Racist Geology


”The study of the Earth’s rocks and natural resources is racist and linked to “white supremacy”, according to a geography professor at a leading UK university.”

”She also suggested palaeontology, the study of prehistoric life through fossils, was partly to blame for racism, labelling it “pale-ontology”.


Apparently climate change is racist too.


The University is Queen Mary, London by the way. (nor me) Well worth the student fees and London accommodation. A degree from this ‘professor’ is guaranteed to get you flipping burgers.


MSN Link.

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble

63 thoughts on “Racist Geology

  1. They’re entitled to their opinion, however demented, just as I am entitled to laugh at how stupid they are. A highly qualified professor she may be but with opinions like that I’m not going to believe what she says on, well, anything.

    • More bollox from so-called experts. Yet more evidence that most degrees, Phd’s etc are not worth the paper they are written on. Like this climate bollox, safe snd effective vaccines, etc.

      If ever abphotograph screamed “lesbian left cat lady”, it’s that header pic.

  2. “Kathryn Yusoff is a professor of inhuman geography at Queen Mary University, London.”

    That article has to be a spoof, surely?

    Most likely Titania McGrath under a pseudonym.

  3. More blackwashing:
    Severus Snape is being played in the upcoming Harry Potter telly series by a nıg-noģ called Paapa Essiedu.
    Not exactly Alan Rickman!
    Funny how race swaps only ever go one way.
    And you can’t even blame the sọotıes for taking advantage of an opportunity.

  4. White man always gets a bad press.

    I blame the Greeks and Romans for everything, fucking cunts (and the French)

  5. I’d agree that Palaeontology is racist, because the sooties are all prehistoric life forms.

    Incidentally, is that really a woman?

  6. Well professor it’s quite clear….the rocks in your head are blocking any rational thought ?….mind you I am a bit suspicious of a white pebble in my little rockery it does seem to bully the other coloured ones…bring back the ? we’ve gone full retard ?‍?

    • More bollox from so-called experts. Yet more evidence that most degrees, Phd’s etc are not worth the paper they are written on. Like this climate bollox, safe snd effective vaccines, etc.

      If ever abphotograph screamed “lesbian left cat lady”, it’s that header pic.

  7. I think the Mad Professor should do a lot more of this type of excellent research along the Jurassic Coast as no doubt she(?) will find a great deal of deeply offensive Far Right Ammonites..

    and hopefully a cliff fall of several tons of rock will bury the silly cunt forever.

    Perhaps in ten thousand years her fossilised remains will be dug up and mistaken for an “asylum seeker”?

    Who knows?

    Fuck the lot of them.

    Good morning.

    • Universities are full of them. It used to be the students, presumably the lecturers felt left out.

    • I honestly think lezzies ought to be made to muscle down and do proper jobs – perhaps on a building site as a hod carrier, or, if they are a bit delicate, cleaning out public lavatories. Just like their male poofter counterparts like Streeting and Bryant they go into quasi- official occupations (leader of the National Union of Students and padre’ in the two cases I have mentioned). Anything to save their delicate little hands getting dirty. The limp wristed buggers are so anxious to stay clean and important, just like this trio, they will talk useless bollocks at our expense to save themselves.

      I have a couple of bulldykes near where I live – big beefy birds both in their thirties but they never work at all. Benefits, scratch cards,black lycra trews and lesbianism. What a life.

  8. From her Bio –

    I am a transdisciplinary geographer focused on inhuman geographies. I understand the inhuman as a place from which to think about earthly relations and inhumane histories. Theoretically, I engage historical, geophilosophical and black feminist methods to speak to issues of environmental change, empires of geologic practices and the politics of planetary states. 

    Specifically, I am interested in the role of inhuman epistemologies in race, gender, and subjectivity for more equitable environmental world-building.

    Could anybody please explain wtf she’s on about?

    Also, who pays her for this twaddle?

    • This is one of those made-up wimminz jobs where they dress up their “job” descriptions in polysyllabic flowery terms in order to obfuscate the fact that they work in a made-up, pointless non-job which was invented purely in order to give otherwise useless women like her something to do.

      • ……and when I’m not doing that you will find me in the broom cupboard, putting the Mr. Sheen round the table, and getting the Mr Bloo capsules out for tomorrow mornings lavatory cleaning.

        (The unpublished part of her CV)

  9. The fossil record, fossil gene record and genetic diversity in different populations globally show that anatomically-modern humans evolved in sub-Saharan Africa. That doesn’t sound very much like white supremacy to me.

    • That theory is highly questionable.

      It is far more likely to have originated in the Golden Triangle, ie, the Middle East.

      • I’ve always stumbled over the way It’s treated as solid undeniable fact that we first appeared in Africa Termy. The reason is that when I was young (a long time ago admittedly) received wisdom was that we arose in the Indian sub-continent. I have a suspicion that this may be an early example of wokism in that in those days the sub-continent was regarded as bottom of the heap whereas nowadays that accolade is held by Africa.

      • I suppose it doesn’t really matter what was Arfur, it matters what is.

        It is clear, undeniable fact that without the Caucasian race human development would be no further forward than abo and zulu ‘culture’.

        We are not able to drag other races up to our level, they will drag us down to theirs.

      • It wouldn’t surprise me Arfur if I originated in Africa. When I was a boy I was always bashing the pots and pans, and when I felt the heat of the jazz beat and bongo beat, man I was carried away. If life had worked out differently I might have been appearing at the Coconut Grove night club working in a Latin-American band, rather than as an insignificant little matelow on the high seas.

      • “lot” not “low” – I’ve got rythym again and can’t control those typing fingers. Pass the naughty African Woodbines, man…..

  10. Sirs:

    Since the Wokists have decided that I am racist to the core, I have decided to play along.

    So the dindus and spiggoties and asslifters and other assorted freaks, weirdos and retards — and proggy white women with big butts, tats and blue hair, of course — can all fuck off.

    It’s the graceful thing to do.

  11. …the professor argued the extraction of gold, iron, and other metals was racist…
    Really, so the Aztecs, Incas, Egyptians and various other tinted civiliations were racist as well, because they had plenty of gold.
    Utter codswallop and this cunt gets paid for it.
    We need a cultural revolution but not in a commie way! ?

    • Succinctly put C and you are right logically all those ethnic miners must be racist but according to this fuckwit only us damm whiteys are. Sometimes one wonders if twenty five years in the nick is worth……

  12. I don’t believe in change. In my early teens there were only white people in my area and all the blacks were in the jungle, according to David Attenborough on the BBC, long before they went bonkers and reversed everything. There wasn’t any such things as racism. I thought that meant first to the sweet shop with our thrupenny bit to buy gobstoppers that lasted all day.

  13. What are these people gonna do when the pound utterly collapses and their highly paid sinecures disappear?

    Can ‘she’ cook? light a fire? skin a rabbit? Set traps? Fish?

    Can she fck.

    The only comfort I derive from seeing the utter collapse of Western civilisation, brought about by morons like these, us the factvthat they will be the first to be eaten.

    • Collapse of Western Civilisation?

      Oh come come Termujin, Captain Rodney’s got a plan.
      He’s rearranging the deckchairs.

      All will be well.

  14. Let me tell you what racist is, and this proves that we are being overrun with the sand ni@*ers who like travelling by boat:

    On Auntie Beebie today:

    “Muhammad top name for baby boys in England and Wales”

    I don’t see many of my white friends and acquaintances calling their children Muhammed…

  15. Of course the Mongols, Ottomans, Aztecs, Persians or any of the thousands of pre-colonial African tribes never exploited the land they seized from conquered peoples. China is investing billions in Africa and its not because they want to drag them into the 21st century, it about exploiting mineral wealth. Someone has to make all these car batteries for EV’s that no one wants or few can afford. This is happening right now, not three hundred fucking years ago.

  16. Prehistoric Poem

    The brontosaurus was very colossal,
    And when he died he made a big fossil.

    Sam Beau (aged 4¾).


  17. There is nothing more disingenuous and contemptible than the hand wringing white lefty middle classes wanting to anoint every aspect of existence as “racist” in some pitiful effort to feel good about themsleves and court the approval of people they’re condescending to stand up for.

    Now don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of black and brown race grifters out there, but there’s also an awful lot more black and brown people who just want to get on on the back of their own merits (as Martin Luther King enjoined the world to allow to happen – content of character not colour of skin). Those people of colour who want to put race out of the picture by not making it an issue, are also heartily fucking sick of these demented bourgeoise leftist white revisionists and would like them to fuck off as much as the rest of us.

  18. Time these totally deranged cunts were burned at the stake.
    They serve no useful purpose on this Rotten planet.
    Think it will use less oxygen to burn it then it will breath in the rest of its life.

    • We need to cultivate them for food for when cows, sheep and especially pigs, are made illegal.

  19. Just another public funded grifting gab-o shite playing to the gallery wanting to be noticed by the wider world.
    Nice secure well payed and pensioned job. Redundancy? oh a golden (sic) handshake and early retirement.
    Never broke sweat to earn a crust and never likely
    Utter disdain for the likes of her/it.
    G’ afternoon.

  20. androgynous: adjective; (1) partly male and partly female in appearance. (2) of indeterminate sex.

    The dumb cunt in the header picture looks completely androgynous.

  21. Is that a fish supper in the header pic?
    Or one of them transformers?

    It’s teeth are giving me a headache☹️

    Looks a bit like Stephen king.

  22. “She also suggested palaeontology, the study of prehistoric life through fossils, was partly to blame for racism.”

    I’m sorry, I simply cannot accept this. It’s lies and clearly falsehoods. Pretty obvious that’s a feller. A fruity feller, but a feller nonetheless.

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