AA Approved Cars

Are a crock of shit, and a cunt.

I currently have my car off the road needing repairs.
Deciding to carry out the work myself because :-
(a) I don’t have a bottomless pit of £ cash
(b) my neighbour recently having paid £1000 for a clutch/dmf only to be left stranded driving home because the garage fucked it up
(c) I’m not a complete muppet

Long story short, decided to buy a small used car to run arround in. Not having wheels or endless time to spend looking at misadvertised junk, I thought I’d buy an AA ‘Approved Used Car’ for speed and peace of mind. Dealer ‘AA approved’ and promised 3 month warranty. Did checks; bought car & had it delivered.
2nd time using car wouldn’t start. 5 attempts eventually started. Car cut out on move several times (engine, lights, everything)
Tried to contact dealer – ignored my calls, texts, e-mails for 5 days. Finally replied after I suggested Trading Standards would be next call as he wouldn’t engage…
“cars under £x don’t have warranties and are a trade sale” end of.

Having sought advice from a respected dealer I follow on Youtube, I found out what thorough checks and vetting process you undergo to become an “AA approved car dealer” ……. None.
Dealer pays AA £150 per month = AA approved status.

Trade on your name, history, heritage and naieve public trust for 30 pieces of Silver. What fucking Cunts.

the aa

south west motors

Nominated by Lord of the rings.

40 thoughts on “AA Approved Cars

  1. Looking at their Trustpilot reviews, it’s entry after entry of them responding to 1-star reviews with “we have no record of you on our system”.
    Which means that they probably changed from ‘South West Motors” to “South West Motor Company” to avoid a court fine.
    They weren’t run by a bunch of pakıs, were they?

  2. The AA have certainly become just another corporate cunt..

    They’ll sell owt if there’s profit in it and their business practices stink like a paķi tramp.

    Never,ever buy their home insurance.

    Uninsured Oven.

    Good morning.

  3. Never trusted them after they stopped riding M21 sidecar outfits and saluting, As for ditching that rather nice badge and replacing it with “modern lettering”, well it was perfectly ghastly, and looked what can only be termed “common” . Acceptable on an Allegro perhaps but not on the bonnet of our family motor.
    Mornin’ all

  4. Surely ” don’t call me Shirley” people in Alcoholics Anonymous shouldn’t be driving??
    Fuck it, I will go back to bed.
    Morning all, I hope you haven’t been out in this severe weather?

    • Bloody lovely here in the East Midlands Harry.

      The management of the AA are a bunch of cunts, owned by Centrica, I think, the greediest of corporate bastards. When they turn up their individual patrolmen tend to be very good but so often their roadside assistance is subbed out to a local garage.
      Most insurance policies have a road side assistance service written into them so I am not sure if it is necessary to be a member of the AA.

      • Just looked it up the AA was sold by Centrica 20 years ago, sorry I am a bit of the pace. ☹️ Acronas, the owners of Saga, now own it.

  5. My Dad always trusted the AA, he said that the RAC was for posh people. He drove a Ford Consul (MkII), it seemed massive to us kids. I am not sure what he would do now that everyone’s a money grabbing parasitic cunt!

    Good morning, everyone.

  6. I don’t have any problems on that score, due to being a cyclist. There’s the other AA for drunkards, but that’s not to my taste either. Prefer to keep fit and in touch.

  7. AA are Wankers, their motor insurance branch are another bunch of cunts, but that’s another story.

    AA – Avoid, Arseholes.

  8. My alternator packed up one time and left me stranded, no prob’s, call the AA. They towed me to a AA approved repairer were I left the car for the day. No call was forthcoming so I went round later to see how things were going, expecting a replaced diode pack or the such like. Nope, they’d fitted a new alternator at premium price plus labour. Not only that, the engine management light was now on, it wasn’t on when I left it. They swore on their kids life (only complete wankers do this) that it was, so effectively calling me a liar. Total Cunts.
    Speaking to a colleague later it turns out they had used the same AA approved repairer and their car came back with the engine management light on.
    So, an AA approved rip off.

    • I’ve known several instances Major where someone collected a car after repair or maintenance and subsequently found the engine management light was on. When the car was returned to the garage to sort it out they discovered later that the garage had disconnected the EML. Point is of course that EML on is an MOT fail. Easy check is engine off, turn the key to the first position and all lights in the dash should come on for a few seconds. Of course you need to know where the EML is in the display!

  9. Looking at their Google reviews, their “SWM Team” take the one star reviews seriously and respond to each one confirming exactly why each bad customer experience wasn’t their fault at all.

    A cornucopia of slippery, camel-hair coat wearing, cigar chomping Bristolian cunts it would seem. I’d say to them “fuck you, moi luverrr and go bury yourself in Fred West’s ray-pey arsehole”.


  10. The AA are useless feckless cunts.
    I’m with the RAC who are pretty good but heading the same way.

    When I was with the AA I broke down in the van and when the mobile mechanic came he said my policy didn’t cover Me for a van of that size.

    I told the jobsworth little cunt I’d supplied all the spec and details for the van and I needed help.
    They changed my policy ( more expensive)

    The next time I broke down,
    I only had cash and they.needed a card payment for a part.
    My dad paided it and I gave him the cash.

    At the end of the year it turned out they’d been taking payment twice.
    From my business account and from my dad whose card details they’d kept.

    I hit the fuckin roof.

    Cheeky cunts

    • Do you think for a second that their system didn’t flag the double payment early-on?

      They DID, but chanced their arm that you might never have twigged it, if y’ ask me …

      • Definitely.
        But keeping someone’s card details who ISN’T a customer?

        Think the financial ombudsman would side with me?

        I was fuckin livid😡

        Had to pay my dad back too ,
        Dead embarrassing.

        Fuck the AA.
        The shower of cunts.

      • Probably trained to eye you up at the roadside, .. ”Does this guy look like he needs to check through his outgoings with much scrutiny?”

        You werent rigged-out in top hat and monocle for casual Friday, by any chance? 😅


        (Bullshitting aside, it IS the richest of cunts that scrutinise their bills far more diligently/suspiciously, than Joe Everyman. The cunts get obsessed with money, the more they have, I find).

      • .. and, no, .. I don’t trust ombudsmen as far as I could throw the cunts either.

        In place to make an aggravated small guy (so to speak) think he has an ally against a big entity. More on the big entity’s side when push comes to shove. I’ve had a situation where I – technically – mollificated the other party in a dispute.. but they wouldn’t concede.

        ‘Ombudsman’ll show ’em’, thought I.

        He did not. Granted me the MORAL outcome, .. allowed the other party to skate on £500 damage incurred. Cunt I KNEW I was in the moral right. It was the fuckin’ money I wanted… I still owe a certain national entity £500 damage to one of their vehicles, when the opportunity arises. 🤫

      • ‘Mollificated’ not right in the above. Pummelled the fucking cunts on every point, was what I meant.

        Denigrated one particular cunt on the phone .. verbally fucking destroyed him on a personal level, even, .. & when he attempted to return serve (eventually), gave him a ‘Don’t you fucking dare raise your voice towards me” … so that was fun.

        But the lesson I took from the whole thing was : the ombudsman is there to shut you up, even if you’re the wronged party.

    • They did the same with me, opening another account, after a lot of effort on my part, they gave a ‘good faith gesture’ (their words) refund. Now, after incessant letters and emails they finally offered me coverage from £39- they can fuck off then and they can fuck off now. I’ll go green flag or RAC next time.

      • I think it’s a waste of time and money.

        If I break down I’ll call the local garage, which is what the AA do, if they can be arsed to respond at all.

      • I wonder if Rachel from Complaints actually cut her teeth at the AA and not the BoE/Halifax.

        Their modus operandi seem to be identical.

    • I had a similar experience with the AA Mis. I was at work in the company car stopped in the outside lane at the traffic lights on the roundabout outside the fire station on the north side of Newbury. When the lights changed I couldn’t move, the transmission had chosen this moment to seize so the car could not even be pushed out of the way. I phoned the AA and when I told them the situation and where I was they declared it was too dangerous for them to attend and advised me to call the police! That I did and to give them their due the two young coppers who arrived within minutes got their break down man out and dragged the fucking heap out of the way in short order.

  11. OT from OT…

    Marcus Rashford has apparently snubbed massive fuck off amounts of money to play in Saudi.

    Personally, I think it’s more of his made up self serving media bollocks.
    But, then again…

    I think he wants to stay at United, Because he knows they are mugs, and they will pay him 350k a week for doing knob all. And the little John John milks is status as a ‘local lad’ and all that crap.

    ‘But… But. He’s one of our own. But but he’s only young (at twenty fucking seven and eight bloody years in the first team).’

    If he went to another club, then he would have to do some actual graft on rhe pitch. And that sort of effort and application is alien to his shiftless artogant lazy black arse.

    • credit where it’s due, I’m not a football fan but well done to Marcus , after all who would want to go to carpet rider land and get your head lopped of for criticising a pedophile war mongering schizophrenic slave trading warlord

    • Looking forward to the match at the weekend Norm?

      I know you lot always step it up a gear against us, but it has the potential to be an utter humiliation for the scum 🙂

      Gotta be a Donkey McGuire howler/own goal somewhere in the mix.

  12. Apart from the falsification of engine performance data?

    Cars are a fckn money pit, new or used.

    I just buy one with a years MOT on it and spend zero on maintenance. If it lasts more than a year, bonus.

  13. same with ‘Check-a-trade’
    there were no checks with the arse-hole firm who came and fucked up my house. They boasted that their references were by way of family members and friends.
    So you pay Check-a-trade for what?
    They had the gall to ask me if I wanted to join their scam.

    • Rule of thumb in this filthy modern society, .. if you don’t know some cunt, dinnae trust said cunt until they prove themselves *not* a cunt, .. if they do or can do same.


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