Big Issue sellers

I’m in a festive, goodwill to all men, mood this Christmas morning, so it’s time to cunt Big Issue sellers.

I sort of liked the idea of the Big Issue when it was conceived all those years ago – the idea of giving someone fallen on a shit situation a purpose and means of earning a living in order to give them independence and control over their lives and so that they could then move back into regular work and have the means to sustain their own accommodation. The right balance of charity and self-responsibility it seemed to me.

But what I’ve noticed is that these fuckers don’t seem to want to ever do anything more than stand there selling this dogshit rag, there’s no sign (amongst the ones I encounter at least) of them ever taking the next challenging steps of getting a proper job and moving themselves back into society.

I used to occasionally buy a copy / put a few quid in the hands of a foreign (muzzie) looking female seller who plies you with the Big Issue guilt down by the entrance of our local supermarket. I nipped in there yesterday, and, sure enough, there she was as usual with that guilt-tripping beatific smile, only it’s Christmas so you should be feeling especially bad for her and dig even deeper into your pocket. But I pretended to be on my phone as I went in and out of the supermarket. Why? Cos she’s been there for ten fucking years! And still all the over-monied locals of this neighbourhood buy her magazine and give her dosh in her hand, instead of saying to her listen love we’ve been happy to support you getting onto your own two feet this last decade, but maybe it’s time to start walking by yourself now?

I’m sure many of you will think I’m the cunt here, I’m willing to take the flak on this to see what others think.

big issue

Nominated by Balsamic Dave.

83 thoughts on “Big Issue sellers

  1. Why can’t tramps just be tramps?
    Why do they have aspirations of being Rupert Murdoch with BO and a spice addiction?

    I don’t want to buy the Daily Dosser or Hobo Herald,
    I resent that money from it goes in these human draught excluders pockets.
    They should spend it getting those sleeping bags down the launderette the smelly fuckers.

    I’d have them all gassed.

    • Dunno why we can’t just replace the wood pellets that fire Drax power station with dessicated homeless people?
      It’d solve the fueling cost and homeless problem simultaneously.
      Sensible solutions for a sustainable England.

      • Tch-tch. You`ve fallen into that old trap of misspelling the word `desiccated`, Thomas. Still, I like your organic fuel solution – but is it sustainable?

      • Whoops, naughty me SB…you are of course quite correct.
        As far as sustainability goes, once all the homeless are up in smoke, every immigrant, fat fucker, pædo, cyclist, tran§bumder and electric car enthusiast will be forced to sacrifice themselves for the good of the country.

      • At the rate they’re arriving, we won’t be running out of cultural enrichers anytime soon, so good plan!

      • Tried that already, Herr Thomas. Didn`t quite go to plan – I was severely let down by Admin & HR.
        Still, there`s always das vierte Reich to look forward to.
        Frohes neues Jahr, meine dicken fetten Würstchen !

      • Or fucking coal,or oil which it was built to burn worked on all 8 boilers over the years 4 now shut what a crying shame.

      • Hang on a cotton picking minute.

        Since when has not being “far right” been an automatic label of “left”?

        How the fucking duck does that make you “woke”.

        Your explanation is???

      • The same reasoning that Starmer uses, if you’re not a raving Marxist you’re definitely far, far, far right.

      • “…The same reasoning that Starmer uses, if you’re not a raving Marxist you’re definitely far, far, far right..

        I call it “Binary Bitch Syndrome” … basically a complete inability to recognize nuance manifesting as “…if you ain’t that you must be this,..” and unfortunately there’s a lot of that on IsAC.

  2. “Big Issue, Sir?”
    “Not to me it’s not, I hope you freeze to death.”
    I wouldn’t* have been so unkind if the seller was English, but she was a fucking Romanian/Bulgarian.

    * of course I would’ve.

    • There’s one always outside Aldi.
      Grossly obese Rumanian gypsy cunt.

      I despise the piggy eyed scavving bastard.

      My dog likes to chase the cunt and she moves surprisingly fast for a fat lass!
      Hides behind the line of shopping trolleys.

      The only way I’d buy a big issue is to get the wicker man lit with this sack of guts screaming inside. 🔥🔥🔥

    • Originally a good idea but it has been taken over by Eastern Europeans. We have a girl outside a local supermarket, a Bulgarian according to my wife. She is driven down from Birmingham to my area every morning. It is well over 50 miles. She has been there for 4 years now. I haven’t met an indigenous Big Issue seller for at least 10 years.
      Now we have gone almost cashless it is must be a bloody hard way of making a living so maybe it will die out.

      • The cunts have fucking card readers now. Like the fuck you are going to let some eastern European PIKEY have access to that…🤬🤬🤬

      • There’s a bloke that sells it on Stokes Croft in Bristol, and I reckon he has been doing it for about 10 years. I always ignore the cunt but he is regarded as something of a character by some locals, especially the middle class twats.

        He sings in patois ( he is black) and dances about, shouting
        “ere me now” and other crap. Some of these middle class females stop and hug him on their way to work. Makes my fucking skin crawl.

      • I bet they do JP, I should think Birmingham is overloaded with them, hence the expansion into East Midlands.

  3. Foreign vermin..
    Like the cunts that infest road junctions at the traffic lights, all with the same limp and sad faces.
    Isn’t immigration marvellous..

  4. Fuck these parasitic pikey scum. They get ferried around the well heeled towns and the virtue signalling liberals stuff their greedy little claws with a fiver, then they get ferried off to the next mug parade.
    I call them parasites as I walk past, they get it.

  5. Lots of those LA sunglasses 🕶️ wearing cunts will be recently homeless after the fire.

    Luckily they can still have a wash by going surfing,
    And it’s warm so sleeping rough is like camping in summer.

    Maybe they’ll find life better not being encumbered with mansions, swimming pools and sports cars!
    After all most of them are socialists or even Buddhist,
    Now they can practice what they preach.


    • You cunt. I am fucking devastated that such a talent as Paris Hilton has lost one of her homes. You should be ashamed.

    • All joking aside. I have no sympathy for millionaire socialist gobshites who like to go around telling the small folk how to live.

      But there were an awful lot of normal people houses that went up in smoke, which will have cleared a large area for rich self righteous left wing cunts to build gaudy houses. On the scorched earth their developers just snapped up for next to fuck all when the insurers would no longer insure.

      A fire sale of prime real estate, if you will.

  6. Never bought one, all the sellers I have seen are fucking skanks.

    Fuck the big issue, not interested and foreign twats selling the fucking thing should be deported.

  7. Didnt that baldy sickly looking Prince somefucker virtue signal with this? The cunt that champions the homeless fron 500 bedrooms.

  8. I think Big Issue would have more success if the title was changed to Big Knockers with content to correspond. No one wants to read Big Issue because its dull and sold by tramps. I think punters would make an exception and not mind the salesman if it was changed to Big Knockers. And think of all the homeless people it would help.

  9. Anyone have ‘The Vivienne’ in the dead pool? don’t know how it died but at least that’s one less drag freak off the telly😁

    • I don’t think any self-respecting cunter on these hallowed pages would know who this mutant is. I certainly didn’t and had the Google the details.

      I reckon, from the media reports of a “non-suspicious, sudden death”, it more and likely offed itself…

      • Obviously because it was ‘brave and strong’ in the eyes of the usual media twats, but mentally unhinged like all us normals could see.

  10. Saw my arse with some young obviously not fucking homeless eastern European female twat outside my local Morrisons.

    ” Big Issue” – NO says I. I don’t want your fucking big issue in a louder than normal retort.

    Which filled the little conning cunts face with some surprise and attracted some looks from other shoppers.

    She remembers me now, turns away when I pick up my shopping basket…!

    I did contact ” big issue” expressing my displeasure.

    Fuck all reply ….

    A metaphor for GB if you think about it. Taken over by third world grifters….💩💩💩

  11. We’ve only one grubby issue seller in our Town, that stands there once a week on Market Day. Pretty little thing. Chatted to her occasionally whilst she flirts. That’s just about it.

  12. Only ever looked through one issue, that was late nineties. Pages of the the good old porn numbers… heavy breathing etc. Remember them! Couldn’t believe it….

  13. Leftist articles, diverse stories about Lady Lawrence my dead son is a cash cow. Trannie make overs and posh Brighton Earth Mothers and cooking to save the planet. Written by Cunts, stories about cunts and sold by dirty Cunts. Roma, Tramps and mental cases..
    I’d use the big issue to light our waiting crematorium.

    • It sounds just like the guardian, but with less begging for money.. please make a donation to help fund our slave owner founders newspaper

  14. Hopefully, this weather will thin the cunts out.


    Never bought the rag.

    Never will.

    Fuck them.

    Good evening 👍

  15. The problem with the homeless apart from smelling like roadkill is they just aren’t sexy.

    They’d earn more if they were alluring.

    Rather than ranting at pigeons in town centres get some lippy on!
    Use a cocktail glass for your meths.
    And a fur coat as well as sexy is warm when kipping amongst the bins.

    That’s the problem with them.
    No sex appeal.

    “That’s why the lady is a tramp”
    -jess Phillips

  16. Vermin.

    They are not needed, and the ones round here are all Eastern European dooshkas carrying on as professional beggars.

    Round em all up and deport.

    There’d be no need for all this charity shit if we focused money and time on all the problems in good ole Blighty instead of shipping all the cash out and the scum of the world in.

    But Labour or Tory won’t do a thing…

  17. See that criminal got off in America.

    Not even a fine!!

    The jammy cunt.
    Wed of got a 20 year sentence.

    Oh well he’s president in few days.

    • Be nice to the Donald, Mis.

      He’s probably going to stop Rachel from Complaints selling the UK to China for a million yen.

      Oi, Rachel, a million yen is about £4.47.

  18. I don’t mind Donald really JP.
    He’s my favourite comedian.

    And he certainly shakes things up!

    Don’t think he’s popular in Greenland though😄

    • He’s a interesting bloke JP,
      That Elon Musk.

      He looks like a down syndrome but he’s apparently a genius!

      He made me laugh with that Nigel Farage.

      Farage saying Musk is a hero of free speech and rumours of a big donation, 80millon!!!

      Next day

      ” Nigel Farage hasn’t got what it takes to be leader of Reform UK”
      Elon musk

      That’s the problem with free speech

      • He’s a cheeky cunt isn’t he?
        That Sebastian Gotka.

        We should take back Isis prisoners in Syria if we want to be a serious ally to the US..

        Get fucked you fat yank cunt.
        Mind your own business.

        The David Brent looking cunt

      • He can fucking bog off when it comes to that Shamima, even her Dad wants nowt to do with her!

        Mind, she’s 25 now.

  19. The Romanian at the shopping centre round the corner always sits outside Poundland. Why not the M&S a few yards down? Twice I’ve seen her picked up by some swarthy cunt driving an S class mercedes.

    • Wow!

      Good old Labour. That’s exactly what I wanted them to sort out!

      Are they overdosing on China White, or summat?
      In what fucking Universe is this good, and welcome, news?

      • The whole business is quite beyond my understanding I’m afraid. To pay three figure sums to see live someone singing who cannot sing while torturing a guitar is just baffling.

  20. All these begging cunts need to fuck off back to the shit holes. They came from there’s a spasticated cunt with a withered arm that begs at the lights in Streatham with a sign saying he hasn’t eaten for a week well I couldn’t give a shit fuck off and stave you uninvited piece of shit funny how they manage to get over here to ponce aint it

  21. I was thinking…

    Back in the old days, the likes of World In Action and The Cook Report would have been all over this grooming gangs thing like a dog on a bone. The Granada Television of old would have got stuck in, and to Hell with offending or upsetting people and minorities.

    But now, the islamophile disease infests everywhere. From parliament to the media. The days of investigative journalism are long gone.

    I can hear the World In Action end theme now.

  22. There’s a Paggi woman who sells the Big Issue on The Rock in Bury.
    But, at 5pm, she gets in a brand new Mercedes and is driven off. Straight up.

  23. Just like most ideas that seem to be a fairly nice idea and good plan, eg. NHS, State unemployment bennies, national pensions etc, after a few years the chancers and general cunts set their eyes on it and it ends a fuckin’ mess.
    (what) Big Issue is now mostly just a revenue stream for organised crime. It wouldn’t be so bad if they woz home grown crims but they iz all dem pykie ones.
    Disenchanted ? take a leaf out the tree huggers hand book “small is beautiful” if you want to help do it small scale and do it personal. That way you know who is getting the help, not some chugger CEO or crim boss.

    ps Trump Inauguration Day keep an eye open for bad news burying by BBC etc. Court appearance for Labour councillor who wanted, via U Tube or some such, “All Far Right to have their throats cut”. (that is not hate speech, err just a matter of opinion.) Manchester Airport riff-raff kerfuffle trial starts
    Cinque? Moi?

    • Indeed, Triton.

      This is exactly why I only support tiny local animal rescues, who mainly fundraiser, but foster an animal in desperate need occasionally.

      They pay theirselves with licks and snuggles, the brazen lot!

      • Similar. It’s the local animal (ya fuckin’ softie !) charities that get my dosh.
        You could say it aint so much charity as reparations
        “Prick me, and do I not bleed?”
        and as for being one of the Cinque ports…..?
        it’s cynic !!

  24. You’re not talking about that smelly old Romanian bitch in Dorchester, are you BD? She’s like a fucking broken record “Hello, have a nice day”! Over 10 years stood in the same fucking place!

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