Hanna Ingram-Moore [2]

This greedy grasping old bag is the daughter of Captain Tom Moore, who, at 100 years of age at the height of the Covid pandemic walked round his garden many many times – an otiose occupation, but a well-meaning gesture which raised millions of pounds for charity.

After his feat he “wrote” or at least dictated a memoir which sold so well, his “charity” (Hannah) amassed £1.5 million pounds for “good causes”, which mainly consisted of refurbishing her back garden. Pausing only to wonder how much I would get if I published my memoirs – a story of my Navy days, being a pornographer and the manager of The Steaming Pussycat Strip Club, Soho, and now a retired dirty old man of many years standing (and crouching, looking through keyholes) – it ought to get at least a £1m before it was pulped.

But back to Mrs Ingram-Moore (I bet the Moore was just tacked on when the charity started). Her and her equally greedy husband have been banned from being charity directors for 8 and 10 years respectively – I assume that is the extent of the “punishment”?. It seems to me this pair could be guilty of fraud, or uttering a forged document or taking a pecuniary advantage. They certainly have no sense of shame or embarrassment, since they are appealing (not to me they aren’t). What a pair of bounders. Oven, Uncle Terry?

Daily Express.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

53 thoughts on “Hanna Ingram-Moore [2]

  1. While I’ve nothing but respect for Major Tom.

    He raised a spoilt monster.

    I could see it in her before the shit hit the fan.

    There for every photo shoot,
    She could scent money on the horizon like a shark attracted to a shipwreck.

    She even shames owt for nowt kier Starmer in the greed stakes.

    She’s sullied her father’s good work.

    If I’d donated I’d ask for it back.

  2. Her dad was a well meaning guy.

    Unfortunately the millions he raised for the NHS would have been swallowed by that bottomless pit in about 5 seconds.

    His daughter is a cunt.

  3. She doesn’t give a shit, there will be a stash somewhere and she will not be the slightest bit bovvered by her charity ban, there was no intent to further good causes now she’s lined her pockets from the easily duped.

  4. Let’s be honest here.
    Walking laps of the garden?
    Fuckin boring.?

    He could of raised a lot more jumping 5 London buses on a motorbike.

    But no.
    Walking around the garden.
    He’d of done that anyway.

    Imagine how much he’d of raised if he’d jumped snake canyon on a skycycle?!!

    Bit selfish really.

  5. Charity workers are as bad as the scammers. Even a legalised charity will only allow the smallest percentage going to the person that needs it. If you want to give to charity, give to individuals who genuinely need money, such as a friend or family. Its only fair that you get something from your good nature.

  6. She still has a website where she seeks to lure the gullible into handing over money in return for her motivational services.
    Talk about brass neck, anyone else who got such a scathing bollocking from the Charity Commission would have committed suicide or at least crawled under a stone never to be heard of again.

  7. Sullied the good name of her old man (did he really want to go gadding about the garden or was that her idea?)
    Made countless more folk nervy about giving to any charity. ( me? I don’t trust any of them, but then I am a suspicious cunt at the best of times)
    Put the grubby idea into more scammers heads.
    If you want to “help” anybody do it direct and keep your gob zipped about it. The more so if you ” iz a clebritty ”
    Oh her? I’d have walkin’ widdershins around the garden puttin’ a quid of hers back in the box for every lap., and rain don’t stop play.
    Oh and the law says she can do it all again in 8 or 10 years? Well that is a deterrent and a warning to others !
    Wet and windy, and the weather is crap as well.

  8. I like her,or at least like her being around.She serves as a constant reminder to the covid cunts of their blind stupidity,and boy,do some of them need reminding.
    Hint of dirty MILF about her too.

    • Indeed, HC.
      An ex-colleague got rather offended when she asked me if had applauded the NHS on my doorstep the previous evening, presumably to try and make me feel guilty.
      “Of course not,” I said. “Why, did you then?” She nodded.
      “What are you? Some sort of fucking spastıc?”
      She didn’t cry, alas…but barely acknowledged me after that.
      Silly bint.

  9. Dr Syntax, makes ya fink dunnit? Wonder if they just negotiate a cash amount or if they work a percentage. Sad to see that the charities that on the face of it that you hope are doing the most good, cancer, macmillan etc, are also the ones with the highly paid (greedy?) c.e.o. s
    cynic? moi? ‘fraid so.

    • Bit of an eye opener the pay packets the charity bosses get ( I won’t say “earn”).

      All the dopey buggers who put their coppers in a tin, idiots…!

  10. A nice well meaning old fella from a better,more polite generation..

    mugged by his own grasping cunt of a family..

    a regular occurrence in 21st century Britain.

    Field Marshal Mongomery’s Oven,immediately.

  11. Both her and her husband are immoral shits, and I hope that if either ( but preferably both) are hospitalised someone puts arsenic in their drips.

  12. I give to my local air ambulance but most charities seem to benefit the greedy fuckers that run them rather than the needy.

    • It seems that the larger they grow, more is spent on ‘admin’ costs.

      I support two tiny local charities, volunteer run, who run all over the county collecting items for auction and dropping the items off to the highest bidder, who don’t even take money for fuel out of the funds, not to mention the emergency dashes to get an animal into foster/vet care.

      • I too support animal charities. Might I put in a word for Hillside Animal Sanctuary in Norfolk, who take in any sort of animal from a cat to a horse who has been ill-treated by way of dogs and farmyard animals. It is run on a shoestring and has been in existence for thirty years (come 2025).

        If you prefer human charities how about helping to buy Kweer Rodney a personality, and to raise funds to get him reconstructive therapy on his ringpiece.

  13. O/T, darent take the dog out for a walk this arvo, it’s wild here.

    I’m not bothered about his safety, he’s a chihuahua, low wheel-base, hugs the tarmac.

    It’s me I’m bothered about, wind like this ‘ud have me arse over tit.

  14. It was another bit of lockdown madness. She was an opportunist cunt, in other circumstances she’d be PM by now.

    She’s clearly not as smart as she thinks, I’m sure i remember her spending some of the money on adding buildings to the house which later she was ordered to demolish because she didn’t bother with planning or something?

    Fuck me she’s go some front though!


    Anyway, back to the spa.


    She’s not only a cunt but she’s the sort of cunt that cunts itself like a self basting turkey.

  15. Fair play to the old fellas military service.

    Charity. Nope. Said my bit about those cunts before.

    This money grabbing old witch.
    Well she’s a woman of certain age..

  16. The poor old bugger was from Keighley, he wouldn’t recognise it now, it’s like fucking Karachi…???

  17. You wouldn’t believe how upset I was when finding out michail Anthonio was in a car accident, especially when I found out he was still alive.

    • I much preferred him to have avoided running over a cat and swerve off the White Cliffs of Dover and land on top of illegal immigrants that looked just like him.

  18. The best thing about this story is that her and her cunt husband used quite a bit of the cash to build a spa in their back garden .

    “Forgot” to get planning permission and were told to knock it down ?

  19. I give fuck all to charity. I saw an advert for guide dog puppies and thought I’d make a donation. I called them and offered them £20 . The girl said “ it’s not enough “ . No explanation just “ it’s not enough “. I said you’ll get nothing and nor will anyone else.

    • Police don’t do crime now.
      Piss of a lefty nob, say a hurty word or ask a bloke to fuck off out a womens changing room and it’s a different story. All ‘far right’ hoolifanism don’t you know.
      Curious George is just Stalin re-incarnated.

  20. Bitch – Her frail Army Veteran Father walked….so she could swim.
    She built a fucking swimming pool with charity donations the thieving fucking perm headed hose beast.
    Her husband is a dodgy fucker as well – a real shifty cunt – minus an charm or shame.

    Interestingly, Capt Tom had another daughter. She’s kept well quiet and beyond arms length of all this. Dying of shame by association of having a robbing bastard selfish cunt sister. Can’t choose your family can you ?

    I hope people are still calling her thief and flinging shit at her 5 years from now. What a fucking piece of work…

  21. The only thing missing from that header pic, is a firing squad.

    As far as charities go, I support a local hedgehog rescue place.

    It’s run by a very blunt single woman, who doesn’t like people.

    An admirable quality.

    Good morning ? and Get To Fuck.

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