The Migrant Crisis


or… the Slow, Steady Death of Europe

Well it’s another day, another ‘migrant crisis’ story. Or three. Or six.

You’ll remember Liebour’s pledge to ‘smash the smuggling gangs’ and end illegal (sorry, ‘irregular’) migration to the UK. Here’s one for you. The Home Office has just ‘awarded’ new contracts to run migrant ‘processing centres’ in Kent up until 2032, at an eye-watering cost of over half a billion to UK taxpayers already on their knees;


We’ll still be ‘processing’ the cunts for years then. And once here, the chance of getting rid of most of them is a big fat zero. Give ’em all a hotel room, money, clothes, a mobile phone; it’ll only cost a few billion a year, which can be clawed back by getting rid of the Winter Fuel Allowance… The gangs, far from being ‘smashed’, have been given a licence to print money.

It’s not just here of course, the bastards are piling in everywhere. Take the Canary Islands for instance. Apparently the best part of thirty thousand have pitched up there since the start of the year, with a thousand arriving on a single day;


Ditto Greece. Ditto Italy. Ditto Malta…

Naturally any attempt at all to try to get to grips with the problem runs the risk of falling foul of the judges of the European Court of Human Rights, whose members appear to live with their heads in the clouds, or up their own arses. This is even the case where we’re dealing with bad un’s of the worst sort;


Nope, you can’t throw out Mumbo N’Jumbo, an ‘asylum seeker’ from Nigeria, even though he’s been convicted of running drug smuggling and prostitution rings. He’s fathered two kids in France and four in the UK, so he’s ‘entitled to a family life’ (or two). No you can’t send Abdul back to Pakistan; he might look 38 but he’s only 15 and says he’s gay, so he might be stoned to death if deported. No you can’t send Ali back to Iran for raping and murdering that schoolgirl in Rochdale; he’d face ‘the cruel and unusual’ punishment of death there. This cunt’s ‘entitled’ to an education, that cunt’s ‘entitled’ to health care, some other cunt’s ‘entitled’ to a decent haircut…

Let’s face it cunters; we have weak, lily-livered politicians and governments at the helm, most of whom are too cowardly to get a real grip on things even when the vast majority of citizens want action. Even when there’s an attempt to do something, like as not that effort will fall on ‘yooman rights’ grounds, and even utter cunts will prove impossible to remove.

So it goes on. We’re being swamped by all manner of grifting, freeloading cunts and criminals, most of whom are from alien cultures who have little or no understanding or consideration for our inherent values, but who know a soft touch when they see one. They’re only too happy to pile in, slowly but surely turning Europe into the very shitholes they say claim to be desperate to get away from.

To quote Yoda, ‘fucked we are’.

daily sceptic

This Epistle was created by Ron Knee.

146 thoughts on “The Migrant Crisis

    • I see this man as the heir to the throne of Bliar. I think his potential to assume the proportions of a planet sized cunt is there for all to see,

  1. Does anyone remember that program back in the 90s, Eurotrash ? And how we all laughed out loud at there crazy antic’s ? Fast forward to 2024 and the majority of them are now living here, probably Came over in a dinghy, and living in a council house claiming benefits, or living it up in 4 star luxury !
    This country is well and truly fucked ☹️

  2. This is too depressing for me.
    A man with gammon to eat.

    I’m off watching Out of Town.
    Lower my blood pressure.

  3. As Ten Hag flies out of Manchester back to the Netherlands,
    I can see and hear the end tiles of Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘E.

    • What was it Norman, £15 mill payout for failure?

      I could live with that. It would buy an awful lot of exotic travel, fine wining and dining, good clothes, and top-of-the-range prossies. Esp top-of-the-range prossies.

      Lucky boy.

      • The bald cunt has been rewarded for being shit, Ron.

        Truth is, they should have sacked the whinging bald get after the Cup Final. Win against the Berties or not.

    • Shame we’re all distracted by shit like football whilst they destroy what’s left of our country.

    • Im extremely upset he has gone, I thought he was doing a wonderful job at United, offered alot more comedy moments than Frank Spencer has ever done!!!!

  4. Is it just me but I’m praying Rodney’s roof caves in tonight and he is crushed to death under a garish Elton john type chandelier.

    The oily, badly knitted,piss stained sock puppet.

      • I’ve written to Vlad and asked him to stick one of those shiny new hypersonic missiles straight through the roof while the traitors are sitting.

  5. Back to the happy days of the mid 90’s when the only illegal we found for a whole three months was a Romanian hiding in a toilet on a Eurostar train when the train arrived at the North Pole depot in Acton. We thought that was fucking awful as it meant the train set hadn’t been searched properly at Waterloo lazy bastards.

  6. Don’t know what to say. Let me think. I’ll sneak you in, if you assassinate the cunt in Nr 10.

  7. Should’ve said if they guarantee, or promise to do the cunt in. That’s the closest you can get to it. I think.

  8. I see the MSM are still using a photo of the Southport stabber as a 12yo cherub in his school uniform. This has been deflection and distraction since day one.

    • And what about the footage of the Southport kiddie killer dressed up as Luvviecunt Tennant, when the murdering treeswinging turd was allowed in the TARDIS for Children In Need?

    • When the illegal twats arrive, we could have leaflets made with the temporary address of the stammering cunt, who will greet them with open arms.

    • Believe me, I’m teaching my children alright. Not sure Mattel would approve of the lessons.

  9. Migrants are currency for geopolitical ends.
    The lie is, that they care and we should care also.
    just like the lie with the climate.

    They will eventually dilute the home thoroughbreds, with the lesser bloodlines and achieve their dominance.
    I hope the AI turns on the Gates and all the other Finks that Soros the World.
    It would be great to see them on there death bed, KNTS

  10. Anyone recall when Jeezum had a rat visiting his garden and asked for advice? … and my input was to relocate it via use of a humane trap?

    That’s my outlook. Same for my own sheds/yard. Maybe twice a year a ‘visitor’ is twigged, and the humane traps go out. I usually catch ’em pretty quick, take a bit of a drive, let ’em go.


    Every now and then, one comes along that will not, no matter what, go into the humane trap. Now. Liberated ex-neglect chickens, ducks and rabbits(and more, besides) live out their lives here. And they are by far my priority over any interlopers. And, technically, those rats are a potential danger to my residents. So, .. if a trap-wary rat hasn’t been caught within 2 nights? … the lethal traps come out. I kill them, even though I’d prefer not to. My responsibilities come first. Those I vowed to take care of by taking them in. One rat can become several, in a short amount of time. They breed like blacks, you know!

    Moral of the above?

    I care more about the mammals and birds in my care, than cunt useless fucking prick western political leaders care about you or me or anyone you know.

    Immediate deportation, and if that doesn’t work … a more severe solution to protect backyard animals. Any deviance from that would be an unnatural outlook, despite me not even blaming a rat for chancing their arm where there’s fodder and shelter.

    I cannot imagine wilfully endangering my charges. Only cunts could do that.

    It’s not a complex metaphor, but that only deepens the mystery as to : what the absolute fuck is playing out on the bigger stage, where *humans* fucking safety, health, livelihoods and lives are on the line?

    • Your suggesting large rat traps on the South coast?

      I’m all for it.

      As bait use a British passport.

      Or Ricin soaked samozas

      • That’d be fucking great ? ! Better than the great big current nothing currently deployed.

        If I may clarify, though .. the ‘pity’ I declared for the 4-legged vermin? .. does not a single iota transfer to the two-legged filthy savage cunts. The Mediterranean should have been explosives-mined 20 years ago! Prevention better than cure and so forth….

      • I’ve had rats under the shed a few times , attracted by birdfeeders on a apple tree.

        Like the two legged version currently invading the UK
        They like a free meal.

        I smoke them out, they don’t like that.
        Block a exit or two.

        Rats spread disease.
        Four legged and two.

      • My old Webley Falcon takes care of any vermin that stray into my garden.

        I’m off the opinion this method should be applied to the English channel…?

      • I’m fully prepared for a 2 legged version that might ever appear, though. No softly, softly in that case. Front porch, and back door have each nearby a perfectly-balanced half a curtain pole, weighted one end by the ornate arty-bit OF the curtain pole, counter-balanced with farm-gate hangers the opposite ends. The former are oval shaped, the latter cylindrical.

        Both ends have been tested on a melon. Fuckin’ destroyed the thing, either end, one hit.

        I’d like to think I’ll have the half-second and presence of mind to throw a Hollywood-esque quip at whatever scumbag I may ever have to swing it at.

        “Hey, cunt … what-shaped dent for you want your corpse’s skull to have in it?” tickles my fancy ?

      • ^ Rotten moment/spot for a typo.

        ‘do’, not ‘for’ ?

        I’ll try again…

        “Hey, cunt … what-shaped dent do you want your corpse’s skull to have in it?


    • This is the problem. The Rat, just like the J*w or the n*gnog take your kindness for weakness. You have to stamp on the fuckers, right from the beginning. Just like some daft Somali cunt a few years ago who thought because he was a bit of a hard case he’d have a pop at me in front of his mates. In a very lucky, and I do mean very lucky shot, with absolutely no warning I sat the skinny bl*ck cunt on his ass and then took the opportunity to kick his bollocks as hard as I could, several times before grinding them under my heel. I can still hear the cunts screams. Very satisfying indeed!

      • ‘The Rat, just like the J*w or the n*gnog take your kindness for weakness’.

        What utter bollox. I really wonder why I contribute to this site, if this is the level.

  11. You are now well versed in tales from the kdney unit about our Paki friends.

    But, they even take the piss out of the Asian staff. One of the top nurses there tried to talk to this dirty, smelly, nosiy piece of curried turd in Punjabi, Urdu and Pakistani.

    The cunt still played dumb, grinned and did the ‘No Understandy’ shite.
    The fucker has been here for decades, that’s obvious. But by playing these dirty tricks, he ignores and flouts every rule that the hospital has. But certain other members of staff (and – I have to say – English ones) don’t help either.

    When this shitehawk ‘suddenly’ says an ‘English’ word or phrase, they get all giddy and treat him like a sealion that has balanced a ball on its nose.or like a dog that has done a trick, The cunt is laughing at them.

  12. There is no crisis, Europe full of Muslims and Africans can only benefit. Just look at the countries they come from. Stable, free and no corruption.
    Only a Far Right racist could object.

  13. The government don’t stop illegals, they can but don’t, so they must want it.

    The government have allowed x million legal migrants in; they could’ve controlled it, as promised, but didn’t, so must’ve wanted it, else they wouldn’t have allowed it.

    So its like complaining ‘ I want to lose weight’. You either want really want to or you don’t. So if you don’t take any steps to lose weight, then you must want to stay fat and are complacent with the status quo.

    But this isn’t about wanting to lose weight and this isn’t incompetence. This is by design.

    As somebody once said, if you are not for me, you are against me. The politicians are against you.

    • It certainly looks that way Cunto. The failure of successive governments to address the concerns of the great majority of the British people on this issue is the great political failure, and scandal, of our time.

      Part of the scandal is the persistent attempt to equate concerns about the effect of mass migration on the country’s culture and infrastructure with ‘far right’ racism. Being worried about overcrowding, lack of housing, effects on services such as health and education and so on doesn’t make you a racist, it makes you someone who’s concerned about the state of the country and its future. Of course according to the loony left, we’re all racists and fascists; it gives them the bogeyman that they so love and need, the target to organise their little demonstrations against. It’s their raison d’etre, the cunts.

  14. Like it or not, despise me or not, the only way this will end is with all out war on a global scale! You have to deal with migrants in the same way you deal with roaches, J*ws and other filthy parasite! You set the bait and when they come out of the woodwork, you either poison the cunts, or you squash them underneath your foot! These cunts are absolutely zero use to society, other than becoming low grade fertiliser. Like Locust, they swarm into fertile feeding grounds, absorbing everything they can, breed uncontrollably then move on, leaving a wasteland behind them. If you want to make a start on a program of eradicating these cunts, might I suggest Somalia, as I cannot abide these fucking skinny cunts, and no one would even notice.

    • “You have to deal with migrants in the same way you deal with roaches, J*ws and other filthy parasite! ”

      In what ways are J*ws parasites?

      I fucking despise J*w hatred.

  15. I see the R.N.L.Immigrant taxi service in the header pic. This lot are loosing a fortune in funds now, so have less money for their piss ups. Every pub near me at one time had one of their collection boxes on the bar, now I rarely see one. I put in loose change at one time, but not any more. Many people down here have the same attitude. The only way they would get anything out of me, was if they spent it on some extra fuel, take the cunts back & dump them all in Calais Harbour, where they came from, and use the rest to burn the dinghy, leaving enough in the Lifeboat for the homeward journey.

    • Hello Lord Scunt,
      I do walks down the coast path from Robin Hoods Bay to Filey. Always used to bung a bit into the Scarborough and Filey lifeboats collection boxes. Not anymore, I support a local cat shelter, proper charity, all unpaid volunteer staff. No CEO, woke, HR, Diversity, etc….etc…..etc. Just people who want to do it.

    • It would be very interesting to find out just how the RNLI’s involvement in providing a taxi service to these shores has impacted on its fundraising.

      My bet would be that it’s taken a significant hit.

      • The only advert on TV where all the saved cunts being brown or black is totally justified. And they’re all white.

  16. The trouble with letting this all go on for so long is that there is too much money now involved. Oh the crims get a few bob but the big “legal” gains are made by the hotel chains. Often owned by our tinted cousins or worse still also by the French. Yep we are paying the frogs to let us accommodate the illegals ( “not refugees” until you have confirmed what tyranny they are fleeing from) in English hotels now owned by them. I console myself with the knowledge that I have no kids to inherit this doomed land of OURS. As for me I only have a few years left but I already know that the Kent that was my childhood home has long vanished and is but a faded memory. Good morning chaps and chapesses and thanks for a small isle of sanity in an insane land.

    • The bottom feeding human rights lawyers also make a killing.

      Just as well the chancellor will be raising more funds to pay hotels, lawyers and parasites.

    • T650, hello, .. and yup! Not much to find argument with in your post.

      The few folk I know that have kids, .. I don’t know…. they must live in a constant state of denial about the future. Heads in the sand. Especially the ones with girls! Carry on. Don’t think about it.

      There is one man I know, though. Vowed if anyone ever puts a hand near his daughters, he’ll literally kill. It was good to hear a bit of sanity. I offered to be an alibi in that case if ever needed.

      Personally, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say to any native Brit of today : ‘hey, anyone… this date 100 years hence, the house you’re living in? .. ‘s gonna have invaders living in it. De facto ‘owning’ it even, despite not having paid a penny for it.

      Apetowns they all shall be….

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