The Samaritans and ‘Gendered Intelligence


A cunting please for the Samaritans who have suspended one of their volunteers, Robert Laverick, for having the temerity to speak out about the harm done by a degenerate bunch of trans activists called ‘Gendered Intelligence’, a group who the Samaritans endorse and recommend on their fucking website.

Gendered Intelligence have been going into schools and indoctrinating kids as young as four on the subject of changing gender, i.e that they may have been born in a body of the wrong sex.


In July Mr Laverick, posting on X, debunked claims by the group that the current ban on puberty blockers will increase child suicides, among other lies.

If anything will increase child suicides it’s these cunts infiltrating schools and fucking up the minds of innocent, impressionable young children.

This is blatant child abuse and the Samaritans are accessories to the fact.

Nominated by Shit-cake Baker.

28 thoughts on “The Samaritans and ‘Gendered Intelligence

  1. Most charities and pretty well all of the big well known ones are scam vehicles. A good many are positively harmful.

    Anyone here donating to “Children in Need”. Come on, it costs money to train terrorists you know.

  2. I think that Gendered Intelligence should be encouraged………

    To go and talk to children in majority Muslim, inner city schools.

    They will be hacked to pieces by the parents before they can get out of the playground.

    No more Gendered Intelligence.

    • I agree by not catering to ethnic minority children they are guilty of a terrible prejudice which surely goes against all they stand for re how we are expected to accommodate their perversions with nary a whimper. Get your travelling show of bummers to Bradford before you are labelled as hypocrites. I could.arrange a meeting with a very good insurance broker

  3. Anyone who believes they are a tran§bumder should be encouraged to commit suicide, quietly and without any fuss.
    They will not be missed.
    Tran§ freaks are despicable mentally ill degenerates and pædophiles and the cunts who pave the way for their acceptance into society are even worse.
    They all deserve to die from ebola.

  4. The intelligence bit should be dropped from their motif ?….’good morning, Samaritans how can I help ‘
    ‘just calling to say it’s you lot that need help, happy to advise’ ?

  5. Arse raypisseds masquerading as charidee workers? Shirley Knot?

    Teacher says ‘Cum on kids, let’s all play a game of doctors and nurses Then, when it is over, you can contact our partner charidee who help with advice on euthanasia. No need to ask Mummy and Daddy.’

    Supply and demand, innit.

    Good morning, everyone.

  6. Great shout Shit-cake.

    Trans activist groups pushing their agenda in schools are a positive menace.

    Why they’re allowed to do so is a complete mystery to me.

    Morning all.

  7. The only converting these cunts need, is a size 13 right up their jacksie between the rugby posts.

  8. I had to leave the Samaritans.


    I don’t believe in talking people down from bridges when it’s faster to jump

    As for tranny’s in schools?

    • Glad I was in an all white school of normal boys & girls, Mis. Being ridiculed by the teachers.

      • Me too Sammy.

        No one was confused whether they were a boy or girl,
        No one was prone to shouting Allan snackbar and exploding,
        No one had anxiety or ADHD.

        They were just kids.
        And happier for it.

  9. Dear me,as ever it’s the piss weak middle class white schools where these deviants are allowed to poison young minds..

    As Artful points out above,try this in a “diverse” school and the results would be immediate termination of this foul set of cunts,and for once Id agree “multiculturalism is our strength”..

    Let our Education system get back to basics,by never allowing pervérts into schools.

    Anyone involved at any level in this filth should hang.

    Good morning.

  10. Harming children is all the rage on the left, drugging and mutilating is caring, preferably though murdering them in the womb is the ultimate in loving care for a child.

    Fuck the progressive left, they bring Satan to life.

  11. I’m sick to fucking death of these big, established charities.
    All unregulated money spinners who’ve forgotten their original remits, resplendent with six figure salary execs with company teslas.
    And, as seen with the Royal British Legion, they feel empowered to bite the hand that feeds them.
    Don’t donate, it only encourages them.

  12. Currently donating all my available funds to the Gloria Snockers Cider, Pasty and Cream Tea Fund.

    A small charity, it does exactly as its name suggests, supplying Cornish luxury goods to any Gloria Snockers in distress. It doesn’t waste money on expensive administrators and you can see the results in the expanding waistlines of Gloria Snockerses worldwide (but mostly in Cornwall.)

  13. Trans drags and all this twisted filth , will ruin children’s minds at there most impressionable young age,
    They will end up despising they’re parents, who try to correct them on what a load of shite brainwashing they have being subjected too.
    You don’t need to be a psychologist to know the outcome for the weak and literal mindsets.
    How this shit gets permission is beyond me but every party politician is afraid to tell em fk off. as they will suffer.

    • I think they do it by being well organised, noisy, persistent and aggressive.

      Shout down any opposition as ‘phobic’ or ‘bigoted’ and you’re on your way.

    • The parents allow this shit to happen Mecunty.
      For many parents having a child that is transitioning is a step up the social ladder.

      That’s the real problem.

    • I think both you , Ron knee and Artful are right.
      Now we cant have two rights , think thats banned by the latest waves of legislation changes.
      What the fk will it be like in twenty years time.

  14. The Samaritans are now like Citizens Advice. Totally useless to the real British public.

    All either care about or cater for now are our African and Paki friends.
    Go to any Citiizens Advice building now, and it’s like the set of Zulu meets Carry On Up The Khyber. Any white person – young or old – doesn’t have a hope in Hell.

  15. I’m so glad that both my Girls are in their 40’s and the Lass, at 15, is totally unconfused about what gender she is.

    If I had little in a school that allowed this shite, I’d withdraw them in favour of homeschooling.

    Anyone want to ask a 4/5 year old what suicide is? They don’t ( or shouldn’t) have a clue, unless some person with a hidden agenda puts the notion into their minds.

  16. Even the Samaritans have fallen to the woke, and not any old woke but transbenderism for fuck sake. How things change rarely for the better.

  17. These bottom-of-the-barrel useless cunts’s online presence has a big banner plastered on it … telling cunts not to forget that Nov 13-19 is …. (get this, cunters) …. ‘trans awareness week’.

    A week OFF from being (forced to be) aware of the needy brain-damaged pointless cunts would be more of a novelty, methinks.

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