”Dog-free zones needed to make outdoor spaces ‘anti-racist’, Welsh government told”
”A report by climate action group Climate Cymru BAME has recommended the canine-free areas should be introduced to “local green spaces” as part of the government’s Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan.”
Climate Cymru BAME? Impressive, it gets Climate, Welsh and blacks in one title. So, tell us more:-
” An evidence report also published by North Wales Africa Society, which works with Climate Cymru BAME, said a study found Black African females were concerned over a “general lack of safety” in some parks.”
At last someone is tackling racist labradors terrorising black mammas in parks.
Makes me proud to be Welsh. Try laughing at that you cunts.
Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Seconded by : Ron Knee
May I second this excellent and timely nom, and add in support this report of more loony tunes thinking down Cardiff way?
So, our Tree Swinging inferiors don’t like dogs?
Not surprised, really. Dogs can smell a wrong’un.
It’s heartwarming to know that darkıe immos are frightened of dogs.
To them, dogs represent loyalty, honour, courage and fun.
Each of which is anathema to those of an all-year tan persuasion.
Hooray for dogs!
And cats!
It really is the tail wagging the dog.
My dog has a natural born instinctive dislike of blacks. I didn’t teach him this, he genuinely doesn’t like them.
I have him muzzled in public, not because he’s aggressive, but if he ever did start I’ve got zero chance of stopping him.
Don’t understand why it’s not law that all dogs are to muzzled in public. Result – zero dog attacks.
You are Larry David and I claim my crisp fiver.
Mine too
Does this mean that Jess Phillips, Dirty Ange and Sugartits will be banned as well?
There’s a difference between a dog and dogging WC.
This would frighten anyone
Shergar! ?
Well the dogs weren’t born racist, so the canny canines must be able to smell trouble.
I shall always be racist due to unprovoked attacks by the black bastards. The early parts of my life were heaven, untitled these cunts turned up.
Until. iPads fault.
Just ban Blicks and Asians from the country, aren’t we a nation of dog/animal lovers, it’s obvious that dogs can smell shit they don’t like.
When are these lefty cunts going to learn, white good, black bad.
When it’s too late for them.
And we are heading that way at great speed
I would say that we’re well past the point of no return and still accelerating.
The event horizon is approaching.
Why is it that the white people that are so vocal about racism know the least about race?
It doesn’t matter how much you do for immigrants they will always hate you.
They will never like you.
You will never be their friend.
No matter how many changes you make to accommodate them they will always want more.
Banning dogs from certain areas will be the tip of the iceberg.
It’s a natural progression that men being banned from certain areas will follow, to make the Muslim women feel safe.
They will also want their Muslim only sections on public transport.
Muslim only days at the local swimming pools.
Muslim only shops to buy whatever the fuck they wear under their abayas.
Muslim friendly supermarkets where no pork products are sold.
Bending over backwards to attempt to make a harmonious Wales will only create division.
Muslim countries have all those sort of things but it’s clearly too much to ask that they all fuck off to one of them.
That header pic looks more like a cemetery, than a park. The Omen 1976, had
‘Hellhounds’ in theirs. I don’t remember those dogs being racist, although they were Satanic, if that makes things any better.
Well If the jam spoons don’t like dogs fuck off out of it then. Back to the rancid dump you came from. Pandering wokie cunts.
Dogs can smell that they don’t have a soul.
That’s why my akita goes for ethnics.
That and some light encouragement.
I don’t mean to be cruel saying they don’t have a soul,
Just fact.
Why heaven is full of white people.
Think they go to like , a monkey heaven.
Bit like Whipsnade zoo.
But cheaper admission.
This is just the pilot for a project to ban dog ownership. The sheep worriers are ideal test subjects having been pioneers for the ridiculous 20 mph restrictions that are now being rolled out across our marxist blighted nation. Trauma through injustice is the doctrine being openly pursued by Two Tier. Of course, the UK became a common sense free zone during the imaginary covids.
Good morning, everyone.
I don’t care what sooties or Welsh cunts like or don’t like.
My dogs opinion trumps theirs.
We go wherever we want.
Someone wants to try and stop us?
Bring a first aid kit.
It’s always the same,large sums of money spent on wheedling away at anything historic,natural and British,usually by unaccountable taxpayer funded ethnic focused splinter group subversives.
Keep the parks,keep the dogs.
Gas the Quisling Cunts outlined above,eradicate the fucking lot.
Good morning.
Dogs are a good judge of character.
Enough said.
So, Fact is:- ” an evidence report of a study…..”
peer verification? range and scope of study? persons carrying out study?
I think an evidence report of a study of ISaC would offer a different finding.
Kudos however for getting Welsh Environment and Racism all in the one group but I am a little alarmed that the alphabetty spagetty folk are not included.
Oh, as an after thought, as finances are now so tight, who payed for this farcical little tea party. Yep . “Doin’ What We Know Best.- Wasting other peoples’ money” the elected tossers running the shop.
So is the accusation that they have been trained to be racist by their white owners or that the dogs themselves are inherently racist? There are lots of breeds of dogs from all over the world so do Pekingese, Akitas or the Patagonian Sheepdog hate peacefuls and blacks too, or is everyone walking around with a bulldog and a skinhead? What a fucking rabbit hole.
https://youtu.be/Xa5CNf7pMAM?si=g1VUokVE_yNArrTl Insert trained dog herr. With a less offensive link text so as not to upset the moderation.
The only interesting knowledge I found from the dog, is that from their individual nostrils, one smells out the good things in life and the other the stinking black bastards.
Can we have Parking stanley free zones so our children can be kept safe from abdul and his uber driving mates?
People are much too conservative in naming their pets. Time we introduced some new ones to reflect more accurately the make up of our modern society. I would suggest “Mohamed” or “Iqbal” for instance.
Iqbal, here, NOW! At top of lungs. Do you really want a crowd of Iqbals or Mo’s responding?
Kåiser, panzer, stuka, Enoch and Luger are all good dog names.
Or even; Dirlewanger, Heydrich, Himmler or Heinkel. ?
I’m only trying to use names appropriate to the neighbourhood CoP. I would have thought those two names would be ideal for Bradford say. In Brighton for instance you could have Justin or Gaylord.
I like Enoch Mis, subtle.
Lloyd George, Dylan Thomas, Shirley bassey, Richard Burton, Anthony Hopkins and daisy the collie your principality is taking one hell of a beating ?….rise up and sing ‘men of harlech stand together’ …grrr, woof ? … there’s going to be Armageddon when they declare the sheep as racists ?…bring back the ? one quick …what an absolute ? show boyo
There’s lovely for you, isn’t it?
I’m currently trying to develop a new breed of dog.
The Reich-hund.
Rabidly racist, heavily built, dentally blessed,
It will sniff out, point and herd these ragamuffins then hold them to heel.
With a stern
“Otto! Achtung baby!”
He’ll be off.
Best kept in packs.
Order now to avoid Christmas disappointment!
Dear departed Pablo, a Thai ridgeback.(Google the breed)
Warmed my heart when he used to open the door and chase the amazon driver down the garden…..
Miss you buddy ?
I’m definitely getting a fucking big angry racist dog…. woof woof Katanga..??
Retard Welsh Government.Full popty ping oven.
Are dogs racist? Or just good judge’s of character..
If the home office was run by dogs instead of pavement apes and peacefuls we wouldn’t have a immigration problem.
Anyway ” who’s a good boy”
Mice, perhaps. But dogs? …
In fairness, it was one woman who said she was nervous around dogs, fearing that they might attack.
I’m sure there’s lots of people who feel the same, of all races and religions, about dogs.
It’s the goggle-eyed, mouthfrothing fanatics, who seize on little things like this to blow out of all proportion, that need banning from the Welsh countryside, government, committees, the press etc, etc.
I bet there’s some public funding been thrown their way, too.
The dogs must think the wollygogs are turds on legs, trying to disappear back up ther arseholes.
What’s the matter with this iPad. Theirs !
It really isn’t the dogs they need to worry about.
Those racist cats try and bury their niglets when they find them playing in the sand pit.
This harks back to the fucking over the indiginous cunting the other day. Welsh cunts are being stopped from walking their dogs in case some black cunt objects.
That’s a labour government for you.
It looks like the liebour sphincter is beginning to twitch….?
Penny starting to drop….!
????.Too bad.Arrogant twats.
I like the Labour reference to Reform as only having simple answers to complex questions. As opposed to what, Labour having f-all answers to the even the simplest of questions and ignoring the existence of any hard ones completely? A simple answer is often the best but Labour would need several think tanks, focus groups, committees, sub -committees etc & several years worth of prevarication to avoid giving even an honest yes/no answer.
It’s not rocket science, is it DD?
The simple answer is so often the right one.
I don’t understand what the hell is complex about owt, sling your problems over here, I’ll solve them.