The BBC (132)

is a cunt again.

More woke insanity from ‘Auntie’….

They want us to know about ‘inspiring’ African (and black, naturally) queens.
And, when I say queens, I mean royalty. Not the Ncunti Gayblack variety. (and we see far too much of that cunt anyway).

According to the ‘Corporation’, this really matters and is is important for some strange reason. As far as the Savile/Edwards shelterers are concerned, it’s essential that we proles know this stuff.

This snippet from the Beeb tells us all we need to know.

‘How many celebrated royal leaders can you name from history?
And how many of those are men – and how many have diverse heritages?’

As Fergie said at Anfield on Easter Monday 1988, I am choking back the vomit.

The BBC wants to ‘educate’ us riff raff about these ‘magnificent’ rulers.
Well, I will say this on the subject….

African Queens are like where flies go in the Winter.
Nobody knows, and nobody fucking well cares.

Nominated by Norman with yet another reason to dislike the Bbc from Sixdog Vomit below. all links follow at the bottom of both nominations C.A.

I’ve just read an article on the BBC where they tracked down a Finnish Fascist who they say was instrumental in fanning the flames of the recent riots and public disorder.

I’ve no problem with that, this cunt had been posting an arson instruction manual to a group that he helped set up immediately after horrific stabbings in Southport.

Buried in the article is one of the BBC’s sources who are an anonymous group of fascist hunters who work closely with the media.

Now if you care to peruse their website ls about section you’ll uncover this little gem.

‘Do you work with the police or the security services?

No. We are generally critical of the police, as well as how the state responds to the threat posed by the far right. In Britain and elsewhere, the police have a history of institutional racism and sexism, and are involved in the repression of movements for liberation and social change.

Many police officers hold racist views and belong to or support far-right groups. The British state enacts racist policies and its security services have cooperated with and lent support to far-right groups. The UK’s counter-terrorism strategy is ineffective and counterproductive, and UK counter-terrorism laws are some of the most expansive and draconian in the world.’

So this is who the BBC is in bed with? This paragraph sounds like extremism to me. Right wing or left wing extremism is the same fucking thing surely.

Do the BBC know all about this anonymous group or what other activism or activities they are involved in?

This seems like a relationship that is very questionable and should be investigated, maybe the security services need to look into the people holding these views, I’m certain the BBC won’t have.


bbcnews 2


95 thoughts on “The BBC (132)

  1. The African Queen, a fabulous film starring Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn. One of my late Grampa’d favourite films 👍

  2. Well it’s black histrionics month so I’m sure there are plenty the Beeb can show the world how grateful we all should be….starting with queen dawn butler who recently told the Whitey’s what a pile of 💩 we really are …. down whitey down 👇👹…#umbongo

  3. Typical Beeb shit that hasn’t been thought through.

    How many of those are men?
    Well, a few. Henry VIII, Richard III, John, William the Conqueror.
    The cunts are basically saying that it’s wrong to acknowledge or learn about historical figures who were men (and especially white men). Insane dribbling liberal cunts.

    But when I think of English rmonarchs, I usually think of the queens.
    Elizabeth I, Victoria, Elizabeth II. They stand out more because they were women.

    But, they won’t count to the BBC. Because they don’t have ‘diverse heritages’.

  4. One can imagine a 2024 English classroom.

    A history lesson. Will it be about Julius Caesar, Hastings 1066, Joan of Arc, Thomas Beckett, Henry VIII, Napoleon, World War I, World War II, JFK, Apollo XI?

    Nah. The kids will learn about Queen Mbuza. Ancient and hitherto unknown ruler of some disease and savage infested shithole in the Congo. That’s really education and learning, eh?

  5. This is a very fortuitous nom.

    Just this morning, when I woke up, I thought ” I really need to educate myself about African Queens!”.

  6. The only African Queens I know of, are the ones a boss of the tribe would fatten up for some reason. He’d put them on show in cages. They were always plenty of programmers on this said channel of pygmies with enormous tits. The beeb are now trying to make amends for all their regular showing of black tribes with their cocks, tits and fannies on show umpteen time a week. It won’t wash turncoats, just like you pretended not to notice what Savile and his gang got upto.

  7. A source of great amusement to myself and many others is the amount of utter made up shite on faecesbook at the moment.

    As it is blek hisree mumf (sic), our darker cousin’s are going out of their way to try and prove they had some kind of history before we came along and civilised them.

    Obviously they don’t have any history and they know this. So doing what they were born to do, they try and steal someone else’s.

    Some of their hilarious offerings this far have been:

    Elizabeth 1. Blek
    William Shakespeare. Blek
    Queen Victoria. Blek
    Beethoven. Blek
    William Wallace. Blek
    The Vikings. Blek.
    The Romans. Blek
    The Samurai. Blek
    Red Indians. Blek
    The entire Jewish race. Blek

    Basically, they’re clutching at straws like a wanking scarecrow. Desperately trying to nick our history and hoping some of it will go unnoticed.

    They really are pathetic and surplus to requirements on a global scale.

    All you need to know about Blek hisree mumf is that if a blek can’t eat it, fuck it or steal it, they’ll just destroy it.

    Here endeth the lesson.

      • That was actually a counter argument, backed up with a bit of Photoshop.

        When you turn AH blek, he bears a striking resemblance to Eddie Murphy.

        For some reason they didn’t fancy claiming AH as one of their own. Or Stalin for that matter.

  8. And I bet that these African queens that the BBC are so fond of were totally barbaric cunts who had people skinned alive, ate human brains or shrunk peoples heads.

    Yet that won’t bother the Beeb. I still remember their ‘tributes’ when that cunt Winnie Mandela died.

  9. There’s no such thing and those cunts know it.

    Africa has fuck all by way of historical records apart from archaeology sorted by European types and lies told by racist bullshitters trying to make more of a continent of savagery and disaster for their own benefit.

    African queens? maybe there was but who fucking cares?

    They spent thousands of years doing precisely fuck all of note.

    The desperation of woke arse kissing faggóts to make something out of nothing tells us all we need to know.

    Cannibal drum banging mud hut prehistoric Cunts.

    Fuck Off.

    • True, Tez.

      I know of one queen from that part of the world. Cleopatra VII. And that was because of Liz Taylor and Glenda Jackson in Morecambe and Wise.

      I also know of someone called Shaka. He was a top bollocks in the Zulu mob

      Zulu. Now that was a cracking film.

  10. Plenty of black queens…

    Lewis Hamilton.
    P, Diddy/Daddy/Doddy
    Ncunti Gayblack
    Michael – sorry – Michelle Obama
    Megain Mantis Cuntess of Sussex
    Gary Lineker

    • Heer Leikner could come out of retirement and play for a women’s side. Killing two blacks with one Accrington brick, due to lack of fitness.

  11. I have been to the valley of the kings and queens, our guide said the way to pronounce Hatshepsut was Hat Cheap Suit.

    I have to say that the Karnak temple site is very impressive.

    As for Blick history, who fucking cares, our history is white, white, white, white. Humza Yousaf.

  12. Breaking news***

    Cheating at the World conker championships!

    ‘King Conker’ David Jakins age 82,
    Was found to have a steel dummy in his pocket!!

    Also as he was responsible for the allocation of random conkers he was also found to be marking the strings of the more robust conkers.

    This is highly dishonourable behaviour for a Englishman.

    Bet he cheats at marbles too?
    The silly old cunt.

    • In a word… no.

      Unless you count Robert Mugabe, locusts, malaria, famine, AIDS, drought, Idi Amin, female genital mutilation, Ebola, and boat people.

  13. Think its time the BBC had it’s own page it really deserves it for all things cunt it has provided over they years. Maybe a statute of some kind to reflect its services would also be in order.

    Rolf Harris being spit roasted by Sir Jimmy and Huw the only gay in the village would be appropriate?

  14. Unfortunately I have met quite a few Africans.

    I am yet to meet one whose father was not a chief.

    That makes them all either Princes or Princesses.

  15. The BBC trawl up accounts on a regular basis of their correspondent Frank Gardner having problems when travelling. Shot when covering an assignment in the Middle East 20 years ago Frank is paralysed from the waist down.
    To his credit he continues to work but this is offset by his complaints about disabled people not being catered for by airlines. His latest moan was about having to crawl to the crapper on a Polish airliner – LOT. My advice to him is that after twenty years of being in the condition he is in is that he should be aware of those carriers who offer superior care for the disabled and use them. Rocket science it ain’t.

  16. I’ve seen the Lion king numerous times so it’s fair to say I consider myself a expert on African nobility.

    From Shaka Zulu to Nat king cole
    Queen Latifah to mammy two shoes,
    There’s many a royal.

    Leopard skin undercrackers
    Ostrich feather crown
    Tribal marks on the cheek
    All signs of a king.

    To sit and eat missionary straight from the pot while the natives dance and drum is a rare honour.

    Hakuna matata


  17. Here’s seven inspiring Africans from history:
    Idi Amin Dada
    Robert Mugabe
    Charles Taylor (Liberia)
    Al-bashir (Sudan)
    Abacha (Nigeria)
    Seko (Zaire)
    Habre (Chad)

    All operated through mass murder, torture, rape, ethnic cleansing, theft, bribery and corruption, and all very inspiring.

    No doubt the BBC would have us believe they were all white.

    • And bindipper Nelson Mandela.
      He wore the same pants for 30yrs.

      He liked to pick up dimps from ashtrays at state functions and make rollups with them.

      And was regularly seen haggling at jumble sales.

      He used to pick pubes out of the plugholes in prison to make doormats.

  18. That Nelson Mandela was a typical lazy black. He went out for a cigarette break from work and no one saw him again for 27 years.

    • I liked him LL.
      You hung about with him in November you could earn good money at penny for a guy.

      And he was a leading figure in the African scarecrow union.

  19. The one over-arching thing I simply do not understand about the BBC is this:

    – the public backlash against their left leaning woke agenda;
    – the obvious bias in their so-called news reporting
    – their selective news reporting
    – harbouring criminals on their payroll
    – spunking untold millions (of the £3.5B they get in license fees alone) on facilities/offices they don’t need and yet claim they’re hard up and need to make cuts
    – ignoring its own code of conduct on a routine basis
    – people cancelling their TV licenses in droves year-on-year

    they continue to behave in the way they do. Any reasonable business with a concern about their public image and falling revenue stream would go on a charm offensive to woo customers, seek to better promote themselves and change their stance in order to be better aligned with their customers.

    However, the BBC continues to basically say “fuck you” to the British TV tax paying public and obviously seems to think that’s OK. It just beggars belief.

  20. This whole Afrocentric worldview is a laughable as it is tragic when taken so seriously by cunts like the BBC. There are people out there, the more batshit offshoots of black nationalist groups, who believe medieval kings and queens of England were black right up until photography was invented.

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