The Labour Party Sleaze (28)

The Labour party are turning out to be a level of cunts not even expected by the most ardent cynics. When Labour “won” the election, I was prepared to give them a chance. I think the Tories have lost their way and there wasn’t a Reform candidate to vote for in my constituency.

But, for fuck’s sake, the level of sleaze and back-handers this lot are up for is even worse than the bad days of Major’s government. Starmer is breath-taking in his arrogance that he’s done nothing wrong. Clothes for his wife, a penthouse flat for his son to study in, and now we find out that he was at Lord Ali’s flat during lockdown – how he fucking went on about Johnson. Clothes and a flat for that slag rayner, some other Labour cabinet minister borrowing £1.2million form Ali as he was her best friend or some such shite. I don’t think I have any friends who would lend me over a million quid.

And now we have this:

GB news

Sounds like all that was missing was Barrymore and a swimming pool.

But following form this, there is a rumour that behind a lot of this is the fact that, allegedly, Starmer bats for the other side. That will go down well with his paki voters.

I’ll give the cunt until Christmas, and we may be looking at an election before Labour’s term is up.

Nominated by Lord Cuntingford.

64 thoughts on “The Labour Party Sleaze (28)

    • Wave ta-ta to whatever minimal part of Brexit we ever had. Luckily we’ll be a caliphate soon and the far-right EU won’t touch us with somebody else’s. Although we’ll be acknowledged as the dumping ground for the planetary scum, much as we are now.

  1. A £22 billion black hole we knew nothing about. Yeah right. That’s a bit odd as I distinctly remember Paul Johnson of the IFS saying there was £20 billion unaccounted for during the election campaign.

    Anyway, someone who can be arsed to tot these things up has calculated that these clowns have promised to spend £68 billion of our money since the election, most of it on Psycho Ed’s net zero insanity. So they’ve dug the hole into a £90 billion one. I wonder, does Lord Back Alley have £90 billion to spare?

    Whatever. Apparently the country can afford £90 billion but spending £1.5 billion on the Winter Fuel Allowance would have crashed the economy.

    Are these cretins for real?

    • Mad Ed’s carbon capture plans alone are £22billion. My thoughts on back stabbing Ed’s capabilities were published yesterday on this site, all I would repeat is now is the time to buy some 🕯 candles.

      • I read a news item today that indicates companies who had previously committed to working towards net zero have now dialled back on their commitment.

        This includes BP, which will doubtless enrages JSO supporters, the thick twats in their hi-Viz vests, etc.

        I wonder how much of the billions Millipede will throw at them, trying to get them to backtrack.

    • £11,000,000,000 for ‘Foreign aid’
      £11,000,000,000 for ‘assisting foreign countries with green energy’
      Cancel both = ‘whole’ filled

      BTW, Labour cunts cancelling £300 winter fuel for elderly – saving £1.5 billion according to nasal Reeves.
      Chuck illegals out of hotels = £1.5 billion saved.

      Fuck Labour.
      Fuck all these lefty woke treacherous cunts that hate this country
      Fuck the Islamic murderous cunts of Iran
      Fuck Hamas, Fuck Hezbola and Fuck all these brain dead militant students marching for Gaza. Read a history book, watch a documentary, stop listening to anti-semetic lies on tik tok, and fucking wake up, because after they’ve killed the Jews, you’re next on their list you fucking braindead morons !

  2. Fuck it, let the EU rule us….🇪🇺

    How much worse could it be…💩

    Silly me, the EU does rule us. What the fuck was I thinking. After all we did have a vote, 52/48 to:



    • There was yet another killing in London this weekend (shooting, Barking) and yet Saddick Kunt is STILL going on about rejoining the single market. The hook-nosed arsehole doesn’t want to run London he wants to jump into bed with Kweer (literally, perhaps) and suck the EU cock.

  3. Our esteemed Chancellor of the Exchequer and former Bank of England tea lady is so financially astute that she can’t fill in her own tax return. We have to pay someone else to do it for her, the sleazy bitch.

    The Budget’s going to be hilarious. I hope she’s enlisted Flabbott’s mathematical skills to help her out.

  4. Isn’t it very surprising how everything these cunts said before the election was a lie?

    Just like every other election of the past thirty years..

    Unfortunately for us our political class is rotten to the core,venal corrupt bullshitting dung.

    Roll on the Pantomime of Lies Halloween Free For All (Immos) Super Tax Eco Friendly Budget.

    Vote Oven.

  5. In all fairness to the labour party, their sleaze is shite compared to the Tories.

    Rent boys, cheap slappers in Chelsea tops, brown envelopes from dodgy foreign types
    and being found hanged with a plastic bag over your head and your shrivelled winkie in your hand. All top Tory sleaze.

    Makes you proud to be British.

    • I don’t know, Odin. Keith “call me Jim the washing machine salesman” Vaz did a pretty good one man job on the sleaze front with 2 male escorts and then like a coward tried to hide behind various bogus excuses of spiked drinks/ memory loss/mental health issues.
      It seems he also wasn’t averse to the odd brown envelope or two either (see Filkin inquiry / Hinduja brothers affair) involving Johnny foreigners.
      Let’s not forget Chris Bryant and his Gaydar appearance in his underpants either.
      As for Stephen Milligan his actions don’t seem to have harmed anyone (except himself obviously) and wouldn’t have been public knowledge were it not for the end result of his private fetish.

      • Evening Dickie.

        It’s just that the Tories make it so much more delicious when caught with their pants down or hanging out the back of a rent boy.

        With labour, you just kind of expect it.

      • Sounds daft but I miss the exploits of Vazaline, when that cunt son of the manse Brown made him chairman of the home affairs committee well that was totally bonkers. Vazaline was as bent as a 9 Bob note having the audacity to question others about their usually minor indiscretions in office etc. His second job as a washing machine salesman was something else, never knew you had to have a qualification in arse raping Romanian rent boys times change I suppose. Now he is doing “charity” work. What fucking charity would want that cunt within a thousand miles? Romanian young man’s society I suppose.
        Mad World. You have to hand it to liebour 100 days in and they have already proved themselves perfect politicians. Sick making because they’re all the bloody same fuck the lot of them I imagine Ali bongo will make a big effort to shag some of his special friends. I keep trying to convince myself that it’s just a bad trip.

      • Have heard that Milligan may have been enquiring too closely about some of the activities of our security services. As author Iain Sinclair has observed spook snuffs always look like sex jobs. That Welsh chappie found folded up in a sports bag also springs to mind.

    • I think you are wrong Odin. Just imagine the fuss the BBC would be making if Boris had accepted all the freebies that 2TK has done.
      I believe a lot of the briefings about all the two faced sleaze that is going on is originating from Angela Rayner, she wants 2TK out. Imagine her as Prime Minister, God help us.

      • You are indeed correct, Wanksock.

        I am very, very wrong.

        And you Sir, are an excellent judge of character.

  6. Labour haven’t been for the working man since that working man stopped working….hence most liebour voters are the benefit brigade or Islington champagne 🍾 Charlie’s…or tools🔧🔨📏📐

    • The real Labour Party died when John Smith did.

      Ever since Lucifer Blair wormed his way in, they have been a shitshow. That started pointless wars, infested the land with foreign human locusts and killed the pub trade.

  7. If only M’Lord …
    If we are going to see an election before the five year “term”, it will have to brought about by the sane majority populace. It sure as shit won’t be brought about by the UK wonderful parliament!

    • “The BBC said it does not tolerate “any form of inappropriate behaviour” and has “robust processes” in place.”

      Do they seriously think anybody believes that load of bollocks? The BBC is a fucking breeding ground for sexual deviance in all its many glorious forms.

    • Whether one likes Greg Wallace or not, there does seem to be a witch-hunt against white men of a certain age. And if banter is considered sexual harassment that’s another symptom of the joyless mollycoddled world we currently inhabit 🙄

  8. Alex Salmond died a 69.
    Compared to the life expectancy of your average Scot, he’s Methuselah.

    Life expectancy in Scotland’s about 45 isn’t it?

  9. Say Labour and you think of Kweer and his shit-eating grin, amateur whore Rayner, thick as pig shit Lammy, Wes “Duckie” Streeting, the Revd Bryant, and of course Rachel Fagin-Reeves. No wonder there is sleaze they are ignorant, arrogant and greedy – the party of poofs and Pakis, and The Islamic Party of Great Britain.

  10. Pffft.
    You people.🙄

    I’m more than confident in Labour.

    It’s only been 100days and they’re up and running with scandal and sleaze it takes the Tories years to achieve.

    Some of the sharpest minds in the country, Butler, Lammy, Rayner are already working in our interests.

    By the end of the term in government this country will be streamlined ( Lammy giving territories away)

    There’ll be less suffering pensioners.
    They’ll be dead.

    And you’ll all feel great as you cycle to the wind farm for a 3 day week.

    • Are you being paid by Lord Alli, Miserable? Has he donated some new Country Cream gateposts or paid off some parking fines?

      • Not at all.
        Lord Alli is my friend and supports my efforts as a removal man.

        He likes to gift me 6 new tyres and pay my diesel bill out of the goodness of his heart.

        There’s nothing untoward about it.

        Just generosity 😁

      • But, but…. Mis.

        You DO realise that Lord Alli will require your arse in payment for his generosity, don’t you?

        I’d recommend a lube, but I don’t get up to those hi jinks!

    • Many a true word spoken in jest. A letter Kweer wrote to Lord Alli – you can just picture it: “My dearest darling Waheed, thank you so much for all those lovely suits you had made for me. Wasn’t it fun when you tried to take my inside leg measurement and your hand slipped?. Thank you also for the divine frocks you sent my beard, Vic. He looks lovely in them. I also passed to my boy Wes those rubber jockstraps you sent him – as my special boy, it is much more convenient to visit him directly through the back passage than it is to go round to the front door – such a time saver – you are thoughtful darling. By the way, if I haven’t broken you already, now the cold nights are here, I could do with some nice night wear. At the moment I am still wearing those rough Legal Aid pyjamas – they don’t look good with those lovely frilly panties you gave me, and they ladder my tights. , Don’t spend too much, but I would like something pink and frilly – like Dame Barbara Cartload used to wear. Your ever loving Rodders”

      Hob-nobbing with Mandy and Blair….. obviously a quare.

      • So why assist ? Spoil your ballot on camera, post online. Nothing apart from Guy Fawkes’ initiative will cure this.

      • Don’t vote at all, get a cunt.
        Spoil your ballot, get a cunt.
        Vote for an outsider, get a cunt.
        Vote for a cunt, get a cunt anyway, even if not the cunt you want.

        So the choices seem to be variations of ‘cunt’, so that is all you will get. Democracy today!

        On a lighter note the esteemed Peter Cooke and Dudley Moore talking about some cunt…

  11. The about to fall starman must be certified before leaving office. Nobody in their right mind can take this much stick and be combos mentis.

  12. Lammy as Foreign Secretary
    Reeves as Chancellor (ex BoE bog cleaner)
    Louise Haigh (Mrs. Slocombe) as Transport Minister

    My guess is Starmer will plead guilty but insane.

    All those big businessmen yesterday who queued up to lick his arse won’t like the budget. Had I been one of them, no contracts no promises would have been given until AFTER the budget, no matter how many times Dirty Ange offered to show me her growler.

  13. All this sleaze in the headlines, got to wonder what Liebour are up to quietly behind the scenes. Regional devolution apparently, more mayors, city states, divisions, mini-Khans in the North. We should be v worried about the beginning of sectarian politics…

    • Keir goes to Davos. He’s up the arse of WEF and their ideas; that is what to be worried about. Openly said he preferred Davos to the HoC.

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