The Blue Man Group

Blue Man Group is an American per formative arts company who through non-verbal communication use music, art, mime, comedy and drumming in their stage performances.

I’m sure most of you have seen them and they have always creeped me out a bit. Bald cap wearing Smurf blue, wide-eyed mutes who never smile, speak or break character and always appear on stage as a trio. Its weird and its gimmicky and I don’t like it.

Its been going since the late eighties and they play to sell out audiences all over the world so there is no denying they are popular but so to were shell suits and Gary Glitter. Maybe I’m missing the nuances of playing ‘Another One Bites the Dust’ on some old drainpipes?


Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.

50 thoughts on “The Blue Man Group

  1. Your a dreadful racist LL.

    They can’t help being blue skinned.

    It’s the product of inbreeding
    In the Kentucky hills it’s considered ok to fuck your sister and cousins.
    This results in a healthy smurf like blue skin.

    Here .
    Educate yourself.

    Hence the term
    ” I’m feeling a little blue”..

  2. They are still going, that’s depressing..
    It’s a blue Monday.

    Does someone apply the paint? Or do they blue theirselves?

  3. The mutated illegitimate love child experiment of Kraftwerk and the Smurfs.

    That’s the fucking Europeans for you.

    Luckily Two Tier over there this morning to straighten the mental cunts out.

    Good morning.

  4. OT, but one is severely shat off and though this should be a cunting in itself, rant begins. At the bus terminus to and from work, at a factory of several hundred people and a shopping centre of hundreds of people
    to buy Scrumpy, not one single cunt other than myself had a poppy on their shirt or blouse. DAMN THEIR FUCKING EYES! What’s left of our Empire and the bloody easy life we enjoy is due to the sacrifices of the service men and women against the Axis, Bolsheviks and other cunts. I gave my fortnightly booze money to the widows, orphans and homeless veterans (a very fucking small price to pay for freedom). One encourages other cunters to buy a veteran a pub lunch and a pint or six, they’ve earned it.

    God save the King.
    Presem Yasur.

    • Two of us in the kidney unit had a poppy on. Me and a 68 year old lady. Nobody else had one.

      Of course, the hordes of Pakis don’t give a fuck. But the white people not wearing them also tells us a lot.

      • Dearest thanks to you Norman, Grandad got out of Greece by the skin of his teeth, Uncle Harry died at Kokoda, my great uncles Bert and Eric spent 3 & a half years in Changi, the local Hokkien Chinese kept them alive, never forget.their graciousness. Many peoples, many faiths, One King

      • No worries, Shackedragger.

        My grandfather was also a prisoner of the Japanese. Hated them until he died, and I don’t blame him. His forever stick thin frame and the salt burns told only a fraction of his story.

        My great uncle John fought the Germans at the Ardennes, and my auntie’s house in Salford was flattened in the Blitz.

        Heard recently from the family of the Australian soldier my grandad met while imprisoned by the Japs. They became friends for life. Both now longer with us, but we still keep in tuch and keep their memories alive.

      • No military connections but I’ve always had respect for our armed services and all they do for our country
        Always proudly wear a poppy for our fallen.
        Too much molycodling to fucking foreign cunts.
        If I had my way it would be law to wear a poppy.

  5. All Blue, not very inclusive, what about Orange, yes Orange, he’s coming and there is nowhere to hide ?

  6. Send them to the frontline. Experimental art for the pretentious cunt.

    Glorified umpah lumpahs.

    Waste of fucking time.


      • We can but imagine what frivloités parisiennes this pair of bent 9 bob bits will be getting up to.

        I hope Keira admires the size of Emmanuelle’s Eiffel Tower.

    • The first PM since Winston Churchill to mark armistice day in Paris, yes it was 1944, this useless Turd should actually be doing what Winston did and defending our fucking shores.

      By the time he has smashed the gangs there will be no fucker left who wants to come here anyway.

  7. I don’t know why your such a fan of them LL?

    I find them creepy and a touch boring.

    Although not as creepy or boring as that Bruce Springsteen.
    He’s one creepy boring motherfucker.

    He should have the Blue man group as his backing band!

    The boring cunts.

  8. Most pensioners this winter will look like the Blue man group,
    Courtesy of Rachel Reeves and Kiers war on the elderly.

    • So do most democrat women now they have shaved their heads and held their breath after a hissy fit on X.

    • Which poses the thought that should anyone die of hypothermia in their own home can these cunts be done for corporate manslaughter? Discuss.

    • Cunt Engine uses that as psychological torture in his love dungeon Mis.

      I have nowt against blue skin either. Its just when I’m found naked and covered in blue paint at three in the morning in next doors garden its gross indecency and trespassing, when they do it, its art.

    • GG was taking the piss in plain sight all along.

      ‘Who’d ever believe it?’ He sang on ‘I’m The Leader Of The Gang’.

      Like Sir Jim”ll and Rolf, Glitter reveled in his ‘untouchable’ status int the 70s and 80s. Even when that young lady practically gave the game away during that ‘This Is Your Life’, Glitter was as smug as fuck and brassed it out.

  9. How about the ancient Picts and smurfs LL?

    They on the list too?

    And Violet Beauregard!

  10. Sounds like something that bellend Elon Musk would be involved in.

    The injustice of this world….
    All that money and power, in the hands of a total knob.

  11. OT. Anyone see Rita Oral’s ‘tearful’ tribute on the MTV Awards to that One Direction marionette who copped it? Of course, she had to do this on television. Griefjacking publicity whoring skank.

    A hoot to see the Happy Mondays though. Shaun should have put a screeching Rita over his sholuder and dragged her off, Quasi/Igor style.

  12. They’re definitely a bizarre and slippery looking bunch, I saw them at potsdammer platz in Berlin a few years back, I was very apprehensive although they were superb. The beady eyes are a bit surreal as the random blues climb up through audience.

  13. But you can’t paint yourself black and sing “Mammy”. It’s one rule for a bunch of tits painting themselves blue and being shit and another for 1920s jazz singing Jewish racists.

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