Dawn Butler M.P. [13]

Well it appears that notorious race-baiter Dawn Butler has once again opened her repulsive gob and let her fat belly rumble. It ain’t pretty.

Labour leader Sir Keir ‘TwoTierTwoFaceFreeGear’ Starmer is seemingly under pressure to suspend the Brent East MP after she shared a tweet labelling new Tory leader Kemi Badenoch as ‘white supremacy in blackface’. Nasty.

What strikes me as ironic is that if Badenoch had lost the contest for the Tory leadership, it’s a fair bet that gobshite Butler would then have been spouting off about it being a victory for racism.

I really don’t think you can win with the Butlers of this world. They’ll twist any situation to view and judge it through the lens of racism, and try to exploit it to serve their own agenda. They’ve turned race-baiting into an industry.

I hereby propose the motion that Butler is indeed a right nasty cunt. All in favour say ‘aye’.

The Stun.

Nominated by : Ron Knee

A motion to second proffered by Lord of the Rings:

May I second this nom Admin.
Butler is a vile , oddious, Racist, divisive, anti-British bucket of vommit, who needs flushing away, never to be seen or heard from again.
Fuck her and all anti-British, race victim two faced Cunts like her.

A golden third by Benito Cuntolini:

A 24 carat gold plated bling cunting for the MP for Brent East Ms Dawn Butler. Not content with the traditional process of congratulating a Mrs Kemi Badenoch as a new party leader and as others have done, proffering congratulations on being the first black woman etc etc, Ms Butler has seen fit to share a rather unpleasant tweet from soshul meeja describing Mrs Badenoch as a ‘black face for white supremacy’ (whatever that means). Naturally the usual suspects have crawled out of the woodwork, ‘Professor’ of grievance, Kehinde Andrews, ‘Dr’ Shola um Bongo in the Congo etc all cleverly dripping bitter vitriol while simultaneously managing to balance a chip on each shoulder. Despite their apparent loathing for all things UK, they all seem happy to suck on Britannia’s tit while it suits them. Fuck off.

75 thoughts on “Dawn Butler M.P. [13]

  1. Here’s the thing.
    The Tories have and have had many more ethnics in key positions than Labour. Labour hasnt even had a female leader and what blacks they have – Lammy, Flabbot, Butler etc seem to be monumentally stupid, more known for shoulder chips than anything else.

  2. Nothing would surprise me about Brent or bent as we called the shithole in the 80’s. Hopefully the hideous harridan will disappear up her own arse in a flash of light never to be heated from again. One can but dream

  3. Another in a long line of dense chimps who owe everything to western civilization..

    But choose to be ignorant,entitled scum and try to be relevant by bringing race into everything..

    The revolution can’t come quick enough for these pieces of filth..

    • Indeed, Bazza. And as a transitioning woman of half-colour I was going to cunt this separately, but it seems to tie in quite nicely here I think. It`s all in the story in the link (only a 5 minute read), but the upshot is “you just can`t win” …


      Even after we have given them billions the ungrateful (privileged black [and ginger] ) bastards turn it all around and tell us that WE are the cunts.

      Well here`s a thought – give us all the fucking cash back.

      Thought not.

      • Geldof claims that the song has saved ‘thousands if not millions of lives’.
        No evidence is presented to support the assertion.

      • Ed Sheeran – horrible little ginger cunt. Flip flops dependig on what view is trending. He is everything that is wrong with this country.

      • All join in, you know the tune…

        “Fuck the wooooorld
        Let them know it’s dinner time”

      • This is the problem.

        That song has saved millions of the useless cunts.

        They couldn’t feed themselves before and they still can’t.

        They turn up here looking for handouts because they think whitey has money to throw away on worthless causes, like Africans.

  4. Live at the tower Hamlets chiggunfest ….’dawn and the grifters’ with guest artists featuring the ‘we built everything Playboy’s’ and ‘shola and the reparations’….. tickets stealing fast ?

  5. Seems as though Sir FreeGear’s not going to do anything about Butler’s race-baiting of Badenoch then.

    Mind you, the cunt’s never here anyway.

    Afternoon all.

  6. My suspicion is,and I suspect I may not be alone in this,that vicious,deranged autocratic Gravy Train nogs like this heap of wildebeest shite would,if they could arrange it and escape responsibility for it,have the indigenous peoples of this country put in concentration camps awaiting execution at a level not seen in millennia.

    Such is the state affairs if you allow these savages a foothold in a country they should never have existed in.

    Dark Continent Dung.

  7. Today’s noms page is looking like King Louie’s scenes in ‘The Jungle Book’.
    It’s a challenging wank, to be sure.
    Imagine being the white meat in a licorice sandwich between Butler and Whoopi Goldberg?

    • Well, Thomas, if you laid on the crack of Diane Abbott`s arse you might resemble be a hot dog, only in reverse. Go easy on the mustard.

      • Sam, do you think Diane’s arse crack might be the £22 billion black hole that Rachel from Complaints found on 5th July?

        That’s £22 billion according to Diane’s maths of course.

      • Yes, probably, Geordie.
        A black hole is a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter, radiation or shite can escape.
        It`s also a place where money or lost items apparently disappear without trace.
        Either way, going near to one is not recommended.

  8. I shall turn up, after covering myself in flour with a bone through my nose, carrying a spear in hand, asking what do you want madam.

  9. Time Dawn fucked off back to her roots, it’s an absolute disgrace having her and the other sons and daughters of slavery in our Parliament

    Country is fucked ?

  10. Black women ! no wonder black bloke’s only shag em and don’t hang around and live with them…

    Seen to prefer white women to live with, or appear in TV adverts with…..?

  11. The thing is she has seen Diane Flabbott pull this shit and get away with it for years because the Labour party cherry picks its definition of racism and who it applies to. Bendycock is seen as a race traitor because she is allegedly right wing (no she aint!) and therefore fair game.

  12. It wouldn’t have been any loss for Starmer to suspend this fucked up oaf from the party.
    He’d be seen to act decisively and that would have put the story to bed for a bit.
    Therefore, it’s worryingly telling that he hasn’t.
    Could it be that he secretly agrees with her?
    There are those who’d disagree with Badenoch’s appointment from the point of view that the Conservative Party of Great Britain has just appointed its second leader of immigrant stock, but that’s not Butlers argument, although it could secretly be Starmers.
    Anyway, it’s clear that when the going gets tough, Starmer clams up and fucks off.
    Spineless, race baiter supporting wanker!

  13. It’s such a shame the UK-branch of the Ku Klux Klan never took off, isn’t it? Apparently a group of fine-minded gents in white hoods were really trying to get things off the ground from 1945 until 1970.

    The likes of this chippy nig and the Flabbot wouldn’t have stood a chance.

    Despite being gorgeous, I’ve always fancied a KKK uniform and a title like Imperial Dragon.

  14. Black people are perhaps the most racist of all.

    Dawn Butler is from Jamaican parents.

    Jamaicans are obnoxious and aggressive.
    They think that they are superior to all other Caribbeans.

    They certainly don’t like Africans.

    Badenoch has her roots in Nigeria.

    • The Tree Swingers are awful for the most part, aren’t they?

      Inter-African racism is a conveniently forgotten truth amongst our ‘betters’ too.

      • The original tweet was from one Nel Addey, a Nigerian journalist, we’ll have to take your word for that Nels, so he didn’t give a shit. That said Nigeria has hundreds of tribes with years of simmering disputes so who the fuck knows what his real agenda was attacking her.

      • LL, not a clue what you’re talking about I’m afraid, my ol’ fruit.

        Can we agree on ‘Oven’ though? It’s been a while since UT’s been around these parts.

  15. If she’s a Butler who gets up at the crack of dawn to serve her white boss breakfast, she can’t be all that bad.

  16. A distant relation of Stan Butler, by any chance? At least he was white, & made me laugh. Nothing to see here then?

  17. Nobody gives a fuck what niģgers have to say so why can’t they understand this simple concept.

  18. She’s nearly as much of a cunt as Joe Biden. The demonrats have in an act of deliberate sabotage authorised the use of US missiles on targets inside Russia. Fuck you Don said Jill as Joe put his X in the let’s play global thermonuclear war and make sure the orange man has a shitshow crises at the start of his presidency.

    Joe ain’t bothered, he’ll put his aviators on and wonder why the suns up at 3am in Delaware.

    It’s fucking amazing isn’t it, a lame duck president who hasn’t made a decision on anything apart from which favour of ice cream he’s having for dinner for many months has been allowed to make potentially world changing decisions,

    Dawn Butler is a massive cunt, but she ain’t no Joe Biden.


    • If I were Slow Joe,I’d be getting someone to wipe my door handle before I touched it from now on.

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