The Migrant Crisis


or… the Slow, Steady Death of Europe

Well it’s another day, another ‘migrant crisis’ story. Or three. Or six.

You’ll remember Liebour’s pledge to ‘smash the smuggling gangs’ and end illegal (sorry, ‘irregular’) migration to the UK. Here’s one for you. The Home Office has just ‘awarded’ new contracts to run migrant ‘processing centres’ in Kent up until 2032, at an eye-watering cost of over half a billion to UK taxpayers already on their knees;


We’ll still be ‘processing’ the cunts for years then. And once here, the chance of getting rid of most of them is a big fat zero. Give ’em all a hotel room, money, clothes, a mobile phone; it’ll only cost a few billion a year, which can be clawed back by getting rid of the Winter Fuel Allowance… The gangs, far from being ‘smashed’, have been given a licence to print money.

It’s not just here of course, the bastards are piling in everywhere. Take the Canary Islands for instance. Apparently the best part of thirty thousand have pitched up there since the start of the year, with a thousand arriving on a single day;


Ditto Greece. Ditto Italy. Ditto Malta…

Naturally any attempt at all to try to get to grips with the problem runs the risk of falling foul of the judges of the European Court of Human Rights, whose members appear to live with their heads in the clouds, or up their own arses. This is even the case where we’re dealing with bad un’s of the worst sort;


Nope, you can’t throw out Mumbo N’Jumbo, an ‘asylum seeker’ from Nigeria, even though he’s been convicted of running drug smuggling and prostitution rings. He’s fathered two kids in France and four in the UK, so he’s ‘entitled to a family life’ (or two). No you can’t send Abdul back to Pakistan; he might look 38 but he’s only 15 and says he’s gay, so he might be stoned to death if deported. No you can’t send Ali back to Iran for raping and murdering that schoolgirl in Rochdale; he’d face ‘the cruel and unusual’ punishment of death there. This cunt’s ‘entitled’ to an education, that cunt’s ‘entitled’ to health care, some other cunt’s ‘entitled’ to a decent haircut…

Let’s face it cunters; we have weak, lily-livered politicians and governments at the helm, most of whom are too cowardly to get a real grip on things even when the vast majority of citizens want action. Even when there’s an attempt to do something, like as not that effort will fall on ‘yooman rights’ grounds, and even utter cunts will prove impossible to remove.

So it goes on. We’re being swamped by all manner of grifting, freeloading cunts and criminals, most of whom are from alien cultures who have little or no understanding or consideration for our inherent values, but who know a soft touch when they see one. They’re only too happy to pile in, slowly but surely turning Europe into the very shitholes they say claim to be desperate to get away from.

To quote Yoda, ‘fucked we are’.

daily sceptic

This Epistle was created by Ron Knee.

146 thoughts on “The Migrant Crisis

  1. Yesterday I did a quick last minute delivery from one hotel to another.

    The hotel it was being delivered to was in a posh part of Cheshire.

    The staff there didn’t know but as of today they’ll be no paying guests, or wedding receptions or anything like that.

    Because as of today they’ll be hosting asylum seekers.
    Single males.
    The worst of a bad bunch.

    I don’t really do conspiracy theories.

    We’re being replaced.

  2. Once Rodney and lammy sign us up for reparations and we are finally skinted, all the peacefuls and pavement apes will have to go home.

  3. This isn’t about weak politicians.
    What’s happening is by design.
    Cunts are in positions of power and are not acting for the good of society, but for their own nefarious ends.

  4. Where is he?
    The cunts late for his own conference ?

    He needs a ideas man rather than usual yank yesmen.
    Someone like me.

    I’d have him come in with fireworks going off and AC/DC belting out thunderstruck.

    The yanks would go fuckin wild.

    Have a fake assassin rush on stage.
    Maybe dressed as Kamala Harris with a plastic knife?
    Have Donald karate chop her.

    He’d easily get the presidency with my help.

    In Stockport s answer to PT Barnum.

    • Hour late.
      The rude cunt.

      You’re fired!!

      He’s a pisstaker.
      Probably on the fuckin sunbed again and nodded off.

      • I expect he’s been receiving some last minute advice from General Cuntster.
        We could be in for a very, very, very long wait…

  5. Lee Anderson;

    I’d say that he speaks for a huge majority of people in this country. And they’re ignored at best, or marked as ‘far right’ at worst, by our so-called leaders.

    Neither Liebour or the Tories before them have the will, or indeed, the wish to stop this it seems. They’re more than prepared to put the interests of free-loading grifters above those of the British people by the look of things.

    Lee’s wrong about one thing though. It isn’t the streets that are seen as being paved with gold. It’s the pockets of British taxpayers.

    This is never going to end. Lefty arsewipes, ambulance chasing lawyers and a hopelessly useless ‘asylum system’ will see to that.

    We really are fucked. But really.

  6. Well,it’s not going to be stopped so best batten down the hatches.

    It’ll be the boil on Westminsters rancid arse that when it bursts fetches back fascism.

    Although I worry about my daughters I’ve come to realise that nothing short of civil war will change anything.

    Tony The Cunt Blair started our rapid descent toward becoming a third world shithole and every government since has added to it.

    On the bright side I do hope to see some rum cunt take charge who totally decimates both the Fifth Column we have,the Guardian reading Care for Calais hippy vermin and the foreign trash looting our country.

    Vote Oven.

    • oh and anyone who even momentarily thought that Liebor would do anything other than rubber stamp the filthy cunts already here as “granted leave to remain” and also throw even more money at “solving” the problem by putting them all in every hotel going needs putting in Broadmoor.

      Smash the gangs?

      The only gangs that get smashed are the ones Starmer invents and has his police and judges bang up in short order,pissed off working class white people.

  7. As I have mentioned previously, the cost of keeping one low / no skilled illegal is £1.1m over their lifetime. They will never contribute anything to this country, ever. Apart from being guaranteed labour voters for life.

    The labour filth have just waved 150,000 of these useless cunts through to claim a life of welfare dependency in the land of milk and honey. Or the land of rape and herpes as it will be known in about a decade.

    In short, the useless, thick, economically illiterate leftard fuckwits in charge have just signed, you, me, our kids and our grandkids up to £150Bn of debt.

    And they have the brass bollocks to tell us we need to pay more tax to cover the mythical ‘black hole’ of £22Bn to fund pay rises for soon to be obsolete cunts and junior doctors who will fuck off to Australia or NZ at the drop of a hat.

    Did you know that the NHS gets £220Bn funding every year?

    Did you also know that public sector pensions now account for 100% of GDP?

    I think you can see the issue isn’t with the private sector and I also think you can see where the budget cuts need to be made to balance the books.

  8. The new “Naaatsee” POTUS will be heaving them out of the USA as of 20 January 2025. No doubt they will be welcome in Sir Kweer’s Khazi (aka the UK). Fuck off.

  9. How about setting up a few dedicated `holiday` camps for them?

    We can equip them all special clothing, possibly a stripey design – very much in fashion these days – with the addition of colour-coordinated emblems. Stars, perhaps … maybe yellow for the religious types, pink for the gentler ones, green for the more swarthy sorts, etc, to instil a feeling of `identity` in the poor lost & confused souls.

    Just a thought.

    Aber Lins Ferienlagers !!

  10. I’d add to my rant above that imo this isn’t just a numbers problem, or a resources problem, or a cultural problem.

    I think that ultimately, it will prove to be a national security issue. Who knows where most of these cunts might actually be from, and what their intentions might actually turn out to be?

    • Wait until we get dragged into the Israel / Iran conflict.

      You’ll soon figure out what side these fuckers are on.

      “It is pointless pulling up the drawbridge and dropping the portcullis when the enemy already reside within the castle walls”.

  11. Say it loud,say it clear….
    Refugees are lauding it here ….the whole episode is NEVER ever stopping short of full blown anarchy occuring in this once sceptred isle?? we are on the brink of no return, either economically or indigenously or both ?…sink or swim time is a coming ?

  12. And we can’t say a fucking dicky bird about it or we’ll be carted off to the clink like Tommy R.
    Depressingly, there’s literally nothing that can be done.

  13. It’s Nov 5 next week, there will be hundreds of thousands of fireworks in the country, get them all together in one place and boom!

    The channel should have been declared a national emergency 3 years ago, the invasion treated as such and all the leftie lawyers and courts taken out of the game, kicking the cunts back to France or their origins straight away would have solved the issue.

    All we hear is that it’s a global problem, no it isn’t, it’s our problem and what other countries do is up to them and looking at Europe they are getting an act together.
    Some like Hungary have said fuck off, we aren’t having any of these cunts when the EU are telling everyone they have to take a fair share.
    Italy are shipping the cunts to Albania, great move because if they don’t qualify for asylum they are in Albania, not Italy.

    • Back when this country wasn’t swamped with traitors,1936 or so,if some cunts started rowing across the Channel trying to get here illegally the Royal Navy would have fucked them off rather briskly.

      We’ve been betrayed and now will reap the putrid whirlwind.

      That reminds me imagine if Sir Arthur “Bomber” Harris was reincarnated and given command of our southern borders..

      Fuck me not a single foreign rat would make our shores ever again.

    • Hey Sick,

      The “Global problem” bullshit is a great point.

      You don’t see Shitholian scum “migrating” to Russia or China. Only to civilized countries with panty-waist Leftists politicians who take their orders from the WEF and the gang at Davos.

      In the 1980s Cuban “refugees” floated in inner tubes to Florida. Funny how you never saw Americans floating the other way to the Communists utopia of Cuba.

      • Oddly, any of the divers from Muslim countries who are piling in here never try to get to Saudi or the Emirates as far as I can see.

        Why is that?

  14. I see a video of two dingies arriving at a beach in Kent somewhere, load’s of men getting off, then the boats turning around and heading back to France! Two massive boats, with 3 powerful outboards each, just blatantly taking the piss
    Smash the gang’s ? Yeah right!

  15. Import Third World?
    You get Third World.

    Every major city in western Europe has now become a slum.
    Paris, Rome, Berlin and, of course, London.

    These places are now awash with human filth.
    Beggars, scammers, criminals, thieves, rapists Two legged vermin.

    What has happened to Germany and Sweden alone is a terrifying story.
    There are now signs in muslim and African languages in German swimming baths, asking migrants not to shit in the pool or the showers.
    And Malmo is now known as the rape capital of europe.

    • Bit like all the bumph in the NHS and council leaflets and what-have-you.

      Just as an aside, I had to go around to our GPs one afternoon last week.

      I counted thirteen people in there inc myself. I was the only white person.

      • Over 100 people in a blood testing waiting room. North Manchester General Hospital, December 2019.

        Just seven white and English patients there, including myself.

      • Oh, and in some UK supermarkets, there are signs up. Saying to our migrant friends that daffodil bulbs aren’t to be eaten. Straight up.

        What is it wit these bloody savages/

      • I still have friends from my two year stay in Germany.

        And they are distraught at that that cunt Merkel has let into their country.

        Thousands upon thousands of sandflith and most of them men in their 20s and 30s. Women in Germany are too scared to go anywhere now. It really was a fine place when I lived there, A very clean place with a high standard of living. And virtually no migrants in sight.

        Now, I’ve been told Germany is even worse than here. So, we can imagine how bad that is.

      • The touch screen facility at my local Medical Centre.

        Languages? English, French (except nobody has ever used it), Polish, and loads – fucking oodles – of Middle Eastern sandfilth languages and African gibberish.

  16. One the news today, an illegal migrant has died in a Sussex removal centre, does anyone give a shit, answer no.

    But just wait for the fucking leftie inquisition. ‘It’s almost like a prison’, well it should be otherwise they would fuck off.

  17. A supremely righteous Cunting.

    I wonder if the pea-brains who actually voted Labour are happy with what they got?

    England for the English
    Mass Deportations
    Free Tommy

  18. Poor Tommy☹️

    The whole of the system is out to get him.

    All because he outed the grooming gangs.

    Must be fuckin hard?

    Politicians out to get you
    Police out to get you
    Judges out to get you
    Media out to get you.

    I feel sorry for him.
    He has kids and a missus.

    Chin up Tommy lad??

    • The Establishment have shot themselves in the foot. When he comes out the country will be in a much worse state than today and who knows what further enrichment we may have experienced? There might even be a Granny Rayner PM watching Love Island in No10. All they have done is martyred him.

    • The chap is playing the long game.

      Getting locked up keeps him in the news and stocks the fires of pretty much everyone who’s fucking sick of seeing boat loads of trash roll up for free everything.

      Tommy knows this issue is likely going to lead to societal breakdown or at least a severe financial crisis..

      When it does,whether he’s locked up or not,he knows he’s likely going to be in vanguard of the rather violent “pushback” as they say now..

      Heads are going to roll one way or another.

      • The enemy is so good at creating phrases like “violent pushback” in order to demonize those who opposed their treason.

        There is a law of nature that says for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So if there is a violent pushback it stands to reason that there was first a violent push.

        They let grooming and stabbings go on unchecked by medieval savages but they’re worried about violent pushback from civilized Englishmen.

        It is beyond Orwellian.

    • Usual mealy mouthed beige woke shite from those raghead loving cunts.

      Just hang the dirty foreign cunt with piano wire and make sure the MSM televise every fucking second of it.

    • It’s almost Nov 5, just do what they used to do with terrorists.

      Hang for bit, castrate, slit open the guts and cut into quarters.

  19. Depressing isn’t it and all by design.
    Was driving through town in single lane stop start traffic earlier today and had the window down.
    The old car in front of me was playing music also with the window down, not to loudly but pedestrians could hear it as I could also

    “Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round
    the Ole Oak tree”

    After awhile it brought a smile to my face, a feeling of nostalgia, as it did for many passerby pedestrians as well.
    I would love those days again.
    She was a daffy old women behind the wheel, with not a care in the world.

  20. A great 1983 concert by The Smiths on BBC4 the other night.

    But, I thought Morrissey was now verboten and hated by the Beeb, As he is despicably ‘Far Right’ and shamefully proud to be English.

    Even that cunt Marr has publicly slammed his ex-songwriting partner for being ‘Far Right.’

    Up yours Johnny.

  21. He should be manacled and ballgagged and put in a cell with Huw Edwards as his warden.

    Death by a thousand pork daggers.

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