Band Aid [2]

Band Aid…. What a load of cunt.

As the festive season looms on the horizon, this smug and self satisfied dig at the working class is going to rear its ugly head once again. The original 1984 version was bad enough. A terrible record, considering all the musicians that were involved. Like a bad version of the Z-Cars theme. And that’s just the musical side of it.

But, what really stinks about it is the finger wagging at us ‘ordinary’ riff-raff. According to that scruffy cunt Bob Geldaft and his cronies, it’s up to us to dig deep and buy this tripe. That horrendous line ‘And tonight thank God it’s them, instead of you’ delivered by – who else – Bonio sums the whole thing up. How dare you working class scum enjoy Christmas. How dare you and your family have your end of the year reward after 11 months of shit. Feel guilty as fuck when eating your turkey and Christmas pud. All those (cough) lovable Africans are in schtuck if you don’t buy this record, you horrible selfish oafs.

And now, this preachng dirge is back again. There is now going to be an ‘Ultimate’ version of ‘Do They Know Its Christmas’. Mixing the orignal with the several shitty arsed follow-up versions.

So, as well as Bob, Bonio, and the like, There will also be Sam Smith, Phaggy Styles, and that repulsive Ginger Quasi Ed Sheercunt. A collaboration that is well and truly from Satan’s bottom.

At least the orignal one had some talented people on it. But getting lectured by shite like Smith and Sheercunt is even more insulting. And although the 1984 version did have genuine pop/rock stars on it, the dregs and shoe scrapings that were on the other versions is laughable.

I mean, look at this array of shite…

From Band Aid = Marilyn
From Band Aid II = Big Fun / Deuce / Technotronic
From Band Aid 20 = Daniel Bedingfield / Cat Deeley
From Band Aid 30 = Joe Sugg (YouTube star/Strictly dancer)

Band Aid has been a dead and rotting horse well and truly flogged for some time now. But this latest shit is a piss take too far.

‘Don’t go to the pub t’noight! Just give us yer fockin monee!’

Get to fuck.

Official Charts.

Nominated by : Norman

86 thoughts on “Band Aid [2]

  1. Clearly Bonio`s bum-pal, `The Hedge` wasn`t invited to the first one as he probably can`t sing a note. Or indeed, play the guitar.

    • He was doing alright until he made the fatal mistake of apologising. Now he’s fecked.

      Still, he is a twat, an arrogant one at that.

      In what way is eating posh fish and then talking shite about it a fooking job?


      • Bobs Cash cow is coming off the rails.

        Cod eyed ginger crooner Ed smear test has said he wishes his vocals hadn’t been added to the current version of Feed the world.

        You see it’s now seen as patronising.
        White saviour posturing.

        The line ” do they know it’s Christmas time”…

        As apparently Ethiopia was a Christian country while the inhabitants of this country were still dancing around the wickerman.

        Perfect storm for me.
        Starvin Marvin’s
        Pop poseurs

        I’m on nobodys side.

        Fuck the world ?

      • Nothing wrong with dancing around the Wicker Man Mis.
        Regular occurance down my allotments, especially if we have caught a pïƙey or rat boy pilfering. ???

    • He’s have earned a shit-ton of respect if he’d put out a statement the likes of which are regularly posted on here.
      Stupid bastard, don’t people ever learn ? *

      *Rhetorical question.

  2. Those sponging africunts should be doing a fund raiser for us.. lazy pònces get your bongo drums out and write us a tune.

    Bankrupted ourselves stopping the slave trade, sent you billions in aid and we get lammy and butler in exchange.
    Hardly fair..

    • I’ve always wondered why poor little Mteke Mweke doesn’t move closer to the river instead of walking 9 miles a day.

      Also, I would have thought that some fellow over there might have worked out by now that pissing, shitting and throwing dead animals in your own water supply is a questionable strategy.

      And stop making houses out of cow shit, backward savages.

      I saw a documentary, years ago, prolly banned now, where the solution to persons having tetanus, and therefore lock jaw, was not antibiotics, not clean water or sanitary practices, no, it was to smash the front teeth of the afflicted out with a chisel, to enable them to eat.

      • Well, if it works, it’s a solution. It’s also cheap and requires no learning and little in the way of equipment. No need for MSF either.

    • He just realised he gets no royalties (unlike St Bob of Geldof), which made him spit his dummy out.

      • Somewhat ironic considering it was Midge Ure who did all the donkey work and that gobshite Geldof swooped in and took all the credit.

  3. Band aid, yank term for a plaster.
    Put one over this festering boil for good.
    Didn’t do Phil Collins much good flying concorde to play in both did it.
    The cunts.

    Anyway happy fucking Christmas.

  4. Naturally, there is a major woke driven spaz-out about Band Aid creating ‘damaging stereotypes’ of Africans.

    The Carrot Quasimodo doing some vomit inducing virtue signaling where that’s concerned. Fucking ping pong ball eyed ginger mong.

    The usual ‘white saviour’ dog shit. But it’s beyond dispute to any sane person, that most of Africa is as much of a flyblown shithole run by barbarians as it was forty years ago. They don’t want white help? Fuck ’em then. They should get piss all.

    Then there’s the dirge of a record itself. Some of the stupidest lyrics committed to vinyl. ‘It’s Christmas time. There’s no need to be afraid’. Afraid of what? Nonsensical shite. ‘At Christmas time, we let in light and we banish shade’. Pure ‘the cat in the hat was a twat who shat on the mat’ crap.

    ‘And there won’t be snow in Africa the Christmas time’ Well, for a start, the majority of Africa doesn’t even celebrate Christmas. And there won’t be snow in Africa? No fucking shit, Sherlock.

    And the notrious coda? ‘Feed The World’?. They didn’t/don’t give a shit about the rest of the world. As far as this goon show is concerned, Africans are the only people who ever suffer or starve. And, we all know who the record was/is aimed at. Us working class riff-raff. Morrissey had it bang on 40 years ago,

    “I’m not afraid to say that I think Band Aid was diabolical. Or to say that I think Bob Geldof is a nauseating character. Many people find that very unsettling, but I’ll say it as loud as anyone wants me to. In the first instance the record itself was absolutely tuneless. One can have great concern for the people of Ethiopia, but it’s another thing to inflict daily torture on the people of England. It was an awful record considering the mass of talent involved. And it wasn’t done shyly it was the most self-righteous platform ever in the history of popular music.”

    “The whole implication was to save these people in Ethiopia, but who were they asking to save them? Some 13-year-old girl in Wigan! People like Thatcher and the royals could solve the Ethiopian problem within ten seconds. But Band Aid shied away from saying that — for heaven’s sake, it was almost directly aimed at unemployed people.”

    • Jus’ give us yer fuckin’ money!

      Stupid pie key cunt.

      we’re giving them ‘all our fuckin’ money’ by putting them up in 4* hotels so they can rinse our welfare system.

      Geldof should be hanged.

  5. The comedy value of those Ethiopians in 1984 was comedy gold!

    Wed all roar with laughter at my dad’s wit as they came on the 6 oclock news and we tucked into our Birdseye beefburgers and chips for tea

    ” Look at the Potbelly on that one!
    Hehehe, lay off the ale cocker!”

    Us kids an my mum would laugh like he was on the London palladium.

    ” Look at that little un!
    Thought it was a stick of liquorice till it blinked!”

    * We didn’t donate to Sir Bobs campaign in our house

    • I recall the day of Live Aid.

      My dad had just done a 12 hour shift fixing lorries the day before, and he was all suited up to take my mum out on Saturday night.

      That scruffy tramp, Bob Geldaft ‘Don’t go to the pub tonoight. Give us yer monee.’

      I can still see my old man’s look of contempt and his two fingers to the TV screen.

  6. They need to change the record.

    Apparently Geldof’s not worth is $150 m. Well he could could give say $125 m. of that to Africa and still live in luxury…

    Afternoon all.

    • How did he get all that wedge from I Don’t Like Mondays? I think there was other song that made it big-ish, maybe. Now I see what Paula Yates saw in the multi-millionaire Bob.

      I need to buy a keyboard and software and flog my jingle jangles as Healing Music on YouTube. This time next year Rodney…

  7. As Jon Snow might have commented of the original 1984 Band Aid lineup,

    “I have never seen so many white saviours in one place.” ?

    Apparently the abomination sold over 3 million copies. I don’t know even one person who actually bought it.

    Meanwhile, fast forward to 2024 and Lammy must be beside himself!

  8. What must the locals have thought when that ginger gremlin Ed Sheeran visited?

    Like an evil spirit summoned up by the village witch doctor. All pale and sweaty with gingery bumfluff. They probably wouldn’t have even eaten him.

    “Back down the copper mine M’tembe, I think he is about to start singing”.

    • Afternoon LL/all.
      I trust you’ve managed to avoid accusations of being a white saviour by giving the sum total of fuck all to benefit Africa?

    • Ed the Sheree should be bloody careful in parts of Africa if the local witch doctors think he’s an albino he might end up in various potions to cure impotence or boost fertility, his scotum would be worth a king’s ransom, 10kg of bush meat and four child brides at least ( that was the going rate in Kinshasa) in 1992 anyway.

  9. The soap-dodging, bog-trotting cunt got fuck all out of me 40 years ago and he’s getting fuck all this time too.

    My Christmas donation is going to Ed ‘Fuck the Postmasters’ Davey for surely the most sickly, mawkish dross ever recorded, even by his cringeworthy standards:

    • Afternoon GT…by giving money to nıg-nọgs, a do-gooder is, in fact, prolonging their distress.
      It’s because of bastard do-gooders saving those black cunts in the 80’s that their grandchildren are cluttering up English 4-star hotel rooms whilst ex-servicemen live and die on the streets, betrayed by cunty politicians of every stripe.

    • Indeed, Geordie. Is there nothing these narcissistic, self-serving cunts will not do to justify their existence. You can see the shallowness in his eyes.

  10. The last time I donated to Africa I was of primary school age. Since then I have donated fuck all to the third world cunts.
    Mr Lammy and Lenny Henry reminded me not to donate due to there white saviours pissboiler.
    Never mind though the wife and I will be indulging well this Christmas as always.

    • Good on you CM. Fuck all seems to have changed since I was at primary school 50+ years ago. Same old bollocks shitty water no food. Surely the mega fortune that’s been poured into Africa has improved a few lives sadly the answer appears as a great big no.

      • Indeed BB. Geldof was probably raising money forty years ago for the grandparents of the ones he says need help today. The only thing that has changed is one corrupt government for another.

      • Nail on the head LL. Corrupt government is the story of Africa and any aid sent is used to keep war lords in the style to which they are accustomed. Africa was a shit hole until colonised by Europeans in the 19th century. When the colonial powers left it went straight back down the shitter at astonishing speed. We shall be sending them nothing.

      • @ BB, indeed BB when i was in primary 60+ years ago it was run by penguins (nuns) and you’d always get a ‘don’t forget to ask yer mammy for a shilling for the blek babies of africa know will yea, fucking will I.

  11. Ethiopia seems o be the same now as it was then. African progress.
    However some warlords got a shitload of armaments and Geldof somehow became a millionaire.
    And that other gobshite, Bonio prospered from it.

  12. Bet Paula Yates was sick of fuckin hearing about Band Aid.

    Imagine she hated Bob like most people do.

    His unwashed body snoring away in bed,
    The temptation to suffocate him must of been overwhelming?

    No wonder she was such a druggie.

    Bet she couldn’t get him to visit the starving of Africa fast enough??

    “Take your time, make sure they’re getting the rice Krispies or whatever shite the little mekon looking fuckers eat.
    I’ll stay home.
    Tidy up.
    Get some smack in .”

  13. Bono went to Africa too.
    In leather pants a cowboy hat and sunglasses.

    Wonder what they thought?

    A Irish cowboy.

    Der man wid no name.
    A fist full of tarmac

  14. When I was an apprentice I worked with blokes who’d been in north Africa during the war, I remember them saying.

    The CUNTS were starving in 1941, there still starving in 1973 and they’ll be starving in fifty years time…..!

    He was right, I’ll add.

    The CUNTS will still be starving in another fifty years time.

    That is unless they’ve all crossed the channel and it’ll be us that’s fucking cold and starving…

    What a crock of ????

  15. Do good celebs hungry for some good PR want to take money from the average Joe and keep their own cash in the bank to boost their woke ratings.

    Fuck em.

    Feed the fuckers up till they are fit for a channel crossing?

  16. The selfish blek cunts wouldn’t need white saviours and drugged up pop singers if they simply had the common decency to die.

    No fucker likes them and they always act like total cunts,as do the descendants of the feral tripe we’ve apparently got to suffer.

    Anyway I hope that sheeran twat goes to Sudan and steps on a landmine,hopefully taking a troupe of those “children in need” cunts from BBCistan with him.

    What a stinking heap of bison shite.

    With AIDS in it.

  17. I know it’s been mentioned above, but the rags to riches (or rags to rags by the looks of the scruffy cunt) financial transformation of saint Bob should come under scrutiny.
    It would appear he makes captain Toms daughter look like a fucking amateur, allegedly.
    In 1984, he claims he was sponging money to pay his phone bill.
    Look at him now.
    Not bad for someone whose last hit was in 1979.
    As for that song. I was 14 when it came out. It was quite an event to be fair, but trying to reinvent it every ten years doesn’t work.
    Having said that, it clearly works for saint Bob.

    • In Normans nom he mentions ” feeling guilty eating your turkey and Christmas pud..”

      Far from it.
      If anything it seasons the food with some Christmas magic dust knowing those Ethiopians would love it and their little brown tummies are rumbling!

      After eight luv?

      The dog bloated on turkey farting and snoring at my feet,

      And despite being on the verge of vomiting I’ll have another bowl of the mother in-laws trifle.

      Although one year I did donate some slimfast crackers.

      • Evening MNC…remember that 80’s joke?
        How’d you save an Ethiopian from drowning?
        Throw him a Polo mint!
        And a similar one:
        How’d you save a påki from drowning?
        Take your foot off his head!

      • Evening Thomas ?

        How’d you kill 50 flies?
        …hit a Ethiopian in the face with a shovel.

        They cheered everyone up in the bleak 80s didn’t they?

      • Why don’t africans learn to eat yummy flies?
        Turning their wide noses up at a source of protein, the fussy sọotıes.

  18. Band Aid could be worse,
    It could have that awful cunt Bruce Springsteen on it.

    More saxophone!
    Needs more saxophone Bob!

    God, Id feed all those Marvin’s in exchange for being able to starve Springsteen to death.

    Anyway Norman,
    Dunno why Feed the world is your favourite single?
    I think it’s wank?

    • Band Aid could have been worse (not much worse) if that howling diva bint Mariah Carey was on it. Good nom.

    • The USA for Africa single is even worse.. Springsteen straining like he’s having a very difficult shit. Then there’s Creepo Jacko squeaking, Tina Turner’s gob quivering, Cyndi Lauper screeching, Bob Dylan grunting, and even the great Willie Nelson was roped into it.. And the words? A bunch of walking egos yelling ‘We are the world, We are the children. There’s a choice we’re making. We’re saving our own lives.’ Absolute shite of the very highest order.

      • MNC, if you wanna read paywalled articles, just copy the link and paste it into the box on this site:
        I do it all the time; bollocks to the Daily Mail.

      • Apologies this is the gist of it..

        But back in 1984, at the time of the recording, the Grinch was undoubtedly the Paul Weller of the jam. Everyone involved (including Weller) attests to his bitter presence.

        He recently said: ‘Everyone was going into the bathroom to smoke (cocaine). It probably would have been fine for me in the 1990s, but I didn’t like that back then. It was out of my comfort zone.’

        The late George Michael recalled: ‘Paul Weller decided to visit me in front of everyone. I said to him: “Don’t be restless all your life; take a day off.”’

        It turned out that Weller hated all the “new” jobs like Spandau Ballet and Duran Duran, and had even less time for the serious Sting and Bono.

        More than 20 years later, Weller spat at a photo of Sting at a Teenage Cancer Trust concert and later said of him: “Horrific bloody man.” Not my cup of tea at all. Bloody rubbish. No edge, no attitude, no nothing.

        Weller was equally scathing about Geldof’s lifetime achievement award in Britain in 2017, criticising: “Why did he win it? ‘It couldn’t be for his music, man. I mean, if it’s for his charity work in Africa, you can’t rule it out, but Boomtown Rats, fuck off.’

      • Weller destroyed the Jam lomg before his Band Aid appearance. By 1984, he was leader of the staggeringly pretentious Style Council. A bit rich, Weller hating Sting, Spandai and Duran. When the Style Council did albums called ‘Cafe Bleu’ and singles like the’ À Paris EP’. The Jam were great, but the Style Council was yuppie twat music.

      • Agree Norman , that Weller was and probably still
        Is a Cunt
        I did like em though, the Jam that is, especially for

        “Thats Entertainment” Its a classic listened to on a half decent sound system.

  19. Do They Know It’s Christmas?
    Well for some, tucked up in luxury 4* hotels with all (tax payer funded) mod. cons, and grub it’s fookin’ Christmas every fookin’ day.
    “I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day”
    Well for you pal, now your in Blighty, it bleedin’ well is.
    Signed a Rate and Tax payer.
    Evenin’ all..

  20. Massive lies in that snow .

    “Won’t be snow in Africa this Xmas time”

    Top of Kilimanjaro, there will be.

    “Where nothing ever grows , no rain or rivers flow”

    Sorry and there was me thinking that rhe Nile was the world’s longest river ,

    No African will ever get a penny from me willingly

  21. Amazing, when the go on about ‘them’ not knowing about Christmas.

    When every cunt on every Christmas advert is a black personage.

  22. ‘Tell me why I don’t like band aid,tell me why I don’t like band aid I wanna shoot ooooh the whole thing down,down, down shoot it on down ooooh,ooooh, ooooh ? …#getfkdgeldof

  23. I still remember being in a drawing office when the original band aid was everywhere. Some tart of a secretary came collecting. One of the draftys said “sorry love, I wouldn’t even give them the cheese off my cock”.

  24. Shite song, shite tune and a pathetic grasp of geography. In the 80’s there was lots of snow on Kilimanjaro thus making the line “there won’t be snow in Africa this Christmas” a bigger lie than a political manifesto. How much longer can this awful bollocks go on for. It’s bloody embarrassing bunch of utter bellends. Marilyn for Gods sake a fucking nightmare. Pikey Bob and Bonio should do the decent thing and feed themselves to a mass of wild boars.

  25. If Geldcunt cares so much about those Africunts he can feck off to Africa stay there and spend his vast millions caring for them. He can take that carrot topped cunt along with him too. I’m all for a silent night this Christmas. I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.

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