Denying Election Fraud

Election Fraud Deniers, Part Ongoing

Let’s have an ‘in order to save Democracy we must corrupt it’ Cunting for defeated Senator Bob Casy and the Democrats in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump and the Republicans recently won a (real) Landslide election. They convincing won the Presidency and the Senate along with a not so convincing win in the House.

But the Democrats aren’t about to go easy and they have now resorted to openly defying the law and a court order in order to steal the Pennsylvania Senate race won by Republican Dave McCormick.

To that end they are counting votes determined to be illegal by the courts in Pennsylvania.

New York Post.

To be honest, I have no love for Dave McCormick. He is a typical Establishment / Uniparty / RINO with ties that go back to the Bush Jr. era. But his election does give the Republicans a more workable margin in the Senate so, despite him not being MAGA, I can live with it.

But the Democrats can’t. And by any means fair or foul they are determined to overturn this election by counting illegal ballots. And they don’t care if you like it or not. In fact Democrat Bucks County Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia said:

“I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country.”

She further went on to say:

“People violate laws anytime they want. So for me, if I violate this law, it’s because I want a court to pay attention. There’s nothing more important than counting votes.”

Apparently, even illegal ones.

And they might get away with it. In the US system, once a vote is counted, legal or illegal, it’s almost impossible to un-count it.

And so it goes on. Even when they do it out in the open and tell you they’re doing it there are still those who refuse to believe.

NOTE: Casey has since conceded, but the General’s point is still valid – they (Dems) wanted to count legitimately disqualified votes in an attempt to get the election result they wanted and not the one the voters actually voted for – NA.

Nominated by : General Cuntster

66 thoughts on “Denying Election Fraud

  1. Well well, the Democrats are being accused of being election denyers. Wonder where they got that idea!
    “I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter any more in this country.” That’s certainly true.
    The Dems have seen the Republicans win the election by using every lowdown trick in the book and every lie they could think of. How could they possibly object if their political opponents do the same? They’ve obviously forgotten the old saying – ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’.

    • “…every lowdown trick in the book” and “every lie they could think of”.
      What are these tricks and lies precisely?

      • ‘Millions of immigrants are streaming across the border and eating your dogs and cats’ – Vance and Trump.
        How about that one?

      • That`s ridiculous, Allan. They just needed to go to the nearest McDonald`s®. Big-Dog & 2 Mac-kitties please.

    • Wasn’t the Trump complaint about voter fraud and counting late ballots but this one is complaining that the fraudulent (undated or unregistered) votes were not and should be counted.

      The two aren’t equivalent, maybe the Dems are all for voter fraud as long as it’s a vote for them.

    • If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let you do it.

      PS Anyone who thinks the US is a democracy (or the UK) needs to:

      a) Get a dictionary.

      b) Get their head looked into.

    • The Dems tried to deny the 2016 Allan. As usual you knowingly omit information to bolster a flawed argument trying to justify your TDS driven BS.

      Maybe Biden will pardon you but in the light of truth your own bias is lit bright.

    • Swamp drained just a case of dealing with the festering lifeforms buried in said swamp clag for decades would be my guess.Evil,writhing entities such as Romney,McConnell,Pelosi et al.

  2. Splendid cunting, Herr General.

    It is the State to State variations that seem to cause all the problems. An count still going on almost a month after the election date is plain mental (House). It is so bad that they now call them election periods rather than election days. It is the way we are going in this country due to postal votes and ‘cultural’ accommodations. Rotten to the core.

    • Postal votes should be banned, even for the tiny minority physically incapable of attending a polling station.

      Only exception would be armed forces serving abroad.

    • Thank you Twenty.

      Your assessment is correct. Some States like Florida have votes counted and election results in by the evening of the vote. Other States like California go on for weeks.

      One cunt, one vote…on Election Day…at the Polls…with a paper ballot and ID…counted and tallied same day.

      • I’ve recently been watching episodes of a show called Eureka (basically a small American town populated by genius scientists) and in one episode, there was a local mayoral election being held.

        The new-ish Sheriff asked why such a technologically-advanced town would use paper ballots…. at which point, the person answered words to the effect of “because electronic voting machines are not secure”. For some reason, a goofy sci-fi comedy show from the 2000’s knew this but some people in 2024 seem oblivious to it.

  3. No one cares what the Dems think.

    It was the Republicans turn to rig the ballot this time.

    End of.

  4. Didn’t the US tighten up on the ‘mail in’ voting, was it open to fraud – yes!

    Vote on the day at the polling station and prove you are who you say you are, that takes all the doubts out of the result.

    Trump won, it’s only 4 years, have a good long cry, we have fucking labour for 5 years ?

    Drill baby drill, we have blow baby blow ?

  5. Not sure what this is about,
    I nodded off.

    Yanks cheating and lying?

    Not surprised.
    Bleeding foreigners.

    • Evening MNC ?
      Remember that nomination MAGA Cult a couple of weeks ago?
      The nominator went by the name of Angry Cunt.
      But he was OC in disguise!
      How do I know?
      Because OC’s farewell post was posted under his Angry Cunt alias.
      Unfortunately it was deleted 10 minutes later.
      Anyway, just thought you’d be interested to know that.
      If you didn’t already.

      • Evening Minge?

        No I didn’t know it was Opey!!

        Shame he’s gone.
        I actually had some respect for him ,
        He didn’t try arselick and stuck by his opinion .

        I sadly missed his farewell post.
        I wish him all the best.

      • OP was a weirdo, a bit of guillotine knitter, liked getting people banned, when that Robin Bastard (think that was his name) was booted out he then tried to nominate him for a cunting ?

      • It was (at least) his second return to the site under an alias after being banned. I’ll put a fiver on it not being his last, farewell post or not …

        If any new cunter airs the notion that someone should cunt the Tesco Clubcard, .. that’ll be himself ?

  6. Why are the American Fascists called the “democratic party”?
    The thick cunts haven’t any concept of what democracy is.
    To them everyone one else is Hitler….

  7. Somewhere there’s a crappy, post-industrial failing state, colonised by the 3rd world, where the proles are fed a daily diet of propaganda and mindless ‘entertainment’ by the State broadcaster.
    It’s being destroyed from within by a Marxist cabal with a massive Parliamentary majority secured on 20% of the available votes.

    I just can’t remember where it is.

  8. Just wait till Labour in the UK get crucified at next years council elections – watch as old Kweer, Rachel From Accounts and Streetring start demanding recounts and having elections rerun till they get the result they want. They will be helped in this by Labour cocksuckers like Mandy and Tony Blair – and the BBC of course, who have still not broken the news to their listeners and viewers that Reeves is NOT an economist.

  9. Oh not to worry,Sleepy Uncle Joe is busy getting plenty of “get out of jail free” presidential pardons ready for Christmas.

    Hunter Biden never really needed one as he was framed by the,wait the CIA..err the the Far Right….some rotten cunt anyway.

    Make America Donald Again.

    Fuck Yeah!

    • Hey UT,

      Watch for the rest of the Biden Crime Family to get their pardons.

      Brother Jim and his wife Sara are next up.

      Trump / Vance
      Fight! Fight! Fight!

      • Good evening General,

        Watching the buggers squirm is probably the only enjoyment we peasants get out of “democracy” and our elected “representatives”.


    • What confuses me about Sleepy Joe’s pardon of Hunter is that it’s broad and unspecific – included any crimes committed since roughly 2014, currently known or not.

      I’m fairly certain a pardon can only be given once there has been an investigation, a trial and a conviction. It seems very dodgy to me and I can imagine it’s not very legally-sound.

    • An ‘administrative error’, apparently.
      Because many of us often forget we’ve earned 6 figure sums whilst moonlighting.
      I do hope he informed HMRC, or the bbc will end up paying for his legal fees.

  10. Follow up.

    NA is indeed correct. There was so much outrage and the optics were so bad that defeated Demonrat Bob Casey was forced to drop his recount demand and concede.

    Here’s a short clip of one of the good citizens of Bucks County calling out the Commissioners of Bucks County:–

    Trump / Vance
    Fight! Fight! Fight!

    • I love that you are in the spirit with Tannenbaum und Bier…

      Will you be roasting chestnuts over a burning Reichstag?

  11. And to you, mein fury.
    I think Eva`s just released a new fragrance for Xmas this year …

  12. Meanwhile, the filthy french are having political issues too.

    The rising cost of frogs , newts and pondlife that makes up the bulk of the french diet,
    A shortage of berets
    And a tax on being rude and greasy has pushed them over the line.

    The government is on the brink of collapse.

    That tomb raider Emmanuel is worried sick.

    Enter Marine LePen.
    A rare frogette.
    Rightwing,even shaves her armpits occasionally.

    Come on France, oust the EU loving Michelle Barnier and Microbe.

  13. The only way voting should be allowed, anywhere that an election is taking place, is to turn up in person, grasp the stubby wee pencil and put your cross on the paper. Every other scheme is open to fiddles at the best and intimidation at the worst.
    Proxy votes and postal ballots/ – If you can’t be arsed to get off the sofa you don’t get to have a say. Simples. and no ifs or buts.
    Oh and you had better bring some I/D. and show your gob. because the only letter boxes in here will be the ones you put your vote in.
    I know we go on about how folk died in the last war for our freedom but long before that women as well as men had a rare old struggle to get the “vote” for the common man, and woman., That struggle and right was not won so that a fat slob could cast his vote during the adverts.

  14. P.S. and who said the alphabetti spagetti crown could hijack the rainbow for their personal use only? It wasn’t theirs to take, and from being a world wide vision of natural wonder that was a thing of beauty it has become a thing of ulterior message. . .

  15. With this nomination we see our American friend’s latest desperate attempt to convince us Brits that it was never Donald Trump who was willing to lie and to violate the law to gain a political advantage. It was the Democrats all along! Well here’s an example which shows the difference between the two.

    In mid-November Joe Biden invited Trump to meet with him at the White House as part of a long-standing tradition signifying the transfer of power as the government changes hands. This tradition has taken place on a regular basis even though the two individuals concerned may be poles apart in ideological terms and may possibly even despise each other on a personal level. It is a demonstration of their intent to abide by the rules of law and democracy.

    Biden congratulated Trump on his victory and shook his hand. Which was in marked contrast to what happened four years ago when their situations were reversed. Trump was wailing like a baby saying he’d won and absolutely refused to do the honourable thing. In calling this meeting, Biden was in effect saying ‘I know you’re a cunt but I’m not going to sink to your level’. Realizing this, don’t you think Trump would feel embarrassed? I’m joking of course. He isn’t capable.

    There is a protocol, a civilized way of doing things that is recognized and observed by true statesmen. But I wouldn’t expect Donald Trump to know much about that.

  16. “But I wouldn’t expect Donald Trump to know much about that.”

    Or anything else not connected to the inflation of his own wealth and ego Allan.

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