The addictive use of Mobile Phones

is a cunt.

It’s just before 9am and I have pulled into a motorway service station for a coffee and a piss.

It’s sunny and quite warm and there are a dozen or so people sat around outside at the various tables and on benches.

Each and everyone of them are staring at their mobile phones.

My first mobile phone was in a car and was installed about 40 year’s ago.
It cost me about £3.000 if I remember correctly.

It was hard wired into the car.
It had its own dedicated speakers and microphone.
The handset was on a cradle between the front seats.

I needed it because I was a busy person doing a job that involved a lot of travelling.
Thankfully the company that I was with paid for it.

But even though car phones were a novelty I didn’t use it that much.
I didn’t need to, but it was there when required.

On an average journey I may have received one call.
I may have made the occasional call but more often than not the phone was unused.

I look around now and I see nothing but people with their faces stuck into their mobiles.
Youngsters, housewives, scruffy bastards who are probably not working.
All of them intently staring at their phones.

Go to any restaurant and you will see entire families or groups of friends silently looking at their mobiles.
There will be no conversation at all.
Even when eating these people will have their phone propped up in front of them. Probably watching videos.

Why is it that nowadays everyone, regardless of their age needs to be constantly stimulated?

It seems that nobody can spend any time at all without being informed and entertained.

I remember watching an episode of Star Trek.
There was a game which the crew had started playing using a special visor.
It was so addictive that everyone was playing it all of the time.
Nothing else got done.

The episode was about how this game had been planted on board by an enemy and how easy it was to control the crew and eventually take over the ship with just the use of entertainment.

With the misinformation and propaganda on the Internet and so readily available, I believe that we are quickly heading that way.


Nominated by The Artful Cunter.

65 thoughts on “The addictive use of Mobile Phones

  1. I agree wholeheartedly with this cunting, and have noticed that peoples obsession with their phones includes those who step out in front of my car whilst staring at it instead of the traffic.
    They seem to think that the mobile gives them a cloak of invincibility.

  2. Totally agree, when im out with the turbo spaniel, my phone is in my rucksack just in case, but the amount of cunts on dog walks for fuck sake with a phone in hand looking at or talking into even on loud speaker is laughable. Enjoy the countryside around you while you can. Cunts in cars is another one, just drive and listen to the radio, you dont need to do anything else. Dangerous cunts. Or just sad.

  3. Glad I’m old and still with a straight back and normal size thumbs. I carry one of these contraptions around with me in case of emergencies and glad they rarely happen.

  4. To your Star Trek point, there was, in Red Ɗwarf, an episode called ‘Better Than Life’, where the crew all got to live out their fantasies (albeit realised on a piss-poor BBC budget).
    Once that exists in real life, kind of like The Matrix, most people will be on that 24/7, especially after all the jobs are taken by AI-controlled automation and everyone is living on a UBI.

  5. If you live in London you can be sure of a few things whenever you travel:

    The stink of “fast food”
    Greasy copies of “Metro” the fee newspaper (a Poundland Daily Mirror)
    Cretins of all ahes thinking they all have to press the bell to get off even if a dozen people have already done it
    Verbose black women gabbling away in stentorian tones on their very expensive smartphones
    Wizened little Paki women gabbling away without drawing breath,on their mobiles as well.

    London buses have become phone boxes on wheels – all that is missing are the adverts for “personal services” and the rank stink of piss, though I am sure TfL will take care of that, too.

  6. Leaving your mobile phone in the house and going for a walk in the outdoors is a liberating experience.

    As is knocking the fucking thing off altogether and shoving it in the drawer.

    I can pretty much take it or leave it when it comes to my mobile phone/black mirror device.

    I don’t do social media and apart from the odd WhatsApp group and I hardly engage in group chats. (apart from this hallowed site on occasion)

    Wasn’t always the case as I was bitten by the technology and social media bug a decade and a half ago but quickly made the connection between the two and a deterioration in my mental well being.

    I imagine most tech zombies still haven’t made that same connection. To their detriment.

    Seeing groups of people sat in restaurant’s all gawping at their phones instead of talking to each other in person or people walking down the street not looking where they are going, is a sign of the fucked up times in which we live.

    I feel sorry for the kids more than most because the poor little fuckers will never know life without a hand held device.

    Great nom Artful and Good Morning.

  7. Being a oap now I deliberately walk into the cunts on the phone while walking on the street and then as their pride and joy falls to the floor take great delight in telling them to look where they are going instead of looking at the phone,don’t get me wrong I’ve a mobile yes it’s very useful but some people(cunts)think the world revolves around fucking utube or Facebook and they belive everything said Also when at a concert just a sea of mobiles held up while said artist is live on stage in front of them but they prefer to watch on a small screen….excellent cunting

    • Technology evolves, species devolves.

      My main gripe is that 90%+ of ‘communication’ is cunts forwarding links or vids of [other people’s] stuff that they’ve spotted, or had forwarded to THEM.

      Now, many of us stick a YT link or 2 to relevant posts on here … that’s not the issue … I’m talking, say, WhatsApp accounts where it’s *nothing* of substance, but links aplenty. Cunts don’t even bother with a description or a ‘thought you’d like this’ anymore in many cases, .. and replies of late nothing but an minimum/zero-effort emoji from a pop-up list. A smiley face or a heart. Too busy for a sentence. Talk about low standards!

      That no-effort crap annoys me. I don’t indulge. My phone is not even Internet linked. The wife’s is. Bit of news, bit of ISAC, quick look at YT & I’m good for a day or two…If the whole worldwide network went down tomorrow I wouldn’t miss it.

    • The phenomenon at concerts is extra-bizarre. What do they do with the footage later? Delete it because it’s taking up room needed for nude photos of some fat slob they met online.

  8. Fucking ‘phone zombies’ are an absolute curse here in Singapore!! They drive me fucking crazy. I used to step around them out of politeness but now bulldoze the cunts. Grown adults watching fucking cartoons and drama while walking around. Absolute cunts! I go out to eat and see families all glued to the screen, not communicating with each other. Bastard kids screeching until they get the little screen shoved under their noses! Unkle, oven the slanted eyed cunts, would you!

  9. Oh the tyranny of the cell phone. Of course the worst culprits are the phone fiddling fuckwits, ‘on the move.’ I have had to physically move out of the way of some of these cunts, that will be completely oblivious to my presence. It’s great though when the ocasional one ends up in a skip, falls down a hole, having not noticed the barrier & the road work sign, or has their phone stolen by someone, commonly now on an electric bike.

    • Mobile phone theft has risen by 150%, according to the Guardian.

      Last year, there were 78.000 thefts, 58.000 of which were carried out in London.

      There’s a shock.

  10. I was on the road from 1971 until I retired almost fifty years later. For many years there were no mobile comms and the office had no track of where I was until I rang in from site. There was also no sat nav; we could all read maps and carried the essential road atlas. Then the car phones came in, fixed in the car, hugely expensive to buy and to use. My wife was most impressed. For years she had no contact with me during working hours and suddenly she could just pick up the phone and ring me. It was some years before the authorities decided car phones were a dangerous distraction and effectively banned them and yet modern cars are stuffed with distracting toys. Worst of all is the touch screen which should never have been seen in cars and would be banned forthwith if the politicians knew anything.

    • 17 buttons on the steering wheel, this household’s Astra. How many are utilised by either driver?


      Making sure it had Satnav via the touchscreen seemed very important to confirm on day of purchase. How many times used since first time?


      The older y’get the less it seems to matter is another factor, I think. Music library via a USB drive the best thing for me carwise in the last decade.

  11. The mobile phone has evolved to become a bloody super computer.

    You can do everything on the damn things, but you can be sure the main use for most cunts is social media. It’s not addiction to the device, it is addiction to social media.

    If all social media was shut down, completely shut down there would mass suicide 😂

    • I’m sure you’right Soi. The people who use it I find are so imbued with it that they cannot understand how other people are not interested in it. When I told someone I had never been on Facebook and didn’t know how it worked he stared at me and his mouth fell open. I had the same response once from a football fan when I told him I had no interest in the game. The only social medium I use is the one that we are on now.

      • soi: unfortunately you can’t get Pornhub on them, so Boggs Pornographic Film Productions (Taiwan) Ltd don’t get any views from people on the move. What’s the point of filming “XXXL Lesbian Orgy” on widescreen when they can’t be seen.

      • Yes you can watch smut on the move.

        Download AAMirror which will allow you to run third party apps on Android Auto.

        Then use AAMirror to download CarStream.
        You will then be able to search for your favourite grumble sites on the Internet and watch them on your headset screen.

        If you also have cruise control and ‘lane control’ activated in your car you can use both hands to wank yourself off on long, boring journeys…… So I have heard.

      • That is a travesty but on the plus side you can still see Dawn (everything is racist) Butler making an absolute cunt of herself.
        It’s fat, it’s black and it’s cunt

    • Absolutely this Soi, and/but the majoritively unnoticed flipside is that when y’ DO try and use the ‘net for real life facts, … you cannot trust the fucking thing at all.

      “How long before introducing a new rabbit to a rabbit whose bonded-partner of years has died?” I had to ask the thing last month.

      “Three weeks minimum to allow the surviving animal to adjust to the loss” was one authoritive-looking pet site’s answer… “Immediately, .. no delay.. as soon as possible” said the next … so NO usable answer there, then. Plenty of more, wildly varying hits on the topic as well.

      And only last Saturday I noticed that hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, .. the “2nd-longest word in the English language” (quoting Wikipedia) … has a fucking spelling mistake in it. On every site it’s carried, they all have it wrong. Copy & paste world, no quality control.

      (the long ‘phobia’ word there is based on/about fear OF long words ; long words falling under the description ‘sesquipedalia’. One ‘p’. Not two. Adding an extra p ‘to stretch the word’ doesn’t cut it. The ‘2nd longest word in the English language’ .. is spelled wrong.

      I told one friend about it, Whatsapped a second & emailed a third. Bet they wish I was just a tik-tok-link forwarder! 😄

  12. Lady C and I were talking about this the other day. We said that the one invention that has completely fucked up modern life is the mobile phone.

  13. Having an old mobile phone passed down to me, but rarely used, I was wondering if the latest models have an automatic shutdown for sad persistent users. Seems a good idea to me.

  14. hang on a minute everyone,I’m just texting myself to see if the ignorant cunt answers 📳 …. 😩

    Gone are the days of going for a couple of pints and a game of 🎯 on a Tuesday then just saying to the lads see you Friday at 7 and they’d just be there! No need for the extra communication in-between 👍

  15. When I worked in the college you would see ‘students’ stood beside each other but not talking, they were communicating with each other by text message despite being side by side.
    Also, as soon as they had to wait for anything, queue in the canteen etc, out came the phone.
    In the classroom too, taking their phones away resulted in a massive sulk.
    It’s an addiction and should be treated as such.

    • My employer has to issue constant reminders to not look at phones when you are meant to be working. It’s not all of us obviously, but mostly the under 30’s . Judging by their conversation, athlete’s foot fungus leads a more interesting life than these people, so the mind boggles what they are looking at .

      On a slight tangent, it seems to be a symptom of generally being afraid to engage with other people or reality. The jobs involve a certain amount of interaction with the public , and I’ve noticed that often after a few weeks employment, there is a request to be away from those duties because of the so-called stress and anxiety they cause. It seems like a good percentage of that generation is socially inept or retarded.
      I am an irritable cunt and see far too much of other people as it is, but obviously being employed, you put a face on it and don’t make it any other poor cunt’s problem.

  16. I like the convenience of it but fuck walking round staring at the fucking thing.

    as was pointed out a day or two ago,”social media” is for teenage girls and those afflicted with Gayness.

    finally it’s my understanding that the govt can alert me when the Russians cut our undersea cables and leave us “completely in the dark”..that will be most useful..

    a voice recording by Ed Miliband I assume.

    Mobile Oven.

  17. The mobile phone tends to be mainly for the young, who will eventually grow out of it in time, just like most things in maturity.

  18. I just have a trusty old ‘dumb phone’ for work that I have had for years. It has a couple of basic games on it that wouldn’t keep the average four year old entertained for ten minutes.

    • Same here, I’ve got an old Nokia which makes and receives calls and that’s it. No camera, no internet, no apps, no crap.

  19. I regularly leave mine in the house, much to the annoyance of ” she who must be obeyed” .

    What if I need to get in touch with you ?

    I’ll be back in time for tea ..😁

  20. The Powers That Be love this ‘addiction’.
    Takes the plebs mind off the commie cunts shenannigans.
    Probably an invention of the Illuminati.

  21. The other day I nearly had an accident with some brain dead tart texting while driving. Fuck knows how I managed to miss her but the horn blaring and the look on her idiot face was priceless.
    If we had collided the first job would been to ring the police, telling them to check her phone activity after closing the car door on her head.

  22. On holiday in Iceland Raykuovic was jammed solid with Chinese tourists and every single one of them had their phone out in front of them, walking about, sitting, standing, eating, whatever. Probably receiving instruction from command central in China.

    • Seen loads of these cunts elsewhere MM in big tour groups. Obviously they were the ones who scored well on the CCP social credit system by not criticizing the party and being a good little bot so were allowed to travel.

      Where they all wearing brightly coloured baseball caps to identify them as a tour group and some dickhead yapping trying to herd them together?

      • Indeed LL, hearses around by their commissar and told what to do. They block booked all the attractions too and never listened to instructions from the locals.
        Out on a tour boat on rough sea (great fun) they were told to remove their warm clothing if inside in the lounge and not to stare at a fixed point or it would make them sick. There they all are though, sat in their coats starring at their phones. Result, vomit everywhere.
        There were also signs in the toilets showing how to use them, ie, don’t stand on the seat.

  23. It’s a well known FACT that mobile phones give you cancer.

    Only time I ever use my mobile is for online banking.

    At arm’s length, maybe once or twice a month.

    And don’t get me started on 5G masts and Covid!

  24. Terrible things, never owned one.
    The beginning of global control, when everyone’s daily routines and locations are logged and conversations listened in on.

    Just a quick note, my tinfoil hat did a great job of preventing myocarditis and the like.

  25. Addictive to use? Fuck not me lol I hate my cellphone don’t have twatter or intsagram and rarely use it Alcohol now thats addictive to use I’m trying to taper off but I love my IBA cocktails too much

  26. Apparently, when you see these retards shuffling along staring at the screen, it’s some sort of Poke-mon shit that uses your location and alerts you to the imaginary presence of various silly cartoon characters.
    You can throw a ball for them if you so wish, in your imaginary reality.
    A millennial neighbour of mine does such a thing.
    He also walks around town with a denim cut-off jacket and some death metal band logo on it, I just know he’s one of those dweebs who stands at the back of the venue, clutching a plastic container of warm piss beer looking nervously at the big boys in the mosh pit.
    What a shower of cunt.

    • One of the funniest things I have seen was a bunch of rinky dinks chasing around Holland park looking for imaginary Pokemons on their phones.

      All of them silent, just trotting along in a group of about 20 slitty eyed pangolin botherers.

      Like the end of the Benny Hill show, just without yakkity sax playing.

  27. I should add that I wrote this nom on my mobile phone so for a short while I was a member of the twateraty.

    However, when I finished writing my mobile went into my rather trendy leather man bag.
    No, I have not caught The Gayness, all men use them here.

  28. Truth is, I hate the fucking things. Mobiles are from the antichrist’s arse.

    Yeah, they are handy for talking to family and loved ones, or calling a cab if needed. But people are slaves to them.

    I was in Salford Royal’s Oral Department (not what you think, laddie) waiting to have two teeth out. And there was two people there, obviously related. Yet they never spoke a word to one another. Not a single word in an entire hour. They just gawped silently and slavishly into their iPhones. Yet they see this as normal. But they looked like what they were, a pair of fucking weirdos.

    A horrible woman (classic modern parent) walking and staring into her phone as her little four year old son walks about seven to eight foot behind her, where any cunt could nab him. Obviously cares more about her phone than she does her own kid. Daft bitch.

    A bunch of teenage lads passed me in Bury the other week. All five of them fucking about with their phones, not speaking to each other. Mates on a day/night out, and they just play on their phones?! Seriously, what the fuck?

    A two year old – a fucking two year old – in a pushchair. With a McDonald’s meal and an iPhone to ‘pacify’ him. Lord alone knows what sort of monster it will be when it turns 21.

    These are but a few examples of phone slavery. There are many more.

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