Oliver Hall

Oliver Hall. A face that you instantly want to slap, and an attitude to match.

This prepubescent little shit, never heard of him (is it a him, or maybe a her, or an X?) until this week, fancies himself a “journalist” and worldly enough to tell us why the Democrats lost the election; and surprise surprise it’s not the Democrats fault, it’s the 74 million people who voted for Trump who were tone deaf to the saintliness of Harris.

Writing in The Grauniad he explains that despite his impassioned pleas as a telephone campaigner on the Harris team, Trump voters just didn’t care about his apparent wickedness and didn’t want to listen to the truth. In the end they were just seduced by the cult of the Don. So 74 million people were exclusively blind to reality. Ah yes, it all sounds so feasible!


Here’s a more elegant and less contorted explanation, Oliver. An overwhelming majority of voters – many people who voted Democrat just four short years ago – voted for Trump because they were sick and tired of a corrupt, lying, immoral band of crooks, who had presided over soaring inflation, unchecked illegal immigration, and the flooding of public life with woke identarian hysteria and the oppression of free speech. They were sick and tired of being conned by a sinister bunch of treacherous Marxist nihilists, and wanted to elect a President who promised to put their country ahead of their own deranged psychotic vanity.

Hope that helps you smug little fuck. Why not have another run at your “journalism” career when your balls have dropped in five years time (assuming you haven’t had them shrunk into raisins by your puberty blockers)

The Guardian Link

Nominated by: Balsamic Dave

95 thoughts on “Oliver Hall

  1. Never fear, Oliver’s army of fellow marxist Groaniad turd gobblers will be fighting Trump all the way. According to their ‘Statement.’ Ha, ha, ha! As if The Donald gives a flying fuck.

    • Anything to do with The Groaniad reeks of the shithouse, and that includes this little cunt.

      Afternoon all.

  2. Don’t forget the 8 million reanimated corpses that voted for sleepy joe last time around,had better things to do this time.

  3. The picture in the link ?…looks like he had just written a piece for the junior school notice board….oh hang on ?‍?….just a lefty sop who believes a hurty word is tantamount to calling in the witchfinder general ?#anothercrybaby ?

  4. The Interweb is full of cunts like this little mincer.

    Claim to be ‘writers’ and ‘journalists’. But it’s just usually self appointed, self promoting bollocks on their own blogs and Sabotage Times. And that doesn’t count.

    Any smug ‘journo’ twat should be asked these questions…

    Have you ever been paid for your writing?

    Have you ever written for a real newspaper, magazine or had a book published?

    Have you ever had adverts or sponsors?

    If the answer is no, then fuck off. Not a journalist or a writer, Just like this little no-mark self appointed pencil squeezer.

    • I answered “yes” to all of the questions above. To quote The Don, “I know words, I I have the best words.”

      I’m basically one degree left of Dostoyevsky.

  5. That picture…

    Spotty limp wristed little shit. Definitely hasn’t started shaving yet.
    And probably hasn’t even had a wank yet either.

    Mind you, that said, the little cunt is probably a rentie.

    • The placemat by his elbow reading ‘Desperados’ is apt too.

      Probably the profile pic on his Grindr account.

    • I thought the same, Norm. I drink red wine. Quite a lot of it in fact. The fuck I’d be photographed drinking it, mind.

    • Actually, he has had a wank.
      Peter Mandelson gave him one last week. After that wine, he was probably penetrated too.

  6. The Gruniad is going on strike!!!
    Will anyone bar the BBfuckingC notice???
    Fucking oxygen thieves.
    Cunts of the highest order.

    • Looks like we are all about to get several megatons of Vlad, good and hard.

      That little mincer is probably thinking he is immune, just like the rest of the leftard fuckwits.

  7. Why does the left do exactly what they accuse the right of doing?
    Refusing to accept the outcome of a democratic vote.
    God knows I’m fed up with the Liebour government already, but I accept the fact that a majority of half-witted twats voted for them.
    Actually, the majority of people voted for someone else, but the vote was split between too many different candidates.


  8. Excellent nom, Balsamic Dave!

    I know exactly the sort of little cunt this is, and he’s exactly the sort of little cunt I hate. You know, the types that called us “selfish” for voting Reform and backing Trump, because we care about our finances, want a cap on immigration, and want a stop to our countries getting involved in foreign wars.

    How dare we not vote for the greater good.

    He’ll grow up eventually. They all do.

    • Usually after receiving their first pay packet and noting how much tax and NI gets ripped away to pay for useless shit.

  9. Oliver is definitely a gay name, he looks like he is one of Owen Jones best friends, ‘please Owen can I have some more’

    I wonder if he has had some gay therapy after the Trump win ?

  10. Any young man drinking wine willingly is advertising that his bottom is freely available for a firm Lubbocking.

      • Your right.
        Oliver is a puffs name.

        Look at him in the header pic.
        Spindly arms, weak wrists, lacking meat in his diet,
        And lacking physical work to build him up.

        This is known to medical types like myself as ” arrested development”.

        He stopped developing.
        He’s permanently got the body of a twelve year old boy.

        Probably how he got the job?

        Lefty guardinistas love the bodies of twelve years old boys.
        The dirty fuckers.

      • I’m a even minded sort of chap and don’t hold Oliver’s disability against him.

        I’ve got some instructions that if followed to the letter will save his life.

        It’s a six month course.

        Mondays- laying flagstones
        Tuesdays – ditch digging
        Wednesdays- window cleaning
        Thursdays – scaffolding
        Fridays- removals with me( no pay I’m your medical consultant)
        Saturday – gym.
        Sunday- church and bath.

        Diet will be high calorie due to the physical graft.
        Steak, pork chops, pies, and plenty of mars bars.

        Alcohol – Saturdays, plenty of draft bitter as much as you like.

        Side effects!!!*

        You may notice your voice deepens.
        Don’t panic.
        Your testicles may descend and you might start to get stubble
        Again don’t panic!
        It’s healthy testosterone flooding your body.
        Don’t shave it off.

        You may notice your politics and opinions change?
        This is natural.
        You may have less interest in interior design and flower arrangements,
        And you may notice a lack of patience with your social circle.
        Headbutted Crispin on the Palestine match?
        This is completely natural and to be encouraged!!
        Your almost cured!

        Now stick the boot in while he’s down.

        You Oliver have a clean bill of health
        Good lad?

      • Oi!
        Oliver is a puffs name?
        What about Cromwell, one of the greatest living English men?
        I shall have to have a word with Jack the Cunter about this.

      • I completely forgot Cromwell Cuntalugs!!

        He gets a pass for killing a king.
        But a demerit for trying to stop Christmas.

        No need to tell uncle Jack!

  11. Dunno but he’s about 6 stone!!

    Looks like a poster for the RSPCA.

    Oi spare Rib!
    Karen carpenter wants her cookbook back

  12. ‘Heredero’ written on his glass of Rioja.
    Bowl of olives on the girl’s table behind him.
    Clearly a Spanish road direction sign on the right of the photo.

    This cunt was photographed in Spain.
    Probably Madrid. They have a bar Desperado.

    I will look out for him and try to run him over.

    Think of it as a public service.

    • I suggest running the little weed over would be not so much a public service as a moral obligation.

  13. I can’t wait for Kweer and his benders to get slung out of office. Little poofters like Ollie will probably go completely gaga then.

  14. Ollie would be handy in certain jobs!

    Getting stuff that’s fell in grids, and if locked out he could get through the letterbox and unlock the door.

    “Everyone’s got a porpoise in life”- Dolphin Lundgren

  15. He’d better not go for a walk in the country then. He’ll fall into the first cattle grid he encounters.

  16. Why’s he trying to interfere with the US election anyway the cheeky cunt?

    None of his business how they vote.

    Thinks he’s 007 because he’s wearing a polo neck jumper?
    It doesn’t.
    It makes Bert from Sesame Street.

  17. Does it say, in the link, that he’s a journalist and a pillow biter?

    Oops sorry, that’s a journalist and a podcaster!

    Perhaps Lord Alli will pay for some new reading glasses for me, but no pink tint on my lenses thank you!

  18. “Just fuck off you annoying little twat.”
    Hmm well said, short, succinct, and to the point.
    “you forgot ‘erudite’.”

  19. Never heard of this bloke before, but writing for the Guardian doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a screaming bender or that he’s got his wires crossed regarding US politics. To suggest that Trump was elected because of the Democrats’ lies and corruption is laughable; the real reason is more likely to be because the average American has the intelligence of a mollusc.

    They knew he was lying about everything but they voted for him anyway. This is the man who sells bibles to make himself a few bucks but won’t put his hand on a bible and testify. As we used to say, he’s as genuine as a nine bob note.

    We’ve all heard him say he would pardon the Capitol rioters. Either he’s going to or he’s not, which will give everyone good reason to call him a treasonous cunt or simply a lying cunt. Or probably both.


    • Is cissy Ollie your nephew, Allan?
      Seems probable.
      Guardian readers like him and yourself must have to wear plaster casts to support your pathetically limp ducky wrists.

      • Still waiting for Allan to tell us how the Democrats and Camel Dung Harris is by far a better option than Trump.

        That fucking cadaver Biden, aided by our very own Quare, will help kick off WW3 if Putin is backed far enough into a corner.

      • Maybe I was a little too hard on him, PM.
        He’s obviously very upset and angry that Trump got the popular vote and the decent people of America have shown halfwits like him, Oprah, Joy Reid, etc, that their leftie opinions carry as much weight as an astronauts’s fart.

      • @PM

        I’ve asked Allan for an explanation of why the democrats are the better choice multiple times.

        I’ve pre excluded because they’re not trump but alas Allan only seems to have that as an argument.

        He can list all of the charges against trump, many of them already proven fake but he is so far incapable of giving reasons to vote democrat that are not related to Trump.

        Everyone is aware of this Allan, you currently sound like a bitter ex lover who can’t deal with being dumped.

    • What’s that link supposed to prove?

      One person laughed, and therefore an entire nation should have voted for the alternative?

      Not one of your best, or stronger efforts to convince us, Allan, in fact you should quickly grasp that straw that’s just floating by you.

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