Jury Duty


(This nom started-out as a post in the kaba-scumbag trial thread).

I hate the thought of ever being called to jury duty… for several reasons, but in the kaba case, specifically, as in many before (ian Cuntley, particularly) … due to the sheer amount of earlier cuntitude by an individual that is kept hidden from a jury being beyond the pale.

Their opinion of a scumbag should not be tainted by ‘unrelated actions’ is the party line….but .. come on! It’s call a spade a spade time, .. I’ve had plenty of friends throughout the different stages of my life.. and not ONE of them, … not one … has ever been in jail or court for anything.

The day huntley was found guilty, it emerged the filthy cunt had been inappropriate with underagers in double-figures previous to the murders of the two girls that he was on trial for. Not a *single* instance, no, ..which COULD be a false accuser, or two cases, but ten complaints logged with cops and five more with social services .. all for ‘relationships’ with minors.

So ; I knew dozens of folk, not one accusation between them … but this one individual cunt has 15+… whether previously prosecuted or not, .. where is the line, ‘justice’ system? There is no (15) smokes without fire.

There was correlation between that kind of behaviour, and the day the previously unpunished cunt lured two 10 y.o.’s into his house …

Imagine being on a jury that finds a cunt like that not guilty ‘playing it safe’, in a facts-lite prosecution, only to find out after the case that it’s a serial predator or gang cunt(i.e. kaba, floyd etc.)with a SERIOUS history of similar behaviour?

‘Prejudicial’ indeed. Hiding prior bad acts is prejudicial too. The wrong fucking way around though. As always. Scumbags have more rights than the people they prey on.

insider croydon

I have other things against being pressganged to jury duty … but shall keep some powder dry ’til when/if this nom goes live

Nominated by CuntemAll.

45 thoughts on “Jury Duty

  1. ‘Scumbags have more rights than the people they prey on’.

    So very, very true I’m afraid.

    Morning all.

    • ‘Common Purpose’ and ‘The inversion of society’, no longer a theory it’s now a fact.

      • It’s been that way since 1997.

        Anyone else remember some lying cunt telling us how he was going to get ‘Tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime’?

        The same cunt then opened the flood gates to millions of illegal immigrants, who by definition are criminals.

        Anyone questioning this will be locked up so fast, their feet won’t touch the ground.

        The lying socialist filth currently sitting in the House of Traitors are now the party who will be ‘Tough on crime and tough of the victims of crime’.

        “When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty”.

        Thomas Jefferson.

  2. I have twice been called for jury duty. First time I wrote back and told them in no uncertain terms I didn’t want to do it. I was excused. Second time they said I had to attend for possible selection from a pool of candidates. There were about thirty people from whom twelve were to be chosen. We were left alone in a large area and it was clear to me we were being assessed for suitability by our behaviour. Most formed small groups making small talk. I stood alone yards from anyone and shuffled about muttering quietly to myself. I was excused.

    • My mum was called for jury duty years ago. I don’t what the vetting process was like but knowing her she would have automatically assumed they were guilty of something, irrelevant of what they were up for and would have complained bitterly about how the country has gone down the pan since the death penalty was abolished.

      • I’ve spoken to people who sat on juries LL. One said;

        “Jury duty’s easy. You just vote the way the judge tells you.”

        Another who was on the jury at a fraud trial which took weeks said;

        “By the end of the first day I was completely baffled. I just voted the same way as everyone else.”

      • Imagine being on one where the trial was months long, say a mafia trial like in the U.S where they are put up in hotels and shuttled to and from court?

        No thanks!

    • I didn’t have to make an excuse, due to having rheumatoid arthritis. That put paid to them bothering me again. Illness is the only way to be excused, even if you make it up.

  3. Justice in Britain?

    No chance,its a fucking game show.

    Hosted by the government,so guaranteed to be expensive,shite and so one sided it would make Kamaaala Harris weep with envy.

    Jury service? who does it serve exactly?

    Not us peasants.


    Good morning.

  4. Just imagine if it was the old days, when proper punishments were handed down, and you had the satisfaction of seeing the judge say coldly “Take him down” – the sight of the Reverend Bryant and Wes Streeting convicted for buggery – 2 years penal servitude with hard labour. Kweer being convicted for treason – the judge would have to put the black cap on. Dirty Ange being caught soliciting again – nine months in Holloway. That would have been great. Now all they get is a slight tap on the wrist. Not worth the time or effort

    • Unless you’re a white working class English bloke who is being charged with dissent or posting anti Marxist opinions on social media.

      In which case, they’ll be turfing a rapist out of his cell to make room for you.

    • For historical records I at one time transcribed Australian court records from between 1880 to 1920, the penalty for “carnal knowledge with a child 10 years or younger” was death. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. What would happen if a lower class, non related creep interfered with a Beaks child?

  5. Having done jury service a good few years back, my over-riding feeling was that I hope to fuck I never have to be tried by one. Useless, thick, retarded wankers most of them. The coppers were fucking useless. The judge was despairing – I really felt sorry for home having to put up with the shite. God knows what it is like now. I think the CPS are a lot to blame and whoever selects people for jury service – I was at Snaresbrook and that was mostly blacks and asians who struggled with English. Bu, hey, let’s make sure there are no middle class whites.

    • My late mother also did jury service many years ago now at southwark crown court, a case of robbery, the upshot being that mum was a completely uneducated irish woman could barely read a book and barely write her own name! yet she was chosen for such a complicated case, the mind boggles? suffice to say the cunt was convicted.

  6. I’d absolutely love to do jury duty.

    They may as well give me a black cap on my way in because whoever is in the dock is GUILTY.

    And the eleven soft split arses and gaylords won’t sway me,
    He’s guilty.

    Unless it’s serial offender Thomas Robinson.
    Or some unfortunate who swore at a police dog.

  7. My Dad had to do jury service a few years ago.

    Thoroughly enjoyed himself. Got two tea swiggers (Theft and domestic violence) sent down and a Joe Daki banged up for fraud.

    Unfortunately his fun came to an end when the defendant in the fourth trial singled him out as being CID (He isn’t) and asked for him to be replaced.

    Still, a hat trick of brown types being detained at Her Majesty’s pleasure is not bad for a few days work.

    • Yeah my old fella enjoyed himself on jury service too (guilty)

      Missus got called and didn’t want to do it?!!!
      Luckily for her it got cancelled.

      I’d love it, only thing better would be organiser of a lynch mob.
      Or bloodhound handler when tracking the cunts.

  8. Being a law abiding chap (excluding sexual perversions, but all consenting) that I am, over the years I have done jury service 3 times….twice crown court and once coroners court. Was foreman on my second crown court trial. Enjoyed it immensely….particulary after you’ve found someone guilty, and then the prosecution read out all someones ‘previous’ as long as your arm.

    Got nothing really meaty………..missed out by a week to being selected for the Chillenden murders trial.

    • I may just add, I don’t think I would want to do it now, what with all the simpering wokey members of the public who could be on it with you nowadays. Can imagine ‘yes, he might have done it, but he could have mental heath issues’ or ‘he/she couldn’t possibly have done it because they identify as a cat’ FFS

    • Michael Stone, a wrong un, but I am certain it was Levi Hammer man Bellfield that did it. Sometimes the jury gets it wrong.

  9. Previous events aren’t ‘unrelated’ if the feckless cunt (loveable rogue’ to his benefit claiming family and equally worthy of execution friends) in the dock is already guilty of them.

  10. Most people I know have ended up ‘worse off.’ So if you don’t want to participate, always bin the first Jury Service letter. You will be told that you must respond, but it won’t come registered, or recorded. You may or may not get a second one, but chances are, it will need a signature. Otherwise, like me, get yourself a criminal record, & you will not be asked.

    • Good, the fat fucks days of dipping into the public fund trough are over, good luck on civvy street with your record.
      Get on the dole, you cunt.

    • I wonder if he staying away from the HoC.

      Not a good week for Rodders, Dawn Butler on Badenoch and half the front bench finding out that what they said about Trump can’t be unsaid

  11. The jury or juries have got something right, another 20 P’s from Halifax and Bradford banged up.

    As its Islamophobia awareness month ?, perhaps there should be a roll call of all the P’s locked up over the last decade for grooming/rape, I have lost count but it must be a couple of hundred by now.

  12. What if cunters were called for jury duty and it was say some poor cunt caught up in one of Stasi Starmer’s show trials for sending a poor taste meme or posting hurty words? I’m sure I read one bloke pleaded not guilty and beat the charge, one of very few as a lot just pled guilty and accepted their punishment. Depends where you are maybe? Bristol or Brighton? Good luck Adolf!

  13. I attended a jury selection back in 1998.
    Worn my hot rocked mini the minx tshirt.
    Torn jeans and let my 6 month unwashed hair down. I looked like a homeless member of Nirvana. I smelt of hash and god knows what else…
    They didn’t pick me….

  14. To get out of jury service, just dress as a nazi. Should do the trick.

  15. Did jury duty recently – grooming gang, Asians. Scary fuckers taking notes in the public gallery, staring us out. Our details were given to all I believe. Fucked my schedule up but met some nice fellow jurors. Lasted a good while. Wouldn’t want to do it again. Vagueness to protect my identity.

    It was all theatre, briefs with speeches, you only decide on what you are presented and that is totally chosen/edited/tailored to the jury. Scary when we gave the verdicts – all defendants had a *big* handler next to them and there was some abuse directed at us. I was shaking.

    One juror said he felt that the experience reaffirmed his belief in justice. Not so sure I’d agree. They were guilty, but it was so selective, choreographed, we were told stuff was omitted because reasons etc. It wasn’t a judgement on facts but more on performances, word play, legalities. I’d be scared if I was up against all that.

    • Of course. Jury Duty in a courtroom scenario the concept – not perfect, but an attempt by the species to effect some degree of crime/punishment balance.

      But in a bastardized system/society such as we find ourselves, .. tainted to the point of being not respectful (or broadly respected) any more.


  16. Jury service is something I do not want to do and will never contribute to the fascist criminal justice system. Five years ago, I received a letter saying I had been selected for jury service. I threw the letter in the bin…absolutely nothing happened.

  17. Sadly, the Reagan household has yet to receive the honour of receiving a Jury Service request..

    Since the former Mrs Reagan kicked me out, I’ve had an awful lot of time on my hands, when my turn comes, 12 Angry men will look like it came from a Ladybird book.

    Until then, I’ll have to continue watching 24 hours in Police Custody.

  18. I just have to bookend this nom, for future generations – with the cunt I just wrote bit about in the ‘worthless awarenesses’ thread.

    Y’see *this* cunt played the game to a ‘T’. In the dock for flashing (‘her penis’) at 2 kids (10 &11 y.o.) on two consecutive days, .. played the victim card … ‘the kids were looking in my window’ … cunt was not convicted. But as soon as got away with same, it’s brief entered a plea on its behalf, in relation to 16,000 kid porn pics/vids … a pending matter that went untold to the jury in the ‘jerked off in front of children’ case. Even the judge called it out during the latter made plea, but too little too late.

    Another cunt gets away with being an utter cunt. Anyone on that jury should feel betrayed by the system. That’s what this nom was about, ultimately.

    Same link as earlier today…


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