The Establishment Shitting On Indigenous People

Daily Express.

Migrants. No wonder they keep on coming here:

1) Full board in four or five star hotels
2) Free iPhones
3) Free clothing
4) Cash allowances
5) Free transport
6) Lawyers on legal aid
7) Free private health care available on demand

No chance of deportation either. Fucking establishment wankers. There will be riots on the streets again: good.

Nominated by : Heywood Jablowme

57 thoughts on “The Establishment Shitting On Indigenous People

  1. I have no problem with whether someone living here is indigenous or not – just that they have legal citizenship, have a job, pay their taxes, and obey our laws.

    There are plenty of indigenous people who don’t qualify on many of those counts.

    But yes, the illegal scum that come here to milk everything listed in the nom, and the ruling elite that is allowing them to do this, are a category of cunt by themselves.

    • Shhhh, SCB, we’re not allowed to notice/talk about that.

      They’re only following their leader, who married a 6 year old and rayped her continuously from the age of 9. She was his favourite ‘wife’ and was betrothed to him when she was still on her mother’s milk.

      It’s all OK, and if you don’t agree it’s because you’re a far right racist.

  2. The Establishment is a cabal, full of posh marxist shirt-lifters and lezzas. They are supported, in their destructive work, by termites from the lower orders who aspire to join The Establishment but, of course, never can.

    Good morning, everyone.

  3. Mrs. Wanksock and I spend a lot of time in South Wales, one of the reasons being that it is great for walking the dogs especially on the beaches during the winter. A couple of months ago we were informed that a survey was taking place to discuss dog walking on beaches and other public places. The result of the survey is that dogs are possibly going to be banned from many areas as they frighten the migrant population. You really couldn’t make it up.

    • Perhaps a counter proposal worth putting forward could consist of banning the migrant population from many areas because they frighten the local population?

      • I heard that Reform are ahead as the leading party in the Welsh polls – a sign of how far the boomerang will travel amongst a population that has suffered a Labour government

      • I am married to one Harry! Virtually all of them are OK, apart from socialist tendencies, friendly and happy to chat. It is just their Senedd and councils which seem so unfriendly ass well as being supremely inefficient.

      • I couldn’t agree more Wanksock. I’ve done a lot of work in South Wales and virtually all the folks I met were thoroughly decent, hard working people. The only let-down is they seem obsessed with voting Labour come hell or high water. I knew a lovely girl from Neath. Hope you’re well Enfys.

        North Wales on the other hand has a good wedge of petty parochial snobs who even look down on the southern Welsh because they don’t speak Welsh.

      • I never felt so much hostility than I did in North Wales. They sort of stare at you, as if they know your not from round there. It’s a fucking strange place, beautiful but not for the English.

    • I read that some time ago, about banning dog walks. I honestly assumed it was a fucking wind up…..

  4. The term indigenous is usually given to people who’ve been conquered and are now a minority in their own land who are an embarrassment to the government.

    Bodes well

    • Hi Sixdog,
      I was agent for a Spanish tannery and was selling leather to a mate who was making shoes for Marks and Sparks. They like to get involved in the whole supply process and during the course of a meeting with them the word Entrefino is mentioned, which is a particularly fine breed of Spanish sheep. The girls in the meeting all clung onto that. The leather was actually Nigerian hair sheep (sort of half goat, half sheep) but there was no way I could tell them that. I had to fill in a form which included a box saying origin of raw material. I put down indigenous on the basis that they wouldn’t know what that meant and anyway it was indigenous to Nigeria. It worked a treat!

      • No Maximo Mor. They packed it in when M&S moved their manufacturing to Bangladesh.

        Artful, how do you know Incusa? Do we know each other?

      • I doubt it Wanksock.

        I read a post where the person who wrote it worked in Silla, about 14km from Valencia city centre.

        I thought that it may have been your post.

        When you wrote that you worked for a Spanish leather company I put 2 and 2 together.

        Wrongly it appears.

  5. Another aspect of this vile pantomime is the totally disastrous corrosive effect these cunts have on society..

    If we’d had millions of foreign vermin infesting the country in 1939,dirtying the place,getting housed for nothing and generally looting the taxpayer,there is no chance we could have gone to war..After all who,even if conscripted,would bother training never mind risking their life knowing there were foreigners living in hotels for free,claiming every “entitlement ” going…all backed by Whitehall officials and billions of our money.

    If you can’t beat em join em is now part of the financial fabric of our country :If dirty sand wōgs and the rest of the world’s trash are taking every cash handout going then why shouldn’t the rest of us…it will all end rather badly.

    For that reason alone,for totally and permanently ruining patriotic spirit and a sense of “pulling together” politicians should hang for treason.

    • I think its a really bad idea to let this dross into the British Army.

      Giving them military training appears to me to be utter insanity.

      • I would say most of them already have military training of sorts, courtesy of ISIS

        They’re just waiting for the signal to overthrow the UK government and declare our once green and pleasant land a new caliphate.

        They government will of course roll straight over because they wouldn’t want to appear racist.

      • There’s no chance the foreign dross would have to serve.

        I was referring to British people being conscripted whilst the “asylum seeker” sits laughing in a warm hotel..

        Hardly likely to make for a motivated Armed Forces,fighting and dying whilst some afghan somali or syrian smirks and checks his phone to see if the benefits are in his account.

        The very idea is laughable.

      • Tez,

        I highly doubt the 100’s of thousands of young, white men would have been willing to die for King and country if they had known things would have become the utter shit-show it is today.

        I most certainly would not.

      • I’m not sure if it’s still the case as I haven’t seen my friend for a long time.

        He had served in the Spanish armed forces and he told me that Basques were only allowed to serve in non combat roles.

        He said that because of a possible alliance to ETA there was no way that they would give any Basque a gun.

        Muslims should be allowed into the British armed forces, but only as toilet cleaners.

  6. Mass civil unrest or a right wing coup is the only thing that I can see that will stop this festering rot. I wish for neither but what’s being allowed to happen must be stopped somehow before we lose ownership of our own home islands. Not for my sake but for my children, grandchildren and descendants yet to come. When it happens there must be mass repatriation to rebalance the population. ‘Refugees welcome’ wankers should be retrospectively punished for the harm that they have caused and invited to depart with their freeloading foreign friends. Not one of them would accept such an invitation, hypocritical, simpering cunts that they are.

    • There’s gonna be a reckoning Isabel, no doubt about that, and it’s going to be terrible.

      Why is it wrong for white people to have a homeland?

  7. The boat freeloaders are making us as primitive as they are themselves – now we have a raddled old lesbian, who looks like a female impersonator with a squeaky little voice like Gracie Fields to offer legal suicide – we are really in Qu eer Street (sorry Keir, duckie). When BullDykes Roamed The Earth….. I can see a new Disney film in pre-production.

    It is laughable to think that PixieBalls will get to grips with these invaders. They wil say jump and she will say “how high?”

  8. Ive met the dinghy people.
    That fresh off the boat the hems of theit tracky bottoms were still wet.

    They’re marvellous people.
    Great snooker and pool players.
    I’ve no doubt that they will enrich us and I’m keen to see the first stoning of a woman in the market square.

    They are obviously quite shy as none of them spoke or smiled at me.

    Fuck em.
    White Power ??

  9. Do you mind the pavement apes were here first.. they civilised the whole of the world, but forgot Africa.

    There was something good on television that week, so it went on their to do list..
    The list got lost, hence Africa being a fly blown shit-hole..

  10. If you would prefer not to have civil unrest, looting and riots on your street then you must vote reform. We now have a Labour MP in a seat which was solid Tory for decades. Like so many of the new intake she has a majority of a few hundred and was elected because the Tory vote collapsed. I was reading her voting record and to repeat the well-worn phrase, you couldn’t make it up. She voted to stop the old folks heating allowance, to bring in assisted suicide, to ensure proper teaching of LBGTXYZ in primary schools (some kids apparently think there are only two genders), oh and she’s very concerned about the suffering in Gaza. This is only a fraction of the bullshit which extends over a number of pages but I’m not listing all of it, my finger’s getting tired.

  11. I can’t see anything other than mass civil unrest will eventually prevail. We have a government seemingly doing its very best to piss off the taxpaying population in favour of rewarding illegal immigrants, foreign farmers and human rights lawyers.

    What I can’t work out is the reason behind this. Is it a case of a vast number of Whitehall civil servants in positions of power who genuinely hate the UK and the people who pay their salaries, reporting to an utterly fucking clueless gaggle of Labour MPs? It won’t end well for Labour – even if Kemi doesn’t have the bollocks to raise a vote of no confidence in the New Year, Kweer and his bunch of simpering cunts won’t have a second bite at the cherry.

  12. To think that there were people out there who voted Labour in the election.

    Probably some working class white folk as well.

    I know there weren’t really that many of them in reality but they were still enough in numbers to fuck us even further.

    Fuck knows what the country will look like if they see out their term.

    • Why anyone over the age of 35 would vote either the blue or the red is totally beyond me.

      Look. Just look. Look what they have done to us.


  13. Our leaders know, they don’t give a fuck.

    Everything is complicated, we need to reduce legal immigration but it’s ’complicated’, nope it isn’t just stop issuing visas. We need to stop the channel crossings but it’s ‘complicated’, nope just grow some balls and start turning back, start deporting, stop putting the cunts in hotels, stick them in detention centres run by thugs.

    • It really isn’t that complicated.

      Check out the immigration act 1971.

      It clearly states that anyone entering this country illegally gets a one way ticket home and a lifetime ban.

      • Asylum is to be claimed by the applicant IMMEDIATELY upon arrival in the FIRST safe country in which they arrive.

        Send every single one of them back to France, and fine the French 25 grand per refugee.

        It is solvable, immediately. What most seem to fail to realise is that it is entirely deliberate. Strip strong nations of their racial identity, their culture, languages etc and then implement a world government.

        Everything is going to plan. Their plan.

    • I think him and Pixie Balls-Cooper meant smash the pensioners, working people, businesses and farmers.

  14. I can’t wait until Trump enriches their illegal asses back to whatever indigenous Shithole they slithered out of.

    This type of Diversity is not strength. It’s utter fucking madness.

  15. What utter tosh !! Four star hotels and B+B indeed!!!
    As is well known they all come for our climate, the other stuff are mere incidentals.
    All that aside I fear the time to have “put the finger in the dyke”, (oh do behave) has unfortunately long passed., and what should have been taken notice of, by most of Europe, not just the UK was, for political reasons, ignored ; None of the new order leaders wanted to be called Far their liberal electorate.
    Mass migration usually results in the indigenous population loosing teir identity, or at least having it diluted, and the incoming migrants tending to bring theirs with them and cling to if not reinforce them to maintain their identity.. The result is inevitably a clash of cultures. The problem is our political numpties can’t tell the difference between harmless cultural traditions, fish on Fridays etc and harmful ones. Well for the latter you can take your pick there are enough of them. We have already seen on the streets demonstrations of support for overseas terrorist groups so you can be sure as eggs is eggs they ain’t gonna take up arms to protect the country that has given them succour. More likely to be 5th columnists.
    “Smash the gangs” Just like the drug smugglers have been “smashed”, the people traffickers have been “smashed”, and the knife crime has been “smashed”. All rhetoric from do nothing gab-a-shites..
    Lets talk numbers, 20 thousand since labour took over (BBC so it must be true. sic.) Four to a household perhaps, that is 5 thousand houses, How many GPs and doctors surgeries, Gosh that must be at least two schools to cater for the kids, and what about all the fuel, and ‘leccy they will consume. And when you start talking of consumption where is all the extra grub going to come from? .
    As many others have already said it is not a levelling up it is a levelling down.
    Well that has cheered me up, not.
    Now I always thought that 10cc were an underrated band, and the production values of some of their stuff is amazing and…….

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