Keir Starmer M.P. [27]

Rollup, roll up and roll under for the Crown Prince of Habitual liars, Keir Rodney, devoted nephew to Uncle Tony and Aunt Mandy.

How anybody can take this shit-stain seriously is beyond imagining. Let’s take one example, which concerns me personally not a whit, but it does give me the chance to let you see the best photograph I have ever seen of Kweer which shows the arsehole up for what he really is. The only time the Daily Star has got it right.

Two years ago Kweer said he was going to “abolish student fees” so, naturally yesterday he RAISED them, Do we have to spend 4/5 years with this liar, or should we just reverse everything he says?

For Gods sake Angie, stab him in the back – at least we know you are an unreliable gobby Commie, and you might get rid of the poofter champagne socialists in the cabinet:

Daily Star Link

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

With supporting evidence of extreme cuntitude provided by : Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

The dollop of shit otherwise known as the PM is a fucking anti-semite cunt.

Apparently he agrees with the communist/eezlambist ICC that the democratically elected Prime Minister Netanyahu should be arrested for war crimes:


Obviously there is no way the most righteous Israeli Prime Minister would want to visit a stinking jew-baiting dung heap of a nation like the UK, but should he choose to do so, I suggest he brings the IDF with him and flushes the filth from Downing Street. I would be wholly behind such a move. While he was at it, he could do us all a favour and sluice The Crystal and Palestra House from the river to the sea.

In case anyone is unaware, there’s a cracking petition going on now calling for a new General Election. It currently stands at just under 2.5M signatures and rising by the minute. By all means join in and let’s see how far the disaffected UK population can push this cunt – NA : Link To Petition.

106 thoughts on “Keir Starmer M.P. [27]

  1. It’s that voice.
    Like a Dalek with a cold that makes me grind my teeth.

    He’s a shameless grabbing cunt, who’ll accept anything for free,
    If some little ethnic midget offered to buy my missus a dress I’d tell them to get fucked.

    A bullshitter rarely surpassed, who constantly reinvents his past like a socialist Mr Benn.

    His dad’s a toolmaker
    He was a farm hand….

    I’m betting his dad’s hands are like his,
    Soft .
    From lack of work.

    But if the Tories hadn’t been so fucking useless this cunt wouldn’t be in number 10.

  2. Laudable though this petition is, that fact remains that people, despite the ridiculous cost of everything, are still too comfortable and thus nothing will happen in this pathetic country until the lights and electric go off for hundreds of thousands of people.
    Then, finally, politician will be strung up on lamp posts.
    But by then, we’ll have an army of ‘marshalls’ (immigrants) to assist the pigs in suppressing the indigenous population, after which the muzfilth will take over and our once-beautiful Sceptred Isle will be a filthy caliphate, with the chınks discretely pulling the carpet-riders’ strings from the shadows.
    And Starmer will initiate all of this with a big treasonous smile.

    • Starmer claimed yesterday only people who didn’t vote Labour signed it. I think he will eat his words next May when his stinking party is crucified in local elections – and any by elections that come up.

    • Correct. The petition will NOT result in a general election. We’re in for another 4 and half years of this crap.
      I signed it yesterday and would encourage anyone hacked off to do likewise.
      The interesting thing is the petition remains live for 6 months automatically, and I really think it could be over 12 Million by then.
      It will take a lot for people here, to take to the streets in the numbers necessary to force reversal of cripling idiotic policies.
      If this were France, cars would be ablaze, tractors barracading streets, tear gas and water cannons deployed and the country brought to a standstill.
      I think they will be in Lib Dem share of the vote territory come 2029, but the country will be on it’s knees by then and the next government will need 10 years to salvage anything.

  3. He’s a fucking cunt all right.

    Penpushing flowchart red tape Gravy Train Quisling lying cunt.

    His type is precisely why this country has gone down the shitter,follow every rule to the letter irrespective of where it came from and if its in the national thrall to shitheap leftist nests such as the ECHR,U.N,W.H.O etc etc

    A spineless windbag public sector zombie a laughing stock internationally and a raghead appeaser extraordinaire,a despicable figure.

    Rachel’s Farmyard Oven.

    Good morning.

    • Well the wheels will come off when the inevitable falling out with the US happens.

      Once Trumps in the driving seat, then the UK and US will be incompatible.

      Kier needs to rein in his more gung ho gobshites.
      Saddick khan was taunting Trump yesterday with a invite to attend Pride.

      Making a enemy of the worlds most powerful man?

      Hehehe ?
      Nice move knobhead.

  4. This cunts sole purpose was to destroy and didn’t care how long or short it would take. I wouldn’t put it past this twat to commit hari-kari.

      • You’re probably right, CuntyMort. It was only in hope due to being ridiculed that badly, its become more like water off a ducks back.

  5. I’d love to see Sponger try to arrest hard-as-nails Netanyahu at the next International Jamboree he’s so keen on attending.
    The old four-by-two would probably smash the toolmaker’s forehead in with a Glasgow kiss.

  6. Prime Ministers used to be highly gifted leaders who would shape the Nation and Empire in accordance with their agendas, as endorsed by the electorate. In their task, they were ably supported by men of vision.

    Now they are despicable, Jew-baiting, arsehioles.

    Good morning, everyone.

  7. Ange has gone very quiet, hasn’t she?

    Maybe she’s plotting a coup d’état.

    Or maybe she’s just finding all this governing stuff is a bit difficult and has gone back to Primary School to learn how to read and write.

  8. If the prick starts to sideline the Ang then we know he’s worried. So he should be the arsewipe. Arrest the man in charge of Israel having a laugh Stararse even I would help spring him.

  9. What amuses me is Brits get locked up for hurty words. Every other cunt can go on a free Palestine stunt and cause whatever mayhem they want and get a free pass. Epic cunt of a man.

  10. 2.6 million now.

    With that many non-crime hate incidents to investigate, when are Plod going to find the time to paint rainbows on their nails and clown cars?

  11. The rumour is that Starmer is qu eer. It would be good if evidence could be found of this. All those little poofs in the cabinet probably only got there by sucking Rodders dick. Especially Streeting. And Chris Bryant too…… and Kyle, and Reed…….and Pollard. Are there any straight men in the cabinet?

    • Admin, we could do with a new category for Cunt of the Year, namely ‘Profession’.

      My 5 to choose from would be
      BBC Journalist
      Customer Complaints Handler
      Bus Driver

  12. Most of the world’s “leaders” are arrogant self serving twats. Starmer is just the latest and grossest iteration of the breed to infest our once Great nation..
    To see him and and heavy gang in Bath with that pub landlord should have indicated the sort of cunt we were going to get. (it’s on utube)
    The speed with which he turned the forces of control (plod) on not a few out of order protestors but the whole of the concerned public, labelling them as Far Right Wing was disgraceful. The sight of all those blue helmeted storm troopers on the streets of London, My streets, controlling the indigenous, Union/St George flag waving, inhabitants after doing nothing about the scum who had previously desecrated The Cenotaph (BLM) and the later riff-raff waving terrorist flags was sickening; but typical.
    The man, like so many before him, refuses to listen to the publics’ concerns, believing that only he knows best, driven by a set of beliefs not held by the majority of the public. The man has tin ears,
    His utter disdain for the public’s opinion is exhibited by the way he openly takes freebees and bribes, sorry I mean gifts,. without showing any embarrassment. He even got a special Tax Bill passed in Parliament, naming him only, to protect his pension after he left the Public Prosecutions office. A muddled job (check his record) he got knighted for.
    I think I loath him more than even Blair.
    Landslide? 35% of 20% is, to paraphrase, fuck all.
    I most despise people who try to bath in the reflected glory of others. Every time this twat says about his old man being a tool maker he is trying to claim that just because his old man did a useful skilled job we should offer him the same respect. Pathetic .
    Ooh look the sun has come out
    Mornin’ all.

  13. Another thing about Starmer, he wears the slightly bemused expression of a toddler that’s just shit himself.

    • To me he has the look of the persistently constipated, as though he’s been baking one for days.

      The petition’s interesting but probably irrelevant. It’s roared passed the 2.6 mill mark now, but Starmer’s said something along the lines of ‘they’re people who never voted for me anyway’.

      He really cares.

      Morning all.

      • Just so, Ron – he always looks as if he has spent an hour on the bog straining at stool, and he has managed to produce a turd the size of a marrowfat pea. I bet his piles must be one of the worst cases in British medical history – especially if he has taken a big cock up the shitter the night before. I reckon one of these days we will turn on Wireless 4, and in grave tones, last heard on September 8th 2022*: “The actor and comedian Keir Starmer collapsed and died this morning on the lavatory at his London home”

        He will go the way we all remember, as a long, malodorous and loud wet fart.

        (*September 8th 2022 – the death of HM The Queen – this will just be A queen)

      • He’ll be much missed. Tributes will ‘pour in’, as the meeja always puts it.

        Great bit of cunting by the way WC.

        This lying, hypocritical freeloader is going to pile them up BBC style I reckon.

  14. It appears the nation is approaching a binary question (no, not the gay kind).

    We, as a nation will either:

    i) Continue to allow unqualified liar to destroy EVERYTHING this nation ever was with their insane marxist clap-trap; accept poverty, crime, ill-health, mental illness and disease as normal,; continue to allow preverts to castrate and spay our children; promote abhorrent sexual practises as normal, not least of which is anal but including the destruction of marriage, family and millenia old accepted norms that adultery and plural marriage is disastrous and accept dhimmitude (google it), sharia law and it’s accompanying atrocities and… well, you get the picture, or

    ii) There will be civil unrest on a scale as yet unseen in these Isles at any time in it’s history, including a military coup and martial law, the revocation of the sham sham of democracy currently peddled by uniparty and House of Windsor, with it establishment of military tribunals with the sentence handed down to the quisling filth of the the last 60 odd years to include mass, and I mean thousands, of executions for treason. After this process there will either be a restoration of sanity or a civil war, leading to the final destruction of this nation and the invasion of a foreign power.

    We’re fooked.

    • ‘A 2020 report for the Pew Research Center estimated that at the end of 2017, 800,000 to 1.2 million people were already living in the UK without a valid residence permit.’

      We’ve already been invaded. I’m sure they already have their orders and are just waiting for the signal.

  15. Judge a man by the company he keeps and endorses, if any of these contain BlackRock or Bill the bug peddler you know your dealing with lucifer in the flesh and an unfathomable CUNT!

    • Not sure if he is a woman but he is definitely a pussy ?

      How the fuck has it got the stage where a court is deciding a definition of a woman, no wonder half the country has elf issues ?

      Woman = Adult human female (with real bits)

  16. When you think things can’t get any worse.

    They do.

    Five years of STARMERS…

    Can you imagine what GB will be like in five years time with this fucking steering the bus..!

    Lord help us….? ( well aimed bolt of lightning will suffice)

  17. The Tories are, apparently, ahead in the polls again.
    I despair.
    One shit show to another and back again.
    When will people learn.
    Politics will not solve this.
    Patriots and farmers unite, drive a tractor through the doors of parliament (hopefully squashing this piece of filth in the process), “Thats it, you’re done, now fuck off.”

      • The party leader doesn’t control the party though WC, if they don’t toe the line they get stabbed in the back by those that will.
        As we have seen.

  18. I’m 72 and past caring about this once great island, I’m afraid once my generation have been killed(voluntary or otherwise) the I’m a celebrity and come rainbow dancing Gogglebox won’t know what’s hit them….this globalist shill and his ilk should be transported back to the Normandy beaches and be first down the ramp, they would be at home in the water the feckless bunch of wets ?

  19. stasi starmer is the king of cunts, if Jesus was the king of kings, starmer is the king of cunts, I bet his p@ki boyfriend lord hamhead has reemed his arsehole like a channel tunnel boring machine, that’s why he loves p@kis and h0mos and how the fuck did that waste of 9 months in his mum’s womb ever come into the world, his mother should have left him dribbling down her leg

  20. The petition would need 10 x the signatures it has now for it to be considered seriously. Labour came to power on over 9m votes, so as impressive as this is for a petition, it will be tomorrow’s chip wrapper after the usual exclamations of “baaah” are exchanged across the bench during PMQs.

    Sir Kweer Honkytonks will live to fight another day and do battle with the Far Right™ and UK pensioners.

    Fucking arsemonkey.

    • If nothing else, a test for Kemi Badenoch – will she have the cojones to call for a vote of no confidence, which Maggie did with Sunny Jim’s fag-end government in 1979?

      • Be pointless (and dumb) of Kemi to call for a vote of no confidence.
        A vote that has zero chance of being successful.
        Starmer has a massive, unassailable working majority of 163.
        Callaghan only had a working majority of one when Thatcher called for and won her vote of no confidence.
        Sorry folks, we’re stuck with this lot for the next 4 – 5 years.
        Fuck them.

  21. Vote in haste repent at leisure ??
    Two Tier Keir has always been a lier & two faced twat.
    The vote online to have a General Election 2 million plus people he just laughed it off ??
    5 years of this numptie and his followers ??

  22. He’s a dangerous individual thinking he’s Napoleon Bonaparte taking on the Russians. Putin has the power, strength and military might to crush us like a bug. Starmer really has got delusions of grandeur but he’s playing with our lives. “I’m doubling down on Russia”, What with? A few pea shooters, a firework in a bottle and some harsh language? God help us all.

    • Thanks for informing us about that one Pooter. I don’t imagine anyone on here will feel a scintilla of surprise.

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