Whose that you ask.. an obnoxious ape for starters. He is a kick streamer? “fucked if I know”. Born to a Somali father and a Ethiopian mother so a real piece of shit then..
This low IQ cunt goes to other countries and films himself insulting people and their cultures.
Recently banned from Japan for remarking about the Fukushima nuclear accident.
So Johnny thought he would give south Korea a go.. and being a thick dàrkìe he continued where he left off..
But the good people of South Korea have had enough, he got punched in the face a couple of days ago.
And last night “30 Oct” got beaten up again..
Like all of these cunts when harassed, starts threatening to call the police..
Trust me malteaser head the Korean police won’t care.
People are sick and tired of black people’s antics, if we want to see monkeys behaving badly we will go to the zoo.
Nominated by Barry zuckercunt, additional links by Sam Beau and Hard Brexit Cunt.
Eeuurrghh, what a horrid nıģger.
He should be delivered by the South Koreans over the demilitarized zone straight to the Northerners.
He’d never be seen again.
The Norks are crazy but they’re not stupid. This dindu is of zero worth for ransom, and he’s too stringy to eat.
They might kill him and throw the corpse back. The South Koreans could drag it back, and weeks of harmless entertainment follows.
Delivered via trebuchet
Fortunately I’ve never heard of the cunt.
It’s always fun when normal gentlemen knock fuck out of these irritating primates,especially the ones trying to antagonise for “likes”..
Hopefully the Koreans will put the little rat faced cunt in the Cement for a few decades..
Good morning.
No clue,but”youtuber” tells me all I need to know.Happy Monday,everyone.
You can’t blame Johnny Somali for wanting to be anywhere but Mogadishu. According to an AI friend of mine, the Somalian government is run according to the rules of scientific socialism and ‘Islamic Principles’. Ha, ha, ha. Soon Johnny Kraut will be looking for somewhere/anywhere to run to as they have totally fucked their own country. Then it will be our turn as Two Tier leads the UK in formally joining the world wide Caliphate.
Good morning, everyone.
Some countries don’t entertain people coming to their countries and shitting all over their culture.
Nasty racist countries, not tolerant welcoming countries like ours, get over here johnny, you can shit on our flag inn the middle of the street and the natives will politely applaud.
I hear China and Russia are really tolerant of those kinds of shenanigans.
Johnny Somali should definitely pull some stupid shit over there. The locals will be howling with laughter…As they stamp repeatedly on his head.
Having been to Moscow, they don’t liek darkies I can tell you. Nor do the Poles or Slovaks.
Good Morning
Some of the comments on YouTube2 link are bloody funny, the most sensible being that he should pay the Koreans tuition fees. It won’t happen here but laws ought to be passed about foreigners disrespecting other countries traditions, religion, history and culture. It in Islamic countries why not here and in the West? Let people not confuse tolerance for weakness.
Keep up the good work Johnny.
Make your next trip to any Muslim country that you choose.
Go and insult the Islamic culture, perhaps take a shit on the quran.
North Sentinal Island would be a splended location for a big mouth cunt like this, just accross the water from Somalia. I guess the climate is similar, & the residents have the same colour skin. Recon he would fit in well. He would be made to feel at home.
Send him dressed as a missionary.
The North Sentinalese love a missionary from what I understand.
Yes certainly Odin. Prostrate, full of spears & arrows. I think it’s called “The Missionary Position.”
A very good idea. Anyone who goes to North Sentinel, usually (and rightly) ends up looking like a side of beef with several dozen arrows protruding.
We should have a few North Sentinelese as a welcome party for the smelly dinghy riders. They’d do a better job than the RNLI and Border Farce.
What is it with these people. Remember that annoying little twat in London who kept having himself filmed being a cunt?
When a yoof in a pub, so many years ago I can’t count, and we got on any bodies tits acting the goat two or three elderly chaps would take you outside, instruct you how to behave properly in public and the landlord would then only serve you halves. A repeat performance and you got twatted rather hard. The result is I am now a model citizen. (not a model like that you cheeky bugger).
Spare the rod and spoil the child is an old saying but has more than a grain of truth about it.
Mornin’ all.
I think that some people just crave attention.
Obviously this thick, ugly sand Pákí can’t get attention for doing anything positive.
So he acts like a cunt.
It’s much easier that way.
Even a punch in the face or a full blown kicking means, in his mind, that someone has noticed him.
Perhaps somebody could arrange a large crowd of people to pay him a great deal of attention.
He is deserving of our sympathy. With those genes he can’t help it.
Worry not all. A gangster living in the US issued a death threat. A former navy seal gloriously twatted him on you tube and told him if he saw him acting the cunt again the slapping he got would be much worse.
From what I can gather johnny had traces of whacky baccy in his system, the current thinking js he is looking at a long stretch in chokey.
I picked up a suspension from TwoFaceBook for saying that as far as I am concerned, Somali’s are the undisputed scum of the galaxy! I bet the cunts who awarded it have never met one, let alone sailed a tanker off the coast of that shithole! I would happily burn the bastards but sadly flamethrowers were not really an option on a tanker!
A container ship with my goods on board got stopped by Somalian pirates.
Fucking frustrating it was.
I lost business because of the delay.
I know that there are navy boats from many nations that try to protect shipping.
I am sure that if the Royal Navy intercepted a boat full of the fuckers they would immediately transport them to a 4 star hotel in the UK.
I wonder how many other Navies just machine gun the cunts, sink their boats and forget to report it.
That seems an unusually leniant punishment, FT. During the heady days of the COVID-era, I copped a month ban for getting pissed up, logging into Facebook and calling Boris Johnson a “corpulent, lying cunt.”
Anyway, I agree with you about Somalis. They also look like chocolate-covered aliens. Never seen a bunch of people so ugly with one head.
The parents of this riff-raff, should’ve been monitored before being allowed any hanky panky in the first place. A drug administered during puberty, would prevent such accidents occurring in the future.
Morning, SS,
I agree. If ever there were a case for steralisation, eh?
We should feed the Tavistock Clinic’s entire supply of puberty blockers to Somali children.
Apparently, he’s currently under arrest on drug charges, looking at 10 years in South Korean pokey.
If he actually ever gets home to the USA, they’ll hopefully cancel his passport and put him on the no-fly list of every airline.
They really need to keep their badly-trained pets under control.
I hope this cunt goes to somewhere like Colombia or Nicaragua and starts upsetting the locals.
The Police will take less kindly to that kind of behaviour and being anti-darkie he may find himself with more than a fat lip.
Odious little fried chicken eating cunt.
I have never met a nice somalian. They are ALL cunts. Just one look at those sly faces and dead eyes, you can see the cruelty behind them. They truly are untermenschen, not fit to be called humans. This prick only serves to reinforce my thinking.
On a continent full of cunts the skinnies are standout pieces of shit, closely followed by Nigerians.
South Koreans know the score with the Feargal Sharkeys, LA riots and Korean guns on the roof anyone ?
I’ve seen some footage of this bulging eyed simian shitstain getting flattened and most gratifying it is to see him fleeing, fast little cunt too and he needs to be.
I’ll be happy to hear he gets banged up.
These fucking narcissists and their vacuous followers all need the Terence Protocol.
A more fitting punishment would be to become the prison bitch.
Who? Never heard of it.Full cremation.
Sounds like a trouble-making dickhead.
Morning all.
What’s the difference between a Somalian and an Ethiopian anyway….nope I don’t know either, both ?less bro’s surely ?
Warning. Graphic image.
This is what happens when our permatanned cousins fuck around with Chinese girls.
He definitely won’t be doing that again.
Good, serves the cunt right. Why can’t they do the same here with the suntanned kiddy fiddlers?
As you lot know, I despise Somalians.
Ruined a job I very much enjoyed. Satan Blair filled education centres and colleges with this muck when he surfaced in 97.
Truth is. almost all of them were unteachable. They just sailed through courses and diplomas because the already woke staff let them. Going easy on them wasn’t in it.
And the priority status they got made me sick. Admin stuff, travel funding, even the bloody canteen. No professional of any kind should have favourites. But that’s what they were. A few students noticed and complained. But only me and a beautiful deaf teacher called Nikki actually stood up and said something. It did no good at all and I quit.
Somalians are the dregs of Africa. And the rest of it is bad enough, but that’s how bad they are.
Surprised it’s still alive.
Looks like some sort of cross dressing take it up the arse cunt with about 3 brain cells in its fucking head synergy a governmental post is calling
Looks like some sort of cross dressing take it up the arse cunt with about 3 brain cells in its fucking head maybe a governmental post is calling
Another uppity spade
No news here then.