Funding Overseas Agriculture Projects While Taxing British Farmers

Post in thread ‘Labour foreign agricultural aid’ The Farming Forum.

So what the fuck are those cunts in the labour party trying to do to the country, it seems they are on a mission to the fuck up the very people they are supposed to support.
Farmers are getting fucked in the arse by labour all while they spunk millions up the wall for farmers abroad, that’s a major kick in the bollocks for the whole country.

Fucking hell, bring back Sunak, who would have thought Queer Charmer would be so much worse for the country, that’s just the tip of the iceburg, things are going to get much worse…… Cunts of the highest order

Thank god I didn’t vote for these useless cunts

Nominated by : Fuglyucker

Seconded by : Benito Cuntolini

A Manure and slurry soaked cunting for Labour Development Minister Analease Dodds, her of the gurning mush and ironing board body. This utterly brainless haridan has decided it is a good idea to shell out the taxpayers hard earned moola to the tune of 70 million in farming subsidies to the usual grasping leeches that make up our Third World neighbours. As is standard for these grifters, the President of Um Bongo will soon be flying high in one of his many newly purchased Lear Jets at the expense of you and I. The Labour Party appears to be stuffed with naive, intellectually challenged twerps who discuss ideas to waste our money over a glass of fizz and a canope. Wankers. (Wonder what our farmers think?)

85 thoughts on “Funding Overseas Agriculture Projects While Taxing British Farmers

  1. It’s the same as killing British pensioners and replacing them with dinghy filth at 50x the price.

  2. Farming is fucked up anyway. The only farmers I’m concerned with at the moment are the ones hanging out of my arse.

  3. Serious question what do they farm in Africa?

    Aids and flies..
    To lazy to dig a well, so whatever there growing doesn’t need water.

  4. The way these bastards are going every fucking one is going to be eligible for benefits. What the fuck next labour camps for wrong speak?
    Rachel the BOE shithouse cleaner is going to tank the economy single fucking handed. I now feel my inner Adolf has been channeled. CUNTS.

    • I like to watch Rachel being interviewed on television CM. She works hard at trying to disguise her Lewisham dialect and fails in practically every sentence at some point, one affectation of which Angie Rayner could not be accused. Harriet Harman of course did the same exercise the other way round. I heard her say “going to” in an interview and immediately corrected herself to “gonna”.

      I’m not taking the piss out of regional or social class accents; I can’t afford to do so!

      • Politicians deserve all the flak shit they attract. Just once in my life I would love to see a government stick up for the British people. Hey Ho, I can dream though.
        A government that cancels foreign aid the first day in power and deport illegal migrants.

  5. Give them seed and they will eat it.
    Give them equipment and they will sell it.
    Zimbabwe was the bread basket of Africa.
    Why because White Farmers knew how to farm productivity. Gave the fully formed, equipped farms to the Blacks and they could grow mould. Mass starvation was brought about. No more hand outs from the white do gooders . After all is that not what Lenny Henry said.
    Let them eat what they can grow. And that would be one massive chip on each others shoulders….

    • Yeah I have no desire whatsoever to be a white saviour. Things will get worse with liebour that’s the only thing the cunts can guarantee

    • “Give them seed and they will eat it.”

      It went even beyond that Obie. It is documented that in many cases they pushed over the farm buildings and sold the fucking bricks!

      I seem to recollect there are folks who have posted on here who were farming in Rhodesia before it went down the shitter. I’d be interested to hear their take on the present situation out there.

  6. Bear in mind that it was the post WW2 Labour Government that thought that the ‘Groundnut Scheme’ was a good idea.
    Well worth a read if you want to know how to waste taxpayers’ money.

    • Just read a bit of that on Wiki:

      …”Despite the enormous effort and spending £36 million (equivalent to over £1 billion in 2020), the project failed abjectly and was finally abandoned in 1951.[4] It was described in 1953 as “the worst fiasco in recent British colonial history.”

      A Labour party initiative. Nothing changes. ?
      Aftern Guzzi, afternoon all.

      • The Germans created the same app and rolled it nationwide for £100m.

        Ever feel like you have been conned?

      • It was a spectacularly stupid idea which should never have got off the ground anyway. I remember giving my name as M. Mouse or D. Duck alll over the place and it was never questioned or remarked upon.

  7. Foreign Aid, Net Zero, Asylum Cunts all good money well spent, it’s the labour way.

    Can’t put up taxes on ‘working people’ so screw business, farmers and pensioners, it’s the labour way.

    Justified by the black hole, that cosmic phenomenon that sucks in light and our fucking cash ?

    • One suggestion that might help our perilous threadbare economy for every illegal that arrives on our shores £500,000 is deducted from the foreign aid budget. Fuck the lot of them with bells on.

    • Herr Starmfurher is set to raise taxes AGAIN soon.I never voted for these treacherous worms.

  8. But surely the inhabitants of the Cradle of Life should be teaching us how to farm.

    They must have been productive in the past.
    Feeding the adventurous people who boldy set out to colonise the world.

    Have they now forgotten how to grow food?

    I see on the television that they no longer know how to find water.
    If they do happen to come across a water source they don’t know how to protect it.
    They let animals piss in it and polite it.

    They do know how to reproduce enthusiastically.
    A thousand kids a day or hour or minute, depending on which advert you watch, die of water related illnesses.
    They must come from somewhere.

    That means they haven’t evolved at all when the rest of the world has.

    Who has been lying to us?

  9. For the life of me I cannot figure out where the current Government is going, nor can they, it would seem.

    It’s like watching the clowns car at a circus, driving round and round a figure 8 loop, because everyone keeps grabbing the wheel and trying to turn it in the direction they want to go.

    The only problem is, it’s not remotely funny.

  10. Any of you cunts voted for this shower of shit?
    I expected them to be poor, but….
    Only 54 months of these treacherous cretins to go.

    • I didn’t vote, as that would imply that I agree to be bound by the rules of this sham democracy, which I don’t, lending it an air of legitimacy it does not have, and becoming complicit in the numerous war-crimes, thefts, murders and assorted other felonious ctivities which I would never dream of.

  11. I’m quite sure the govt want the British farmers out so there is plenty of room for Rayners million plus new houses and Milibands windmills.

    Never mind there won’t be any food and we’ll be completely at the mercy of international shipping companies and any Bad Eggs who decided to sink some of them.

    Stalinist raghead loving cunts.

    Oven,full Gravy Train Oven.

  12. Teaching people how to farm in shit hole countries is counter productive.

    Farming alone is not sustainable.

    In ancient times farmers had a life span of only 30 year’s or less.
    They were always one failed harvest away from death by starvation.
    They had a very restricted diet in the best of times which led to illness and early death.

    Hunter gatherers fared much better.
    They lived much longer and we’re much healthier than farmers who had no idea how to keep livestock.

    They say that a society can be judged by the way that it looks after their less fortunate.
    Meaning that you should look after the sick and elderly.

    I don’t believe that you should look after the stupid, the ignorant and the terminally lazy.

    Fuck them.
    Throwing money at these people, wherever they are, just encourages them to be more stupid, ignorant and lazy.

    These people will only benefit from being abandoned.
    Then they will have to do something to improve their own lives.

    Either that or die.

    Personally I couldn’t care less about them, but I do object to funding them while watching your own country go down the shitter.

    • Excellent stuff, TAC.
      Hopefully soon the ‘open secret’ in Westminster will burst open (our great and glorious leader fathering a love child, being split up from his missus off-camera and being half rice/half chips) and the head of the snake will rot, taking the whole of the Labour party with it, with not even the unions being able to halt it).

  13. I recall when Bob Dylan said at Live Aid that something should also be done for struggling American farmers.

    Of course, there was the outrage and Bob was accused of taking the food out of starving Africans mouths.

    40 years on, and the African flyblown shitheaps remain unchanged. And now they are complaining that they don’t want white saviours or being seen as stereotypes.

    I say get all the animals out of there – giraffes, rhinos, lions, elephants, zebras etc – and then just let the place rot.

    • Agreed.

      Not only can they not grow food or find water, they don’t know how to protect their wildlife.

      The animals are their greatest assets.
      People don’t go to Africa to see the people.

      Left alone the savages would soon eat every animal that can be found.

      If you watch the various documentaries you will see that it is only white foreigners that have set up animal sanctuaries.

      Save the wildlife and let the smelly black people die.

    • I would have liked to have seen Bob Geldof in Ethiopia literally taking food out of the hands of these spongers and eating it right on front of them and telling them he wasn’t even hungry.

      • How do you know an Ethiopian is gonna puke Tommy?

        4 others are standing round him with spoons.

  14. This isn’t about farming and Farmers.

    It’s about land.
    Land you can build on.
    Not for us like .
    For the invaders.

    This country is based on agriculture.
    Take a walk!
    Look around.
    It’s there to see if you ve got eyes.

    The landscape shows it!
    Going back thousands of years.

    It’s always was a green and pleasant land.
    These commies want to build on it.
    For their dinghy sailors.
    And so did the Tories,
    Only they would of left bits untouched.
    ( Jonty from schools 8000acre retreat)

    It’s worth dying for this country,
    Our countryside.

    Fuck Labour ?
    Fuck Tory?
    Fuck Foreigners ?

    • Damn right, MNC.
      Also, fuck darkıes born in this country.
      You’re not English and you never will be.

      • I’m white and born in England but I wouldn’t dream of calling myself English, even if it wasn’t racist to do so.

      • I’m white and born in England and wouldn’t dream of calling myself British.

        People could get the wrong idea and mistake me for a porridge wog, a bog-trotter or a sheep-shagger.

        No such place as the UK either.

  15. If Starmer wanted to do something nice for British farmers, the best thing he could do would be to get all the cabinet and Labour backbenchers to shit in a communual tank, and this would be distributed each week by the NFU to a deserving farm. The costs saved in artificial fertilizers would be wiped out by the prime turds Kweer & co produce on a daily basis. I bet Miliband’s would be especially green and nutritious – and Dawn Butler and Lammy’s really big contributions to the pot. I bet AnalEase#s are white, like the ones dogs produce Even Kweer’s constipated little nuggets would be like the widows mite. It’s the thought that counts Rodders.

    • No constipation in the Starmer household, W.C.B.
      Lord Alli’s spunk provides all the lubrication that Kweer’s poos require.

  16. And so it begins. Eventually they, as in the WEF, want all food to be made in Africa. This is why farmers in The Netherlands were given a hard time, by another WEF loving cunt in charge.

  17. I’m not trying to troll the guy, always found him amenable and good humoured, but I would really like to know what Allan’s take is on this – and whether this is what he believes he voted for; along with all the other – what seems to be to me at least – vile masochistic country and culture destroying policies and actions this shower of cunts are implementing.

    Allan if you’re there, give us your thoughts on what your lot are doing – I remember right after they were elected you inveighed against us for not giving Der Sturmer a chance – well I’d say now is not too early to get the Labour voter’s assessment on performance so far, and how this government’s record fares next to your reasons for voting for them. And don’t be afraid to defend them, if I’ve missed something and they’re really doing a good job and improving things on the whole, educate us to this fact!

    • Afternoon BD/all.
      You’re wasting your time…Allan is only interested in crying and sulking about the American election results and isn’t capable of articulating past that.
      He’s a barely one-trick pony.

      • Well I’m afraid I’ve never heard anyone intelligently explain or defend Labour policy Thomas – so why the fuck do they expect us to accept them as the rational alternative?

        Until I hear someone actually stand up for, and meaningfully justify, Labour policy – rather than just resort to attacking any dissenters as “far right” – I shall continue to assume that those on the left are at best clueless, and at worst positively motivated by ee-vil.

        You’d hope that an accusation like that would motivate your Labour voter to stand up for their cause. But, as you say, I don’t think we’ll see any such thing. Just a period in hiding then some post issued from a vacuum about what a cunt Trump is. Well he’s my kind of cunt, and Labour voters are not my cup of cunt I’m afraid; but I welcome them having a go at giving me a taste for their poison and proving that I’m the cunt and not them.

      • And just as an aside, does your average Labour voter know much about the history of the party and what led to its coming in to being?

        Keir Hardie founded the Labour Party on an anti-immigration ticket – protecting the native working man, the “Labourer”, from imported workers from the Empire’s colonies taking their jobs.

        Do these Labour voting cocksuckers have any semblance of knowledge, reason or moral consistency? Rhetorical.

  18. I’m a bit undecided on the inheritance tax/farmer business.
    The likes of me once past £325000 pay %40 and as soon as the bill hits the door mat, no fucking 10 years grace and %50 reduction.

    If farming is such a shit way to earn a living, pack it in and go and work in a factory for 40 years..

    I can honestly say I’ve never seen a poor farmer, I know my family were farmers.

    No 1/2oz of butter and one egg a week for them during ww2 rationing…!

    • Forgive my bluntness Dr, but this is exactly what TPTB want, divide and rule.

      IHT should be scrapped, for everyone, permanently.

      The fact that sone pay less to the scumbags in Westminster is a good thing (even though for farmers its actually now more) and the fact that I am getting shafted is nobreason to wish the same on my neighbour.

      You are resenting the wrong people.

      • Ay up Tem, I don’t resent them in the slightest.

        But passed on wealth and assets is not something you find in other “poor” working families…!

    • Anthony and Assad were holiday buddies.

      They’d hang out around the pool together in their budgie smugglers.

      Like attracts like.
      Although it’s not been confirmed Bashir Al Assad ever frequented public toilets.

  19. Our “government” has turned full retard.Instead of spunking cash overseas KEEP THE MONEY HERE you dolts.

  20. All inheritance tax is fucking robbery..

    Work and save and make something of your life, pass away and a shithouse government comes steaming in to claim taxes on everything you own..

    Worst still, not even to use it on anything vaguely worthwhile.
    It will be spaffed away on translation macaws for illegals or a big net to catch cow farts.

    This policy and the winter fuel withdrawal will end this Labour Party government in four years time.

    • My Mum departed in Feb I’ve paid the cunts £466k in IHT and CGT My Mum and Dad worked hard all their life’s employed people paid loads of tax Dad didn’t live long enough to even collect a pension payment, mums private pensions were always taxed the fucking benefits cunts are the smart ones.

  21. Oh for fuck sake people, don’t you want properly trained farmers when they get off the dinghies?

    David Lammy is probably preparing to hand over British farms to the people heading toward the coast as we speak.

    The ultimate in repatriations, giving the very land to some cunt who’s arrived here illegally, come to Britain and claim your heritage.

    Meanwhile Starmer the harmer is congratulating the ‘rebels, for toppling Assad.

    He seems comfortable with people rebelling against their own governments abroad but will empty a prison tomorrow for those that protest against his.

    Old MacMuhhameds farm, coming to the county side near you soon.

    • Eee, Aiiii Esss Aiiii Esss.

      Gonna be funny to see 2TK try to defend those comments when the brave freedom fighters turn out to be religious fanatics intent on furthering their own particular brand of medieval savagery by means of civil war, mutilation and murder and free flying lessons for deviants.

    • “He seems comfortable with people rebelling against their own governments abroad but will empty a prison tomorrow for those that protest against his.”

      Fair and accurate comment Sixdog.

      • Literally just read that comment by Sixdog out to the missus arfur – a perfect illustration of how hypocritical these cunts are; and, worse, how enthusiastic they are about what they know is coming. The next wave of radical mudslime scum confected in the chaotic hothouse of the power vacuum in Syria that will soon be on its way Westward on God’s mission to destroy civilisation. And Eva Rayner, Adolph Sturmer, and the jacksandaled foot soldiers can’t hide their glee at this prospect.

    • I can’t wait to see the day Starmer the Farmer Harmer’s smug demeanour is ripped out of him and shoved down the midden (metaphorically of course.) The day will come, eventually.

      Same for the rest of them.

    • Now we’ve found common ground Dr.

      The Saxe-Coburgs and hundreds of associated hangers on should be relieved of their “duties”, such as they are, forthwith. Along with their lands, money and other forms of wealth they have obtained through centuries of murder and mayhem.

  22. This shower of shite government are keen to give our money away,
    And just as keen to tax us for every penny.

    Dunno who they have as advisers /PR spindoctors
    But kier Stormfuhrer is as popular as cot death.

    The cunts only been in a few months and tanked in every poll.

    But when we get a chance to vote them out?

    Don’t forget the betrayal by the Tories.
    They enabled these fuckers to walk into Downing street.

    Time for a change.
    Vote Reform.

    • Well said never forget the non tories were also fucking WEF puppets just like this bunch of traitors, we need that NYC assassin over here now love to see all of these cunts frightened to show their face on the streets.

  23. The one that really gets me angry is the funding of 100s of millions each year to India from our taxes.

    They have space and nuclear programs, so there must be money there. It’s not our fault they treat their poor like shit.

    They have money for nukes and moon landers, but no social security…so we have to pay it and don’t get me started on how they want to side with Russia and the Chinks if WW3 gets going.

    The next time some UK Indian acts flash boasting about how his kids go to private school (all funded from selling stale bread and milk to the local community), remind them of how we have to struggle to live while paying taxes to bail out his poor cousins back in shit stink land.

    Cheeky fucking smelly cunts,

    And like Ukraine, we have no say in the matter. Our government are absolute traitors.

    Honestly, if I had my way, I’d chuck every cunt out, let no fucker in again and give fuck all to other countries. Maybe then we’d prosper once more.

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