The fucking BBC yet again (135)


Sorry Admin if my nomination tends to confirm the view of some on this site that IaAC is becoming too narrow and dismal in its outlook but I suspect that this pile o’ shite will boil the piss of many of us.
Entitled ‘ Kaba verdict leaves black community traumatised’ it is the worst piece of propaganda that I have encountered in years.

Firstly it implies that there is a coherent black community in London. Whilst there are many black people in London I doubt if the majority feel that Kaba did not get what was coming to him.
Much is made of him being someone’s son whilst neglecting to mention that just days before he tried to deprive someone else of their son. Additionally, Kaba’s activities as a drug dealer no doubt deprived other parents of their children.

The BBC is building the barriers between the racial groups within this country for reasons I know not.
What l do know is that it is not going to end well.
As ever, l look to another counter to proved the link.


Nominated by Guzziguy, link by CuntemAll. Further on this cunting by Tricky Dicky below.

The BBC are cunts
Last financial year the BBC got this amount from the licence payers… £5,390,000,000
That’s £14,767,123 per fucking day
And they churn out complete shit programs, repeats, and biased reporting not to mention paying, among others, that cunt Amol Rajan, that cunt Nick Robinson and that utter cunt Lineker huge undeserved amounts of money.
While I’m on what’s this BBC Verify” all about then? Why do the fucking BBC take it upon themselves that they get to be the ones who get to decide what’s “real” or “not real”. It also implies that anything on the BBC News webshite that doesn’t carry the stupid “BBC Verify” marker is not to be trusted, which is probably about right to be honest.
I want to know what they fuck they are spunking all the money on cos almost 5.4 billion per year is a mind boggling amount for what they actually do. The cunts.

98 thoughts on “The fucking BBC yet again (135)

  1. The good thing that will come of it, will be a new dance craze “Two Steps Forward and One Step Back”.

  2. The rival gang aren’t traumatised.

    Usual bullshit that the BBC like to rollout, the only people who are traumatised are the family of the officer who did the country a favour by removing Kaba from the streets of London.

    • Indeed sir.

      Every “news outlet” only ever showed the photo of the “smiling prospective architect”..

      A laughable cliché if ever there was one.

      But they know what’s best for us.

    • How the officer involved was thrown to the wolves by senior Metropolitan Police officers is also a national disgrace. There’s now a shortage of qualified armed police officers.
      Sir Mark Rowley worked for 30 years and was obviously on a fast track promotion scheme. He retired in 2018 (on a pension of 2/3rds of a bloody good salary) and came out of retirement to become Metropolitan Police Commissioner. His political affiliations are fairly obvious having grabbed a microphone from a reporter who dared ask about two tier policing and allowed Pro-Palestinian marches on Remembrance Sunday.
      Sorry to go a bit of topic but it has made me feel bloody cross.

    • If by community they mean gangs of ethnicities arming themselves with machetes and kitchen knives then they have community covered.

      But otherwise, they don’t know the meaning of community, Descendents of tribes who would be too busy fighting amongst themselves preoccupied by intolerable music and stabbing each other based on “beef” and things as simple as living in a flat slightly too far for the liking of the face covered waste of oxygen asking “wat ends u from my G”

      An airburst oven would not go amiss above most of London, some much needed population control and would soon sort out immigration too, As for BBC HQ, nothing short of a ground burst oven would suffice.

  3. Community leaders?
    Fuck your backward Community, and you couldn’t lead a horse to water.

    The BBC are still weeping and pity wanking theirselves over trumps win..à

    • Not been a bad week then? I would have voted for Trump just to enjoy the spectacle of the BBCunts going into meltdown, always good for a laugh.

      • You should see the spiteful childish and ungenerous letters in today’s free newspaper Metro (so bad they can’t even give it away)

        I only pick it up because it is free. Yet not a word about that lying fucker Lammy or his boss Kweer – Pissball & Fartarse

      • As a former bus driver on collecting a bus in the morning I would check to see if metros had been filled. If they had, they would promptly be unloaded into the nearest bus that was’nt mine.

        If the holder was empty it would stay empty.

        Same thing when taking over a bus, straight to the bin.

        But always keep a few in the cab as a barrier to sit on between me and seat which had been soaking up xxxl or size 36 sweaty ass juices for years.

    • Well you get my life. Metro used to have some half way decent crosswords etc. now it is restricted to the “headlines” and stories that more to the likes of Dickens and Milne.

  4. In the good old days the news media was a channel for state propaganda,some more than others eh Dr Goebbels?..

    In Britain its much worse than that,the national broadcaster,funded by tax and backed by the threat of fines and imprisonment,is allowed to be a law unto itself and has become the voice of the extreme left,all other opinion is either misrepresented,mocked or ignored.

    A vile Fifth Column,a monumental national disgrace it’s allowed to stand.

    Comrade Beria would be proud.

    Good morning.

    • Quite right, Onkel.
      Great days.
      Have yourself a nice thick slice of Pumpernickel with a boiled egg and some soldiers.

  5. The only time the BBC Jonty’s and Olympia’s of this world interact with the ‘community’ is when they are being relieved of their smartphone by a cunt on a moped.

  6. I saw an article on the fucking BBC’s website yesterday that said Lammy has been critical of Trump in the past!!! Fucking insulting more like. The whole shit show needs levelling. I see Turkey has already invited Trump for a state visit while the communist fuckers in the UK are saying it is unlikely that he will get a state visit to the UK anytime soon. Childish wankers. I hope Trump tells us to fuck off when it comes to a trade deal.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Lammy said it was ‘old news’ so that’s ok then.

      Unintentionally hilariously he also said Trump “was a very gracious host” who offered him “a second portion of chicken” during a recent dinner.

      • Was Lammy lying then, is he lying now, or is he just an habitual liar?. I think his days are numbered as Foreign Secretary if Trump says he can’t work with him. But who could? scratching his armpits and unable to resist the temptation to climb up every tree he sees.

      • Leave Lammy alone his entire tribe died at Grenfell ?

        He says that imposing tariffs is not in the US interests, well keep talking and see the price of LNG go up.

    • Talking of Trump, he has named his campaign aide Susie Wiles as his White House Chief of Staff. I don`t think he`ll be grabbing her by the pussy somehow.

      • Also goes by the names ‘Ice Maiden’ and ‘Ice Baby’. Rumour has it her earrings are a CNN journalists balls.

      • By all accounts she’s a solid choice.

        Get used to it boys and girls. We’re back!


      • Hello Mme Beau,

        Go ahead and make fun of us.

        But that may indeed be fitting as the Old Flatback and her commie cohorts in the Demonrat Party have met their Waterloo.

        Pardon me if I gloat.

      • LL,

        Sorry to dispel yet another fallacious rumor but CNN “journalists” don’t have any balls.

      • Quite so General, the gloating of these pricks from 2020 seems a long time ago now. Is Don Lemon still knocking around unless he got an evacuation flight to Haiti or Cuba?

    • Lammy is one of the most wankish humans in the fucking universe. If and when big Don meets the labour twats as president most likely someone will be holding a crowbar so Lammy’s head can be levered out of Don’s arse as Lammy will do anything to get an advantage for himself a la most of our political class. Don’t you just want to hunt the cunt.

  7. Firstly let me say that imo this site certainly is NOT ‘becoming too narrow and dismal’. There’s a load of variety on here, and a load of humour. Some may disagree with that, but that’s the nature of things.

    Secondly, there’s a reason why the Beeb keeps getting cunted. It’s because it keeps acting the cunt. Guzzi’s just pointing out the latest example in a long line. It seems to have lost its ability to offer impartial and balanced reporting. Its comedy and entertainment output makes you long for the days of ‘Round the Horne’, ‘Only Fools’, ‘Porridge’, ‘Til Death’, ‘Fawlty Towers’ and others, much of which, given the Beeb’s woke obsession, couldn’t or wouldn’t be made as they were today.

    Yet this bloated, scandal-ridden organisation seems to be accountable to nobody, least of all to the licence fee payer. I hope I live long enough to see it defunded and broken up, but it’ll never happen I fear. The Tories promised to get to grips with it, but then they promised to do a lot of things. Liebour probably sees the Beeb as ‘one of us’.

    The only way to break it is to stop paying the licence fee, but it seems that too many love their ‘Strictly’ to make that happen.

    Great cunting. Morning all.

    • Sad as it may be, I look forward to Masterchef-The Professonals, because I enjoy the ‘skills’ section at the beginning of every episode, whereby one of the professional chef judges makes a dish with technical elements and then they get the candidates in one by one to make the same dish (without having seen the judge make it first) Some of the complete cockups on there are brilliant to watch IMO.

      However, noticed in the new series (only on episode 4) we already have had two ‘plant based’ vegan chefs on, and two or three of the dishes they have to prepare by the judges are also vegan shite.

      Wokeism/keep the minority who shout loudest happy- now making it’s way into this programme.

      • Like the pakis in the amateur version are allowed to cook curry 20 times and the bleks rice and pea jerk chigun every challenge.

    • They still repeat Round The Horne, Ron, from time to time on R4Extra – albeit with a very strong warning that this programme “reflects the language and attitudes of it’s times”, so we can enjoy again Dame Celia Molestrangler and ageing juvenille Binkie Huckerback, not to mention the Reverend Ebenezer Cuckpowder, Dr Choo In Ginsberg, but perhaps one slight change?

      “The sign on the door said Bona Health – knock and enter, so I knocked and entered…..

      Hello, anybody there?

      Oooh, hello, I’m Wes and this is my friend Rodney – what brings you trolling in here?”

      • I used to love Lady Counterblast (nee Bea Clissold). the pure brass of the music hall – Many times. Many, many times, many,many, many times.

    • My wife watches stuff on the been as do I, although not as much. We get a free licence although I suspect my wife would pay. Me? No fucking chance.

  8. The worst thing the beeb could do, is put adverts in between their racist archive material, I’ve been watching free for years.

  9. I’ve got a cure for the black coom-oon-it-teee if they really do feel traumatised. Get yourselves jobs (other than drill rap or drug couriering), then you won’t have so much time on your hands to watch the BBC or Thames News (even worse, can you believe – instant injustices while you wait) and put me in charge of race relations, then when n*gger-naggers like Lammy & Butler start getting stroppy they will be offered two choices, shut yo’ mouth or six strokes of the whip. I know which they’ll chose (please don’t whip my ass, boss).

  10. Will the last middle aged, white male BBC newsreader and either foreign or UK correspondent please turn the lights out? At the BBC, the lights of free speech and fair play to all were extinguished years ago.

  11. Damn… trigger happy copper spoilt my plans to hire an up and coming young underprivileged comm-una-dee architect…and young kab was about to be hired when his ? went straight to voicemail….then ?

  12. I note that (Sidney Poitier wannabee) Clive Myrie has been flown all over the USA recently – no doubt in First Class + best hotels – all at our expense `to cover the election.` Not bad for an autocue reader. Great carbon footprint too. Thank you, BBC.

  13. I knew that Labours victory would embolden the BBC. There’s no stopping them for the time being.
    Why would a leftist Stasi state hold a leftist Stasi broadcaster to account?
    They follow the establishment line to the letter.
    Chis Kaba was a good boy really.
    The Welshman who killed three children was definitely not a terrorist.
    Hamas are freedom fighters.
    All white working class British are racist.
    The world will boil unless working class people revert to living a Bronze Age lifestyle and pay more taxes.
    Rachel Thieves budget was totally harmless.
    Lammy’s comments about Trump are yesterday’s news, so let’s draw a line under it.
    Donald Trump is a Nazi and so are the majority of US voters.
    All of the above fall in line with government thinking. Nothing is ever challenged.
    Our only hope is that this country follows what a lot of countries are doing and moves to the right politically.
    Let’s hope so. The BBC will be fucked then,

    • The BBC are currently (World At One) gushing over Jonathan Powell’s appointment to the role of Leader of Home Security – yet another of Blair’s sloppy seconds is good enough for Kweer. Powell has little to offer except grovelling and arselicking to the Blairite rectum. With his artistic curly hair he looks a bit of a quare – like a poofy Victorian poet as well. – looks like a quare, sounds like a quare – he’s probably is a quare.

      • Leader of home security… how many male fighting age vermin have turned up this week?

        I could ask Angela, she has probably noshed them all off by now.

  14. 135!

    Ladies and gentlemen we have 135 for the loathsome Auntie Beeb.

    Can I get 136?

    136 anyone?

    136 for the traitorous old whore who undermines traditional British values isn’t too much to ask.

    Surely, we’re not all in!

    Who’ll make it 136?

    • Poor old Admin is having to double up the BBC nominations, soon it will three noms per entry.

  15. Hang in there. I’ll be on topic with this one.

    London Breed has been defeated!

    No London Breed is not the name of your Capital City’s African Criminal gang. She was the Mayor of Sad Fagcisco, Commiefornia.

    Lauded as the first female Groid to be Mayor of that once great city, she looked more Markle to me. But no matter. Crime there was so bad that the libtards who still live there threw her out on her black ass.

    To bring this back around to the topic here’s a clip from the Beeb describing her as a “…rising star of the Democratic Party…”

    Dear sweet Auntie Beeb. She may have tried to portray Ms Breed as a rising star but the truth is she was always a sinking turd.

  16. I’ve cancelled my licence (I know, I’m a cunt for not doing it sooner). However, anyone know how I can watch Six Nations? Other than the pub. Cheers!

  17. On the BBC at the moment their nut zero propagandist Roland Rat, moving more into character every time he is on. No tie, three day stubble, tousled hair. Fuck knows what he’s saying, I dive for the mute button when he appears.

  18. Did anyone have June Spencer on their deadpool list?

    She died this morning at 105. She played somebody in the Archers.

    • Ah, The Archers…

      Now crammed with dark personages, peaceful types and sausgae bandits.

      Not unlike other soaps, like RearEnders and Currynation Street.

  19. Last thing I ever watched properly on the BBC was the 2018 World Cup in Russia/Ukraine.

    I didn’t even watch the last World Cup in Qatar on the BBC. That fuck Lineker ruining the opening ceremony with his ‘bummers are great’ lecture made me boycott the entire thing.

    The Norman household axed the license for good in January 2019. As I don’t watch anything ‘live’ on Youtube, BBC or anywhere else, they can stick it up their arse. We have a vast DVD/BR collection of TV classics and films. I also have scores of Manchester United games, from the 60s to the 2000s. Recently we have watched The Prisoner, Arthur of the Britons, The X Files, Budgie, Faces live in 1971 and Till Death Us Do Part. I have no interest in anything that is shown on any British terrestrial channel any more. Last thing worth watching was ITV’s Endeavour. But, eventually, even that was turned into lame woke bollocks.

    The Beeb is – as the Hollies once sang – King Midas in reverse. Everything they touch turns to liquid shit. They destroy old classics (Famous Five, Sherlock Holmes, Worzel Gummidge), they also piss on their own legacy. Doctor Who(ke) with Trans Tennant and Ncunti Gayblack, being the obvious one. But there are others. Ony Fools and Horses has now been all but discarded , as it it is too ‘racist’ and ‘sexist’ for modern BBC. OFAH is also quiite simply ‘too British’. And we can’t have that, can we? The 40th anniversary of Only Fools was totally ignored by the channel it was on. Millions tuned in every year to watch the Trotter Brothers at Christmas. But, the BBC now make out that it never even existed.

    Everything has to be a politically correct lecture. From Countryfile to Football Focus. Right through to NeverEnders and Doctor Whoke. And blacks have to be shoehorned into everything. My recent cunting about BBC News and their ‘you need to know this’ coverage about ancient African queens is but one instance. Pointless, meaningless, useless. Neither use nor ornament to anyone. Yet the ‘Beeb’ sees the treeswinger as a god.

    BBC4 did a doc called ‘Top of the Pops – The Story of 1985’. The big hitters of that year (Paul Hardcastle, A-ha, Jennifer Rush) were there. But the main focus of the programme was a group called Loose Ends. A mediocre mundane R&B act at best, who had a couple of lower Top 20 hits and nothng more. Yet the BBC were going on like this lot were the Beatles meets Joy Division crossed with Otis Redding. Like they were the first and only black act to ever appear on TOTP. It was ridiculous. But everything they do is like that.

    • And some black Radio 1 DJ called Dixie Peach presented TOTP a couple of times in 85. The BBC4 doc acted like it was Santa Claus meets the Second Coming. A brief footnote and very minor figure in Radio 1/TOTP history, elevated to near messianic status. Simply because he was black.

  20. You can’t turn the radio news on without them spewing out yet more pro-raghead propoganda concerning what what we may euphemistically term the Holy Land. First thing on World at One today. Again. You’d think nothing else was going on in the world.

  21. Had the radio on my headphones last December while in the hospital waiting room.

    Radio 3 was on, and there were some nice classical versions of christmas carols.

    ‘This is nice’, I thought.

    But, then some daft woman started blabbering. About how great it was that the orchestra conductor was black. And she never shut up about it.

    What did it matter/ What was the fucking point? It’s on the radio, so you can’t see him. Would they – did they – point out all the white conductors who havebeen on Radio 3? No, I don’t think they would.

    What the bugger will be next? ‘And now on Radio 4, we ill pay a massive tribute to the lady who mopped the floor yesterday. What a great thing, to have a black cleaner do our floors. We are honoured. Next, the shipping forecast…’

    For fuck’s sake…

    • Yeah .. I was thinking similar yesterday.
      Saw the Guardian headline (op ed) ‘Bleak day for America and the World’ .. and I thought, I’ll have a gander here .. I really would like to be enlightened on some angle I’ve clearly missed at this stage…’

      And here it was.

      ‘We (we?) had a chance to have a black female president, and that’s been taken away”

      If that’s the main criteria we’re hanging hats on now, where will it end?

      Albino non-binary dwarf in a wheelchair vs. mulatto hermaphrodite gay conjoined twin thing 2028?

      • Thatt’s what makes me sick about Obama and his acolytes.
        He was a black President, and that is all that mattered to them.

        What he did, what his policies were didn’t mean a thing. He was black, and therefore he was untouchable and beyond criticism.

        Those Grauniad freaks just wanted their woke box ticking poster girl in the White House, regardless of how good or bad she was. And their spoilt child can’t get their way mentality comes through, like ink on blotting paper.

        ‘We had a chance to have a black female president, and that’s been taken away.’

        Taken away, like a lollipop or a dummy taken off a baby.
        Their Kamala comfort blanket has been taken off them. Oh dear.

        It was not ‘taken away’, you demented woke mongs. She lost in a democratic election. It’s adult politics, not a kidsies play pen.

    • OK it wasn’t either of those 2, meaning something very-mildly-to-not-offensive at ALL has made the naughty-words list..

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