Mehreen Faruqi

prime greeny cunt.
She hates Australia, yet when advised to go home calls out a prominent politician as ‘racist’ – yet this cunt publicly stated on the death of Queen Elizabeth II:
“Condolences to those who knew the Queen. I cannot mourn the leader of a racist empire built on stolen lives, land and wealth of colonised peoples,” Ms Faruqi wrote on X in 2022.
“We are reminded of the urgency of Treaty with First Nations, justice & reparations for British colonies & becoming a republic.”

Sky news

She is a member of the communist green party in Australia and if she hates the taxpayers so much that pay for her existence, she should piss off back to Pakiland and live the pov life she is so accustomed to.

Seriously – Fuck off.

Nominated by matjam.

70 thoughts on “Mehreen Faruqi

  1. Maureen varucker is like all these commie cunts.

    They hate the country that homes and feeds them.

    They infest western civilization be it the UK, US, Canada, New Zealand and Australia and all of Europe.

    Why are they tolerated?
    In our grandfathers time they’d be given short shift.

    If she doesn’t like it fuck off back to whatever fly infested , genital mutilating medieval shit hole she hails from.

    • Correct Mis. By a new law, you must clean up your own mess first, but that’s why we don’t want shitty cunts here and it gets called racist.

    • Morning Tez, all.

      Why are literally millions of colonials almost literally beating down the doors of the Western nations they claim are racist and which they obviously despise?

      Why choose to live in a country you consider so racist it makes your life intolerable?

      Is it the gibsmedat? Is it the knowledge you’d have your clit cut off and forces into a Darth Vader costume in your homeland? The literal property of a man, either your closest male relative or your husband. Maybe you don’t want to play housemaid and be a baby factory?
      Not keen on living in a house made out of cow shit?

      These poor, benighted souls. It’s so brave, so courageous, that they battle on in the face of such terrible discrimination from mem sahib and de hu-whyte debils.

  2. As much as I dislike Aussies, she is spot on with the “piss off” comment.
    Problem is she would come over here and join the sewage.
    Good morning, the sun is blazing now Bert as fucked off.

  3. Good Morning

    If countries like Australia and the U.K. are do racist why do all these bloody people want to live here? They can fuck off from whence they came or too some bloody communist country and see how they get on.

    • Watch Charlie Kirk on YT, he offers to pay for a 1 way ticket for any lefty to the communist country of their choice. None have accepted his offer.

  4. In the days before social media politicians were a lot more sensible.
    They generally knew when to shut up and not be controversial.

    Today’s politicians feel that they need to be heard by the largest audience possible.

    But anything that they put online, if it doesn’t bite them in the arse immediately is always there to haunt them.

    If the Pákí woman had a problem with mourning the death of the monarch of her adopted country then why did she feel that everyone should know about her own, personal feelings?

    And if the other woman had told the Pákí to fuck off back home to her face instead of broadcasting it to millions of people then she might have avoided the backlash.

    Both of them are cunts in my opinion.

  5. Dykes, Pakis and poofters always seem to think they have special dispensation to make any remark, however crass, that they like – take that dreadful Jasmin Alibi-Brown creature. If she was white and said what she frequently does, she would be up before Kweer’s though police.

    It now seems to be a world-wide epidemic of gobby arseholes, all being given a free pass because they are “special”

    • Dont forget the Sons of Abraham! Those cunts are always banging on about how special they are!

      • And they are so easily offended. Only the other day I was waiting at the station, looking at the timetable when I spotted a Rabbi on the opposite platform, so I shouted across, “Hey, what time is the next train, due?” Honestly, the look he gave me! Gods chosen people? Yeah, right! That’s why he chose 6.5 million of them to go for a shower!

    • And that arrogant black cunt who said the monarchy was too white. That treeswinger who is now Mrs Santa Claus on some grotesque woke advert.

      And that smear of curried slime, Aseem Rafiq. He squealed that people at YCCC were ‘racist’ to him, and he was automatically believed without question or evidence. HIis grassing and lies caused a lot of distress and trouble for a lot of people. But, of course, he still got away with it. Simply because of who/what he is.

      And that cunt, Sir/Saint/Lord/King ‘Mo’ Salah. This cunt is still holding Liverpool FC to ransom. He claims to be leaving them, but he’ll stay if he gets the huge obscene pay hike that he wants. Any white or British player would be labled a dirty rapacious mercenary if they did this. But this twat gets applauded for greed and self importance. Even some LFC fans are loving him for this. The Liverpool of old would not have put up with these dirty tricks. Shanks or Bob Paisley would have fucked the little grease spot right off.

      • I’m LFC all the way, and Mo can F.R.O.

        Carragher had the right attitude towards his contracts with Liverpool. He said (paraphrasing) that he never read his contracts, never made wages demands, that it was an honour to play for LFC and if it meant he could play he would have paid them.

  6. She looks like a cane toad in a ill-fitting wig..poisonous and obnoxious and attracts the flies like a fresh pile of dog dirt.

    People will never learn, stop promoting backward third world cousin fuckers.

  7. I always thought it would be nice to visit Australia, A place where men were men: lager, barbees, camps by a billabong,.. Then they blew it big time with their cringing covids cowardice and compliance. Whining baby-men who fully deserve their place in the world, the middle of nowhere. Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Perhaps when Britain becomes too hot to handle for Keir, he and his boy Wes will fuck off to Australia. There they will be, camping by a billabong……. then the bilabong will report them to the police…..

  8. This happened to me last week, I was in hospital due to a bad reaction to medication prescribed to me. I have a tattoo of the late Madge Bess on my left arm, largely obscured by the hospital gown I had on. However a Southern Irish doctor noticed the Scots Gaelic writing beneath and asked what it said. Being, Gu sàbail na Diathan deagh Banrìgh Elasaid, in English, “May the Gods save good Queen Elizabeth”. She turned cold and got another doctor to finish the examination. My point being, you’re welcome to emigrate here to fill a needed professional vacancy, but you should expect in a Dominion to encounter loyalists. Dry your eyes and do your job.
    As for Senator Munted Fuckface you will make $2 million plus in your 6 year tenure plus a gilded pension, plus taxpayer subsidised travel, security and accommodation for the rest of your life you ungrateful cunt. In your wildest dreams you could never have such a life in Poxistan. Please choke on a rancid black pudding.

  9. ‘everywhere we go people wanna know, who we are,who we are’ went an old footy chant and it’s now a dead heat between the ☪️ and the chips on shoulders crew as to who’s shouting the loudest ?….. place your bets ?

  10. First Nations by name, last nations by all other measures apart from scrounging and self-pity. Get to fuck, you opinionated, fat and four eyed cunt.

  11. The Hanson woman did nothing wrong, telling a P to piss off back to P land should be applauded assuming the P is a P national.
    Nowt racist there, just logic, don’t like the way things are in Aussie land then go back to the beautiful land that is Pakistan.

  12. After saying that after Queen Elzabeth II’s demise, this fat Daki turd should have been arrested and charged with the highest of high treason. Disrespectful bitch.

    She is like many of her ilk. Can dish it out, but can’t take it.

    • An acquaintance had occasion to look in the main drains when the water authority had lifted the manhole covers for some sort of inspection. As he did so his P*ki neighbours flushed the loo. He said what he saw flow by was “not like us.” He wouldn’t elaborate.

  13. We have a Pakiscummi colonising Australia who criticises other nations for doing the same.
    Tandoor oven for this one.

  14. A point of order.

    The Australian ‘Greens’ are not communists. They are certainly not Marxists. What they are, are a bunch of posh wankers who want to immiserate the workers to the advantage of their own class.

    The older I get, the more (old fashioned) left-wing I become. I despise people like the nominee who parade their virtue whilst supporting policies that will cause poverty and suffering for millions of ordinary people.

    Fuck them.

  15. Whenever I hear some Joe Daki open its curry hole, all I hear is “Bud bud bud, bwudd, bud bud. Bud bud bud”.

    Recently had to work in Alperton. what a disgusting, backward third world shit hole that is. Chock full of illegal filth and twinned with Karachi.

    • Looks like it Doc.

      But, I don’t think anything will happen.
      Even with over 5 million names, Kieir Stapo’s Stasi will either bury it or ignore it.

      • It, like all petitions will be ignored but think of the squirming going on in the benches now, over two million votes as I look.
        It’s gone Global.

      • You’re right, he has actually addressed the issue as, due to the number of signatures, the petition has to be addressed in Parliament., however the PM ( God rot him) has said another GE isn’t going to happen because of it.

    • If you look at the map Londonistan doesn’t want to play along with other cities.

      London shouldn’t be allowed to vote in a GE, the place is not British anymore

  16. Paying attention to it just keeps it chuntering. Alll she proves is once you have a county full of invaders you’re fucked.

    She’s a lesson to all.

  17. I would wind this fat bitch right up.

    I would say ‘G;’ Day, Sheila. Go and get me a beer. love….. Jeldi.’

  18. This stupid cunt should mourn the leader of an Empire who saved her fat ass from living in the mountains of Shitholistan and herding goats with fanatical tribesmen who would cut her head off from not covering up her ugly face.

    Those who are liberated by Western values are often the most ungrateful for its freedoms.

    As if we need another reason to despise this cunt she’s a stupid fucking Greenie! Without batteries she would even be able to charge the batteries in her dildo.

    • That last sentence should read…without electricity she wouldn’t even be able to charge the batteries in her dildo…

      It’s 6:48 AM here in the States and I’m just now having my coffee.

    • Being a greenie, she more likely uses a live lobster and a lit candle. the poor critter probably improves her smell as well.

      • Hey Shack,

        Being a Greenie she is almost certainly a hypocrite who uses more electricity than the whole of the IsaC Faithful.

  19. Bazooka that Verruca.

    Another one blathering on about reparations. If it weren’t for the Empire, this fat, gobby old colostomy bag would likely have been a diseased raddled, bony old trout with no teeth, living in a cave and shitting into the local watercourse.

    Now fuck off.

    • That Indian woman at the climate jamboree in Bongobongo land Paul, complaining bitterly that the West weren’t giving them enough money. India has an extensive space programme. It also has 1.5bn people the vast majority of whom are living hand to mouth in grinding poverty.

      Breathtaking hypocrisy.

      I wonder what sort of space programme they would have if the British had never gone to India.

    • If not for the British, the Thugee would still be roaming India and murdering at will.

      • Add to that good Sir General widow immolation. What cunt would see his mother burned alive with his dead dad, or some poor 9 year old thrown onto the pyre of a 90 year old that carked it on their wedding night. Utter barbarism.

      • Hey Shack,

        Excellent point.

        Frying women and children isn’t exactly a righteous pathway to Nirvana.

        Fucking savages have the largest democracy in the world based on the Westminster system and they want to condemn us for civilizing them.

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