Arbitrarily Claimed Awareness Dates

If this nom goes up when it might be reasonably expected to, it might land between November 13th & 19th… and were you aware, good people, that that week is ‘Trans Awareness Week’? Oh dear, a quick check tells me those dates are taken EVERY fucking year, by ‘them’… so that week is gone should YOU be part of some bunch that wants to label it “x week”, ever.

Feels like one of those workplaces where y’put in for holidays in advance, before someone else stakes a claim on the dates that suit you. Except there’s rationale in that scenario.

I have a feeling the former notion is actually just whimsy, which hasn’t been addressed by a based, grownup grownup. There are numerically WAY more sick-of-this-shit people in the world… types afraid, maybe, to antagonise the vindictive rabble, .. or are too busy dealing(quietly) with the various NON-whimsical facets of life… or perhaps just indifferent to the neverending low-browedness of it all at this stage … but trans awareness week it apparently shall be.

I don’t know if there are rules, .. do cunts have to submit a claim (and to who?)for this, that or the other? Does someone have the authority to say ‘no’ to, say ‘Compassion for ciotógs’ week, (and what if one the devil-handed freaks wanted it to overlap with the aforementioned deviant-class freaks’ dates?)

‘Week Free of Forced Awareness’ could be another one. But that’s ridiculous, someone might say. Yeah. THAT’S ridiculous. Link tells me November is a busy little month for the easily distracted. I see anti-bullying week crosses t.a.w. Ironic ; as vocal trannies en masse are quite the bullying bunch. Also ; if these ’causes’ aren’t health related, they’re definitely woke shit. And there’s a subset of absolutely zero-merit ones too. Less ‘awareness’, just outright childish
whims. Worldwide mobile phone appreciation day and the likes, I dunno, .. shit like that.

In this Nov 13/19th case, what the fuck do the cunts think they need a named week for any more at this stage anyways? They’re fucking omnipresent in their own circles, and it’s hard to go a few days without some whingeing out of ’em over some new perceived slight even if you want nothing to do with a bunch of mostly infantile noticewhores?

‘No trans-nonsense week’ would be a welcome novelty.

Work Life Central.

Nominated by : CuntemAll

Seconded by : CuntemAll

Can one ‘second’ one’s own cunting?, .. ‘s just while observing the above will most likely miss it’s projected/given date-week to appear, I stumbled across the fact that it, and us all, like it or not, .. are slap-bang in the middle of ‘islamaphobolia awareness MONTH’.

Islamophobia Awareness Month.

Geez 9/11 can pass without a mention of, well you-know-what, on Sept 11th these years … but this lot need a month to feel *especially* victimized ..

100 thoughts on “Arbitrarily Claimed Awareness Dates

  1. Stay strong until the 14th March, fellow cunters; Steak and Blow Job Day is on the horizon.

    • I demand a ‘Shag your most attractive neighbour’ week. There’s such a woman a few doors down from me who I’d much rather have in bed than in mind.

      • Sorry IE, .. I gotta veto this idea, for my own selfish reasons. Just haven’t got the time nor energy to be ‘letting down gently’ all the wimminz that live within, say, half a mile of my place …. ?

      • That’s very kind …

        However I hope you’re not fussy!

        I’m here 20 years and I don’t know a decent bit o’ blart within 20 miles!

  2. Everyday it’s mental illness awareness for these fuckwits..

    And as for the backward inbred cousin fuckers, cry harder you cowardly poòfs.
    It’s not a phobia, your just not liked for a reason..

  3. There are only 3 dates I need to be aware of, namely Valentine’s Day, Mrs Twatt’s birthday and our Anniversary.
    Forget any of those and it’s ‘Mrs Twatt Isn’t Speaking To Me Week’.

    • Only a week? You should try harder, Twatt. If I do the right thing often enough Mrs End keeps quiet for months. On end.

  4. I completely agree trans awareness matters – it’s essential to know who the degenerate pervert scum are that are around you that you need to protect your children from.

  5. I completely agree trans awareness matters – it’s essential to know who the degener*te perv*rt sc*m are that are around you that you need to protect your children from.

  6. I have a feeling that whomever devised these special days, weeks and months used to be an avid listener to the old radio show Round The Horne – remember the introductions “Hello and welcome. Well today, as everybody knows, is coat a Rabbi in strawberry jam for Asia day”.

    There were so many of them, and in all of the festivities “our old friends the over 80s nudist leapfrog team” would turn up for some special event.

  7. I’m aware of these cunting TVs whenever I see them and give them a piece of my mind, by telling them to “go and get dressed”. Its a term that was used in the 50s when a footballer wasn’t pulling his weight on the field.

  8. Here me out, here. I don’t go on about this, but I’ve spent the most part of this year with severe depression. I eventually got diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and put on medication after my other half noticed I couldn’t get out of bed for most of the summer.

    Take it from me, there is absolutely fuck all glamorous in being a spaz. Thankfully the medication has worked, but prior to that, it was years of playing “what mood am I going to bed in today?” roulette. It’s exhausting. It takes it toll on you and yours. It’s really, really fucking horrible.

    Instead of celebrating and panda-ing to mental illness with these stupid fucking days, people should be encouraged to go and see a medical professional and get the help they need irrespective of the time of year.

    Since I got certified mental, I’ve been pretty back much on the straight-and-narrow but it’s taken a HUGE amount of personal effort alongside the meds to get here, not to mention taking that first step. Nonetheless, I look forward to 2025 with optimism.

    Trannies can fuck off, though. Weirdos.

    • Not being funny but we’ll keep you well away from the scissors and carving knife at the ISAC Christmas jamboree!.

      You mad cunt?
      Alright CC?

      • Don’t blame, you MNC! I’d be more concerned with keeping me away from the frozen turkey, mind!

        Yeah, tickety boo here, ta. Very nice up in the Peaks this time of year, isn’t it? How are you getting on?

      • I’m thriving CC.

        The Peak District is beautiful no matter the season but yeah,
        I love winter!

        Driving to Sheffield yesterday on those bends just past Tideswell?
        Fuckin car right through the farmers wall,
        Coppers there
        Ambulance there,
        And as I drove past I noticed it had a sticker in the back window

        “Baby on board”
        Hope not.
        Dunno how they lost control there?
        Overtaking badly?

      • Glad to hear you’re doing well, pal. That’s what we like!

        That bit of road you mention isn’t exactly the Monte Carlo Rally, is it? I reckon a Diversity or a Split Arse was driving.

        Checks out, no?

      • Possibly, but the car was fucked.
        As was the farmers wall.

        As if farmers haven’t got it bad enough as it is!!

        There’s a pub bit further down, the Devonshire in peak Forest,
        Go there occasionally.
        Do the best steak pie you’ve ever had!!

        Go cheer yourself up there!

      • That’s a plan and ‘arf actually, MNC. I know you’re averse to foreign muck for the entire 365 days around the sun, but proper English food like pies and sausage casserole really comes to the fore at this time of year, doesn’t it?

        My other half’s put a ban on the likes of curry, or anything ethnic until we can get the BBQ going again in about May. It makes the house stink and causes bad guts, apparently. I’m not one to argue!

      • I plan to. As much as this year’s been utter shit, the mental diagnosis and having to re-build myself (financially, physicially, mentally) has been a blessing in disguise. Hence the cautious optimism for the future.

      • Adversity maketh the man, believe me you come out of this shit stronger. It’s particularly difficult at this time of year when it’s dark ect. I always keep my mind on summer, and all the shit I’m going to do in-between. My missus suffers greatly at this time of the year, I keep reminding her there is a lot to look forward to. like a bloody good pie in an English country pub (as above), Sunday roast by the fire and return of the sun.

    • As a fellow sufferer I salute your efforts and agree being a spaz has many disadvantages. Thankfully my medication works but the odd moment occurs when the anti psychotics come out. Bloody knackering sometimes but the real extremes have been controlled fingers crossed. Good luck mate now you have a diagnoses things begin to make sense.

      • Argh don’t fret it BB .

        ISAC is full of headtheballs.
        Like One flew over the cuckoos nest on here.
        Your in good company.

        Only me who’s not a window licker on here.?

      • Thanks, BB! In the same boat – the last time a real mental happened was bloody ages ago. Not keen to revisit one either, as it isn’t a whole lot of fun.

        What’s that saying? “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

        Keep fighting the good fight, and take good care of yourself, son!

  9. You have to be aware of all the different awareness days.
    That way you can choose weather to give a fuck or not.

    Personally I don’t give a fuck about any of them.

    Although I am in no way religious the only days that I like to observe are the 16th, 17th and 18th January.

    These are the days of San Anton in Spain.

    People take their animals along to the church to be blessed, and it’s lovely.

    I may not be going to Heaven, but I like to think that the animals will.

    Bless them.

  10. I’m all up for a ‘Hitman Awarness Week.’ Anything to make these cunt’s look over there shoulders has to be a positive, & anyone else (I can think of many) worthy of a bullit.

    • And not telling them L.S. which week, will frighten the living daylights out of the cunts. S.S.

  11. Dunno what this is about,
    Tranny types?

    I was in Aldi other night ,
    Tired from work.
    A trolley of shopping at the end of the conveyor belt.

    I thought
    ” If you’re too fuckin lazy to put it on the belt,
    And you’ve wandered off?

    I put my shopping on.
    Then this plain speccy woman turned up.

    ” Sorry luv, I thought you’d abandoned it ”
    I said, by way of defending my queue jumping.

    ” Oh that’s ok , you snooze you lose”
    Came the clearly male reply.

    Was a tranny!!

    A stealth tranny.
    In Aldi.
    Didn’t know they went Aldi?

      • The ‘woman’ who served me at the filling station yesterday looked more like Detective Chief Inspector Barlow than Deirdre. Then the (real) woman on the other till referred to ‘her’ as ‘Tiffany’.
        It took a supreme effort on my part to delay bursting into convulsions of laughter until I got outside.

      • Loved a sexy name don’t they?

        Chantelle, misty, Fiona, …

        Because they’re really Bernards, Darren’s,

        Still look like a Kenny,
        No matter how much lippy they wear.

        Best they can hope for is being mistaken for Pauline Quirke .

    • You went to a supermarket?
      And what exactly was Mrs Miserable doing?

      Supermarkets are the domain of women.
      Every red blooded, heterosexual male knows that.

      The tranny that you met was probably straight before he started on his supermarket shenanigans.

      Did you buy museli and vegan burgers?

      You sir, are a disgrace.

      • I was home before missus Miserable Artie,
        And that way I choose what’s for tea.

        I’m always in there!
        Every cunt knows me and thinks I’m marvelous.

        And they’re right.
        I am.?

      • Since retiring I’ve pretty well taken over the Tesco run. I don’t mind at all since I do little else around the house except for repair and maintenance of anything that fails. I don’t attempt cookery, my cooking would make a dog gag. And I certainly don’t go to Tesco in a skirt

      • This is a deeply disturbing revelation and I’ve decided a strong drink is required to help “process” this news.

  12. How many eezelambists are willing to admit they are trains? Not many, Benny. Yet we need to be aware of both, apparently.

    • That Kennedy nutter on Donald’s team?

      He reckons fresh raw milk is the best for you.
      I agree with him.

      An he says flouride in water is bad too.
      I agree with him.

      Although he didn’t seem so health conscious about heroin or crack cocaine?

  13. I work in a civil service department .
    This week’s offering is Health, Safety and Fire week.
    ….which comes within Disability History Month.
    ….which also comes within Anti-Bullying Week.
    ….which also comes within International Fraud Awareness Week.
    ….which comes in the celebratory day for Guru Nanak.
    ….which follows Inter Faith Week.

    I am hoping that we will soon be able to celebrate a Cannot Be Arsed Week.

    • I work in construction and steady yourselves for this one…

      Today is international men’s day.

      Yes, we had the email this morning from the divershitty and exclusion dept and today, we are to be celebrated.

      Nothing to do with the high suicide rate in the industry and the constant reminder of how utterly shit we are on the other 364 days of the year via every media outlet.

      Tomorrow we go back to being bumbling, racist, incompetent scum, as portrayed in every advert and TV show in the western world.

      Enjoy it gents. we’ve earned it.

      • Same date next year,

        International Men’s HOUR, 3:19AM TO 4:19AM

        2026 …International Men’s minute ; 3:19 to 3:20

        2027 …International Men’s second ; 3:19:45 to 3:19:46

      • Yes I noticed that somehow
        Buried in an email or something

        Then of course we couldn’t move for the Men’s Day street parades bunting speeches awards, TV specials, words from the PM, and the family law courts reforming from their 99% bias.

  14. I am sure the local mosque we have something to say about these cunts after they have stopped raping white girls.
    Fuck I suppose the filth will be around now for a NON CRIME.

  15. Everyday is simply the same for me, meaning the way I feel. Nostalgia days are my favourite, picking and choosing what era. All anniversaries can fuck right off. Not listening to the news is a favourite. I don’t care what’s going on, so long as it doesn’t effect me. Doesn’t bother me what people think either.

    • Quite right Sammy.

      As it says in the good book
      Corinthians 9:12

      ” Fuck em.”

      • Thanks Mis. My willpower is second to none. I gave up smoking and drinking with the flick of the fingers immediately I felt they weren’t necessary. I needed the strongest of both and couldn’t find it.

  16. Luckily being self employed Trans Awareness Week was not mandatorily observed on pain of diversity training.

  17. I don’t like to limit myself to a dislike of trannies to a single month either, be flexible.

    Islamophobia too.

    There is going to become a point when they start to run out of months to observe awareness because there will be so many different competing special interest victim groups. No one wants to share with each other. They will have to start merging. Maybe the peacefuls and the trans lot due to their unhealthy shared interest in children.

  18. Black History Month seems to be every sodding month.
    What makes me laugh is there is no black history in Britain.

    Name any black people from British history?
    Shirley Bassey and Trevor McDonald.

    As for academics, inventors, pioneers, politicians, military figures, artists, scientists?
    Fuck all.

  19. International Trans Day of Visibility makes me laugh. It’s hard to miss all the trans people as they’re all over the place – there were even a couple in top positions in Biden’s White House.

    Not only that, but regarding the low-effort trans people, you know – big Adams apple, 11 o’clock shadow, hands like shovels, a chin like Desperate Dan and a cock like Ron Jeremy….. trust me Sweetheart, we see you.

    • Some dozy cunt actually put their preferred pronouns on their email signature a couple of months back.

      We laughed like drains for weeks over that one.

      Don’t do that if you work in construction. It will not end well.

      • I’ve been working in the middle of a impending nom and current news topic the last couple of days.

        A hotel in Altrincham currently paying host to a large group of dinghy sailors.

        And they aren’t keen on me!!?

        They like
        Free stuff
        Being pampered
        Playing pool

        They don’t like
        Being stared out
        Being grinned at
        Massive northerners with beards you could hide a badger in.

        And you can take this as gospel
        No kids
        No women
        No elderly
        No cripples

        All fighting age men 20/30 and all hate us.
        I’ve seen it.

      • You won’t be saying that if you fell ill in front of them, all those doctors and surgeons.

        They would have your wallet and van keys away before you can say ahhh.

  20. What actually is that in the nom picture?

    A challenging wank for sure, even for Mr C.Engine I’d wager.

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