The (two surviving) Beatles are still cunts.
Their ‘new’ documentary on Disney Plus (where else?) ‘Beatles 64’ is a load of re-hashed cash-in bollocks.
The already put out “What’s Happening!” was a good Beatles documentary. They should just release it on blu-ray with a bonus disc containing all of the raw footage in SD. If we want the “Ed Sullivan Show” performances, they’re already released them on DVD, and if we want the full Washington D.C. concert, it’s on iTunes.
If that’s not going to happen, “First U.S. Visit” did just fine as a replacement.
Why do people need a re-edit of a re-edit of something that didn’t need to be edited in the first place? To see more pointless talking heads? More celebrity cunts? More Whoopi Goldturd? Two geriatric Beatles reminiscing? Or is it just some way Apple can make money while doing very little work?
Nobody wants this crap, and nobody want the U.S. albums that they have re-released for a fast buck. How about a “Rubber Soul” box? Or “Please Please Me,” “With The Beatles” or any of the other albums they’ve completely ignored?
Oh, but I forgot. ‘But…. But “Beatles ’64” will introduce the Fab Four to a new generation’
Sod off..
Nominated by : Norman
If McCartney ever came out as a tranny I would never be surprised – always the “pretty” one of the quartet, with his long locks now, just like Rod Stewart, they look effeminate, if rather the worse for wear. Of course, coming from the ‘Pool he couldn’t possibly be a tranny, could he?. I bet nobody has ever seen him and Maureen Lipman in the same room at the same time though…….
Maureen Lipman was quite nice in her younger days. I remember her playing a flirty housewife in the Sweeney. And yes, I would have at the time.
Macca looks more like her from Murder She Wrote.
Angela Lansbury, that’s the one.
They should rename theirselves the dung beetles with all the shit they are pushing..
This never seen footage, does it show john drinking a cup of tea with two sugars instead of one?
What do you call a dog with Wings Baz?
Linda McCartney.
B’doom tish!
The Beatles were shit.
They were ‘new’ and different in a time when people were singing songs about mice in windmills in Amsterdam and different coloured tooth brushes.
Like Michael Jackson’s, their songs have not really stood the test of time.
You listen to a record and think, “Did I really use to like this shit?”.
When your only competition is Cliff Richard or Petula Clark it’s quite easy to be a ‘success’.
Load of old shite.
Like most who make it big in show business, music, entertainment etc, they were of their time. They would starve if they had come along a few years earlier or later. There is also the fact the competition was shit as you both point out. They also benefitted from setting out just as we were starting to exit the dreary days of austerity following the war.
I remember my daughter learning about the Beatles at school.
No, not in Music, in History.
And that was about 15 years ago.
Why can’t multi squillionaires just STFU and live out a peaceful and very well heeled retirement instead of wringing another few hundred k in royalties ?
Nobody cares anymore, you did well, got paid lavishly, just fuck off and enjoy it, you’re over.
Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!
Get your Xmas Beatles figurines taking a dump – NOW!
While stocks last!
El Caganer is the feature of every Belén display.
In the bigger towns and cities these displays take up an entire town square.
Tens of thousands of small figures depicting Bible stories.
To keep the kids amused there will be a Caganer, usually only one for them to find.
They would be able to recognise a Caganer by his pose, but if it were one of the Beatles they would have no idea who the fuck it was.
Sorry O/T
International Stateswoman Dirty Ange has welcomed the fall of the Assad regime.
Looking forward to the bombings, beheadings and stonings, are we Ange?
I hope the scientists, doctors and architects form an orderly queue at Calais.
Angie has sucked more peaceful cock than lord Ali, someone so bovine she is taking Bovaer on a daily basis.
Showing she really is a clueless cunt.
Assad, like Gadaffi and Saddam may have been a hard leader, but he kept a lid on the islamic terrorist looking to take over his country.
He also allowed Christians to practice their faith without interference.
Now Syria is in the hands of ISIS, there will be a shed load more illegals rocking up on England’s beaches and looking for handouts. The only difference is, these ones will be different factions of islam and ready to continue their civil war on British soil with the musrats that are already here.
I hope Vlad wipes out the UK before they arrive….were fucked already with no way back. And look who rules here? A fucking product of a toolmaker….. a right fucking tool !
A tad before my time.
Never really got why everyone thought they were so great, probably novelty value during the sixties.
The 70’s… now that was a decade for music, but I am biased.
Our kids were born in 1987 and 1980 Cuntalugs. They both listen to music from the 70s.
@lugs…spot on, Sabbath,zep, purple,thin Lizzy,etc bloody etc ?✊…..’oh no, please god help me’ kerrang,kerrang,kerrang ?
Now the anthem for the country ?
Always preferred george harrison, my dear old mum adores john lennon and it was a sad day in our house when he got shot, i was only eight and didnt really understand why mum was crying. No doubt they are one of the biggest selling bands of all time and lennon and mccartney were proilific lyricists but there comes a time when “macca” should stop. Enjoy them for what they were after all there are plenty of other chancers to cunt, sheeran, springsteen, ezra, bowie.
We should give Saddiq Khan’s knighthood to Mark Chapman, for services to music.
What’s small and yellow and lives off dead beetles?
Yoko Ono!
I’m here all week!
Lennon was shot 44 years ago today – a Monday, I remember.
I fondly remember my father describing him as a ‘fucking smelly hippie’.
Imagine (forgive the pun) if here was still alive. All the left wing bollox he would spew, the charidee concerts, re-releasing Christmas pap, enough to make Bono chuck it in.
What would it take to reunite the Beatles? Three more bullets, was the saying that went around afterwards.
Well said DC
Macca’s best song, after improvements from Mark and Lard:
Mull of Fkintyre:
The Beatles were a pop group who acted the goat. The yanks called them the beadles who were associated with the church, anything but the opposite. To our family they were beetles, known to us as blackjacks and over ran with this vermin in the sixties slums. Might have been the reason I took to the Stones even though not as well groomed.
Loved the Beatles until, the Pretty Things and The Kinks come on the scene.
Ah! The real musicians you mean ?
Hallo, mein kleine Höschenschnüfflers !
Well, I have no qualms at all about anyone making huge amounts of geld from their previous exploits.
I`m thinking about making a comeback myself.
Go Käfers !
Understand completely, Adolph. Your love of Wagner and his Ring cycle, should keep you occupied over the festive season.
Wagner, now that’s music!
Yeah Robert Wagner as well as a fine singer was a great actor in Hart to Hart.
Killed his missus you know?
Unfortunate that he was a raving anti-semite.
I was referring to Dickie Wagner, but I’d loved to have killed Bobby’s wife with my dick.
I like the version with Emily Thornberry as Brunehilde – she brings real weight to the roll.
They were great weren’t they?
The Beatles.
Four scousers that reinvented music.
And the world fell in love with them.
There’s still material that hasn’t been released from the early days
Our mam’s on the rob
Awe aye de do doh diddly
Dey bombed our chippy
And the instrumental-
Dose dat live on de Wirral.
Half of the Beatles are dead and the remaining ones are half dead.
But let’s remember them fondly
I’ve got blisters on me fingers!!!
You are Charlie Manson and I claim my 5 piggies.
That was take 29 of Helter Skelter, Miserable.
Paul McCuntney – as was his wont – relentlessy demanded take after take. And Ringo was knackered. After Take 29 ended, John Lennon asked ‘How’s that?’
Starr screamed (genuinely) ‘I’ve got blisters on my fingers!’ and he threw his drum sticks at the wall. Lennon told George Martin to leave it on the final master.
Their classics could have a Liverpudlian slant at times.
And I Mugged Her
Back In The D.H.S.S
Are Dey In For Life?
Yellow Shellsuit-Green
Hey Jud(g)e
Baby, You Can Rob My Car
Very nice Norman.
I understand that the remix sound track contains a cash register chorus. Pair of cunts probably worth more than Africa still on the fucking tap.
Paul McCartney probably asked to be paid for Band Aid in 1984.
Saw a proper Liverpool band on Friday night, the always fantastic Space. And they delivered as usual..
Couldn’t give a rat’s arse.
The original 12 albums are ace and their influence remains unsurpassed.
This recycled junk is for completists only,
Mugs with more money than sense.
Fuck them.
I watched told footage of them performing in their black suit and moptop stage recently. That little hair wobbling thing they did looked well cuntish.
The ‘Fab Two’ will release any old crap with the help of Disney Plus.
But the rare and unreleased Rolling Stones stuff continues to gather dust. This is because ABKCO – the company set up by that cunt Allen Klein – owns all the Stones records and films from 1963 to 1970. ABKCO can’t put out unreleased Stones without the say so of Mick and Keef. And the Glimmer Twins don’t want ABKCO to make any more money out of them. So, the 50th anniversaries of Satanic Majesties, Beggars Banquet and Let It Bleed passed by without any outtakes or deluxe box sets. There is a wealth of Rolling Stones material in the vaults, but all first (and second) generation Stones fans will be dead before it ever comes out.
Here’s a classic piece of film from 1967…
The ‘Beatles’ are now a brand, just like their Disney bedfellows.
Everything is sanitised to appeal to Generation Z. They never hated each other, there was no bitter legal feud, they didn’t write songs like ‘How Do You Sleep’ and ‘Too Many People’, they never took drugs, and they all got on with Yoko Fucking Ono who wasn’t a cunt.
And, although their influences were Elvis, Buddy, Eddie. Lonnie Donegan and Jerry Lee. The ‘official’ version now has the Beatles owing everything to black music and black people. The cunts even ‘thank’ non-existent ‘black sailors’ for bringing Rock ‘N’ Roll records into the Liverpool docks. Did they ever see or meet these mysterous black sailors who ‘introduced’ them to Presley and Cochran? Did they fuck. Because they never existed. Total revisionist woke bollocks.
And this new Disney crap? All it will be is ‘Black black black and black’. Absolutely guaranteed.
Official Beatles / Stones releases of rare or unreleased material are mostly shite.
Bootleggers invariably do a much better and more comprehensive job.
The Sgt Pepper and White Album 50th anniversary reissues were decent. But the ones after that weren’t that good.
The Revolver reissue has an ‘essay’ by some treewinger nobody has ever heard of called ‘Questlove’. This cunt wasn’t even born when Revolver was made. What an English psychedelic pop record has to do with black people or culture is anybody’s guess. Absolutely ludicrous.
I confess to the unpopular opinion of being a fan of their music. But I don’t want to see recycled clips of them playing the Sullivan Show or Shindig or any other venue. That stuff can be found all over You Tube,
New found material would be fine.
As for the Beatles themselves? The sum of the cunt is clearly greater than the assholes.
As for their (later) partners…As previously posted Linda was real bow wow. Yoko was (and is) a tailless monkey. I don’t really remember Olivia. And Barbara Bach was some seriously fine babeage (as they used to say in the states) in her day.
Off topic…
I wonder if Trump discussed deporting Haz Hewitt when he met with Wee Willie Windsor in Frogland?
That hand on the shoulder moment.. plausible!
If Harry was told to leave, wouldn’t he just milk it, go on talk shows playing the victim and putting out another book ‘Evicted’?! Maybe best he’s just left alone.
They can keep him, and that dreadful woman he’s with.