David Goldstone


I would like to nominate David Goldstone for a cunting. This cunt has been appointed as Rachel Thieves’ new Value for Money tsar.


Now we all know Labour is going to spend the next 5 years wasting our money but this cunt has a lot of form for wasting money. Here are some examples:

1. He oversaw delivery of the London Olympics: initial budget of £2.45bn, final cost of £9.35bn.
2. He ran the London Legacy Development Corporation, supervising cost overruns for the London Stadium and the East Bank development in Stratford, east London.
3. He was COO at the Ministry of Defence which the Commons Public Accounts Committee said had been guilty of “repeatedly wasting taxpayers’ money”.
4. He led the Houses of Parliament Restoration & Renewal Delivery Authority for four years, during which time no renovations took place.
5. He is the Treasury’s board representative on the HS2 project, apparently aimed at stemming further costs overruns (LOL).

He will be earning £950 for one day’s work each week in this role. Given his previous, this cunt certainly won’t be Value for Money.

Nominated by Hard Brexit Cunt.

38 thoughts on “David Goldstone

  1. He’s your typical lying bastard. They think they’re softening the blow. Tell the truth from the start.

  2. With this cunt’s record, I’d like to hear his definition of what actually constitutes ‘value for money’.

    Morning all.

  3. He is as qualified as the rest of the morons destroying this country.

    Hired by that CV tampering half-wit helmet head, the customer complaints girl.

    Trump hires elon musk, we get some shit accountant who probably can’t file his own tax return..

    • Precisely what I’ve been saying from the off. Our small business has already started taking a hard line on who we recruit. In the past we’d have taken the chance on some questionable recruits, given them a go, usually end up firing them but they earned some money in the process and we made some money as a business. Not any more.

      We had one customer during the week refusing to pay for the work one of our shitter members of staff was doing, signalling that given the cost of using our services is going to rise, the customer is going to be much more on the alert as to whether we’re justifying the money we’re charging them through the staff delivering our services.

      The result?

      We won’t employ any more halfwits and lazy bastards, our revenues will flatline, no more growth. Expand this out to the economy at large and we are looking at an approaching storm of economic stagnation, then probably recession mixed with inflation, and mass unemployment.

      I presume this is what Allan voted for, I’d just like him to tell us why, but he seems reluctant to do so for some reason.

  4. Well qualified to aid the bunch of twats that now fuck up the country. Glad to see promotions due to merit still exist though wearing a skirt would have made this appointment even more right on fuck you.
    Makes me think of that outmoded saying “A person should be known by their deeds”. his efforts have always been exceptionally fucked.

  5. For this Value for Money Tsar, the first thing to do in order to save money is to get rid of all Tsars.

    I don’t think that any of the people who have been given the ridiculous title has actually achieved anything.

    • That bloated, morbidly obese old dyke, Any Lame’ did fuck all in her eight year reign as London’s “NIght Tzar”. In fact things were worse when she waddled off then when she started

      • Csar, Czar, Tsar or Tzar, whatever they do they have all failed on their mission. That well paid waste of money appointment that Keith Hallawell took up as the ‘Drug Csar,’ from 1999 to 2001 was hopeless, on the ‘war on drugs.” Nicolas 11 of Russia, didn’t do much better either.

  6. Yet more proof that Rachel From Accounts is no fucking economist. You drive a hard bargain, not cave in to greedy bleeders like this. Perhaps he has offered to give the flannel bloomered old virgin a good fucking on one of his four days off. He will spend some time getting the cobwebs out of her minge first.

    I think a trip to Thomas’s love dungeon might be a good first step.

    In reality she should be given the sack for her lies. The BBC have been very kind to her – not a word about it. I bet they wouldn’t even mention that Ed Miliband tells the world he is a heavyweight boxer, Angie Rayner is a nun or that David Lammy is a ballet dancer

  7. Rachel’s Adventures in Wonderland

    Taxing the country to economic growth

    Freezing pensioners to death

    Forcing pension funds to invest in Mad Ed’s Unicorn Farts

    Value for money tsar with a record of spunking money up the wall

    Curiouser and curiouser

  8. Dear David, would you consider that £2.5k is value for money for a pair of glasses

    Answer, well yes, if you are using someone else’s money.

  9. This cunt is a one man reincarnation of the PSA!

    Good morning, everyone.

  10. The only value for money this cunt is interested in is the value of his own salary paid for with our money.

  11. Perfect example from 2TK and Rachel from accounts of what they think a “working person” is.
    As I don’t, or ever expect to, earn a grand a day I guess I am by definition a shirker not a worker.
    Success at failure is no success at all,

  12. National strike anyone ?
    See what happens after Tuesdays farmer protest, we need food more than political cronyism.
    Fucking ‘jobs for the boys’ culture.

  13. Ever expanding and ever more expensive yet oddly incapable what fucking good at all has our democracy and government done to improve our lives over the past quarter century or more?

    Answers on Appendix 38 of David’s expenses claim form.


  14. Fairly typical example of the “failing upwards” career trajectory experienced by so many of this country’s establishment, see also Vennells. They all want lining up next to a ditch.

  15. Wait and see what happens when food shortages occur. Try imprisoning everyone then you leftist cunts.
    2TK will piss his panties when the mob come for him.

    • Damned right, CM and good afternoon.
      I hope the farmers block off the M4 into London entirely with their giant vehicles, six deep.
      Like the Canadian truckers did.
      Then work out a way of temporarily disabling thrm completely so that not even a crane or the Army could move them.

  16. This site is very good value for money ?…. guaranteed to bring a smile, guffaw or grimace everyday ?….as for Mr goldfinger he’s just another ? at a very big trough…. I’m in the money,I’m in the money ? it’s going to come crashing down ?‍?

    • Do you 2 cunters above(or anyone reading), have any idea why your ISaC nom-de-plumes appear as clickable links, albeit links that don’t go anywhere in particular? Just a curio…

      • I guess it’s just one of life’s unsolved mysteries Cuntem.
        Like what happened to the Mary Celeste’s crew, Jack the Ripper’s identity, where did Lord Lucan disappear to, and how on earth is David Lammy Foreign Secretary?

      • There are fairly straightforward answers to the first three quizzers you posed there, GT … the fourth however defies all laws of logic or happenstance… Boston Legal’s resident cunt Clarence Bell after a year long chiggun binge, that ‘opinion’-flipflopping fat Lammy cunt always brings to mind …

  17. The only reason I can see for this useless cunts appointment is ohh it’s his fault not hers they all want fucking

  18. Saving money! Another £9 billion into the black hole of the unfit for purpose NHS. £30 billion on the fugasi carbon capture nonsense. £6 billion on an unwinnable war in Ukraine and the charlatan Zelensky.
    Closer to home, the forever useless and loony left Sheffield Council giving themselves a 6.5% pay rise. I’m sick of all these grifters. Whilst Donald Trump appoints a proper business man to stop waste of $1 Trillion of quangos, jobs for the boys and nonsense government departments and over staffing. My God, for someone like him to be in charge of our basket case nut house of a country for four years.

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