Joshua Setipa


“At this joyous time of year” as the late Queen used to say ” our thoughts turn to the Common-Wealth. Well here is one cunt who is VERY interested in the wealth of the Common.

They vacuous looking, whey faced bastard seems to think “Britain owes more money to India than they have”

Yet another freeloading arsehole who is taking advantage of our laughable reputation of being a soft touch. Just wait till him and Hammy lammy meet for a good grizzle about hard Sambo & Singh have been treated by naught nasty Great Britain over the centuries.

We owe these shits nothing – anyway most of them are already over here living on our charity:

Daily Fail

Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

107 thoughts on “Joshua Setipa

  1. Josh Sepsis and the rest of the grabby, ungrateful vermin can do one.

    I have no idea how long mankind has left on this planet, but it would be nice if the third world could finally start making a contribution, instead of always holding out their dirty paws.

    You never know you might finally have some history to talk about, instead of trying claim ours..

  2. The UK has given India countless billions in foreign aid over the past decades.

    This would have mainly to be used for them to improve their health care and infrastructure.

    A waste of money as the country is still one of the few places where there is leprosy and plague and they still travel around clinging to the tops of buses and trains.

    They can put robots on the moon though.

    I wonder how much aid Lesotho gave India when this monkey faced cunt was trade minister there.

    • And they still shit in the street. Dark side of the moon’s going to be knee deep in human excrement within five minutes of the first Guptanauts landing.

    • You would think there would be a “quid pro quo” for all the cash – you keep your guptas and africans over there if we give you the money.

  3. I looked this chap up on Wikipedia. He comes from Lesotho but has a degree from Bradford University. I bet the U.K. taxpayer coughed up a fair chunk if not all of the money for that little jolly.
    Mind you, Bradford is a crap university located in a shithole.

    • A degree from Bradford University…. Oh, my sides…

      I’ve seen first hand how this gets done.

      I taught at a renowned Manchester college in the 90s, and I loved the job. But, in 1997, after Satan Blair got in, we were swamped with Somalians and the like. It became – shall we say – college policy – to prioritise these black personages over other students. And I saw some of these African types even get unfairly passed, when their work and other skills were totally shit. Everything from queue jumping to easy exam passes and diplomas for for doing nothing went on. And, when (in the year 1999) I saw a leaflet given to the staff and students about ‘political correctness’, I spectaculary resigned, in true Patrick McGoohan style.

      University degree from Bradford University, my arse. Another treeswinger handed it on a plate by a soft touch woke system.

  4. Ah yes, old Joshy Septic had a waterhole next to mine.
    He closed mine down then rented his out because he has 3 degrees in admin.
    “It`s all give and take,” he said. But mostly, take.

    Later on I shat in his.

  5. The only person to considered as commonwealth chief is a white British chap, not some Lesotho grifter, I wonder how much the cunt took in bribes when he was trade minister.
    Black African Politician = Corrupt Cunt.

    • And all Pakis, eh?
      Well, there’s a shock..

      Don’t say anything though. Eh, Tommy?
      You might upset our little brown friends.

      Never mind Keir Stasi and HM Prisons.
      Concentration/Death camps should be bulit for these rapist child molesting human filth. Gas the fucking lot.

      • How you doing, Tez.

        It’s as plain as day. This country has a major problem with Pakistani rape/grooming gangs.

        20 of the fuckers have been sent down, and the MSM and MPs still refuse to accept that it’s happening?

        Of course, when the odd person actually points it out (Kate Hooey or Tommy Robinson), they get hounded by the media and are called ‘Islamaphobic’. And people like Kate and Tommy get even more negative coverage than the grooming gangs themselves. Absolutely astonshing.

        And don’t get me started on the GMP and the disgraceful blind eye that was Operation Augusta.

      • And the snivelling little paki goblin khan is apparently worried about the people of london being affected by trump’s re-election. I think it is khan’s lot we need to be worried about.

    • What was it Jess Gobshite said when she was harassed during the election, ‘Muslim Men but the important word is Men’, no you silly cow the important word is Muslim!
      The important word in this case and many others across the north west is Pakistani

      • I recall seeing a video by that tuneless self serving jailbait, Ariana Grande.

        This video had a strong ‘feminist’ (i.e: misnadrist) theme to it. With Grande fighting off and shouting down a load of nasty shouty men. All white men, naturally.

        What’s worse is this was after the mass murder at the Manchester Arena in 2017. It wasn’t white men who killed your fans, you daft virtue signaling slag.

  6. The ‘Commonwealth’ is a load of shit really.

    Mostly ungrateful bastards. Those uppity abos for a start. Wanting ‘apologies’ for something that happened 200 years ago, from people who were (obvioulsy) were not even born then. Fucking self important arrogant self appointed cunts.

    Mind you, not all of them. I’ve known a lovely Indian Sikh family for years. Very good friends of mine and I even went out with their (still gorgeous) daughter. They insist that India went down the pan after the British left in 1946. Mister Kohli (her dad) reckons that the British handing India back was the worst thing that could have happened. They also warned me about Pakistanis and Muslims years before all their shit started. They hate them passionately, even more than we do. The lady of the house (Mrs. K) also makes the best curry and rice I hae ever tasted.

      • They told me years ago, about our Parking Stanley friends, W.C.

        I was told that they are unclean, that they breed like rabbits, they infest a place like Colarado Beetle, and that they are highly dangerous.

        And it was all true, every last bit.

    • One of my work colleagues from when I was still working was a lovely Hindu lady . Her dad was an affable chap apart from when Pakistan cropped up in conversation. ‘Nuke the bastards!’ was his invariable response.
      I don’t think that he was one of these diversity is our strength believers.

    • I worked with an old school pakistani engineer. Classy guy. He said our problem was that we had imported all the lower class backward country pakis.

  7. Joey Septic on the tap again?

    Open a shoeshine stall you fuckin leech.

    You cunts were only to glad to get on the ship when you thought you’d be getting fed.
    Soon as you had to do a bit of work is when the tears started.

  8. Once the commonwealth countries have paid us back for all the infrastructure, the military protection, the system of law, the system of democratic government and the logistics costs of not only transporting all this material and personnel, not to mention their ancestors to their current abode, plus interest and inflation.

    I have a feeling the commonwealth countries will be writing us a massive cheque, that will probably bounce.

  9. This idea that we should continually apologise, let alone pay money, for something our ancestors did and which we were powerless to prevent, being born 200 years later, and the apology being meaningful when the victims have been dead 200 years, is an utter, illogical absurdity.

    Quite possibly my great great great great grandfather was rude to someone or upset someone one day, or perhaps did something bad. Must I apologise for him?

    The reparations scam has as much integrity as the email I received a few weeks ago from a Mr M’Bongo of Nigeria asking for a thousand pounds to pay for probate of his uncle’s 10 million pound estate, for which services he would generously give me 50%. Probably the same people are behind it. And the money will end up in the same pockets.

  10. If these countries, especially those in Africa hadn’t been colonised by Britain then they would have colonised by other European powers anyway, probably France and you know what lazy bastards they are. They would have been waiting decades for the frogs to build a railway.

  11. This reparations shite is all these cunts have to offer,their only source of any kind of leverage.

    It’s fucking laughable,until you realise the Govt and royalty take it seriously along with the hard-core cadre of “refugee welcome” Quisling wankers.

    Oh and the professional racebaiters we’ve allowed to flourish in our country,to our great detriment.

    Donald knows how to sort these cunts out,perhaps one fine day we’ll enjoy some leadership with common sense,patriotism and backbone..I won’t hold my breath.


  12. Ah well. Never mind, eh, demo-rats….

    The likes of Stephen Cuntbert, Alec ‘Get Your Gun’ Baldwin, Saturday Shite Live,
    and numerous other cry baby celebrities and third rate comedians will give us another four years of Trump ‘gags; and telling us what a ‘bad man’ he is.

    • I personally am looking forward to the lefty tears. I’ve been running pretty low on lube for my excessive wanking habit.

      • Alec ‘Get Your Gun’ Baldwin can get off the end of the pier now.

        And he can now go back to earning a ‘lviing’ doing Trump impersonations.

      • @Norman

        Or he can get some residuals from the recent Beetlejuice sequel…. oh no, that’s right – no he fucking can’t! Because he wasn’t in it.

        It turns out that shooting a Hollywood woman in the face makes you toxic even when the projectile wasn’t composed of cum.

  13. Now he’s back in the saddle, I hope the Big D goes gunning for those cunts Henery Hawk of Hewitt and Megain Mantis.

    Then again, I don;t want those two cunts coming back to Blighty.
    So, an unfortunate and mysterious accident will do nicely.

    • We should get reparations from the Romans.
      The cunts occupied us!!

      Some bignosed spaghetti fondler imposing roads on us.
      And making us bathe.

      Swanning about in sandals like they’re decimus bigdickus.

      Never forgive
      Never forget.

      • And those French bastards too, Miserable.
        They owe us for 1066.

        Two can play that game, Treeswingers.

      • Them Normans Norman.
        They were originally viking settlers.
        Norman is a corruption of ‘ north man’.

        They treated us Saxons very badly afterwards.
        They taxed the shit out of us.
        Kier Starmer is a Norman Norman.

        I wish wed joined forces with Harold Hadrada and kicked fuck out of Willy Conkers.

      • I had to endure that Bayeaux Tapestry when I was on a school trip, Miserable. All 900 feet of it or whatever it was.

        It was – they say – like a middle ages comic book. They should have put some Batman TV series effects onto it then.

        ‘Sock!’ Forsooth!’ A Saxon soldier gets it.

        ‘Ye Pow! Big William whackss another one.

        ‘Egad! Sker-welch!; Harold gets an arrow in the eye.

      • Ho worries, Guzzi.

        I’ll get it off of King Chas.
        His dad was well in with those Fiat lads, so I heard….

  14. Lineker will be ‘blocking’ a huge number of people on his X account tonight.
    Anyone who is happy about Big Don winning, basically

    • Emily Mateless, self-appointed spokescunt for Those Who Know Best, is in meltdown.

      ‘This is America’s darkest dawn’ she said.

      Inconsolable in her grief, Emily was seen pacing back and forth in a daze until she accidentally tripped over her own tits.

      • Alistair Campbell and Rory Stewart (Billy Liar and Florence of Arabia) also had to grovel on live TV for getting it wrong. This pair of centrists dads were saying how Harris had it in the bag. As the evening progressed their faces became more and more distraught. Delicious TV. I’m enjoying these liberal meltdowns.

      • Emily Mate-less. Her vast chin will be scraping the floor show much, it will end up popping out in Australia.

        Always remember how this ill mannered chinny cunt referred to Big Don as ‘Trump; on Newsnight. Even when he was President.

        Never saw the appeal of Mate-less.
        Daft sods calling her ‘The thinking men’s crumpet’.
        She’s an ugly fucker. Like Jimmy Hill with lipstick.

    • Gary is too busy entertaining his imaginary refugee norm.

      The meltdown on X today has been delicious, those lefty tears could supply Africa’s water shortage for years..

      • The world and his dog knew that Emily Mate-less and Gary Linkunt would show their disleasure at Trump’s spectacular comeback.

        Of course, these two turds in the BBC U-bend believe they are of some importance and that people are interested in their opinions. All I have to say is this…

        Fuck off Chinny.
        Fuck off, you big eared black goalhanging cunt.

      • I am hoping Madogga’s heart* gives out, as she can’t stand Big Don getting back in the White House.

        *If the old gluebag has a heart, of course.

        Mind you, the dirty auld wytch will probably die getting fucked to death by some treeswinger toyboy. As is her wont.

  15. Josh Pastie and his chums can Get To Fuck.

    This shit has gone way too far.

    Waste of space useless cunts.

    I demand reparations for OAP’s, for a lifetime of being lied to by political traitors.

    Fuck Off.

    • My mates just sent me a txt image of Donald fuckin Kamala from behind but I can’t seem to post it on here?

      Shame. It’s a corker.❤️

  16. I wonder what Trump will make of Dirty Ange? I know she has to act like he is the devil incarnate in front of her commie mates but I reckon she will secretly love it if he puts on the moves. Wes Streeting will be swooning too.

    • Ange was just on telly .
      Had her fringe cut like Lloyd Christmas.

      She’s firing the weight on,
      Lord Alli must of been paying for Maccy Ds?
      She’s pale and bloated,
      She should eat better.

      Fresh fruit for rotting vegetables

    • I know the BIG D is partial to a bit of a goer and the occasional dirty bird…

      But THAT dirty?!

  17. What are the odds that porno whore, Stormy Daniels will now be getting a form of comeuppance? She thought he was finished and would never be seen again.
    The Big D has many scores to settle. She is but one of them…

    • She’ll take a overdose and throw herself backwards off a 9th floor balcony.

      Coroners verdict –
      Guilty conscience.

      • Trump also has the right to pardon some of the Jan 6th protesters or domestic terrorists if you are CNN, who were sentenced to years in prison. If you think the libs are crying hard now just wait until he gets into his stride.

      • Kamala Flatbacker (cheers, General) has said she will ‘help’ Trump in the transition of power.

        Only thing is, Kamala was never President, and she never will be. So it’s piss all to do with her, is it?

        I hope the Big D tells her where to go, He should call Rentokill to get rid of the poisonous snake. She should be flushed away, never to return.

    • Indeed, Tez.

      And I dare say a few fat celebrity arses are quivering, as Big Don goes for that cunt P. Diddy and his pals.

      And I do hope those rotten Clinton cunts get the hammering they have had coming for years.

  18. Diane Abbott got confused about Trump being the 45th and 47th president of the United States.

    “So there is two of him then?”

    • Abbott the Hutt probably thinks John F and Bobby Kennedy were the same person, and that the were shot by the same man.

    • According to Sadiq Khunt, Londoners are ‘anxious and fearful’ as a result of Trump’s win.

      I’m not sure what he bases this sweeping statement on. How many of the capital’s 9 million odd population has he canvassed personally since the result was declared? Has he taken an opinion poll, or what?

      Or is it just more sour grapes rhetoric?

      Morning all.

      • Given that Londoners voted for that lying malevolent turd, I’m fucking glad Big Don’s sticking the willies up them – now they know how the rest of us feel when they vote in the Labour scum and waltz around with their smug air of superiority as they consign this country to the dung heap

  19. We owe Johnny foreigner Fuck All
    They were soundly beaten by the once Great Britain and it’s as simple as that.
    Their being allowed to live here is more than enough compensation and they would not even have that if I had my way!

  20. The extremely ugly fucking gorilla needs to be reminded that if our forbears had never colonised the shitholes, that he and the rest of their filthy tribe inhabit they would be festering in a swamp of their own shit covered in flies. Actually we did and they still do to this day.

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