhere to be seen or heard.
Maybe he’s looking into burning Cadburys chocolate to generate the leccy.
No fear, Geordie, it`s confirmed we have enough gas in the UK …
… so best get that old axe sharpened and fire up the stove.
Oh well, that’s reassuring.
To quote the Titanic’s passengers when they were told it was unsinkable.
If we have a power shortage the first power cut should be Doncaster North, that’ll teach the cunts for voting Mad Ed
Affectionately known as Doncatraz
There’s no impending gas shortage, name me one company that would allow its grossly overpriced yet essential product to run low.
It’s more fear porn, turn the heating up and the telly down.
Too many cunts, too little time.
Apparently the Gov didn’t realise that it’s cold in winter.
I don’t think it will happen this time, just an exercise in getting people used to the idea of rationing, but one must never underestimate the utter incompetence of government.
Ed Millipede deserves a trip to the tower
Chocolate should be an extravagance, not some shit that you buy off a Pákí in his stinking shop.
Pay proper money and get it sent from Belgium.
Chocolate and sprouts are what the fat cunts are good at, and they can stick their sprouts up their ample arses.
The Cadbury® Milk Tray Bar* was the God of all confections …
We`ll never see the likes of it again.
Of course, when you were a kid it was out of your financial reach + you never got one in your xmas selection box.
(* Essentially, an entire box of chocolates welded together in bar form).
Is that from the fevered imagination of one of those robots that they keep saying will take over the world?
I don’t think that bar of chocolate ever saw a shop,it’s misinformation by those mad Far Right cunts of confectionery,the Swiss.
I’m sorry but you’re mistaken Unk, I used to buy one occasionally.
I had a paper round when I was a kid where we had to go into the back room of the shop to get our bags.
I seem to remember nicking a few bars every now and then along with a carton or two of Embassy.
Remember my Gran buying them but her fav was Terry’s all gold . I always had the barrels.
Something for your mud hut
It’s all got smaller too!
I was once on the front of the Stockport Express after saving a baby from a burning building.
I used a curly wurly as a ladder.
You couldn’t do that now!
As kids we used to play hopscotch on a bar of Dairy Milk, the squares were that big.
It got smaller in a burning building Mis?
Strange. Mine get’s smaller in the cold.
I’ve for years stopped eating chocolate and other confectionery due to it causing diabetes, besides it making you fat and not nice to look at. Sorry for being a bugbear and not joining in with most of you and choices of lovely chocolates and sweets to munch on. It was a novelty at first when it was rationed and hard to get. Now all the thrill as gone out of it, besides its no good anymore due to the yank fucking it up, like they do with most things.
So now you’re just thin and not nice to look at? 🤣
Wouldn’t you be Termie, at fourscore.
Seeing as you asked nicely. Don’t ask me to pull the middle one.
Just pulling your leg mate.
Thanks Termujin. Could you pull the other one, its got bells on and I love that.
The Fry’s variant of Cadburys still tastes good if keen on the oddly nice filling plus Bounty is always reliable i find but my once beloved Turkish Delight is a shadow of it’s once glorious self.
Broadly agree with fellow cunter’s opinions. Bought the wife some Belgian chocolates in France once and it was a revelation. One chocolate beside tasting amazing would have substituded for a small meal. I was in one of Hewlett Packard’s offices on London Wall and a lovely American lady gave me a box of American chocolates as a thankyou. Very kind of her but I’m afraid to us they tasted fucking ‘orrible.
The yank cunt was trying to poison you Arfur.
Id of told her to shove them up her arse.
That’s all they were in the first place Mis, suppository chocolates.
I think you’ll find that’s where she got them from.
The glass and a half of milk will no doubt contain the new anti fart concoction 😩…mooooooo 🐮 … it taste more like crapburys anyway now, don’t each much chocolate but when I do it’s lindt for me 🍫
It was camels milk, to make you hump everything in sight.
This thread got me looking up what had happened to all the Milky Bar Kids. I was reading some tedious Mail article on this subject when I was linked to an article about Claudia Schiffer’s daughter excelling in the role of swimsuit model. Gotta say, as a proudly lecherous middle aged old pervert, there’s a couple of authentic sweeties that I’d sooner wrap my mouth around vs anything Cadbury has ever produced
This thread got me looking up what had happened to all the Milky Bar Kids. I was reading some tedious Mail article on this subject when I was linked to an article about Claudia Schiffer’s daughter excelling in the role of swimsuit model. Gotta say, as a proudly lecherous middle aged old p*rvert, there’s a couple of authentic sweeties that I’d sooner wrap my mouth around vs anything Cadbury has ever produced
I met a man in the trade Dave who told me it’s best just to drool over these women in the bra adverts rather than be disappointed by meeting one. He reckoned most of them had the personality of a sheet of Formica.
And women have told me that these lift-’em-up squeeze-’em-together bras are bloody uncomfortable.
I draw some meagre consolation from this report arfur, although I can’t help thinking it comes from the same armchair analysts who would say “I wouldn’t want to win the lottery, it would be a nightmare dealing with all of that money”.
I’d find a way of getting past the shit personality while those bazzungas were bouncing up and down on me*
*just a bit of laddish humour of course; I was the man who a month or two back confessed to terminating a relationship with a teenager when I was in my twenties because the sex was shit and the conversation even shitter
A good way of finding out a mental case in an adult, is to find those with chocolate smeared all over their face like a baby and simply lock them up. Firstly, you must make doubly sure its not due to some perverse sex act.
Also, if you see a yankie soldier dressed in nylons and nothing else and smeared in chocolate. Shoot him.
There wouldn’t be any British woman around today falling for that crap. I’ve often wondered how many lives were ruined during wartime.
Cadbury’s is like a politician’s speech, gak which leaves a bad after taste.
….and full of shit.
Any of you got any legal training?
Remember when Mars loudly bragged
” A Mars a day helps you work,rest,and play…?”
Well my cousin took them at their word and now has type 2 diabetes.
He’s unemployed, struggles to sleep,and can’t play football..
Can he sue them for this clearly gung ho advertising?
I’ve been in prison, does that count?
Wasn’t it Murray Walker responsible for that?
The brag, not your cousin’s ailment that is.
He wouldn’t have a leg to stand on Mis, if he bought all the “rest” ones.
Cadburys are now attempting to go into teapots & fireguards. They’re going to fail with that if there’s not at least 2 pints of milk going into it.
The younger daughter is also going to be a well endowed looker.
Why the fuck is this down here? It’s a reply to Balsamic Dave way above!
I’m here for you moggie – albeit just got to pop out to Tesco for some more Kleenex, won’t be long
No chocolate?
Bollocks, same problem as you moggie – my incredibly witty response as a new post below; kind of kills the mood. As does the missus catching me getting all Carpet Kisser excited over the teenage spawn of supermodels
Nah, the missus caught me leering at the Schiffer girls – no licking melted food products off naked bodies action for me today (unless it’s with the Big Issue seller down at Tesco)
Cadburys Flake in the 1980’s 👅
Those cunts at Cadbury’s axed my favourite in 1980. The Aztec bar.
Their last hurrah was the Fuse bar in the 90s. They’ve churned out shizer ever since.
When I think of all the wonrderful choccy that they used to do.
Old Jamaica, Milk Tray bars, Picnic, Bar Six, and who remembers this little gem from the 70s?
Fuse! Been trying to remember the name. Really liked those back in 1997 ish.
Remember Old Jamaica too as a kid in the 70s; lovely. Was also a fan of Ice Breakers!