Kim Johnson M.P

With Halloween fast approaching, here is a real horror – a balding woman MP – Labour (of course) who -despite the fact we now all know for certain the late Chris Kaba was a violent career criminal, who received his first conviction at the age of 14, continues to defend him, and claims we are all racist for so doing.

Where do Labour find all these dodgy looking cunts (if this tart has one that is), whose one ambition in life is tio make an utter arsehole of themselves. If they are not quare or lezzas, they are brainless wankers, and as ugly as sin.

It just shows the utter pool of shit Labour has to draw on if they have to rely on wimminz like this one:

Daily Fail

Nominated by W C Boggs.

46 thoughts on “Kim Johnson M.P

  1. A former unison shop Steward in Liverpool.. fucking hell she must of had some spare time on her hands..

    Is she black? I can’t tell. maybe just back from a summer holiday.

    She must be, Wikipedia says she has a son and a daughter, no mention of a father.

    • Identifies as black Baz, but looks very pale. I guess like Markle black father, white mother. Despite Badenoch’s example, other way round is vanishingly rare.

    • Her Kim Johnson MP page says; She was “Elected in 2019 as Liverpool’s first black MP…”

      She looks Markle to me.

  2. Don’t call me racist for being indifferent over that dead criminal and it’s removal from society, Kim … call me ‘cuntist’.

    And to that I will declare yes. Yes I am.

    And that puts YOU on my no-like list too, ironically.

    Change the record ffs. Silly Cunt.

  3. This is typical of today’s Neo-Marxist / Rabble rousing / Leftist politicians.

    It’s much like the Michael Brown / Ferguson Missouri case where a young thug was shot after assaulting a police officer and it was later claimed that he was actually trying to surrender. It was the motivation for the infamous “Hands Up” bullshit propagated by race baiting politicians sowing the seeds of chaos and disorder.

    Even after it was proven to be untrue it was still chanted at BLM and Defund the Police rallies as a rallying cry. One protester even told a reporter; “Even if you don’t find that it’s true…it’s a valid rallying cry…”

    Fuck this idiot Labourite cunt. The death of Chris Kaba…like the Death of Chris Brown…was a public service homicide.

    • Oops. That should be Michael Brown.

      I confused an aspiring rap star / thug with a real one.

    • And a thousand more … so many that sometimes only the outrageous detail/claim sticks in the mind, not the particular name .. so I can’t source this one, but a few years ago.. a 20-somethin’ y.o. handgun-armed cunt cornered by armed cops, USA. Points the gun towards ’em, .. *bang* ; that’s the end of him.

      Mothers appraisal of the situation? Her little(adult!)darling was dead because the police were racist – they COULD have just shot the gun out of his hand she declared. And the journalist held his sombre expression, head tilted to yhe side with some slow-nodding support for such shite ….

      • Fuck CeA!

        That senile old idiot Biden thought cops could deescalate situations by just shooting armed thugs in the leg.

        Phonywood notwithstanding, no sheriff in the Old West ever disarmed a gunfighter by intentionally shooting the gun out of his hand.

      • This cunt wasn’t aiming it at someone at the time, of course, .. a pretty huge fucking factor in a case like it. I’d vote take the kill shot every time. It’s not like there’s a cunt-shortage on this planet …

      • I’ve seen that video before.

        I would have saved the bullet and let the dumb cunt off himself.

        Still that’s a bit different than what experts call a “stress fire” situation.

  4. Liverpool…..a place unto itself, talk a lingo that’s as fake as this hags ‘communadee’ appeasing…do us a favour la ….’get back,get back,get back to the hairdresser’s’ ✂️?

    • “Johnson was a lib who thought she was a groider
      but she was a mongrel cunt

      She defended scum like fucking Chrisie Kaba
      shot ’cause he was dealing drugs

      Fuck off
      Fuck off
      Fuck off you evil Liebor cunt

  5. The modern commie cunt invariably kisses the arses of any ethnic rabble,especially the Knee Grow and the Raghead.

    It’s as though they are compelled to do so,clearly some sort of mental illness,as they never apologise when their diverse darlings are unmasked as the scúm of the earth.

    A dangerous trend,cured by total Oven.

    Good morning.

  6. I wonder if she’s related to Sasha who is kept breathing on a machine somewhere because they are afraid to switch it off.

  7. My Gods, that’s a face that could peel paint, curdle milk and frighten dogs. Get thee back Satan.

      • Problem is though, General, that Reform is exactly why Two Tier has his mandate. In my constituency, always staunch Tory, we now have a split-arse Labour MP because Reform split the vote very effectively. Something repeated across the country & a class example of how you end up with someone in Westminster who a minority of the electorate voted for.

        I like Nige’s politics but he’s really just a rabble-rouser and is the reason that detestable slimey bastard is PM.

      • I totally agree with The Stained Gussett – I said many times before the last election – vote Reform and you will let Labour in by the back door. Very luckily with such small majorities, much of Starmer’s scum will be out at the next election – take Wessy Streeting – he now has a majority of 548, easily beatable if people vote Conservative and with Kemi at the helm I can see it happening.

        Nigel is a showbiz politician.

      • Problem is I don’t want to vote Tory anymore either. They are globalist and socialist as well. Did fuck all about immigration and won’t if elected again.

      • Hey Guys,

        Sorry I’m so late getting back.

        I totally get your point.

        I fucking hate the Estabishment / Uniparty / Republicans but have been forced to vote for them because a 3rd party vote would give the fucking Demonrats a victory.

        There was a war within the Republican Party and Trump and the MAGA crowd won. But there are still vestiges of the old scum left.

        Push has come to shove in your (once) great country and hard decisions need to be made. The Establishment / Uniparty / Tories go full MEGA or Reform has to go to war with them and make them irrelevant.

  8. A knee to neck and a bullet from a gun, put paid to two of the most evil bastards on earth and its no coincidence that they were black.

  9. You can trust a police marksman to do his job, bullet, head, dead.

    Leave it to the pavement apes and you end up with a soup bowl in a hospital bed for the next 40 years..

    Any new photos of black power slasha, I could do with a chuckle.

    • I saw a skullish shaped asteroid photo a while back with a big ol’ impact crater in the more bulbous extremity of it.

      If it’s still only catalogued as a number, maybe a movement to get it named for her would be an idea?

  10. Of course Kaba was up for sainthood, as Lammy said all the previous shit I was involved with is “Old history”. I is clean. Therefore the fact he was a fairly serious crim is irrelevant the police should have given him a lift home and purchased a bargain bucket on the way.. Kim Johnson, my Staffy crosses ring piece is blacker than her. Politicians just keep on giving tis a shame it’s always bollocks even if they wear a dress

  11. A most worthy cunting Mr B; well said.

    Johnson is another on what seems to be an ever-increasing list of race-baiters.

    As far as Kaba is concerned, it’s a case of good riddance to very bad rubbish. I’d say the same if he was white, brown or green with pink polkadots.

    Morning all.

  12. Is she related to Boris Johnson ?. I’d like to fuck them both,if you know what I mean.

  13. Why is it these mixed race offspring always identify with their black side only?
    Like they value one parents heritage and not the others.
    How must the white parent feel about that?
    And when you factor in the extremely high possibility that, if the father was black, he’d fucked off when they were a toddler, that must make matters worse.
    The fact is, people like her aren’t black, or necessarily white for that matter.
    They’re a hybrid.
    Speak up for hybrids by all means, but don’t go race baiting an behalf of a communidee you, strictly speaking, aren’t a part of.

  14. When I see her type, man or woman, I feel a near uncontrollable urge to kick the fucking shit out of them. Smug, self-satisfied, never ever wrong in their own tiny minds and regarding most others as being of a lower class of primate that has evolved solely for their own advancement. I can’t fucking stand them and if I had an entrepreneurial streak I’d produce and market punchbags of exactly the same size and shape and with the same arrogant gaze as this fucking detestable cunt. Smack! Now, lie through your yellow teeth about Kunt Kaba and get another one or just fuck off.

  15. Liverpool gives you a picture of what the whole country will be like within fifty years.

    A mongrel, mixed race population, always looking for a handout, always blaming someone else, always entitled and always voting Labour or some other Marxist leaning scum.

    Fuck you, Kim. You utter waste of unproductive space.

    Good morning ?

  16. Absolute fucking filth, in my opinion. She wants to support a drug dealing, attempted murderer simply because of his skin colour.
    I’d absolutely hate for her to be caught in the cross-fire of a gang drive-by shooting & if, God forbid, such a thing does happen, I trust the coppers won’t view the corpse with complete disinterest…

  17. If that chav cunt Growler Rayner can make it to the top of the party imagine how fick the rest of them must be.

  18. When you look at the state of so many wimminz Labour MPs, no wonder there are so many poofters amongst the men. AnalEase Dodds or sodomy is not a very happy choice, but at least the back door route would save you having to look at that face, or smelling it.

    • Remember how we used to hear about how much better it would be with wimmin running things?

      Well let’s see who we’ve got with their finger in the pie. Dodds, Cooper, Rayner, Reeves, Mahmood, Kendall, Haigh, Phillipson, Powell, Nandy, Stevens… What a fucking team there.

      And let’s not forget worthies like Butler and Flabott, who’ve been stinking the place out for years.

      How blessed we are by the presence of these worthies.

  19. This morning’s sermon from the Don – we don’t need to say anything anymore, he’s saying it all for us. The Marxist Tyrants in this country will soon be shitting themselves at the lesson America will be giving the voting population of this country and every other formerly civilised western nation. His election is the best chance we have of igniting a fire to overturn the eevil shite ruining our country:

  20. Chris Kaba was driving a car used in an armed robbery or some other nefarious activity was boxed in tried to ram his way out of it and collected a bullet to the head. Seems fair enough to me.

    The pavement apes should learn live by the sword die by the sword. If the family don’t like it fuck off somewhere else where it’s tolerated.

  21. Hairdresser: Alright lady, what’ll it be?

    Kim Johnson: You know those cheap, shitty potnoodles…

    Hairdresser: Say no more.

  22. Kim’s a Scouse black woman.
    They look white.

    Still moan like fuck
    Still chippy and have hair that looks like a exploded mattress.

    Just look white.
    All scousers are black really.
    All are victims
    All are thieving cunts
    All like benefits.
    They got unloaded at the docks and stayed there.

    Cilla Black invented twerking.

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