Joe Biden [23]


So, the senile old fuck is at it again by allowing KEEEEEEEEV to fire US long-range missiles into Russia. As if he’s not done enough damage to the US – and the world at large – by stoking all sorts of conflicts around the world during his time in office.

I guess he’s fucked around now, and we’re about to find out. This is a monumentally-stupid, reckless decision he and the Dems have made all because “orange man bad” and they can’t keep their shady shit in Ukraine going.

I hope Putin steamrollers the whole country.

Nominated by : Cuntis_Cuntis

77 thoughts on “Joe Biden [23]

  1. A justifiable cunting, C_C…but let’s face it: it’s not that doddering old pædo who’s made that decision. It’s the Washington blob.
    They’re going to do everything in their power to fuck the Trump presidency before its even begun.
    Hopefully the cunts who pushed for this will be charged with sedition or treason and have a nice trip to a blacksite.

    • Morning, TTCE,

      Yeah, you’re absolutely right, mate. It’s not often I get completely fucking exasperated, but reading that news the other night… tipped me over the edge.

      I hope Big Don goes scorched earth and puts those demonic cunts Killary, Obama, Pelosi in prison. Or has ’em bumped off.

  2. I wonder how much he actually knows about what’s going on?

    He’s seemed out of it virtually since he was elected, and this last couple of years in particular.

    Morning all.

    • Good Morning,

      Looking at the news last night there were pictures of him at the G20 and I just felt poor old bastard. He has been kept in power by an ambitious and conniving wife, a crooked son and a civil service who think they know best.

      The decision to allow the use of the ATCAM (?) missiles, which are medium range I think is the correct one. You can’t negotiate with Putin from a position of weakness. There was obviously a degree of urgency due to the deteriorating military situation in Ukraine but it should have been made in consultation with Trump.

      Trump’s position is unclear, there is a lot of difference between campaign rhetoric and what happens when you are in government. He obviously wants Europe to step up to the plate and contribute a lot more to NATO and to the situation in Ukraine, which is fair enough. The Europeans have had a very cheap ride for nearly 80 years at the expense of the Americans.

      • He’s a career politician and a corrupt crooked senile old bastard.

        His entire presidency was smoke and mirrors with more than a sprinkling of election fraud thrown in.

        The fact that this semi conscious old puppet was doddering around pretending to be a president was and still is an embarrassment to all involved.

  3. Spot on.

    Biden is a vindictive old cunt,just like the rest of his childish spiteful party and its supporters.

    It’s an extremely dangerous decision that he’s made purely to attempt to fuck the world but especially Trump and if anyone doubts that then ask that great strategist and outstanding leader of Western freedom Never Here Keir,who intends to “double down” on Support for Ukraine..

    If that doesn’t tell us everything we know to know then it’s time to go to the cellar and check supplies of candles and sunscreen.

    Threads anyone?

    Good morning.

    • I sometimes think that Kweer, as he dresses and behaves just like an old Eastern European dictator, ought to get the same Xmas present Nicolae Ceaușescu got back in 1989. We will spare Mrs. Two-Tier – she has little to do with him and is she not fragrent?

      • Mr. Boggs, you forget that Ceaușescu improved the lives for many Romanians. That’s the difference between him and TTK.

      • Richard Tice said Lord Ali What’s His Name also bought Victoria, clothing, specifically underwear; called it ‘Victoria’s Secret’. So whilst she might be ‘fragrant’, she’s on the take. Also nobody’s seen much of ‘er since the election. Looks like she’s gone back to sewing or whatever she does all day now she doesn’t have to play the loving wife.

    • KS has essentially painted a giant bullseye on us for a kinzhal or two and justifiably so as long as it takes out the ‘Crown shitty of London square mile essentially the epicentre of geopolitical shennaniganry,independent of blighty but parisitising of its host for aeons ……(see Vatican/DC).

  4. Too little, too late.
    Way too late.
    If Obama hadn’t appeased Putin in 2014, Ukraine and the rest of Europe would not be in the mess it’s in today.
    The West has lost its backbone.
    Seems we have learned nothing from the 1930s.
    Churchill and Roosevelt must be spinning in their graves.
    That said, high time the Russians got a taste of their own medicine.
    However minor it is.
    Fuck Putin and his mate Kim Jong Un.

  5. …and of course that festering heap of flyblown filth Starmer will follow Sleepy Joe’s lead, unless his EU controllers tell him otherwise.

  6. I don’t know if this is true but I heard a report that these missiles have to be guided by American tech, if Putin sees that as an attack by the US we could be in for a right shit show, especially if any land on Moscow.

    • The Storm Shadow missile system that 2TK is so desperate to unleash on Russia requires American satellite guidance to work..

      So yes all these mad cunts are playing with fire.

      The West thought they had won the Cold War and could do as they pleased in Eastern Europe..expanding NATO even though the reason for its existence died with the Soviet Union.

      They lied to the weak,disorganised and corrupt Russian state and continued to lie even when it became apparent that Russia was reorganising as an effective military and strategic energy force.

      Successive U.S administrations have seen Europe as a playground to test its strategic ideas and flog its arms to,apparently it never crossed their minds that a former enemy holding a stockpile of thousands of thermonuclear weapons might get pissed off at all this baiting in what it considered to be its traditional backyard and might end up biting back.

      Now it might well all come home to roost.

      Thanks Clinton,Bush,Obama and Biden you fucking dolts.

      • So it isn’t never here who has the final say, yes you can use them as long as the US says OK

        Sir Two tier, free gear, never here Kweer ?

      • Madness…read (((Samson Option))) they want the world to themselves and will destroy rather than relinquish.

  7. A well deserved and well timed cunting.

    To think that the hysterical lefties were all saying that it would be Trump who would start World War 3.

    The Democrats (Obama, Hilary Clinton and Biden in particular) have been longing for war with Russia and now that the cunts have been obliterated in the recent election, this is their farewell gift.

    Kweer and his band of warmongering misfits are equally as bad.

    Anything to deflect from the fact that your entire country fucking despises you eh Kweer??


    • I really think that Biden should be slung out immediately. He is clearly senile, and has been for some time (shitting himself in front of the Pope for example). He is clearly insane and unfit to govern.

    • Morning, HJ,

      Precisely. You just know that evil old harridan Killary has had her talons in this, don’t you? I genuinely don’t understand why the Neocons are itching for a punch up with Russia.

      Putin is absolutely not a saint, but history has shown us that the Russians are really, really ‘ard and they don’t fuck about during times of war. Leningrad Siege, and Stalingrad to name a few examples.

      All of this said and done, the fact that Kweer is there mincing about for KEEEEEEV makes me actually sick to the stomach. The country’s fucked. More fucked than I’ve ever seen it during my time, and yet we keep coughing up for that pan-handling little cunt.

      • You have to go back centuries when Ukraine was called Khazaria a Turkik/Mongol race famed for crime,usury,child scacrifice and warfare.The Russian Tsar of the time booted them out for warring on his borders and Victoria Nulland and her ancestors never forgave,made a blood pact to reclaim the land however long it took.This includes Russias total destruction and gives a clue to current events.

  8. Spot on Nom.

    ‘Hair sniffin” Joe and Kamala ‘I agree with everything he has done’ Harris have the skids under them big time. Joe will evade censure because he is senile (the Ernest Saunders defence), Kamala will get away as she is black, innit.

    Good morning, everyone.

  9. The very sight of that crooked bastard Starmer sabre rattling for all out war is one of the most vomit inducing things I’ve seen in a long while.

    Not content with taxing the British public to death or freezing pensioners to death or driving British farmers off their land or jailing people for telling the truth. He wants to put this small island in the cross hairs of a nuclear armed rogue state.

    Well done Kweer you nasally voiced four eyed fucking chutney ferret

      • It’s been pretty darn decent stuff to be honest Thomas.

        Although I’ve only enjoyed it sparingly.

        Tastes fucking awful mind.

    • And he’s been at that daft CoP 29 meeting taking with The Taliban and Chee Jing Ping (sorry can’t be arsed to learn how to spell it) about climate changed. Wanker!

  10. You only have to remind old Joe that these rockets will kill little girls, then he’d put a stop to it immediately.

  11. Where are all the snipers who should be seeing off all the heads of state and none of this nonsense would be occurring.

  12. Cunt Nancy cunt Pelosi (cunt), and her bullshit theatrics at the end of (President-elect, President)Donald Trumps first run in the White House.

    Claims she felt compelled to speak to some ‘General Milley’ about ‘securing the nuclwar codes, .. the showboating insincere old bitch.

    Biden (actually)crosses a line with potential WW3 implications? .. not a dickie-bird …

  13. Incoming ???… sleepy is a walking ?‍♂️ anyway so he wouldn’t bother about any ☢️war occuring… it’s a ?show, and perhaps it wouldn’t kill as many as first thought as most older Brits will be already ? in their homes and gone ?⚰️

    • I’m guessing there’s nothing like a thermonuclear explosion a few miles away to warm your house up.

      • It won’t be nuclear which leaves the planet uninhabitable for literally everyone it will be weaponery such as EMP’s (electro magnetic Pulse)technology which will take down a nations electronic infrastructure leaving them/us foodless and heatless which will seem a poor relation to going out in a nuke scenario. and Russia has an abundance of these advanced platforms to deploy.They tend not to advertise their hardware mostly.

  14. Biden is determined to escalate this until it’s unfixable even if it leads to nuclear war. He just cannot allow Trump to fix it in week 1 and make him and his party look like utter cunts.

  15. I’m sure some think this is a genius move by the Demonrats. I’d like Allan to give us the reason why this is good policy.

    It’s deplorable for an exiting soundly rejected administration to make this decision. This has nothing to do with North Korean troops, if it was your retaliation would be against North Korea,.

    • The Democrats were always the nice kind ones weren’t they.

      The Republican’s were always the nasty ones weren’t they.

      Nice and kind obviously translates as – war mongering, race baiting, trans degeneracy promoting, nation destroying cunts.

  16. I genuinely believe we are close to finding out what Russia’s response will be. I think some kind of attack on NATO infrastructure, will be likely. They already cut an undersea cable in the Baltic. If they go after the Atlantic cables we will be royally fucked. It’s alarming that Putin has kept quiet so far, that probably means they are planning something. They can’t not respond, they would look weak to allies. I think biden has genuinely lost his marbles. For once Germany is right, stay the fuck out of this. This is not our fight, our country is fucked. we need to sort this festering shit hole out, before wasting money on backwards Ukraine. I’m not prepared to die for cunts who brought it on themselves, all while being funded and egged on by the west. I genuinely can not think of a good reason to have a nuclear war with Russia. still look on the bright side, most of our immo problems are in cities, those will be toast. Got to find the positives?

    • If it does goes nuclear I shall at least get a crumb of comfort from knowing the likes of munchetty Lineker and the entire cast of strictly come AIDS not to mention the entire shitfest of “news media” personalities will boil alive.

      Oh and the dirty fucking immos.

      Every (radioactive) cloud has a silver lining.

    • No,that would just liberate scores of them to avail themselves of the remnants of our infrastructure post war.

  17. Two Tier Kweer is aching to flex his puny human rights lawyer muscles on a world stage.

    What better way to be seen as a strong leader than setting your county on the path to nuclear Armageddon, while ensuring that you’re nowhere near ground zero when it kicks off.

    Typical socialist. A gutless fucking coward, unless it involves locking up protesters for sedition.


  18. Emergency righteousness from Cuntis.

    Some really excellent analysis and commentary from the IsaC Faithful…

    …and an ancillary Cunting for fucking Volo.

    Trump / Vance
    Fight! Fight! Fight!

    • Good afternoon, General,

      How are you getting on?

      What’s the general concensus about keeping the ‘war’ – you know, the war in a county where people are still partying, attending football matches, and visiting from abroad – going in the United States?

      Prior to election season, I had a chat with some of my blue-voting friends, and they seem absolutely sick of being made to pay for a conflict that seems likely to end in stalemate.

      Pricing my friends out of a decent standard of living is one of the many reasons why I hate Biden and the administration he has headed. The main one is that he makes George Dubya seem like a peacenik. There’s some achievement.

      • Hey Cuntis,

        Despite a few nagging health issues that come with getting older, I’m doing well. Especially, with the Trump / MAGA victory.

        The Demonrats, the Deep State and the Establishment Republicunts are like the fucking un-dead but I am more than cautiously optimistic that they can be defeated and hopeful that they can indeed be vanquished.

        I’m not sure what the virtue signalling left who lionized Volo thinks these days. Frankly, they don’t seem to say much in the American media and what they do say seems to have little real substance.

        At the grass roots everyone I know in the MAGA movement hates Volo and sees him as a grifter.

        On the other hand they all hate Vlad and blame him for the war. To be fair some believe he was (deliberately?) provoked by the Biden Puppetcy with all the talk of Ukraine joining NATO.

        Nobody really knows why Biden would do that but many believe his family’s ties to Ukrainian corruption is at the heart of the matter.

        This latest twist of launching American made missiles at a time when the Biden Administration has just been soundly rebuked by the American electorate is seen by many as an attempt by the Obamunists running the Administration to further destabilize the world and foment more chaos.

        Despite being defeated, they aren’t going to go away. Their war on Western Civilization will go underground for a while…or at least not be so public. Ukraine is just another piece of that war.

        As for me I see that chaos as a necessary part of the Marxist plan for violent Revolution. And violent revolution is necessary to bring about their Brave New Green One World Order.

        The consensus is that the Biden Puppetcy let the war go on for reasons of their own and that Trump has the chops to end it.

        They don’t want that to happen so the lame duck puppet escalates the war in his final days hoping to make the situation unwinnable for Trump and those in the MAGA movement who want an end to endless foreign wars.

        My personal opinion is that Vlad will not respond with Nukes. He may be a ruthless lying, vicious murdering cunt but he isn’t stupid.

        However, his allies in China are terrified of Trump so anything could happen. And he is attacking communications networks so that could be a precursor to something bigger.

        Biden, Vlad and Volo; The Senile, the Evil and the Corrupt.

  19. Uncle Joe may be a doddering decrepit old cunt, but at least he dresses like a head of state. That scruffy tramp Zelensky probably doesn’t even own a decent suit. Fucking cheapo dooshka-trash gyppo cunt.

    I am also sick of the sight of the scrounging mithering cunt. He’s a bloody pest, and the UK should not give him another penny. If Russia had invaded Britain (or Germany, Spain,Holland or whereever), that unkempt cunt and the Ukraine wouldn’t have given a fuck. And we certainly wouldn’t get a bean of financial aid.
    Britain has more than enough problems of its own. And the fact that Keir Stapo and that Reeves bitch are going to give this scruffy fucker 7 million pounds is disgusting. This Zelensky twat has caused us a great deal of trouble. And if he wants money, his slag of a wife can flog some of her Paris originals and her Imelda Marcos style shoes collection. Giving this lunatic what he wants over and over could drag everyone into a war that nobody wants.

    So, if handing this Dooshka Wolfie Smith over to Ivan stops people getting killed and prevents an even bigger and nastier war, then just gift wrap the cunt and post him to Putin. Zelensky is as rottten as any other leader, and hs hero/god like status with virtue signaling cunts and celebrity whoppers like Bonio is sickening.

    • I think you hit the nail on the head. zelinsky is a scruffy dictator cunt. He and his wife have embezzled millions off our money. He goes with begging bowl to the west, and the west gives. To what end? the war can’t be won. It simply comes down to demographics, Ukraine has not got enough men to fight a protracted war. Nor do they have the economy and military industrial complex to keep going. All this talk of them joining NATO and the EU, get to fuck not on your nelly. Hungry will never ratify them to join NATO, none of us should! Should we throw the corrupt shit hole under a bus, to avoid nuclear war? fuck yes, yes we should. We have a crumbling infrastructure in the UK. Roads a state, trains and tracks dilapidated, hospitals, schools all fucked. Yet we have billions to give to a lost cause. The immos are are one one part of the problem. All this comes from a fucked system of government, lead by a socialist cunt brigade. Oven the lot of them zelinsky including.

  20. To be honest I think the whole thing is now a fucking mess. However it finally ends up, Ukraine will be a wasteland which no body, the West or Russia can afford to re-build in the way that Europe was put back together after WW2. So who is the “victor” in the end? Both Putin and the West have missed the moment when, having passed the tipping point, there is still just time to scamper back and move the tiller (sailing) or roll a bit off the throttle (sidecar) and save the day from going tits up. A lot of sad old cunts too slow on their feet who now have nothing to loose because they are so near the grave anyway.
    The people? fuck ’em. It’s the pets and wild life I feel sorry for.
    And it’s fuckin’ snowing again.

    • No point in giving weapons to Ukraine and then telling them what they can do with them and what they can’t. The Ukrainians know what targets they need to hit.
      Of course Putin and his lapdog Lavrov immediately start describing it as an escalation. It’s ok if they attack Ukraine with weapons made in another country, and with soldiers from yet another country, but it’s not ok if the Ukrainians do the same. For the umpteenth time they mention the word ‘nuclear’, hoping we’ll all start shitting ourselves. They said it when the west first declared support for Ukraine, they said it when aid and weapons were sent, they said it when Abram and Leopard tanks were sent and they said it when F16 fighter jets were sent.
      It’s a meaningless threat because, as dumb as they are, the Russians know that if they explode one nuclear device outside their own recognized territory, their country will soon cease to exist. They are outnumbered and outgunned. If there are any winners, it most certainly won’t be them.

      • “If there are any winners, it most certainly won’t be them.”

        Wish I had your optimism.

        Most MAGA cunts apparently define themselves as anti-narrative and I suspect Big Donald is no different. So if the Dems were pro-Ukraine, they have to become pro-Russian.

        Would be shameful if they had any.

  21. Surely this Daft old Cunt will be Dead soon, he should be in his Pajamas and in bed by 5.30 pm, it’s embarrassing to watch this senile old Turd being wheeled around pretending to be the leader of the U.S.A, he couldn’t lead a Tramp to a Bottle of Thunderbird Wine.

    • ^ *MARTIN Sheen, .. jesus christ!

      I knew that, just typed it cuntways. ?

      Memorable scene, from a memorable movie though, …

      • Brilliant film. What I find chilling about the whole scene, as well Martin Sheen’s performance is the background music. It’s not on all the time through the scene, you just hear it for a second every now and then, it still send shivers down my spine. What a great actor Christopher Walken is as well. Another of my all time favourites is King of New York, he plays a sociopath gangster but it’s not a straightforward role, he plays it intricately and layered.
        Back to the nomination, this fool Starmer, Zelensky will poke the ear once too often. and it will bite. Wr have no cultural or historical ties to Ukraine. Would they be any worse off under Russian rule? Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on Earth. This is conveniently swept under the carpet by the mainstream media. They then fear monger by saying the Balkans and Poland would be next. Utter rubbish. Putin is calculating and let’s face it is a cunt, but he’s not stupid. A modern NATO would win a conventional war, it’s as simple as that. I hope and pray we last until Trump comes into Office and finally tries to sort this utter shit show out once and for all.

      • Would they be any worse off under Russian rule?


        If the treatment of the people under occupation is anything to go by.

        Russia aims to ‘Russify’ them; completely eradicate their culture and history and language (ironically, something Russia falsely accused Ukraine of doing in reverse) which I don’t know about you, is a pretty big deal to most people. Frequently bemoaned by almost everyone on here.

        Maybe I’m more sensitive to it, being Oirish. We know all about such arrogant cunts.

  22. Sooner the Democrats are out of office the better They are no friends of ours in Blighty.
    Didn’t go well with the hard workers of the Mid States watching all the celebs endorsing that Harris bitch Most of American Citizens said for the last 4 years how bad she was On the other hand Obama telling everyone who would listen She was the best thing since sliced bread as did the 100 Labour Party Delegates from the UK The voters thought otherwise and voted for President Trump So the Democrats those that are staying in the USA will have to eat a large slice of humble pie Biden after Obama is the worst president in living memory good riddance ??

  23. In another move intended to escalate the conflict, today the Obamunists who control the Biden Puppetcy have decided to send anti-personal land mines to Ukraine.

    When Trump ends this forever war these mines will still be in the ground.

    The gift that keeps on killing.

    • Where they’ll join the countless hundreds of thousands that have already been seeded by the Russians.

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