Dr. Erin Pritchard and The Midget Pub

Dr Erin Pritchard is a midget and a very angry midget at that. So much so that the senior lecturer on Disability Studies at Liverpool Hope University started a petition to get the name of The Midget pub in Abingdon, Oxfordshire changed because it was offensive.

“I have dw@rfism and like the majority of people with dw@rfism I find the word offensive. I doubt anyone would tolerate a pub with a name containing an equally derogatory slur against another group of disabled people or an ethnic minority” whined Dr Pritchard.

Just one small problem Erin, the name ‘The Midget’ isn’t referencing dw@rfs or midgets, hobbits or leprechauns, its in honour of a former land speed world record car produced by MG. There is a picture of the car outside the pub and the decor is car themed. In fact it used to be called The Magic Midget which was an even more brilliant quirky pub name.

Owners Greene King of course caved in to the online mob of offence seeking whackos and bedwetters, a lot of whom I’m guessing are not even from the supposedly offended midget community. After thinking ‘long and hard’ they changed the name to The Roaring Raindrop another record breaking car manufactured in the town. They banned half pints and took Tiny Dancer off the jukebox too, Friday night dw@rf tossing has obviously gone as well.

A counter-petition has been launched with 2,600 signatories to change the pub back to the original name but I feel they will come up short. Well done Dr Pritchard, what’s next? The Fox and Hounds? The Saracens Head?


BBC News.

Nominated by : Liberal Liquidator

100 thoughts on “Dr. Erin Pritchard and The Midget Pub

  1. Wasn’t she in ‘The Singing Ringing Tree’?
    Does any cunter remember that programmme from the late 70’s?
    It’s where I obtained my loathing of đwavẹs, the creepy little fuckers.

  2. Have midget gems been band. Good. They’d get stuck in my gums. Wine gums are better.

  3. At least midgets are normal size small people, whereas dwarves have a distinction similar to Down syndrome.

  4. Plenty of work coming her way, what with Christmas pantomime season starting soon.

    • Even a pair of Gemma Arterton’s used undercrackers with genuine scratch n’ sniff tiger’s face motif on the gusset couldn’t lure him back into the fold.

      I ended up selling them on eBay to Greg Wallace.

  5. These cunts cannot look past their own blinkered outlook on life and cannot accept any other viewpoint then their own.
    The brewery should have told her to do one.

    • A half would look like a full pint in her hands. Similar to all the cocks she’s used to handling.

    • Fucking right CuntyMort
      More whining cunts should be told to do one rather than pander to their oddball whims.
      Even worse when taken out of context as in this case.
      For example I’ve never referred to a blick as a shovel!

    • No doubt you can still get short measure.

      I think Elfin’s so angry because when in the pub and needing to relieve herself, someone else has to go with her to lift her onto the seat, the poor little thing.

      Anyway that’s about the long and short of it.

      I don’t know why, but she’s making me think of that Scottish beer, the ‘Wee Heavy’.

  6. Most people have some genetic disadvantage. I myself am a Daywalker, a ginger beard. If I shaved I’d look like a normal human. Dry your eyes, embrace your dysfunction and carry on. Her advantage is that she can easily find things in the bottom of low cupboards or shelves.

  7. Holy fuck how much more cuntish can the human race get. This full ahead dash to planet cunt appears unstoppable. Fuck all the wars waves of illegals, nhs disappearing up its managers arses, bent lying politicians and others that enable them. No make a fuss about a pub named Midget, that’s midget after a car not a fucking porg (person of restricted growth). Could use her as a dog toy..

  8. If she gave you a nosh she’d have to go up on you.

    Anyway, I’m going out drinking tonight at a pub where the local bigwigs were the Short family. So I’ll think of Dr Erin as I’m supping a pint in the Short Arms.

    • Oh wow! The first thing it reminded me of, was the oven ready chicken I picked up earlier from Tesco. The pose is exactly the same!

      • Mrs. Wanksock has Susan Calman (near midge lesbian) on the telly and was telling me to look at her cruising programme. They are in Norway with stunning scenery, anyway I was more interested in reading this thread and opened your link up just as Mrs. W looked over my shot see what I was looking at. I think you might owe me a new house Tom, she has gone ballistic.

  9. Is there a list of things we’re not supposed to say anymore? I didn’t realise this was offensive. Maybe we should receive a list along with our council tax bill, which will probably include paying for an officer to counter this discrimination. Good here innit?

  10. What a little tosser. Go fuck yourself.

    Offended when there was actually nothing to take offence about. Made a fool of herself.

    The cunt owners are as bad for caving in to this nonsense.

    Afternoon all.

  11. I went to a mîdget pub in the Philippines years ago. It was full of the little bastards dressed as film hobbits and goblins. They all asked for money for a photo so I just took them secretly. It was shit, actually. Nasty, little fuckers.

  12. Has anyone ever seen an Indian đwařf?
    I don’t mean a midget, I mean an actual fat-arsed, huge thighed, forehead like Rocky Dennis sort of a đẁarf.
    Plenty of white ones, black ones and the occasional oriental, but never seen a bud-bud ding-ding one.
    Surprising really, considering the amount of inbreeding that goes on there.

  13. Greene King are massive cunts anyway, even before caving in to this irate oompa-loompa. Never brewed a decent pint of beer in their lives.

  14. I wouldn’t be offended if there was a pub called the old cunt round my way.
    Oh no, rather I’d be a regular patron.

  15. The brewery should have taken the high ground by offering it a tour of the brewery by way of apology..

    then arranged for it to drown in a vat of their latest brew “Die you mithering little cunt”.

    Seems fair enough to me.

    • Do you think they’d have filtered it afterwards and sold it as ” the brew with extra body?”

    • Heard the bone about the fella that was killed on a tour of a muesli factory?

      Fell in a vat of muesli.

      Got dragged under by a strong currant!

      I’ll get me coat.

  16. Why not have a club called “You Lot” who have all kinds of deformities. Then you’d have the also called normal lot going in to have a nosey. That would bring it back to the way things are now.

  17. Hallo meine besonderen Würstchen !

    Well, as it`s Freitag I`m off down to the Slapped Lederhosen
    Bierkeller – it`s an `only Aryans` night (as per usual) so obviously no Zwerginnen allowed, just many very blond strapping Herren. So not such a `silent nacht` !

    Merry Chri卐tmaᛋᛋ to all !!

  18. I fuckin love midgets!
    They’re ace.
    I’ve always liked them.

    I’d like to get one pissed up.
    Have him out for a Christmas drink with my mates.
    Get him dancing on the tables.

    But… If he got uppity?

    “Actually I prefer the term ” little person ‘”

    If he came that shite with me when I’m drinking?
    Correcting me!
    Making me out a cunt!
    In front of my friends?

    I’d smash his fuckin little head in ,,
    Chuck the little cunt over a wall after a good shoeing.

    I’ll not have any lip of his sort.
    The fuckin freak.

    • You don’t see them out and about much now do you? As a nipper it was a wasted day in town if you didn’t see a midget, your size but old looking and if you were lucky, a bit touched.

      • I’ve seen a few lately LL.
        Women ones.

        Haven’t seen a albino though in over 40year.

        First midget I met was a mate of my dad’s,
        Got me backstage to meet Big Daddy.

        My dad never mentioned he was a midget like.
        It came as something of a shock!
        He blew my mind!?

      • I was only 8 Thomas.

        It was years before I experienced cunnilingus with a midget partner..

      • Ps

        If I was a rich man ?
        My entire household staff would consist solely of midgets.

        When happy I’d be the most indulgent, benevolent employed.
        Like Willy Wonker.

        But if one crossed me?
        He’d learn the meaning of cruelty.
        I’d hunt him across my fields with a pack of dogs.

      • You’d have to be fair and give him a half hour headstart to make it to the opposite side of the field, MNC…although after watching his little legs spinning like a spazzy little whirligig, both you and the dogs would be pissing yourselves too much to give chase.

      • I’m not religious or anything Thomas, but I reckon midgets have ‘ powers’.

        They have a ” Death curse”.
        And can put the Evil Eye on people who offend them.

        I not sure about the science but it’s a fact.

        Remember that Warwick Davis getting upset by gypsies keep touching his head for luck?

        Right little mardarse

  19. You can tell by her bowed limbs and chubby digits that she’s a dw@rf and from that pinched, self righteous grimace that she’s also a colossal twat.
    What a conundrum, easily tossed into the oven though.

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