Are prefab making a comeback?


pile of cunt.

I saw a news item yesterday (19/12) that suggested that prefabs, if anyone remembers them, should be bought back to help solve the housing crisis.

Now, I have many ideas that would solve the housing crisis, as I’m sure many folks who comment on here do, also.
The idea of using prefabricated housing, it’s benefits and pitfalls are set out here.


In brief, people are resistant to it.

There are multiple problems.
Where are they going to be located?
If there’s one thing that nobody is making anymore, it’s land.

Then there’s the groundworks, sewers, water, gas/electric, telemetry, roads, etc. All needed, exactly the same as permanent housing.

So what’s the benefit?
Wooly headed thinking, if someone thinks prefabs are a solution.

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

68 thoughts on “Are prefab making a comeback?

  1. Don’t knock them too much … when your descendants (near or far but probably the former) are turfed out of your/their brick & mortar to make way for a family of 2 dozen inbred illegal blow-ins and their cousins and their cousins-cousins … bit of prefab with a poop bucket ’round the back will be a blessing for the moribund remnants of western civilization….

  2. It won’t be the prefabs as we remember them.
    The ones that we remember were not insulated and contained asbestos.

    Prefabrication of houses has come a long way.

    However, the way to solve the housing crisis is to simply send the immigrants back to where they came from and to not allow any more in.

    • There is already a proportion of prefabrication in modern house building Artful. Roof trusses for instance are manufactured off site. There is certainly room for reducing further the cost of houses, for example metal pipes for plumbing should be consigned to history. Plastic pipework gives superior performance at considerably lower cost, win-win.

      • PEX plastic pipe fittings are sealed with rubber washers. can’t see them outliving properly soldered copper pipe joints.

      • @Termy;

        Have you ever seen the inside of the copper pipes which have been in use in a kitchen for a few years carrying the water you use for your tea and coffee? Though I think I would prefer that to the lead pipes still in use in some older properties.


        I take your point Paul and I guess time will tell. We have some rubber sealed joints in our plumbing which I installed twenty-four years ago. They are at mains pressure and are still water tight. Then again received wisdom is that tyres and cam belts on motor cars should be replaced after a few years even if they haven’t done the requisite miles due to the threat of failure from the rubber degrading with age. As I said, time will tell. Also these modern lead-free solders need a higher temperature with which to work and seem to have a much narrower working range which I think therefore gives more risk of poor joints.

    • Or maybe use some golf courses or at least trim the 18 holes down to around 10 and roll out lodge parks for the indigenous,i mean whats more important,twatting tiny balls into holes or saving the greenbelt from the Barratt/Persimmon orange shoebox assault ravaging the lands?

      Way too many golf courses and the very definition of wasted land.

  3. I think the main problem with rhus kind of housing is that it us ‘delicate’ compared to brick and mortar, and therefore requires annual maintenance to maintain its structural integrity.

    The likelihood of the demographic that will be housed in pre-fabs being capable/willing to carry out said maintenance is close to zero, and as with previous efforts at housing low income families and/or individuals in one place, either in tower blocks or on estates, the end result will be crime ridden sink estates that are far more vulnerable to the standard levels of abuse and neglect inflicted upon them by their inhabitants.

  4. Maybe throwing these rabbit hutches together is how Dirty Ange is going to reach her target of 1.5 million in 5 years.

    JP asks where are they going to be located?
    On Green Belt of course.

  5. The effects of uncontrolled waves of human flotsam and inflationary monetary policy have fucked the housing market not just here but across the world.

    Yet again all of it caused by elected officials who have not and never had a mandate to do so.

    Raynes and her band of commie zealots won’t arrange for the construction of millions of houses,there aren’t the tradesmen available to do so nor the critical infrastructure,thankfully it was just another shambolic lie.

    Let the floating economic foreign scūm that wash up here live and die penniless on the streets,that will be the first step toward a better Britain.

    Good morning.

  6. I like the shipping container idea, with one small change..
    See how many black and brown vermin you can fit in one, then lock it up and tip it into the ocean.

    • This plan to distribute them around the country doesn’t work in the long term Soi. A bunch of them were sent to Glasgow a few years ago and an exercise was run by a group of academics to see how they got on. When a couple of years later they went back to check on the immigrants nearly half had disappeared. They traced them eventually. They were with their compatriots in the East End.

      • Yes, the dirty Slapper deputy PM said everyone would have to take their fair share, but they will all end up in crime ridden cities with the rest of the extended families.

        Unless the government throw in a load of underage white girls for personal use in all areas 😂

    • Prefabs? They’re already sprouting up in places.

      I remember as a kid we were schooled in a prefab for one year.
      Seemed ok?

      It was the year Grease was at number 1 on Top of the Pops.
      A little girl called Georgina was putting stickers in a book of John Travolta,
      I asked
      “Who’s that?”

      Georgina ” John Travolta. He’s a singer, and dancer”.

      MNC ” he’s a puff,”

      And I was right.

      • John Revolting.

        A creepo hubbarder scientologist loon.
        And also a rampant screaming woofter.
        Allegedly blah blah bollocks.

        He must be, if he didn’t screw Olivia Newton John when he had the chance. I hear Revolting wanted to sing his own words to the Grease showtunes…

        ‘Summer bummin’. Had me a blast

      • 1978, Miserable.

        It was a strange time for the charts.
        Grease was ubiquitous., and there was crap like Lena Martel, Boney M and Doctor Hook. Yet PiL, The Jam, Blondie and even the bizarre Jilted John were also on TOTP.

        I recall the Boomtown Rats ‘Rat Trap’ at No.1.
        And Geldof and Co ripping up posters of Travolta on TOTP.

        Never really a Rats fan though. Hot Chocolate were funky bastards, mind.

    • They were shite, utter shite.

      Walked through the door of a house party in the early 90s, ‘alburquekee’ assaulted my eardrums.

      I said to my mate I’m leaving… it was a long walk home but more enjoyable than staying there with anyone that thought Prefab Sprout was acceptable.

      Saw my mate Monday morning at work and he confirmed it was shite and I’d done the right thing.

      • I loathed Prefab Sprout.

        That daft song ‘Some things hurt more, much more than cars and girls,’ Fucking floppy haired phag.

        And that silly bitch, who just sang ‘Bap Bap Bahh’ all the time. Like a bad version of the Pearl and Dean theme. The classic useless tart who is in the band because she is shagging the singer. See also The Fall, Wings and Deacon Blue.

        And their crowning turd ‘The King of Rock ‘N’ Roll’.
        ‘Hot Dog, Jumping Frog, Albuquerque’.

        Shite of the highest order.

      • Prefab Sprout were shite. Usually, comedy sings are at least entertaining,but these greaseballs were dreary and unfunny. Also, buy some shampoo, you smellies.

      • Southpark summed up Travolta pretty well.

        Creepy, Thetan, Scientologist turd-nudger.

  7. There’s no space. There’s the other space they can start up again. Outer space. Blacks for the black hole. That’s if it existed. We still don’t know whether the yanks were telling porkies or not and they never left planet earth in the first place.

    • The Fabric of the Cosmos by Prof Brian Greene is my preferred tome for proof of the existence of ‘space’ & they-absolutely-exist black holes… as for the moon landings? … shakier ground that’s for sure… I hope outer space is NEVER polluted by the expansion of our rotten species …

      • As, if they exist, black holes are impossible to photograph due to light being captured by the enormous gravitational pull (also dubious) how do NASA keep posting photos of them?

        Manned Moon landings are not possible, even today, the Van Allen belts see to that.

        I know Star Trek is true though, it’s in colour.

      • It’s inferred photography, Termujin .. seeing ‘it’ by seeing the stuff around it. Much like you can see a triangle in the following pics but the triangle isn’t there to be seen, in this case. The missing wedges of the circles infer the thing.

        But even without photographic ‘proof’, the mathematical proofs on Black Holes are irrevocable. I surmisd them myself, as a 12 y.o., the day after the shuttle Challenger exploded & I heard about ‘escape velocity’ for the first time… I didn’t realise they would shrink to a sphere of such unimaginable density, however….

      • That link is arbritarily working/failing, since. Any cunter interested only has to type ‘Kanizsa Triangle’ in a search bar to see plenty of them. The (not there)square in 4 circles is good too.

      • So, photoshopped then?

        Sorry CEA, I’m not convinced, but ultimately, who gives a shit?

        I hear 2TK likes Brown Holes though, and he’s been on exploratory missions.

    • That black child molesting cunt who was preparing for the moon with silly walks, could come true for his fellow murdering raping black bastards. But it will be the black hole instead. Ha ha, ho ho, he he.

      • A certain Mr Diddy allegedly had ties to a certain chimp fiddling mate of Al Fayed shares in haribo thriller. Allegedly and all that, of course…

  8. In the States pre-fabs have replaced mobile homes (trailers) as the domicile of choice for gutter trash regardless of race, creed or color.

    It’s disturbing to see that you foreigners have finally caught up.

    • We have estates of mobile homes for the over-55s here General, euphemistically known as ‘park homes’.

      I know one woman who sold her house to move into one. She’s off her fucking head.

  9. It won’t happen. These fucking things would go on sale for an affordable price, like £250k each, so the rich would buy them up and rent them out at £1500pm. Not really a solution.

  10. We already use bathroom pods that are made in a factory and cleaned into place.

    All the electrics, plumbing, sanitary ware, tiling and flooring are already in place when they get cleaned in.

    Then they leak, develop electrical issues, don’t move with the building and subsequently fall to bits about a year after someone starts using them.

    They’re shite.

  11. There’s only one reason that these things would make a return…

    Dinghy muck, treeswingers, dooshkas, camelfuckers.
    They can’t fit any more human filth in our hotels. So, they’ll put them elswhwere.
    Not unlike the floating flyholes that have now ruined once wonderful seasside towns like Weymouth.

    But, you just know what will happen. These fuckers will ‘refuse’ the prefab housing. Saying it isn’t good enough for them and that it’s ‘inhuman’ and ‘benetrh them’.

    Beneath them? They are the human version of flies or dustbin ats.
    But, they are so used to being indulged and mollycoddled in (for them) luxurious conditons, they will expect that and they will most likely still get it.

    • hey are the human version of flies or dustbin rats.

      Either they will put ‘refugees’ into these prefabs, or Keir Starsehole’s Stasi could kick decent people out of their rented or council abodes. Only to shove them into these prefabs and put migrants into their homes.

      Would you pui it past the Labour psychopaths? Because I wouldn’t. The ‘asylum seekers’ are their number one priority after all. Because it sure as shit isn’t us.

      • That’s precisely what I foresee. The British are the new filth, the Muslim army are the new indigenous population. Wait till they take over Parliament, listen for the squeals of indignation, followed by the screams of beheading.

  12. More ‘stack-a-n*gnog’ housing for vermin! Chuck the illegal immigtrants back in the sea they crawled from and watch everything get back on a paying basis! No housing shortage, NHS, big waste of funds though it unfortunately is will be able to shorten those waiting lists! J*wish, grasping landlords will be out of business, so they can fuckoff back to the promised land, the greasy, child murdering cunts!

  13. My Nan apparently lived in one just after the War ( That’s WW2 when Blighty fought off the Germans,Japanese,& The Italians Oh and anyone else who fancied their chances) I remember her telling me She loved her Prefab She must have done because She only moved out in 1955 & that was reluctantly.
    My thoughts are bring them back for people born here & not illegal rubber boaters seeking a better life in Blighty 👍👍

      • We already have the Royal Navy for that, look how much of a deterrent they are to the invaders. Oh wait, they’re a fucking taxi service too.

  14. Any cunter want to giz a hand on a joke of sorts?

    I know little about the nommed structures, and even less about a certain Liverpudlian popular beat combo from the 1960’s, .. but what’s required is a contrived situation concerning both entities in a shared situation, … all to cumulate with the punchline “The prefab four”.


  15. War time pre-fabs were cheap an’ cheerful but probably of a better quality than some new builds today.
    Long term investment value of a “container home” ? nil. But the plus side would be no inheritance tax to pay.
    Usual political gob shite “build a million homes” (not “houses” note) said with zero applied thought. ie. 1) tradesmen? 2) services? 3) infrastructure? 4) materials? 5) location 6) employment for occupants?
    Just like the magical increase in numbers of nurses ( 4 years training?) or coppers (3 years training?) all just empty words to calm the masses.
    Oh and having filled all the hotels with riff-raff where are the tourists going to stay? where are the commercial travellers kipping? and the business people? The people who help generate the wealth of the country are being displaced to make way for a drain on that wealth.
    I suppose the International Space Station is a sort of “pre-fab”
    I have a suspicion that the temporary accommodation often installed for workers on big contracts will get converted to temp/semi-permanent immo. housing when the work is completed. The usual slight of hand we have become used to.

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